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Title: Lost in the Woods

John was an adventurous boy who loved to explore the great outdoors. One day, he decided to
go for a hike in the nearby woods, despite his parents' warnings to be careful.
As John was hiking, he suddenly realized that he had lost his way. He looked around, but
nothing looked familiar. Panic set in as he realized that he was lost and had no idea how to get
back home.
John knew that he needed to find a solution to his problem, so he started to look around for
any signs of a path or trail. After a few minutes, he found a map lying on the ground. He picked
it up and studied it carefully, and soon he was able to figure out where he was and how to get
back home.
Feeling relieved and grateful, John made his way back home and hugged his worried parents.
They were happy to see him and praised him for being smart and resourceful.
John realized that he had learned an important lesson that day. He had always loved the thrill
of adventure, but he now understood that he needed to be more careful and prepared for
unexpected situations when exploring the outdoors.
He also learned that it's important to stay calm and focused when faced with a problem. By
staying calm, he was able to think clearly and find a solution to his problem.
As John went to bed that night, he felt proud of himself for overcoming his fear and finding his
way home. He knew that he would always be more careful and prepared the next time he went
on an adventure in the great outdoors.

1. What is the main character's name in the story?

a) John
b) Mary
c) Tom
d) Jane

2. What is the setting of the story?

a) A city
b) A forest
c) A beach
d) A mountain

3. What is the problem that the main character faces in the story?
a) They lost their phone
b) They can't find their way home
c) They are being bullied at school
d) They are hungry and have no food

4. What is the solution to the problem in the story?

a) The main character finds a map and is able to find their way home
b) The main character gets a new phone
c) The main character fights back against the bullies
d) The main character stays hungry and has to wait until they get home

5. What is the lesson or message that the story conveys?

a) Always be prepared for unexpected situations
b) Money can solve all problems
c) It's okay to be a bystander when others are being bullied
d) It's okay to go hungry sometimes

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