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FRice cream

A Research Paper
Presented to
The faculty of Senior High School
San Josef National High School
Cabanatuan City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Penny H. Aquino
Alvin U. Constantino
Rafael J. Dejesus
Geraldine A. luciano
Jhasmine C. Policarpio
Jericson D. Sanopo

April 2023

First of all, the researchers would like to thank the Almighty God for His enduring
grace, guidance protection and all blessings that He has bestowed upon us during this
Feasibility Study

The Researchers would also like to express their sincerest gratitude to their adviser,
Sir James M, Mangahas for his continuous support in this Study, For his guidance and
immense knowledge that he has shared to us

Also The researchers would also like to express their Sincerest Gratitude to Sir
Denver T Soriano for providing invaluable supervision and support. They would also like to
thank him for his Empathy and Knowledge that he imparts to us. It was a great privilege and
honor to work and study under his Guidance

Their thanks and appreciation also go to our respondents who help, participate with their
cooperation which has made the Feasibility Study achieve its completion, We would like to
thanks for the time that you have given to us to conduct this study

They would also like to express a invaluable appreciation for the sleepless night. they were
working together for deadlines to accomplished this meaningful study and for all the fun they
had for the last months of working together


Small businesses have become an integral part of economic activity in developing nations,
particularly in terms of employment creation and poverty reduction. According to Abadli et
al., governments in developing nations acknowledge the significance of small and medium
enterprises to national economic growth. Moreover, small food enterprises can contribute
more to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as eradicating hunger,
protecting the environment, and ensuring food safety. Nonetheless, small food businesses
continue to confront unresolved barriers to expanding their roles and contributions. Financial
constraints, a dearth of technology, and a lack of human capital continue to be issues for
small businesses. In addition, there are still barriers for small business proprietors to obtain
financing from banks and other formal financial institutions.
The industry of French fries in the Philippines exhibits a particular growth pattern. French
fries are one of the most popular snacks, particularly among young people,d are in high
demand on the market. Consequently, the French fry enterprise is a worthwhile investment.
Initially, the market for French fries was characterized by modest investments yielding high
returns. Potatoes are relatively inexpensive, which is the primary reason for its popularity. In
addition, potatoes are a highly adaptable, high-yielding variety with a substantial supply
capacity. In light of supply and cost, the French fry business can therefore become a
profitable enterprise.
Philippines is a tropical country with a predominantly dry season, Filipinos are fond of
consuming cold foods, with ice cream being a particular favorite. Never will ice cream be
absent from any event or commemoration, including birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, or
even when there is nothing to celebrate. Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream
ice) is a frozen food that is typically consumed as a snack or dessert. Ice cream is typically
prepared from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and is frequently combined with fruits
or other ingredients and flavors. Typically, it is sweetened with sucrose, maize syrup, cane
sugar, beet sugar, and/or additional sweeteners. In addition to stabilizers, typically flavorings
and colorings are added to the mixture, which is then stirred to incorporate air spaces and
chilled below the water's freeing point to prevent the formation of detectable ice crystals. The
result is a semisolid foam that is uniform and solid at extremely low temperatures.
The combination of ice cream and fries is an interesting culinary choice that offers a mix of
sweet and savory flavors. While it may seem unusual at first, some people enjoy the
contrasting taste and texture of the two together. Typically, this combination involves serving
a scoop of ice cream alongside a side of fries. The contrast between the cold, creamy ice
cream and the warm, crispy fries can create an interesting mix of flavors and textures. Some
people enjoy dipping their fries in the ice cream or eating them together in a single bite. Here
are a few things to consider about this combination: (1) Sweet and Salty: The contrast
between the sweetness of ice cream and the saltiness of fries can create a unique flavor
experience. It's similar to the concept of salted caramel, where the combination of sweet and
salty flavors can be quite enjoyable for some people. (2) Texture Contrast: Ice cream
is smooth and creamy, while fries are crispy and crunchy. Combining these textures can
provide an interesting mouthfeel that adds to the overall experience. (3) Dipping: Some
people like to dip their fries into their ice cream, treating the ice cream as a sauce or a dip.
This allows you to get a bite that includes both the fries and the ice cream, creating a
combination of flavors in each mouthful. (4) Personal Preference: Ultimately, whether you
enjoy the ice cream and fries’ combination is a matter of personal preference. Taste
preferences can vary greatly among individuals, so what one person finds delicious, another
might not enjoy as much.
It's worth mentioning that this combination is not as widely popular or traditional as some
other food pairings. However, food is a subjective experience, and if you're curious about
trying it, go ahead and give it a taste. You might discover a new favorite or simply find that
it's not to your liking.

