Schweitzer2020 OverviewOfTheUseOf3DPrintingIn

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Year: 2020

Overview of the use of 3D printing in forensic medicine

Schweitzer, Wolf ; Thali, Michael ; Aldomar, E ; Ebert, Lars

Abstract: In forensic medicine the use of so-called 3D printing is a niche application, whereas devel-
opments elsewhere in this field are rapidly advancing worldwide. The most common and widespread
technology is fusion deposit modelling with polylactic acids (PLA). Although the equipment and ma-
terials may be relatively inexpensive and 3D printing relatively fast, the resulting end products tend
to also have negative properties, such as poor durability and mechanical anisotropy, which may be an
issue depending on the application. In forensic medicine, applications in the field of weapons technology
and biomechanical models are realistic and 3D printing is already being used for demonstrations at court
hearings and in teaching and also as a technique for building spare parts or accessories. Having a low-cost
option for rapid prototyping on-site is particularly useful for the development phase. For finished 3D
designs more expensive manufacturing options with a choice of materials with significantly broader me-
chanical or thermal properties are available. As the technology is undergoing major changes, one should
carefully consider whether to enter the field oneself, buy own hardware, use a 3D printing service or seek
cooperation possibly with a nearby partner.


Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich

Journal Article
Published Version

The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Originally published at:

Schweitzer, Wolf; Thali, Michael; Aldomar, E; Ebert, Lars (2020). Overview of the use of 3D printing in
forensic medicine. Rechtsmedizin, 30(5):292-299.
Review articles

Rechtsmedizin 2020 · 30:292–299 W. Schweitzer1 · M. Thali1 · E. Aldomar2 · L. Ebert1 1
Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Campus Irchel, Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Published online: 4 September 2020 2
Department of Knowledge Visualization, ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland
© The Author(s) 2020

Overview of the use of 3D

printing in forensic medicine

Introduction The use of PLA enables particularly fast plastic models to see, test, and improve
3D printing and the material may be rel- the shapes and dimensions of objects is
Since the late 1990s 3D printing has be- atively cheap [12]; however, 3D printing extremely helpful, although that does not
come increasingly popular also in the is not restricted to that. Other methods mean the final version gets to be produced
field of medicine [28]. As an indicator contain photopolymerization (whereas the same way.
of just how high the popularity of these a liquid resin is hardened by exposure Conversely, the choice about the final
devices has become, one may take note to light), material jetting (where the form of a digital 3D model can be sepa-
that even exploitable software vulnera- photosensitive material may be added rated from the rapid prototyping phase.
bilities of 3D printers have become the as droplets into the print bed before It may have to be decided on an indi-
subject of dedicated research [30]. ultraviolet light is applied to harden the vidual basis whether the prototypes that
This article provides a pragmatic material), binder jetting, sheet lamina- were acceptable for testing are also fine
overview of current technical options tion, directed energy deposition, and for a final version, or whether a different
and current applications in the field of powder bed fusion [29]. Thus, the term type of manufacturing process may have
forensic medicine. additive manufacturing has been used to be used [6]. Once the development is
Why 3D printing? If tools, replace- for 3D printing. finished, the same 3D model may be sent
ment parts or new devices are developed, A particular strength of this type of for a more elaborate fabrication; instead
a relatively affordable on-site accessibil- object creation lies in that a relatively fast of plastic, a binder-jetting fabrication to
ity for rapid prototyping can be an asset, and affordable method (such as PLA or generate metal objects, or laser sintering
while physical 3D model use for teach- ABS printing) can be used to “instantly” to achieve high definition acrylic objects,
ing or presentation may be regarded as print any digital 3D model. Having such may be chosen [44].
exceptional. options on-site invites prototype testing,
the creation of new objects or replace- Description of the technique
What is 3D-printing ment parts, or 3D objects for a simple and steps
The term 3D-printing describes a range The term rapid prototyping has been General object creation and
of methods that build objects by adding used as another synonym for 3D printing, manufacturing
material layer by layer. but it really designates a different process:
A particularly popular and affordable when the designer has created a digital Manufacturing an object generally can
method is fused deposition modeling 3D model during development and im- be approached through various meth-
(FDM) that uses material extrusion, provement cycles, 3D printing enables ods, including sheet metal processing,
where typically, a thermoplastic material relatively fast, relatively affordable and casting, and moulding, machining, man-
is continuously fed through a heated relatively precise production of one phys- ually shaping or carving using a range of
nozzle that melts and layers the material ical instance of the digital 3D model. That materials including clay and last but not
at first onto the print bed and later onto physical object then can be inspected, the least, 3D printing. Of these, some
the already printed object layers (an il- touched, fitted in position, or mounted methods, including 3D printing, require
lustrated explanation is given in . Fig. 1 in place, tested, and after a list of defi- that previously a digital 3D model of the
using our 3D printer, a modified Repli- ciencies relevant to the final use of that object is made [8, 36].
cator 2X model, originally manufactured objecthas beenmade, its digital 3Dmodel
by MakerBot Industries, New York City, may be improved, and 3D printed again. Creating a digital 3D model
NY, USA). There, desktop printing of Objects often require many cycles of im-
polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile provement with prototype testing before When an object’s surface has to be dig-
butadiene styrene (ABS) appear to be the a digital 3D model can be declared to be itally defined before manufacturing can
most widespread technologies [4, 10, 40]. final. Using affordable rapidly available be addressed, that surface has to enclose

