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shs business solutions

complex protective system

against electromagnetic fields



Nowadays most of our entertainment and tools

used for our everyday work come in the form of
devices we hold in our hands for extended peri-
ods of time. Never before did we have the power
in to communicate, chat, game, find information
and conduct business at our fingertips like we do
now with laptops, cell phones, tablets, and other
modern electronic devices.
This power comes at a cost, however: planet where this phenomenon is not
it has its dangers in the form of elec- measurable.
tromagnetic fields brought about by
just such devices. The low frequency We use portable and hand-held
field of power cables is a source of electronic devices kept at an arms
serious exposure as well. In addition, distance, without any sort of protec-
microwaves, electric tooth brushes, tion between them and our bodies.
hair dryers, copy machines and other Our laptops and tablets are in our im-
electronic devices also give off radi- mediate vicinity and we even touch
ation. Radiation from high frequency our cell phones directly to our heads,
networks of radio frequency and keep them on us at all times like a
other signals is all around us in the sort of ‘third arm’.
form of electrosmog, but it goes unde-
tected while it is negatively impacting WHAT EFFECTS DOES IT
our health more and more intensive- HAVE ON US?
ly every year. Electrosmog is what we More and more scientific research
collectively call the harmful effects shows that radiation and the accom-
of electromagnetic fields, which are panying heat together can cause, not
a by-product of the ever-increasing only problems with fertility, damage
technological advancement. As a re- to the DNA and skin problems, but
sult, there is almost no place on the also other serious health problems.
6 7
These devices, which are so close to meaning its molecules can be caused
us, have an accumulatively negative to vibrate by means of an outside
effect on our bodies. source. trouble sleeping depression cardiovascular problems
dizziness panic syndrome in extreme cases even heart
frequent nausea headaches problems or DNA mutation
On top of that, we are also subject to As shown, the constant presence of ( 20160701 WIFI allergia)
more and more high frequency radiation electrosmog has a negative effect on rash tinnitus, hearing deficiency
decrease in lactation
both inside and outside, not only from the regular functioning of our bodies, constipation embolism (after giving birth)
transmission towers, but repeaters, tel- it affects our circadian rhythm, brain fatigue thrombosis prolonged rehabilitation
ecommunication devices, base stations, activity and hormonal system and it diabetes, insulin resistance head melanoma period after surgeries and
parts of the transport infrastructure, and can cause long lasting impairment to impotence, frigidity inflammation injuries
satellite communication also give off our health. from decrease in fertility various tumours addiction to alcohol, tobacco
radiation. to complete infertility decreased productivity and other drugs
Increased exposure to electrosmog miscarriage decreased vision epileptic seizures
Radiation, an unnoticeable phenome- can be linked to the following health thyroid problems childhood leukaemia slowed thinking
non for humans and most of wildlife, problems. hormonal problems rheumatic inflammations sclerosis multiplex
exists all around us without our clear myomas, cysts articular problems Alzheimer’s disease
and immediate knowledge. miscarriage ( 20180701) muscular dystrophy schizophrenia
loss of focus electromagnetic hypersensi- slowed reflexes
A person’s vital organs are over 70% tivity
water, and our blood’s haemoglo-
bin contains iron which is magnetic,

WHAT PROTECTS US? thus disruptions in cell potential and SHS SMART provides protection aga-
cell communication are decreased inst electromagnetic radiation, and
With the help of long years of resear- or even nullified (despite using cell the concentrated background radia-
ch, technological analysis, and the phones, basic exposure to radiation, tion brought about by multimedia and
advice of experts in the field we have WiFi, computers and electronic app- smart devices, which we use every day.
created a defence system. liances). All in all, a radiationally har- The device is small and easy to place,
monised living space is required for so anyone from co-workers to loved
This protective unit filters harmful the proper functioning of our organs ones and ourselves can stick it onto
electromagnetic, low and high frequ- and bodies. Our product is benefi- our devices, setting up our personal
ency radiation, radon radiation, and cial for the ideal operation of human protection.
geopathic disturbances as well, thus psychosomatics both in terms of
substantially decreasing the health energy and functionality. Thanks to continually gaining experi-
risks of these effects. ence and upgrading, besides the SHS
The system utilises technology, ma- SMART, HOME and BUSINESS
By regularly using protection aga- terials, and devices already proven Complex defensive branches we have
inst electromagnetic radiation the useful in the EU, which we upgraded, created SHS CARS as well, which provi-
cell membrane opens and the cell built upon, and made into a unified des a protective field in small enclosed
potential sets back to normal. The system. SHS SMART is part of that spaces.
electromagnetic control potential system.
of the cell membranes stabilises,

