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SITE ADDRESS____________________________________
PHASE __________________________________________

1.1 Introduction
This Traffic Management Plan has been developed for the_____________ Phase of the following project. The project is a
____ unit _____ storey residential/commercial development located at ___________________, West Vancouver.
1.2 Duration and Hours of Operations
The _______________ Phase of the project commenced ____________, 20____ immediately following receipt of a demoli-
tion/foundation/excavation/new construction permit from the District of West Vancouver.
Project hours of operations are determined by the District of West Vancouver’s Noise Control Bylaw No. 4404, 2005.
These hours are as follows:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday/Statutory holiday: No work permitted
If, for any reason, works are required outside the allowable hours of operation, ____________(developer) will apply to the
District of West Vancouver’s Bylaw Department, for an exemption to the Noise Control Bylaw, 45 days in advance of the
scheduled works. This order must go before Council.
1.3 Permissible Delays/Closures
1.3.1 Delays
Delays of no more than ten (10) minutes are acceptable to the District as long as traffic remains operating in a single
lane-alternating capacity, with Certified Traffic Control Personnel on site to assist. Delays will be coordinated with availa-
ble breaks in traffic flow.
1.3.2 Closures
______________(developer) will make application to Street Occupancy at at the
District of West Vancouver, ten (10) working days in advance of any road or lane closures resulting in delays over ten
(10) minutes in length. A Lane Closure Request / Work Notification Form, including a traffic control diagram as per the
Minis-try of Transportation’s Traffic Control Manual for Work on Roadways will be submitted.
_______________ (developer) will provide to the District of West Vancouver the following documents should a lane clo-
sure be required:
• Traffic Report/Study completed by licensed Traffic Engineer/Planner (ie. Bunt & Associates).
• DWV Traffic Management Plan Application Form
• Truck Access Route Map
• Site Layout/Parking Plan Map
1.3.3 Construction Schedule


demolition ___ months
excavation ___ months
foundation ___ months
construction ___ months

Traffic management plan requirements for commercial/large development sites • J ULY 2 01 8  3

2.1 Routes
In compliance with the District of West Vancouver’s Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 4370, 2004, section 8.16.4, heavy vehi-
cles are prohibited on restricted routes.
______________(developer) will ensure that any over-weight, over-sized truck traffic utilizes the assigned truck routes to
and from the site as per the District of West Vancouver’s Heavy Vehicle Regulations Document (Restricted Routes and
Regulations for Heavy Vehicles) and obtain necessary permits. Lions Gate Bridge is not an access route for heavy vehicles.
During Demolition Phase
to the site:
from the site:
off-site: (location and number of spaces for secured off-site parking including agreement if on private property)
During Excavation Phase
to the site:
from the site:
off-site: (location and number of spaces for secured off-site parking including agreement if on private property)
During Foundation Phase
to the site:
from the site:
off-site: (location and number of spaces for secured off-site parking including agreement if on private property)
During Construction Phase
to the site:
from the site:
off-site: (location and number of spaces for secured off-site parking including agreement if on private property)
2.2 Marshalling
Marshalling Location: Off-ramp from Upper levels Highway (Hwy 1) to Taylor Way.
Per the District of West Vancouver’s Traffic Management Plan Application Form, the District does not allow any marshal-
ling on District Roads. Considering this, ______________ (developer) assumes that any required marshalling will occur on
the off-ramp from Upper levels Highway (Hwy 1) to Taylor Way. _____________ (developer) will contact the MoT directly
regarding the approval of this procedure.
Trucks travelling to the site will adhere to the following procedures:
No truck traffic may be on District streets, including the marshalling area, prior to 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. on
_________________ (developer) will stagger arrival times for truck traffic to ensure that marshalling area capacity is not
At 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. on Saturdays, one (1) truck will be permitted to leave the marshalling area and pro-
ceed to the site. The remainder of trucks will wait for radio or phone authorization to proceed.
This process will continue as long as there is more than one (1) truck available to arrive on site.
Truck Volume Estimates required for each phase:
demolition _________________ trucks per day
foundation ________________ trucks per day
excavation ________________ trucks per day
at grade building ___________ trucks per day
Traffic management plan requirements for commercial/large development sites • J ULY 2 01 8  4
Restrictions: (Truck traffic is prohibited from marshalling on District streets. This requirement must be included in your
Traffic Management Plan.)
2.3 Truck Requirements
Due to the steep roads in West Vancouver, the District of West Vancouver has adopted regulations for the safe operation
of trucks, trailers or truck-trailer combinations in excess of 10,000 kg LGVW. As a result, all truck traffic over 10,000
LGVW will be restricted to using an approved route as per the Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 4370, 2004, Schedule B.
The District of West Vancouver will not permit any vehicle in excess of its licensed gross vehicle weight to travel on any
city streets.
All vehicles are to be in compliance with the load limits applicable to or posted on any bridge or elevated structure.
__________________ (developer) will comply with all District of West Vancouver Traffic and Parking Bylaw requirements.
_________________ (developer) will ensure that any over-weight, over-sized truck traffic utilizes the assigned truck routes
to and from the site as per the District of West Vancouver’s Heavy Vehicle Regulations Document (Restricted Routes and
Regulations for Heavy Vehicles) and obtain permits as required.
2.4 Oversize Requirements
Unless a permit is issued, oversize vehicles will not be permitted to travel within the District of West Vancouver.
___________________ (developer) will obtain all necessary permits and approvals from Mercedes Suarez, msuarez@ Traffic Technologist, at the District of West Vancouver, throughout the duration of the project, five (5)
working days in advance of works. This includes permits and approvals for over-weight and/or over-size loads.
2.5 Certification Requirements
As per the ICBC Compliance regulations, all trucks over 17,500 kg GVW must have a current Commercial Vehicle Inspec-
tion Report.
2.6 Tarping Requirements
_______________ (developer) will ensure that all loads of dirt, rocks and other loose material is covered while in transit.