292 Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020

Fig. 1 8 Explanation of the function of a PLA-based 3D printer (also consider the coordinate system (CS) in images a and b).
Flexible PLA filament of an even diameter (F), typically sold on a roll and mounted on a spool (S), is routed to the extruder (E)
of the 3D printer via a sheath (Fs). The extruder typically contains a cold end (cE) and a hot end (hE). In the cold end, there is
a motor (M) to pull the unheated and thus still solid filament to feed it into the hot end. The filament will lose its stiffness when
melted so it can only be successfully transported by the motor as long as it is still solid. The hot end contains parts to generate,
control andtransmit heat (H)that andonly there, aims tomelt the PLA,whichthenisextrudedthrougha nozzle (N).At this exact
location (L), the liquid PLA is added to what is under the nozzle which is located immediately above L in any well calibrated
3D-printer. When the print process is started, the first layers of PLA will be placed directly onto the build plate (P), which is later
lowered (and thus moved in the direction of –Z), so the model (T) is built incrementally.Subsequently, more PLA layers will
be added onto the top surface of the model as it is being built (see also . Fig. 3, images a–c). A new layer can only be added
once the previously deposited PLA has sufficiently cooled and hardened. Therefore, if one prints too fast, warping may occur.
To reach across the area of the build plate, the extruder is moved along rails (R) in the directions of X and Y. Images a and b are
symbolic images to illustrate the technical function of our PLA-based 3D printer. Images c and d show our 3D printer that was
also used to print the model shown in . Fig. 3. That device had been initially set up with dual ABS extruders, but then was
modified with an experimental PLA extruder (E). Images e and f expose the inner details of our experimental extruder (E) after
we had removed the fan used for temperature control to take these photographs

a volume in such a way that the surface ing also to correct non-manifolds and to tion that may allow the user to go back
defines a so-called solid [14]. achieve solid geometry is required [2, 11]. to the digital 3D model and change the
The two major ways of creating a 3D Not all surface angles may lend them- shape, design, size, position or orienta-
model are by capturing the surface of an selves to 3D surface capturing, there- tion of parts with greater ease to improve
existing real object (possibly by use of fore computed tomography (CT) scan- the object [9].
3D scanning or photogrammetry) or by ning has been used to start off 3D model Another advantage of using digital 3D
manually creating the 3D model using creation, in part with similar issues [11, models for object creation, rather than
software [43]. These can be combined 24]. Interestingly, some digital 3D mod- directly building physical models is that
in that one may first obtain a 3D surface els were edited not so much for technical finite element modeling can be used to in-
capture of an existing real object, and then reasons but to achieve a more convinc- vestigate mechanical properties of a given
use the resulting 3D model for further ing visual realism, such as by smoothing 3D model, or to compare some physical
digital editing. [11]. properties of the real object with vir-
The use of 3D surface capturing may When using software to create 3D tual object properties. Resulting design
yield digital 3D models that are too large, models, parametric (rather than free- modifications may be achieved faster us-
too jagged, or noisy. Typically, edit- form modeling) 3D software is an op- ing finite element modeling than by con-

Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020 293

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

ventional physical testing, particularly if Rechtsmedizin 2020 · 30:292–299

a single 3D print requires a lot of time © The Author(s) 2020
and material to build [5].
W. Schweitzer · M. Thali · E. Aldomar · L. Ebert
Material considerations and Overview of the use of 3D printing in forensic medicine
testing aspects
In forensic medicine the use of so-called as a technique for building spare parts or
The mechanical strength of additive man-
3D printing is a niche application, whereas accessories. Having a low-cost option for
ufacturing produced or 3D printed PLA developments elsewhere in this field are rapid prototyping on-site is particularly useful
or ABS models may be summarized as rel- rapidly advancing worldwide. The most for the development phase. For finished
atively limited, subject to influences such common and widespread technology is 3D designs more expensive manufacturing
as moisture, and as providing anisotropic fusion deposit modelling with polylactic options with a choice of materials with
acids (PLA). Although the equipment and significantly broader mechanical or thermal
mechanical properties [12, 22, 23]. Me-
materials may be relatively inexpensive properties are available. As the technology
chanical anisotropy means that the ob- and 3D printing relatively fast, the resulting is undergoing major changes, one should
ject tends to break easier along its build end products tend to also have negative carefully consider whether to enter the field
layers than perpendicularly to them (up properties, such as poor durability and oneself, buy own hardware, use a 3D printing
to around 50% difference in directional mechanical anisotropy, which may be an service or seek cooperation possibly with
issue depending on the application. In a nearby partner.
stability [12]) and it is most marked in
forensic medicine, applications in the field
FDM processes. Overhangs may need of weapons technology and biomechanical Keywords
the use of support structures for success- models are realistic and 3D printing is Teaching materials · Computed tomography ·
ful 3D printing, and hollow voids may already being used for demonstrations at Engineering · Rapid prototyping · Computer
be difficult to achieve [12]. court hearings and in teaching and also simulations
Such aspects are not to be regarded
as fixed but under continuous improve-
ment. Generally, the surface of such a 3D 3-D-Druck in der Rechtsmedizin – eine Übersicht
printed object is defined by a deliberate
number of shells containing a defined Bau von Ersatzteilen oder Zubehör. Dabei ist
In der Rechtsmedizin stellt die Verwendung
thickness, its inner volume is filled with des sog. 3-D-Drucks eine Nischenanwendung die kostengünstige Möglichkeit, Prototypen
any pattern and density of what is termed dar, wohingegen weltweit die Entwicklungen rasch zu bauen und zu testen, insbesondere
infill. Mechanical stability of a 3D print auf diesem Gebiet stark voranschreiten. für die Entwicklungsphase sinnvoll. Für die
may thus be improved by using specific Die am meisten verbreitete und gängigste Fertigung von 3-D-Designs mit bedeutend
Technologie ist die Schmelzschichtung mit breiteren mechanischen oder thermischen
infills [26]. Also, PLA is continuously im- Eigenschaften stehen auch teurere Verfahren
Polymilchsäuren (PLA), wobei entsprechende
proved concerning its mechanical stabil- Geräte und Materialien zwar relativ günstig zur Verfügung. Indem die Technologie stark
ity, for example by incorporating carbon sind und damit auch recht schnell gebaut im Wandel ist, sollte man sich gut überlegen,
fiber [16]. Surfaces may be smoothed werden können, die resultierenden End- ob man selbst einsteigt, zunächst auf eigene
using chemicals [4]. Whether the inher- produkte aber je nach Anwendung negativ Hardware verzichtet und sich die Modelle
bewertete Eigenschaften, wie schlechte über einen 3-D-Druckservice ausdrucken
ent mechanical anisotropy is a practical lässt, oder die Kooperation zu möglichst
Haltbarkeit etwa bei Feuchtigkeit oder
problem, whether it can be addressed richtungsabhängig variable Festigkeiten, nahegelegenen vorhandenen Möglichkeiten
by different digital 3D model orientation aufweisen. In der Rechtsmedizin erscheinen sucht.
relative to the print bed and layering co- Anwendungen im Bereich Waffentechnik
ordinates, may have to be decided on an und biomechanische Modelle realistisch; Schlüsselwörter
bereits angewendet werden 3-D-Drucke für Lernmaterialien · Computertomogra-
individual basis or addressed by using phie · Konstruktion · Rapid Prototyping ·
Demonstrationen an Gerichtsverhandlungen
building rules [1]. sowie in der Lehre, zudem als Technik für den Computersimulationen
Testing the didactic or explanatory
value of any 3D printed rendition over
presentations in a flat shape (as on paper)
does not appear to be straightforward and Application domains in forensic models may render pathology, foreign
may have to engage in a dialogue with medicine bodies such as projectiles, or injuries.
the subjects [32]. The medical applications of 3D models
Testing 3D models and 3D printed ob- Medical teaching, demonstration, for teaching in medicine as well as for
jects may require both numerical model- and diagnostics surgery planning and implant definition
ing and experimental testing [5, 16, 23]. are numerous [35]. One case of a com-
In forensic medicine, material behavior Medical imaging, including post-mortem minuted skull fracture system identified
with respect to fluids, microbes or repet- computed tomography (PMCT) imag- the 3D printed documentation to ex-
itive strain may be relevant. ing, appears to be a great technical basis hibit great realism, particularly when
to 3D print anatomical models [27]. Such compared to the autopsy finding [21].