Review Related Literature

According to Pendrill, K. (2018) Many people would argue that French fries dipped into a shake is the ultimate
culinary pairing and now Coolhaus is making the combo official with the debut of its new Milkshake & Fries

Fries dipped in ice cream. It sounds like a weird combination of flavours — hot fries and cold ice cream — but I
know more than one person who does it. In fact, I had a childhood friend who would always insist on getting a
small pack of fries alongside her ice cream cone or sundae. According to Kailun, S. (2020)

According to Javaid, A. (2022)Ice cream is a delicious and oh-so indulgent treat, and so are thin crispy French
fries. But have you ever tried them together? Well, it sounds weird. Right? However, a woman tried the bizarre
food combination, and her reaction left many in shock.

When we here at Delish hear something like Milkshake & Fries ice cream exists somewhere, anywhere in this
world, we do everything in our power to get our hands on it. You know, so we can tell you what it tastes like.
And obviously not for any selfish reasons, like NEEDING to try it for ourselves.Obviously. According to
Koman, T. (2018)

Based on Lam, T, Ben & Jerry’s is releasing a brand new dessert in collaboration with AND THE FRIET, a
Japan-based restaurant that specializes in French fries. The two companies have combined their very own
specialties to create “Ice and Friet,” an unconventional dessert that features both ice cream and fries. In
particular, the hybrid dessert is prepared with Ben & Jerry’s signature flavor “Baked Alaska,” a vanilla ice
cream mixed with marshmallow swirls and white chocolate. On top of that, the ice cream is served with thick
slices of AND THE FRIET’s most popular Belgian fries “Binche".

According to Grossman, L (2020) When Phillip Foss of Chicago's EL Ideas first saw his daughters dip their
French fries into.a Wendy's Frosty, he didn't realize it would inspire what became a signature dish that would
evolve through four incarnations over 10 years at his Michelin-starred restaurant. "I tried it and started
thinking," recalls Foss. "It's hot and cold and those things are fun together, and it's sweet and salty and that's
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve dipped french fries into milkshakes. The blend of taste, texture and
hot/cold is amazing. So I must admit that the latest marketing gimmick from the Idaho Potato Commission
intrigues me. During February — “Potato Lover’s Month (who knew?) — the Eagle-headquartered commission
partnered with Van Leeuwen Ice Cream on a special flavor: Idaho Potato Malted Milkshake and Fries. The

“An instant sell-out in Van Leeuwen’s Los Angeles scoop shops,” according to an email from the Potato
Commission, ”prompting them to add Malted Milkshake and Fries to their spring collection.” Now the limited-
edition ice cream is available in “all of their scoop shops in America!” the Potato Commission trumpets.
According to Deeds, M.(2023)

According to Murray, T. (2022) When we were kids traveling to a McDonald’s meant so much to us. It meant a
Happy Meal with a free prize. The prizes in the 80s and 90s were better than what they give today. Sorry if any
kids read this, but it’s true. The love for McDonald’s French Fries and Ice Cream has always been high.
However, the Ice Cream machine usually triggers people since they are often not working when you want a
cone. But if you’re willing to risk disappointment, then today’s post is for you.

We’ve all seen people dipping Maccies fries into their strawberry milkshake. It’s a controversial choice. Some
claim it’s the best invention ever, while others turn their noses up at it. Well, the combo gets Jollibee’s seal of
approval. The Filipino fast-food chain is releasing its own version of this. Introducing ‘ice cream fries’. Jollibee
teased the ice-cream creation on TikTok a couple of weeks ago and it stirred up a lot of excitement. Receiving
almost 2 million views and comments, Jollibee has given into the craze base on Keys, L. (2022)

According to Berger, A. (2018) French fries are the most popular cooked food sold in the United States and play
an important role in the obesity epidemic there and in other countries as well. Statistics show the average
American eats close to 30 pounds of French fries a year—about a half a pound a week. In this chapter, the
semiotician Roland Barthes is quoted on the cultural significance of “frites” to French culture and the
psychoanalyst and marketing expert Clotaire Rapaille is quoted on how food preferences are imprinted on
children as they grow up in a particular count

Statement of the problem

1. How are the respondents characterized in terms of

1.1 sex

1.2 age

2. What are the preferences of the target market (respondents) in terms of

2.1 Flavors

2.2 amount

2.3 Product

2.4 Place

3. How do they want their order to be serve

4. How to plan for developed to further improve the product

Conceptual Framework

•Profiling •Questionnaire •Data Analysis

•Preferences •Data gathering procedure
•Taste testing

•Production of FRies cream

•Establishing physical store
•Better quality services.

