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The research paper which we are dealing with the term of sentiment analysis of alcoholic
person. Part of the population which has been selected for these purpose is the young adults
of both the gender from the age group of eighteen years to thirty years of age. For
understanding their sentiments EEG signal is been used. EEG signal are data are obtained by
help of measuring brain changes in the cerebral cortex and cab be utilized in the process of
diagnosis of alcoholism. Each of the diagnosing method mainly dependent on machine
learning algorithms. This algorithms are completely or partially dependent on Human Being
involvement. The main motive of the research paper is to develop Deep Learning method,
which the results show that the method in this study can be utilized in treating alcoholism.
The best algorithm has an accuracy up to 99.32%.


Excessive alcoholism consumption is the most common mental illness in the world, and death
from alcohol intoxication due to excessive alcohol consumption occurs frequently. This is
quite common in young late teens and young adults now days globally. According to World
Health Organization report only alcoholism has created 3.3 million deaths all over the globe
in the year of 2018, which is quite devasting. Alcoholism can be different type one is short
time consumption and another one is the long-time consumptions. The health issues are also
slightly different along with the consumption time periods. For short time consumption can
lead to symptoms such as dyskinesia , stumbling , incoherence , and increase in the heart rate.
If alcohol is not detected and treated in early stage there will be acid-base imbalancement in
this study can be utilized to be effectively diagnoses patients with good chances of recovery
as well. If alcoholism is for long period there is high chances of liver failure, heart attacks,
pneumonia and even cause renal failure. The process of dealing alcoholism is one of
difficult , hence certain questions has been developed. The most important question is
knowing about alcohol drinking history and traits. Perform certain physical examination and
complete physiological evaluations should be performed . Adopting certain lab test of serum
ethanol concentration with the help of arterial blood gas analysis method.

In last few years there has been multiple number of research has been performed which
involved on using EEG signal as a treatment in alcoholism. The traditional method used for
detection used machine learning tocology has certain advantages like i) More accuracy in the
outcomes or results ii) Performing lab -test, such as the detection of are labours as well as
time as the detection all completely is laborious as well as time consuming and the serum
concentration and the arterial blood gas analysis which can differ in laboratories after all it is
human being created iii) Questions the patient on their alcohol drinking history can be true or

Deep learning, which is automatically which learns from certain complex datasets , can be
utilized to discover certain hidden features which are quite difficult to find manually.
Although there are various kind machine learning models like ANN, CNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM
and many more. This models will be explained in further detailed. The accuracy percentage
and drawback will be analysed. The detection of sentiments and conditions for young
alcoholic person in this research paper. The population is initially divided according to the
age groups as Electropherogram has been adopted with several traits like- Age of the person,
sex of the person, induvial as well as the personality in the process of detecting and tracing in
EEG. The added features in EEG. The added features in EEG help in the accuracy in
increasing the accuracy up to 76% initially but at least 95%. Value of accuracy in increasing
rapidly in the past few decade. This is the most advantageous in the using EEG. The selected
characteristics variance exceeding by 0.5%. Features importance with first set of features
with sadness label, sex, extraversion, occupations , emotional stability and consociations.

Existing Models

(i) LSTM :- The algorithm or machine learning model which is being used for
/sentiment analysis of young alcoholic person of younger age is LSTM. LSTM
stands for Long Short-Term process for feature extraction Memory. Initially this
model was model was developed due to speech recognition, handwriting
recognition and machine translation in the video games. The fundamental concept
LSTM is based on Neural network. After certain reforms the model is being used
ꝡꝡin development of robotic language. A simple form LSTM consists of a cell
which has input gate, an output gate, and forget gate as well.
LSTM is best suited for the classification in this research paper as there are
several number of characteristics available in human beings. While comparing
with complex kind of neural networks, it speeds or the performance rate reduces
drastically. LSTM has been updated to Bi-LTM the Bi stands here as the Bi-
Directional and other words remains same as previous. This model has recovered
sufficiently. But the accuracy rate gets reduced while the dataset is complicated as
this model is completely based on machine learning. And LSTM is based on
certain mathematical equations as follows:
f (t) = Ỽ ( ꝡ f h t-1 +µf xt+ ff)……………….[i]
i(t) = Ỽ ( ꝡi h t+1+µi xt + bi)…………………[ii]

a(τ) = tan h(ꝡ f h t-1 +µa xt+ bo)……………..[iii]

0(τ) = Ỽ (ꝡoh t-1 +µo xt x0 b0 )…………………[iv]


(ii) CNN :- CNN is a class which is based on ANN. CNN stands for Convolutional
Neural Network. This model is suited in this research paper as it helps in the
process of classification of EEG signal which is best suited it uses main the
working principle is based on the one-dimensional structure and its connected to
densely fully connected layers. The capability of CNN can be increased with the
increase size of the Kernels. The main disadvantage of these model as it is be
working on theoretical findings. Though CNN is better as compared with LSTM
and Bi-LSTM in one way but also has disadvantages as well. The advantage of
CNN over LSTM and Bi-LSTM is that the capability of reading complex dataset
and the dis-advantage is the accuracy rate of CNN is quite low when it is
compared with LSTM and Bi-LSTM as well. CNN is a self-adaptive method
which supports in reading complex datasets with ease.


(iii) ANN :- ANN is one of the most common machine learning model or machine
learning algorithm. It is commonly known as the Artificial Neural Network . It is
one of the most important model which is being used for classification methods in
any kind of dataset which can be simple kind of dataset or complicated kind of
dataset. As the name itself has Neurons so it is also some what related to neurons
of human brains. The working principle of ANN


(iv) KNN:-


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