PROTECTION IN YOUR CAR these systems surround us without

our knowledge.
The force of radiation in enclosed
spaces, but outside of the human NEGATIVE INFORMATION IN AN
body, can reach up to 45-50 times that ENCLOSED SPACE
of the radiation out in the open. The body of our cars acts as a Faraday
Modern cars have modern electro- cage, which traps electromagnetic
nics. The increasingly refined techno- radiation and radio waves inside its
logy in our vehicles uses GPS, remote enclosed space. As a result, we feel
controls, power supply accessories, fatigued, have headaches, lose focus
radio and other music systems and and our reflexes slow down. In terms
Bluetooth to help increase the effi- of the aforementioned harmful radia-
cacy of our cars and keep us safe and tion the driver may not be in the most
comfortable. The harmful effects of danger.
For example, if one is sitting closer to fatigue and loss of focus can be further
the battery, the speaker, or a device decreased, which would help any busi-
with Bluetooth, they, understandably, ness immensely.
might be exposed to more radiation.
Thus, both the driver and the pas- Upon ordering the SHS CARS pro-
sengers are subject to the hazards of duct we provide you with the option
radiation. of customisation, so you can have the
best suited protection for your emp-
SHS CARS - complex solution for loyees’ vehicles.
your car. SHS CARS is a technology of
radiation protection, which provides a
radiationally harmonised living space
while travelling.

Those who drive a car and especially

those who drive trucks or vans by trade
are exposed to more concentrated
radiation due to the enclosed space,
as shown by a health survey.
Using our product, the risks and unfor-
tunate accidents that stem from driving


Nowadays we began to value en- All forms of such „green ambition”

vironmentally conscious business prioritise prevention and efficient
management and green offices more. energy usage. However, we rightfully
Environmentally conscious business feel, that prevention and efficiency
management, green communication, should be about more than just
and the marketing thereof all favour recycling and passive houses.
eco-efficiency and strategies of dec-
reasing ecological footprints.
THE OFFICE IS GREENER ON brain activity and hormonal system GREEN-LIGHT PREVENTION
THE OTHER SIDE? and it can cause long lasting impair-
ment to our health. Since we are not WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?
That might be because they have realised that safe from this even in our homes, work Not to use a microwave oven? Collect
how efficiently they can work and how usefully places, or cars, we need protection trash separately in at least three bins?
they can spend their time is dependent on how against ELECTROSMOG just as well Keep the cell phone away from our
well they protect themselves from electro- as a health-conscious lifestyle and a heads? That is not possible.
magnetic radiation. Electrosmog is everywhere, proper diet in our everyday life. With the help of long years of
where your workstation has a computer, you research, technological analysis, and
get the Internet through WiFi, cell phones are We are also subject to different for- the advice of experts in the field
ringing, screens are flashing, and all this is largely ms of high frequency radiation both we have created a defence system,
wireless too. inside and outside, not only from which utilises technology, materials
transmission towers, but repeaters, and devices already proven useful
These nowadays indispensable devices are cont- telecommunication devices, base in the EU, which we upgraded, built
rolled by electronics surrounding us with radi- stations, parts of the transport infra- upon and made into a unified system.
ation in our work place. The wires in our walls structure, satellite communication, Thanks to the experience we have
only add to this harmful exposure. etc. also give off radiation. These gained in the field, besides the SHS
ELECTROSMOG is always present and has together are called electromagnetic HOME line of products we have
a negative effect on the regular functioning radiation or electrosmog, colloquially. created the SHS OFFICE products
of our bodies, it affects our circadian rhythm, as well.
SHS WORKSTATION thus substantially decreasing the
PROTECT YOUR WORK PLACE health risks of these effects.

Our work place is our second home. In By regularly using protection against
certain lines of work, we spend more electromagnetic radiation disturban-
time at our desk than other commu- ces to cell potential are considerably
nal spaces, so protecting this segment lowered. Thanks to this, huge amounts
of the environment is especially vital of energy can be burned at a cellular
in preventing disease and being com- level. This is the foundation of the
fortable. optimal functioning of cells.

