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Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBTQ

Kristen D. Krause, PhD, MPH

A s of August 2020, the United States has re-

ported more than 5.5 million confirmed cases
and almost 170 000 fatalities as a result of
SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus, which causes
COVID-19).1 Since the onset of the pandemic in
2018, 17% of LGBTQ adults did not have any kind
of health insurance coverage compared with 12%
of the general population.11 This disparity is even
greater among LGBTQ adults of color and transgen-
der adults, with 23% and 22%, respectively, reporting
early 2020, researchers have begun to delineate the lack of health care coverage.11 Although many states
myriad economic,2 racial,3 and geographic4 health and local jurisdictions are offering free COVID-19
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disparities associated with the overall risk for con- testing, there should be more targeted outreach to-
tracting COVID-19. While these inequities are signif- ward LGBTQ communities to ensure a safe and
icant to highlight, it also imperative to acknowledge stigma-free testing experience.12
and understand how COVID-19 has disproportion-
ately impacted lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
and queer (LGBTQ) individuals and communities The Intersection of COVID-19 With Other Health
who also face many of the aforementioned health Outcomes Impacting LGBTQ Communities
The economic ramifications of COVID-19 will While COVID-19 is presently at the forefront of most
likely be felt widespread and by all; however, LGBTQ public health initiatives and programming, it is not the
individuals are particularly vulnerable. In general, only pressing health concern, especially for LGBTQ
LGBTQ people are more likely to struggle financially, folks. Mental health burdens in LGBTQ persons are
with 30.2% of LGBTQ Americans losing their jobs likely to be intensified by COVID-19.13 Researchers
and 17.9% reporting reduced wages.5 In addition, in Hong Kong found that stressors specifically re-
20% of LGBTQ folks reported that their personal lated to identifying as a sexual minority significantly
finances are “much worse off” compared with 11% contributed to the variance explained by anxiety
of the general population and they are twice as likely and depressive symptoms that were beyond COVID-
to believe their finances will be worse in a year from 19–related stressors.14 Moreover, physical and social
now.5 With the global economy being at its worst distancing measures while important can have a detri-
since World War II,6 it will be challenging for LGBTQ mental effect on mental health and well-being in
communities to bounce back as quickly as their het- LGBTQ communities that already face structural and
erosexual counterparts. systemic vulnerabilities.13,15 This is particularly true
There are also considerable health care access chal- for older LGBTQ adults who already face higher lev-
lenges to take into consideration. Prior to the onset els of social isolation and loneliness.16-18
of the pandemic, LGBTQ individuals often reported In addition to mental health stressors, gay men and
inadequate care due to previous stigmatizing experi- transgender individuals are at an increased risk for ex-
ences in health care settings7,8 and lack of provider periencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
knowledge on health care needs.9,10 In addition, in In Colombia, Panama, and Peru, physical distancing
rules are being implemented and enforced on the basis
of a binary understanding of gender,19,20 meaning that
Author Affiliation: Center for Health, Identity, Behavior and Prevention essential services can only be accessed on alternate
Studies, Rutgers University School of Public Health, Newark, New Jersey.
days of the week.21 These policies had a severe impact
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
on the Peruvian transgender community as policing of
Correspondence: Kristen D. Krause, PhD, MPH, Center for Health, Identity,
the laws has resulted in public humiliation and physi-
Behavior and Prevention Studies, Rutgers University School of Public Health,
One Riverfront Plaza, Ste 1020, Newark, NJ 07102 cal assault, among other transphobic actions.21 In the
( United States, there is a growing concern that shelter-
Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. in-place orders will increase the risk and occurrence
DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001273 of intimate partner violence among gay men.22

January/February 2021 • Volume 27, Number 1 Supp S69

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
S70 Krause • 27(1 Supp), S69–S71 Commentary

It is also well documented that LGBTQ people are are often cited as a reason to not include it,34 indi-
at a higher risk for different chronic illnesses including viduals can always have the option of not answering
various respiratory conditions (eg, asthma and those particular questions as they do for all other de-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),23 diabetes,24 mographic inquires.
and cardiovascular disease,25 all of which are risk fac- Although adding these questions to public health
tors for COVID-19.26 Given that 37% of LGBTQ surveillance systems is crucial, these efforts are sim-
adults smoke compared with 27% of the general ply not enough. LGBTQ people will continue to be
population,11 this is particularly concerning because unjustly impacted by myriad inequities until we are
COVID-19 spreads primarily through the transfer of counted correctly in the US Census and the Ameri-
respiratory droplets from person to person and can can Community Survey.35 If the federal government
cause significant lung damage.27 Taken together, the will not take action, state and local governments can
numerous mental and physical health conditions im- issue executive orders or pass legislation to properly
pacting this population underscore the importance of ascertain the most important data points on LGBTQ
having a clear understanding of the impact of COVID- individuals and communities. In doing so, some in-
19 on LGBTQ people. stitutions and organizations may have to rise up and
meet the potential challenge to update outdated forms
Missing Key Demographic Information on and technology. The benefits of having this informa-
COVID-19 Testing Forms tion in a consistent and uniform manner can help
facilitate information sharing between public health
To recognize the implications of COVID-19 on departments, researchers, and clinical care providers
LGBTQ communities, we need to know how many in order to provide better care and reduce the in-
LGBTQ folks have tested positive for the virus. This equities experienced within LGBTQ communities.36
is extremely challenging because there is no uni-
form system of collecting general demographic data Conclusion
throughout the United States, and, often, questions
on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are In times of crisis and turmoil, it is imperative that
not included on testing forms. At the time of this scientists, other researchers, and public officials have
writing, there are only a handful of states and dis- access to information that can help protect and serve
tricts collecting or are planning to collect SOGI data the most vulnerable populations and communities. In
including California,28 Pennsylvania,29 and Wash- the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently
ington, District of Columbia.30 LGBTQ advocates forced to make educated assumptions on how the
have been pushing lawmakers and health officials in virus will disproportionately impact LGBTQ commu-
other states such as New York,31 New Jersey,32 and nities because the necessary data on sexual orientation
Massachusetts33 to include SOGI items on COVID or gender identity are not regularly being collected on
testing forms, with little success to date. While this in- COVID testing forms. This is just a microcosm of the
formation undoubtedly is important, there are other overall structural inequities around LGBTQ data col-
obstacles facing LGBTQ communities with regard to lection that must be addressed in the United States. As
data that also need to be addressed. such, we must keep advocating for SOGI items to be
included on all health-related intake forms and on na-
tional surveys in order to combat the injustices facing
Moving Forward: Ensure LGBTQ People some of the most marginalized groups among us.
Are Counted
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January/February 2021 • Volume 27, Number 1 Supp S71

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