Researchers implemented the Dash P model. It contains all the materials and information
required for the procedure, and The conceptual model illustrated in Figure 1. It illustrates the
production and establishment of the FRIce Cream tangible store. It includes the respondent's
profile and preferences, as well as all the information specified in the problem statement. It
contains the questionnaire as well as the data collection and procedure methods. Data analysis
is the process of determining and analyzing data collection.

Significance of the study

This research seeks to determine how to combine french fries and ice cream into a
single product that is less expensive than expected. This benefits the captive market by
reducing the price of what they desire and the effort required to purchase ice cream and fries
Scope and limitation
The focus of the study is on how this product is the highest-quality FRice
cream in the commercial food industry. In July of 2023, researchers will begin conducting
surveys. The survey respondents will consist of Holy Cross and Santa Rosa students as well
as local residents. This study also addressed how this product would be offered at an
affordable price to the market.

Definition of terms

Finest- high quality.

Satisfy- contented; pleased.
Combination- A joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component
elements are individually distinct.
Flavor-The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
Affordable- Inexpensive; reasonably priced.
Customer- A person or thing of a specified kind that one has to deal.
Market- A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale.
Taste -The sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat.
Concept- An abstract idea; a general notion.
Savoury- Belonging to the category that is salty or spicy.

Research Design

This research employed a descriptive approach. This study's objective is to determine

the proportion or number of respondents who desire fries with cream. The descriptive
research design is suitable for a study that seeks to determine the frequency of respondents.

Research Locale

DepEd SDO of Nueva FRies cream Physical Holy cross Collage,
Ecija Main Building Store Santa Rosa, NE
Figure 2.
Showing the satellite view of DepEd (SDO of Nueva Ecija Main Building) and Holy cross
(Collage, Santa Rosa, NE) at Barangay Rizal, Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija.

This study population will be gathered of the answer by the students who is agree in
fries cream product.The researchers study will be conducted survey questionnaires around a
specific area of Barangay Rizal, Santa Rosa Nueva Ecija.

Blue print of the Business

Figure 3. Showing the physical store’s floor plan blueprint.

This small business has four chairs and a table, a comfortable room, two windows,
tools for creating products, an easy-to-use ordering system, and this image demonstrates
where the business's equipment and supplies will be stored.
Sample and Sampling

The study used purposive sampling in selecting the respondents. The following were
the minimum attributes or criteria necessary to participate in this study: (1) Residents of
Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija (2) Students from Holy Cross College, Santa Rosa.

Students of Holy Cross College 50

Research Instrument

The research instrument that was utilized in this study was a questionnaire that was
self-administered and was comprised of four sections. This sections include the price,
product, place and promotion of the product. Responses were rated as Strongly Agree- 4,
Agree- 3, Disagree- 2, and Strongly Disagree- 1.
Data Gathering Procedure

Before the conduct of the study, letter requests were submitted to the Principal of the
school that signed by the teacher of the researchers to ask permission to allow the researchers
to conduct the study from the students Holy Cross College. The research tool/questionnaire
was distributed after the principal approved the request letter with strict health and safety
protocols. Confidentiality was assured to all the respondents before the conduct began. The
data gathered were stored by the researcher utilizing compilation and placed in an envelope
that will be secured and not accessible to anyone.

Statistical Treatment

∑ fx
Where: x = mean
f = frequency of each class
x = mid-interval value of each class
n = total frequency
Σ fx = sum of the products of mid – interval
values and their corresponding frequency

The research used following statistical procedures to interpet the data gathered from
1.Percentage – The Demographic Profile of the respondents will determined using this
P = F/N (100)
Where: P = Percentage
F = Frequency
N = Total Number of Respondents
100 = Constant Number
2. Weighted Mean – The foctors will be determined using the formula:

Research Flowchart
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
•To determine how may •Construction of •Letter of permission
the product be queistionnaier in conducting survey
affordable in the market •Profiling

•Conducting survey •Product Testing

Step 4

Step 5
•Data Analysis to finish

STEP 1. Identification of problems. - It displays the business problem.