3.1 Access and Egress Points
3.2 Dust and Dirt Control
________________ (developer) will ensure that adjacent streets and haul routes are kept clean and free of dust and debris
on a daily basis. Wheel wash may be required.
3.3 Parking Control
__________________ (developer), their staff and subcontractors are subject to the District’s Traffic and Parking Bylaw
No. 4370, 2004, at all times. Throughout the duration of construction __________________ (developer), their staff and
subcontractors will abide with the District of West Vancouver’s parking regulations. Any vehicles not in compliance with
the approved permitted parking radius plan [refer to ‘Parking Radius Dec/2017’, attached], or the District’s parking regula-
tions will be enforced. Vehicles in violation may be ticketed and towed. During construction, contractor parking will not be
permitted within the area highlighted in red within this plan, included as attachment. All sub-trades and labourers will be
responsible for complying with the parking regulations. The developer is responsible for all contractors, sub-contractors,
trades and workers, suppliers, etc. associated with the site. Fines and fees are issued to the Developer.
3.4 Material and Equipment
All materials and equipment will be stored within the fencing of the construction area, unless protected by traffic control
devices and / or concrete barrier. No materials and / or equipment are permitted within the traveled lanes of any high-
way at any time, unless the permission of Street Occupancy at is gained.

3.5 Access to Existing Facilities

___________________ (developer) will maintain access to fire hydrants in the vicinity of the construction site, as well as
ensuring that entrances and exits to adjacent properties are clear and unimpeded.
The use of District road right of way requires a street occupancy permit.

Traffic management plan requirements for commercial/large development sites • J ULY 2 01 8  5

3.6 Signs
Construction and Warning signs will be erected daily in accordance with the Ministry of Transportations, Traffic Control
Manual for Work on Roadways, Manual. All signage will meet Transportation Association of Canada or Ministry of Trans-
portation signing specifications.
3.7 Traffic Control Supervisor
The site Traffic Control Supervisor is: _________________________
Certified Safety Officer (_______________________)(phone number).
In the event that _________________ is unable to perform their duties, ___________________
(_____________________)(phone number) will act as an alternate.
The Traffic Control Supervisor will:
• Ensure that emergency traffic control operations are carried out in accordance with ________________ (developers)
Site Safety Plan.
• Direct the implementation of the Traffic Control Plan and installation, maintenance and inspection of all traffic control
• Be responsible for updating and notifying the District of West Vancouver, emergency services, transit operators and
affected property owners of any lane closures, five (5) working days in advance of the closure.

• Site Layout/Site Access/Parking Plan Map
• 3 Block Radius Parking Restriction Map
• Truck Access Route Map - To and From Site
• Traffic Report/Study completed by licensed Traffic Engineer/Planner (ie. Bunt & Associates).

5.1 Day-to-Day Communications Contact List
Project Manager __________________________________________
Assistant Project Manager __________________________________
Site Superintendent________________________________________
5.2 Full Closure
Five (5) working days in advance of any lane/road closure, ________________ (developer) will hand deliver advisories to:


6.1 General Procedures
(________________) Developers Occupational Health and Safety Program is in place should an incident occur).
6.2 Incidents on ____________________________ (address)
Should an unscheduled traffic obstruction take place, ______________ (developer) will notify Street Occupancy at of the delay and the estimated time for re-opening the lane(s).
6.3 Emergency Phone List
Project Manager______________________
Ph ___________________

Traffic management plan requirements for commercial/large development sites • J ULY 2 01 8  6

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