Radiation protection of our work The protection of our work station is a

station is a top priority in working solution for each individual but there
efficiently and productively. may be need for a complex solution
for the protection of offices, floors,
The protective unit and system office complexes and other places of
we have created filters out harm- business. Main attributes of the SHS
ful electromagnetic, low, and high OFFICE COMPLEX system:
frequency radiation, radon radiation, -
customised protection in planning
and negative earth radiation as well, and size
20 21
- protection for developing and alre- STEP 1 PROTOCOL STEP 2
ady established areas as well MEASUREMENT, RISK ASSESSMENT - Shows health risks, and methods of SETTING UP THE PROTECTION
- verifiably high efficiency and proven building biological measurements,
decrease of radiation • Gauging how much radiation there is their evaluation, and helps identify • After the measurement the source
- preservation of health and an increase in the environment in question. problems that may exist and scope of the radiation become
in efficiency directly ensure a produc- • Measuring the radiation using certified - Necessitates the accurate docu- clear.
tive workforce measuring instruments of internatio- mentation of the measurements, has • Determining the electrosmog foot-
nal standards. subcategories describing critical print comes with solutions based on
OUR GOAL IS TO DECREASE • The system of protection is in accor- environmental effects. internationally certified tests and the
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION dance with the SBM 2015 Recom- proposed installation of a system,
mendation of International Building CERTIFIED REPORT like the SHS OFFICE COMPLEX.
We have outlined and defined 3 steps of Biology. A certified report is written on the • The SHS OFFICE COMPLEX sys-
decreasing electromagnetic radiation • 25 years in development, radiation measured level of radiation and a pro- tem is a solution that decreases or
protection of a building creates a fessional proposition is made on the stops the emission of electrosmog
harmonised WORK PLACE, which necessary decrease of said radiation. altogether. The experts at our com-
everyone needs (and will need) in the pany propose a customised solution
day and age of science and techno- based on the level of radiation and
logy and in the foreseeable future. the size of the space; this comes
with data on the expected extent
to which background radiation will
be reduced. After the installation of THE RESULTS
the system we conduct further tests
to check and verify everything. The business or the brand it repre-
sents receives a certificate, which may
STEP 3 lead to a stronger presence on the
CONTROL MEASUREMENT market and with which they can show
AND CERTIFICATION the local and international customers
as well as competing companies that
• We have conducted the installa- they are conscious of sustainability.
tion of the proposed system and the
check-ups. Conscious nullification of electrosmog
• After the successful tests the com- can lead to good publicity for the both
pany receives a certificate which can the business and the brand, furt-
mean an edge in the competition in hermore it sends a message to the
marketing. costumers.
• The certificate and the report toget-
her are capable of proving that the The crises in our environment are not
electrosmog has been nullified, which due to natural causes but caused by
makes the company greener and which humanity, that is to say that the majo-
may be used as a seal of quality. rity of them are results of man-made
24 25
systems. The installation and mainte-
nance of radiation protection systems
will have to be part of environmental
consciousness alongside sustainable


26 27
Special, extremely fine stainless steel, its surface
treated with a special tool, laser-engraved, made with a
special technique.

SMART1 Chrome:
SMART Special extremely fine, 12-18 % chrome steel alloy, stainless steel, the surface
Active substance 1: (liquid)
is treated with a special tool, laser-engraved, made with a special technique, Special mixture - potassium silicate (K2SiO3), Graphite,
its backside is self-adhesive.

Microorganisms, Shell gold scale.


SMART2 Decor:

9 mm Active substance 2: (solid)


Coloured, covered decorative in synthetic resin, the surface of the backside A 20-micron thick alloy applied to a polyester sheet:
is self-adhesive. Cobalt (Co), Iron (Fe), Molybdenum (Mo), Niobium
2,2 mm (Nb), Silicon (Si), Boron (B), Silver (Ag)
SMART protective devices have an ideal composition of materials, which
is capable of diverting or absorbing electromagnetic radiation, moreover
certain organisms can use such radiation in their metabolism, utilising the
energy it carries and nullifying its harmful effects.
RAL Recommended method of installation:
Determine the place and number of devices to be
installed consulting the client after the measurements.
CARS CARS1 Chrome:
Gold White Necessary number: 1 per 100m².
Special extremely fine, 12-18 % chrome steel alloy, stainless steel, the
RAL extra Colours: RAL basic: white, gold.
surface is treated with a special tool, laser-engraved, made with a special
RAL extra: + 50 000 HUF
technique, its backside is self-adhesive.
100 cm
CARS2 Decor:

Coloured, covered in decorative synthetic resin, the surface of the backside


is self-adhesive.

9 mm

17 cm
János Zsigmond u. 8.
Budapest, 1121
Hungary HU / Magyarország

+36 20 404 0000

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