STEP 2. Preliminaries. - Respondents profiling.
STEP 3. Letter of Intent Letter of permission before conducting the survey
STEP4. Administration of tests and product testing. - Collecting the opinions of respondents
through surveys and product testing.
STEP 5. Findings analysis and reporting - Analyzing the data collected from product


The Technical Aspects is a discussion of the project's fundamentals and operation
flow. The technical aspect is essential to this study because it corresponds to the proposed
study's specifications and fundamental structure. This includes the equipment, materials, and
structure plan for the proposed undertaking, as well as the supply source. This chapter
includes business plans, promotion strategies, utilities, facilities, layout design, and location.
It also discusses how the products will be produced, when they will be produced, how
much they will cost to produce, where they will be produced, and what technology will be
used. Technical aspects aid the owner in determining the business's technical requirements.
Step 1. In a large container, whip all 250 ml of heavy cream with a hand mixer until light and
frothy, and until its volume has doubled.
Step 2. Gradually incorporate the condensed milk, and continue combining until they
are thoroughly combined.
Step 3. Add one milo powder sachet at a time until it dissolves.
Step 4. The two Oreos are delicately crushed, placed in the container, and then thoroughly
Step 5. Put the ice cream in the freezer and allow it to solidify for one hour.
Step 6. While waiting for the ice cream to solidify, thoroughly clean and slice the potatoes.
Step 7. In a pan of medium size, heat half a liter of cooking oil until it is hot, then fry half the
potatoes at a time until they are golden, and then transfer them to a clean container.
Step 8. Place the ice cream in an empty goblet and the potato on an empty plate to combine
them into a single dish.

Ingredients/materials/ Name Description Price

Cookies a small sweet cake, Php 130.00
typically round and
flat and having a
crisp or chewy

Condensed also known as Php 40 .00

milk sweetened
condensed milk, is
regular cow's milk
that has been
concentrated and
sweetened with

Heavy cream Heavy cream, also Php 65 .00

known as heavy
whipping cream, is
the thick part of the
milk that rises to the
top due to its high
fat conten
Ice-cream Ice-cream maker are Php 70,000.00
maker household
appliances that turn
a basic liquid base or

Cooking oil Cooking oils are Php 110.00

lipids (fats) made
from plants, animals,
or synthetic
compounds used
when frying, baking,
and preparing foods
for consumption.
french fries Also called chips, Php 140.00
finger chips, fries, or
French pommes
frites, side dish or
snack typically made
from deep-fried
potatoes that have
been cut into various
shapes, especially
thin strips.
Electric Deep Deep frying is a Php 2,370.00
fryer cooking method that
can be used to cook
foods such as fried
chicken, French
fries, and potato
chips. The process
involves submerging
a food in extremely
hot oil until it
reaches a safe
minimum internal
Refrigerator A refrigerator is a Php 7,000.00
large container
which is kept cool
inside, usually by
electricity, so that
the food and drink in
it stays fresh.

tongs a device for taking Php 120.00

hold of something
that consists usually
of two movable
pieces joined at one

Paper cup A paper cup is a Php 45.00

disposable cup made
out of paper

Hair net is a small, often Php 35.00

elasticised, fine net
worn over long hair
to hold it in place
glove A glove is a piece of Php 45.00
clothing covering
the hand,

Paper cup Paper cups are made Php 50.00

from renewable
resources. The cups
should be made from
food grade paper
which is hygienic in

French fries French fries box is Php 45.00

box made of paper
coated with a layer
of PE polyethylene.

Marketing is a crucial aspect of business because it significantly contributes to the

organization's success. Production and distribution are heavily dependent on marketing.
Marketing is the process of introducing and promoting a product or service to the market,
which encourages purchases from the purchasing public. Since the objective of marketing is
to increase the product's or service's market awareness and recognition, marketers must be
creative in their marketing activities.

The marketing aspect is one of the most valuable sections of the feasibility study.
Without marketing, sales may plummet and businesses may be forced to close. The business's
performance will depend on how the product is introduced to the market. The acceptance of
the proposed product by the intended market is a determining factor for the implement ability
of this project.

Frice cream will serve and prepare cuisine of high quality and will guarantee that all
equipment and supplies are sanitized and clean.

In 2022, the global ice cream market was valued at USD 103315.02 million. In 2022, the
global french fry market was valued at approximately $25.5 billion (expert market research
and finance, 2023)

Jollibee is the leading seller of fries and ice cream due to its well-known brand name and
delicious cuisine. Also gaining in popularity are sundaes and french fries, both of which are
expensive. This business endeavors to make its products both affordable and desirable.

Target market.
Students are the target market for the enterprise. Business is located near elementary and
college schools in Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija. The target market consists of pupils aged 7 to 26.
Because the product is available in a variety of sizes and pricing points, their average income
will undoubtedly be a good match.