294 Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020

Fig. 2 8 Injury visualization using 3D printing for didactic purposes, showing two 3D printed models of the same case.In this
case of a gunshot to the back of the head (pistol, caliber 9 mm), there was an occipital skull defect (entrance, A), and there were
what appeared to be adjacent bone fragments inside the skull (B). A round funnel-shaped fracture of the frontal bone close to
the coronary suture was interpreted to indicate an internal ricochet (C) with the final position of the projectile (D) as shown in
imagesgandh. Theskullwas3Dprintedtwice(c,f),wherebythedatahadbeenpreparedwithanobliqueoccipitoparietal(a–c)
and a sagittal section (d–f). The physical rendition of the 3D-printed correlate for the projectile (D in c and f) was mounted on
a gray rod, that was used to also illustrate a possible trajectory. In conjunction with symbolic colors (schematic illustration of
relative image orientations: a and d; orthogonal views: b and e; 3D models: c and f), the spatial configuration of reality and CT
images can be explored

For diagnostic reasons, one study severely fractured facial and head bones however, it appears that reports on such
investigated the difference in the shape with a 3D printed replica, to increase the models having actually been used in court
of 3Dprinted supratentorial brain mag- diagnostic value of facial photography are rare.
netic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for identification and also to render the In one instance, head injuries of a 6-
to help distinguish multiple sclerosis body more presentable to the bereaved year-old girl were presented in court as
lesions from non-specific white mat- [42]. a 3D-printed model, while no further
ter changes [31]. In another applica- The feasibility of generating such ex- technical details of the 3D models were
tion, faces were restored after replacing hibits is easily demonstrated [11, 13]; published [38].

Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020 295

Review articles

Fig. 3 8 Using 3D printing to design, test and develop replacement parts for an autopsy tool.We use an oscillating saw to
cut bone, particularly to open skulls during autopsies (O). This saw contains a plastic cover (transparent component in d, f, h)
that allows a suction hose to be attached to a round opening (T), whereas the air stream then is flattened as an effect of the
cover’s shape that also partly encases the saw blade (C). That plastic cover is mounted to the saw by a mount point (U) that is
inserted into a part of the saw and fixed to it with a screw.Our problem was that this plastic cover typically broke rather fre-
quently, mostly between its mount point (U) and the attached saw blade cover (L). As a feasibility study, we built a prototype
replacement part using the described methods of 3D-printing (red component in e, g, i). Our design slightly differs from the
original in that we employed filleted enhancements of the junction between the mount point (U) and other parts (compare L
between images h and i). This design adaptation was performed as a first approximation to reduce the frequency of this com-
ponent’s fractures. The prototype is currently shelved, it is pending further technical and use developments.Images a–c show
the 3D-printing process of this part (extruder E, build plate P, model as it is being built Tb).The first PLA layers of the model (Tb)
getting attached to the build plate (P) are shown in image a.The incremental growth of the component is seen in images b
(taken around 15 min after image a) and c (taken around half an hour after image b). The orientation of the digital 3D-model
relative to the build plate is a key aspect that helps to determine whether the object can be 3D printed without or with less
support structures