Competitive analysis.

This company's primary competitor is Jollibee, which is one of the most well-known fast
food chains and a social media phenomenon for dipping fries in ice cream. year gained
traction on social media. Because Jollibee is a costly fast food chain, the business will be
bolstered if the prices are low but still desirable.


Based on the table above, Question number 2 got the highest mean of 3.58 with
“Strongly Agree” based on the description among all questions. This implies that the price of
the product is budget friendly and affordable.
When scrutinizing the significance of pricing for consumers, affordability and accessibility
are crucial considerations. A product or service's price has a direct impact on its accessibility
to consumers with varying purchasing power. Affordability is crucial in determining whether
consumers can afford a product within their budgetary constraints. Before making a purchase
decision, consumers frequently demonstrate price sensitivity by scrutinizing the price sticker.
Businesses can increase accessibility, expand their customer base, and foster customer loyalty
by establishing prices that are in line with consumer expectations and financial capabilities.
In addition, affordable pricing enables businesses to reach a broader market segment and
cater to a variety of consumer requirements, leading to an increase in sales volume and
overall profitability (Novkovic, 2023)
Importance of Pricing for Consumers & Businesses – Price2Spy® Blog

Statements SD D A SA Mean Description

I will buy your product if it is affordable. 0 1 21 28 3.34 Strongly

(Bibili ako ng iyong produkto kung ito ay
abot-kaya.) Agree

The price of the product 75 below is 0 1 19 30 3.58 Strongly

affordable for me. (Ang presyo ng produkto Agree
75 sa ibaba ay abot-kaya para sa akin.)

My allowance can fit the price of the 0 1 26 23 3.44 Strongly

product. (Ang aking allowance ay maaaring Agree
magkasya sa presyo ng produkto.)

It is okay for me to buy the product even the 0 2 26 22 3.40 Strongly

price goes up a little. (Okay lang sa akin na Agree
bumili ng produkto kahit tumaas ng kaunti
ang presyo.)

I consider the price inexpensive but still 0 2 22 26 3.48 Strongly

worth to buy. (Itinuturing kong mura ang Agree
presyo ngunit sulit pa ring bilhin.)

Over – all Mean 3.45 Strongly



Based on the table above, Questions number 2 and 4 got both a highest mean of 3.46 with “Strongly
Agree” based on the description among all questions. This implies that the product itself is marketable
to the target market of the business. This also implies that the product meets the preferences of the
Traditionally, customer satisfaction has been regarded as a crucial determinant of
long-term consumer behavior. The greater the level of customer satisfaction, the greater the rate of
customer retention, the positive word of mouth (WOM) (also known in the literature as advocacy),
and, ultimately, the financial benefits to the firms that serve them. Therefore, it is not surprising that
businesses strive to increase customer satisfaction (Ranaweera & Prabhu, 2003)

On the relative importance of customer satisfaction and trust as determinants of customer retention
and positive word of mouth | SpringerLink

Statements SD D A SA Mean Description

I like the product of your business (Gusto ko ang 0 1 29 20 3.38 Strongly

produkto ng iyong negosyo) Agree

I find your product unique in the business industry 0 0 27 23 3.46 Strongly

where it belongs. (Nakikita kong kakaiba ang Agree
iyong produkto sa industriya ng negosyo kung
saan ito nabibilang.)

I prefer putting toppings/sauce on the top of the ice 0 0 28 22 3.44 Strongly

cream. (Mas gusto kong maglagay ng toping/sauce Agree
sa ibabaw ng ice cream.)

FRice cream can fulfill my cravings. (Maaaring 0 1 25 24 3.46 Strongly

matupad ng FRice cream ang aking mga cravings.) Agree

I prefer putting flavors on fries. (Mas gusto kong 0 1 26 23 3.44 Strongly

lagyan ng flavor ang fries.) Agree

Over – all Mean 3.44 Strongly


Based on the table above, Question number 3 got the highest mean 3.60 with “Strongly
Agree” based on the description among all the questions. This implies that the consumer preferred to
buy the product on the location where the stall will be placed because it is near to them or accessible.
The selection of a location is one of the business decisions that must be made with care. Past research
has demonstrated a correlation between business location and success (Alli et al., 1991). In this
context, the measurement of business success can differ, but it is most likely related to subjective and
objective data on multiple aspects of performance, including sales growth, market share, and
profitability (Dawes 1999).

294903152.pdf (

Statements SD D A SA Mean Description

It is good to do business in Barangay Rizal. 0 1 21 28 3.54 Strongly

(Magandang magnegosyo sa barangay Rizal.) Agree

The place is good for me (Ang lugar ay mabuti 0 1 22 26 3.44 Strongly

para sa akin) Agree

I prefer to buy your product where the business 0 0 20 30 3.60 Strongly

located. (Mas gusto kong bilhin ang iyong Agree
produkto kung saan matatagpuan ang negosyo.)

There are many buyers/customers in this area. 0 1 22 27 3.52 Strongly

(Maraming mamimili/customer sa lugar na ito.) Agree

It is easy for me to go to the business place. 0 0 26 24 3.48 Strongly

(Madali para sa akin ang pumunta sa lugar ng Agree

Over – all Mean 3.52 Strongly


Based on the table above, Questions number 1 and 3 got both a highest mean of 3.64 with “Strongly
Agree” based on the description among all the questions. This implies that the respondents are
attracted to different sales promotion that will help the business to gather more consumers.
Sales promotion is an effective method for achieving short-term sales objectives by persuading
prospective consumers to purchase the product. There is a connection between sales promotion and
customer behavior in order to identify different types of customers who are completely satisfied,
loyal, and continue to purchase and spread positive information about the company. Who are equally
positive and dissatisfied with the company cease doing business with it and disseminate negative
word of mouth. Due to their frequent complaints, dissatisfied customers who remain with the
company due to a personalized or low-cost environment are difficult and costly to manage
(Haralayya, 2022)

Sales Promotion at Keshva Enterprise Bidar (

Statements SD D A SA Mea Descriptio

n n

Sales promotion helps to increase the profit of your 0 1 16 33 3.64 Strongly

business. (Tumutulong ang promosyon sa Agree
pagbebenta upang mapataas ang kita ng iyong

I always look up to buy when I see a promo. (Lagi 0 1 17 32 3.62 Strongly

akong tumitingin para bumili kapag may nakita Agree
akong promo.)

It would be better having a flyer and poster to 0 0 18 32 3.64 Strongly

promote your business. (Mas mabuting magkaroon Agree
ng flyer at poster para i-promote ang iyong

Sales discount helps promotion. (Ang diskwento sa 0 0 25 25 3.5 Strongly

pagbebenta ay nakakatulong sa promosyon.) Agree

Buy 1 take 1 would be good for me To promote 0 0 20 30 3.6 Strongly

your business. (buy 1 take 1 would be good for me Agree
Para i-promote ang negosyo mo.)

Over – all Mean 3.6 Strongly



The researchers chose to operate their enterprise as a sole proprietorship. A sole

proprietorship is the simplest and most common form of business organization, and it can
launch and establish a business at any time. Some of the benefits of this and the reason why
Researchers chose it. In a sole proprietorship, you are the supervisor of your own business,
you can start it with your own money, you can manage it on your own, and the profits that the
business generates are entirely yours.

Organizational Structure

Job description

Cashier Cook

• Manager


to create a plan to meet company goals and objectives.


to coordinate the work of all the employees in the organization and to bring about the best
results that ensure the growth of the organization.


- at least 18-25 years old

- has time-management skills

- has decision-making skills

- has strategic planning abilities

• Cook

The Chef directly supervises kitchen personnel with responsibility for hiring,
discipline, performance reviews, and initiating pay increases.


-checking if the foods are all in the good condition.

-sanitize, wash, and clean all the utensils.


-18-25 yrs old

-The ability to make good food consistently, even in a busy kitchen.

-Time management skills.

-Customer service.

-The ability to communicate in a fast-moving environment.



We are looking for an efficient, courteous cashier who possesses excellent customer service


Welcoming customers, answering their questions, helping them locate items, and providing
advice or recommendations.


-18-25 yrs old

-High school diploma or equivalent.

-Customer service or cashier experience.

-Helpful, courteous approach to resolving complaints.

-Attention to detail.
S.W.O.T analysis.


-Newly established fries cream company producing quality product with good taste.

-wide variety of unique fries cream and dessert flavors.

-Good quality and packaging, and good advertising.


-Health conscious


-New brand which means not many people know about it .

-flavors are very generic.


-increasing trends in fitness and health interests.

-Calorie wise, the healthiest product in the fries cream


- people refraining from sweet or fatty foods


Dress Code Policy

Closed shoes are acceptable for Simulated Workplace environments.

Flip-flops, slippers, and any shoe with an open toe are not acceptable at Simulated Workplace
environments due to safety violations.  

Inappropriate attire for work includes:

 tank tops; midriff tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures,
cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders; sweatshirts, and t-shirts unless
worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or dress.    

Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne

Jewelry, makeup, perfume, and cologne should be in good taste.  Remember, that some co-
workers, customers or visitors may be allergic to the chemicals in perfumes and make-up, so
wear these substances with restraint.

Body piercing should be limited and in some instances removed or covered, in order to
compile with safety regulations.

Hats and Head Covering

Hats are not appropriate in an office environment.

Head Covers are required especially to those service crew who are responsible in preparing
the food.

Head covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are

If clothing fails to meet these standards, as determined by the employees and owner, the
offending employee will be reprimanded in accordance to the disciplinary policies and
procedures of the company.  If the problem persists, progressive disciplinary action will be
applied for each dress code violation.

Cell Phone Policy

The cellular phone policy applies to any device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves
messages, sends text messages, surfs the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading of
and responding to email whether the device is company-supplied or personally owned.

Cell Phones or Similar Devices at Work

FRice Cream is aware that employees utilize their personal cellular phones for business
purposes.  At the same time, cell phones are a distraction in the workplace.  To ensure the
effectiveness of instruction/hands-on activities, in addition to safety of all employees; all
employees are asked to leave cell phones at their bags or out of the working/learning
environment. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to
and including employment termination.
Attendance Policy

Employees are expected to be present for work every day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Employees should adhere to call-in procedures and provide an acceptable reason for their
absence or tardiness.

Employees should request exceptions for work absences from the owner. The procedure for
requesting sick leaves is covered here. 

Any absence from work not approved by a supervisor is considered to be unexcused and is
subject to informal corrective or disciplinary action.

Workplace Health and Safety Policy

All employees must participate in safety and health program activities.

Employees must not come to work with any signs of sickness until complete recovery.

Employees must be familiar with first aid facilities available in the company building.

Employees must not interfere with or misuse facilities provided for health and safety

Employees are to follow the fire and emergency procedure in case of hazard.

Employees must report any violation of the given policy to a supervisor or the safety
Chapter VI. Socio Economic

This chapter discusses the proposed business's advantages and its impact on the government
and environment. This should be considered by the business in order to obtain positive
community feedback.

To the Government:

The enterprise will provide employment opportunities, particularly in the city of Cabanatuan.
This implies an increase in employment opportunities for the community. We will likely
adhere to the minimum wage law in terms of compensation.

To the Environment:

Rice cream will be environmentally friendly due to appropriate waste disposal and fewer
machines that emit smoke. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage cans will be placed
at every entrance of the business to discourage littering. This will ensure that human waste is
disposed of appropriately.

Chapter VII. Financial aspect and Ratio Analysis

Ingredients Quantity Unit cost Monthly 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
per day
COOKING OIL 1 liter 110 3,080 36,960 40,656 44,721.6

FRIES 1 kg 140 3,920 47,040 51,744 56,918.4

FLAVORED 1 pack 40 1,120 13,440 14,284 16,264.4


COOKIES 1 pack 130 3,640 43,680 48,048 52,852.8

HEAVY CREAM 2 box 150 4,200 50,400 55,440 60,984

CONDENSED 3 cans 135 3,780 45,360 49,890 54,885.6

TOTAL 705 19,740 230,880 260,568 286,624.8

Utilities Per day monthly 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Electricity 50 1,400 16,800 18,480 20,328

Water 35 980 11,760 12,936 14,229.6

Total 85 2,380 22,560 31,416 34,557.6

Salaries Per day monthly 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Manager 535.71 15,000 180,00 198,000 217,800


Cashier 232.14 6,500 78,000 85,800 94,380

Cook 232.14 6,500 78,000 85,800 94,380

Total 999.99 28,000 336,00 369,600 406,560


Promotion Per day monthly 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Fliers 53.57 1,500 18,000 19,800 21,780

Per day monthly 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Packaging 89 2,500 30,000 33,000 36,300

Disposable 35 1,000 12,000 13,000 14,3000
Total 124 3,500 42,000 46,000 50,600
Equipment amount depriciation Year 1 value Year 2 value Year 3 value
Ice cream machine 70,000 23,333.33 70,000 46,666.67 23,333.34
Refrigirator 7,000 2,333.33 7,000 4,600.67 2,333.33
Electric deep fryer 2,370 790 2,370 1580 790
Total 26,456.66 79,370 52,913.34 26,456.68

Stall equipment Amount Depreciation 1st year value 2nd year 3rd year value
Fan 1300 433.33 1,300 866.67 433.34
Cleaning materials 442 147.33 442 294.67 147.39
Fire extinguisher 849 283 849 566 283
Total 863.66 2591 1,161.34 863.68