Anotherveryinteresting case was pub- for didactic purposes. In our application, of two different materials on polyjet tech-
lished by Baier et al. (2018) [3]. There, the case of a fatal head shot was visually nology [20].
a complex skull fracture pattern had to rendered in various ways, including two Temporal bone models used for sur-
be visually matched to tools used as pos- different ways of detailing the findings as gical bone simulation were built using
sible weapons. Micro-CT based scans 3D print (. Fig. 2). varying ratios of multiple thermoset
were used from which a stereolithogra- polymers, to achieve unique mechanical
phy based 3D print using white resin (to Biomechanical models and properties of the different anatomical
approximate the color of natural bone) weapons substructures contained in the temporal
with a resolution exceeding the scan data bone, including vasculature. There, the
was obtained. Practical advantages listed Biomechanical applications are another second model based on micro-CT out-
were the possibility for free unprotected application where 3D printing is being performed the first one based on normal
handling and examination of the exhibit used. clinical CT data [34]. In this instance,
by the jury and the judge, without par- Biomechanical simulation of an in- the mechanical properties rather than
ticular concern for anyone’s safety. fant’s head to investigate head impacts visual appearance are the priority.
We explored the use of 3D printing in contained a 3D printed skull model that Investigating the performance of 3D
the context of 3D visualization of injuries approximated biofidelity through the use printed continuously reinforced Kevlar

296 Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020

on 3D-printed nylon composites showed text of quality accreditation and control. Using 3D printing to create new
that regardless of method details, a key On top, legal aspects such as copyright parts, components, or other structures
finding was that the material architecture and patent or liability issues may have to to support practical work, often termed
determined the performance against im- be considered. “things”, has the potential to open new
pact [39]. ways of performing examinations, or
Weapons seem to be a rare applica- Discussion to improve existing products. There, it
tion for 3D printing that one may still is our experience that sufficiently large
want to keep on the radar, but with lit- The question whether one should acquire iteration counts of the prototyping cycles
tle apparent practical impact so far. The software and device operating skills or are a key element.
Liberator is a partly 3D printed firearm whether it is better to defer the tasks With all that, it depends on where one
that, when fired, also appears to widely to others, may not be easy to answer. wishes to go with developing 3D-models.
spread polymer splinters across the scene The technical requirements for both soft- Using 3D-printing to mass produce items
[18, 19]. ware and hardware aspects may be rel- once a final design has been reached may
Last but not the least, projectiles atively challenging, so collaboration for not be as sensible as shifting to different
were built using 3D printing. One task 3D printing may have to be weighed care- modes of production. A break-even anal-
solved that way was the administra- fully against setting up an own device or ysis may be estimated across available op-
tion of extended-release contraceptives employing a 3D printing service [44]. tions. According to one study, 3D print-
to animals by way of a customized 3D One’s own corporate or institutional set- ing (depending on specifics) may be only
printed biodegradable projectiles. There, ting that impacts prototype culture may good up to around 200 units, whereas in-
the contraceptive drug progesterone was play a considerable role in this, partic- jection moulding scales better for higher
admixed, in powder form, with PLA ularly as 3D printing is a method that volumes [15]. Conversely, if a design is
pellets [25]. seems fraught with procedural and con- changed and improved, like after every
ceptual issues, and where typical rapid 50 units, or if the manufacturing process
Tools and tool parts prototyping cycles may easily exceed 20 is scattered about geographically, or if 3D
or 50 cycle counts—a far cry from pre- printing is crowd-sourced, the situation
Building tool and application parts for ceding methods such as clay modeling may look different [33]; however, so far
use in forensic medicine is a further do- [36]. A more easily achieved but relevant the application of 3D printing inside the
main that lends itself to prototype devel- suggestion however is to not run any of specific application domain of forensic
opment, testing, and object creation. the 3D-printers on an institutional or cor- medicine does not appear to be a large-
As new applications arise, such as porate network, at least not permanently, scale activity.
post-mortem computed tomography an- because they may constitute a safety risk
giography (PMCTA), we found that some [30]. Practical conclusion
required parts may not be commercially The justification of a courtroom use
available, whereas others may be built of 3D-printed plastic models of anatomi- As it appears, 3D printing denotes a part
with convenience, so we developed and cal or medicolegal specimens in forensics of manufacturing that contains a range
built them in-house [37]. For these parts, may remain open to debate. After all, the of techniques from digital 3D model cre-
up to around ten iterations were used to attempt to deliver materials towards un- ation over prototype testing to obtaining
reach the current designs. derstanding a particular spatial configu- finalized products. The application in
As a field, forensic medicine on oc- ration may be seen as constituting only forensic medicine may be in generating
casion may make use of commercially a piece in a greater picture, a step towards anatomical models to exhibit pathology
available materials that appear to bene- a different goal. The art of explaining spa- or trauma, to build tool parts or to gen-
fit from further adaptation as they could tial relationships there may lie in avoiding erate biomechanical models. All of these
be viewed as cross-label use, such as the distraction on that path and in giving suf- are relatively new, however. The technical
use of vibration saws [41] originally built ficientlydifferentangles. Questioning the requirements for software and hardware
for cast removal. We had experienced value of 3D presentation is not restricted aspects may be challenging, so using a 3D
relatively frequent fracture damages to to forensic medicine: while moviemak- printing service instead, or seeking col-
a particular location in a plastic add- ers’ attempts to use stereoscopy to pro- laboration for 3D printing with a nearby
on for our oscillating autopsy bone saw. trude their content towards the viewers, facility may have to be weighed carefully
Therefore, over about four design iter- that may be the exact style element to against setting up an own device. As the
ations, we created a prototype for part prevent them to be absorbed into a die- development of the relevant software and
replacement, whereas the weak area was gesis [17]. Conversely, a study found that the physical aspects of making physical
reinforced (. Fig. 3). a group of people of different legal and objects, 3D-printing in a narrow sense,
In that domain, physical testing and non-legal backgrounds preferred the 3D- are currently ongoing, following these
documenting part performance and fail- printed skull to photographs or printed developments is certainly interesting.
ure may be first main issues, at some images [7].
stage also for documentation in the con-