Furniture Amount Depreciation 1st year value 2nd year 3rd year value
Cabinet 4,999 1,666.35 4,999 3,332.67 1,666.34
Table 2,396 798.66 2,396 1,597.34 798.68
Chair 3,920 1,306.66 3,920 2,613.34 1,306.68
Total 3,771.65 11,315 7,543.35 3,771.7

Supplies Amount Depreciation 1st year value 2nd year 3rd year value
Official receipt 6,000 2,000 6,000 4,000 2,000

Ballpen 120 40 120 80 40

Overall 5,080
FRice cream

Statement of income

For the year ended

December 31 2023-2025

2023 2024 2025

sales 1,260,000 1,386,000 1,524,600

Less:cost of sales 207,000 227,700 250,470

Gross profit 1,053,000 1,158,300 1,274,130


utility 22,560 24,816 27,297.6

Salary 336,000 369,600 406,560

Promotional 18.,000 19,800 21,780

packaging 42,000 46,200 50,820

depreciation 26,456.66 26,456.66 26,456.66

Net income 607,983.34 668,781.674 735,659.8414

FRice cream

Projected cash flow

For the year ended

december 31 2023-2025
2023 2024 2025

Cash in flows

Cash, beginning 649,990 714,989

capital 100,000

sales 1,260,000 1,386,000 1,524,600

Total cash inflow 1,360,000 2,035,990 2,239,589

Less; cash out flow

Purchase of non 79,370 0 0

current asset

Purchase of stall 5,080 5,588 6,146.8


Cost of sales 207,000 227,700 250,470

Utility expense 22,560 24,816 27,297.6

salary 336,000 369,600 406,560

packaging 42,000 46,200 50,820

promotion 18,000 19,800 21,780

Total cash out flow 710,010 693,704 763,074.4

Balance, end 649,990 1,342,286 1,476.514.6

FRice cream

Statement of quity

For the year ended

December 31 2023-2025

2023 2024 2025

Beginning capital 100,000

Add, Investment 707,983.34 778,781.674

Add, Net income 607,983.34 668,781.674 735,659.8414

Total 707,983.34 778,781.674 856,659.8414

Less, withdrawal 0 0 0

Ending capital 707,983.34 778,781.674 856,659.8414

FRice cream

Projected statement of financial position

In the year ended

December 31, 2023-2025

2023 2024 2025


Cuirrent asset

cash 649,990 1,342,286 1,476,514.6

supplies 5,080 5,588 6,146.8

Non current asset 655,070 720,577 792,634.7

equipment 79,370 79,370 79,370

Accumulated 26,456.66 26,456.66 26,456.66


Total non current 105,826.66 52,913.34 52,913.34


Total asset 602,156.66


Total liabilities

Owners equity

capital 100,000

Add; net income 607,982.34

Total owners quity 707,983.34

Chapter VIII. Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of findings

Based on the gathered data, the following findings hereby summarized: Almost all of the 50
respondents who participated and were interviewed agreed with the given survey. This study
will show that the majority of students can purchase the product because it is inexpensive and
readily available, and based on our findings regarding the location, the location we selected is
suitable because it is close to the school, where a large number of students will purchase
product, and where motorbikes will pass by our store because we are situated near the
highway. According to the table of products above, the majority agrees about the product of
the business. They find it unique, they like it, and it can fulfill their cravings.

In conclusion, based on the research and study that we conducted, we therefore conclude that
our business is feasible, profitable and viable to the customers, and has a high probability of
success. Price The product is affordable and budget-friendly, and it has a good price that can
be bought for Php 75 below, which is worth it because of the affordability of the price.
Product This product is unique in the business industry, therefore in this generation people
been doing some different food combinations like our product which is frice cream. Place
Based on our respondents this place is convenient for students and also for the people who
wants to try our product. Promotion Flyers and posters help our product to promote our
business to other people to buy this product and to be accessible to the customers.

This business has chance to continue in the future by the help of the following

—The Business should make adjustments to make the product affordable for all. The
business should make an adjustment in size and give an offer that can fit their allowance; the
sizes would be based on the amount they can afford.

— The business should offer other products to the menu in the same context as fries and ice
cream, such as a cold and hot combination.

— The study would be better if the business would continuously have promotion, and most
of the respondents agree with this. Some of the promotion that can help is distribution of
flyers and posters, having promotions, and also having discounts because people are always
looking for discounts, and at the same time, the product will be recognized because of it.

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