Rechtsmedizin 5 · 2020 297

Review articles

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12:e2–e7 Überwindung der Sektorengrenzen – Erkenntnisse aus der CORONA-Krise
44. Wirth M, Thiesse F (2014) Shapeways and the 3D
printing revolution. In: 2014 European Conference
on Information Systems (ECIS) ECIS, Proceedings of Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Integrierte Ver- CORONA-Erfahrungen – die medizini-
the ECIS, Tel Aviv, 9.06.–11.06., pp 1–14 sorgung e.V. ist ein deutschlandweit agieren- sche Perspektive
der Verein mit der Zielsetzung, die Integrierte 4 CORONA-Erfahrungen aus erster Hand –
Versorgung in der medizinischen, pflegeri- „Hotspot“ Madrid
schen und sozialen Betreuung als Regelfall 4 CORONA-Erfahrungen aus der
durchzusetzen und die dazu erforderliche Hauptstadt Deutschlands – am Beispiel
Beseitigung der noch bestehenden struktu- von Vivantes
rellen Hemmnisse zu befördern. Vor diesem 4 CORONA-Erfahrungen aus der Onkologie
Hintergrund lädt die DGIV zu ihrem Bun- – wie sieht die Tumormedizin der
deskongress ein, der sich dem Themenkom- Zukunft aus?
plex CORONA (Lessons learned/ Resilienz)
widmet. Podiumsdiskussion „Wie sieht die
Roadmap nach CORONA aus?“
Lehren aus der CORONA-Krise für die
Integrierte Versorgung Veranstalter
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4 Bewertung der Arbeitsergebnisse der
Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe sektoren- Tagungsort
übergreifende Versorgung Hotel Aquino, Tagungszentrum Katholi-
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Egoismen? – Woran hakt es bei der 10115 Berlin-Mitte
Weiterentwicklung der integrierten
4 Wieviel „ambulant“ können
Krankenhäuser und wieviel „stationär“
können Vertragsärzte leisten?
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