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MSETCL Employees’ Service Regulations 2012 St. Sr. Subject Regulation Page No. No, No, No, 2 12 9(12) 04 23 13. “Disciplinary Authority’ 9113) 04 24 14 “Duty” 94) 04 25 15 “Employee” 915) 04 26 16 “Foreign Service” 9(16) 04 27 17 “Head of Office 917) 04 28 18 “Head of the Department” 9118) 05 29 19 “Headquarters” 9(19) 05 30 20. “Holiday” 9(20) 05 31 21 “House Rent Allowance” 9@21) 05 32. 22 “Joining Time” 9(22) 05 33 23 “Leave on Average Pay 9(23) 05 34 24 “Leave on Half Average Pay 9(24) 05 35 25. “Leave Preparatory to Retirement” 9(28) 05 36 26 “Leave Salary’ 9(26) 06 3727 “Lien” 927) 06 38 28 “Line Staff” 9(28) 06 39 29 “Local Compensatory Allowance” 9029) 06 40 30 “Month” 930) 07 41 31 “Officiate” 9@1) 07 42° 32 “Pay" 9(32) o7 43° 33. “Permanent Employee’ o7 44°34 “Permanent Post’ 07 45 35 “Personal Pay” 9(35) 07 46 36 “Probationer” 9036) 07 47 37 “Special Pay” 987) 08 48 38 “Sphere of Duty’ 9038) 08 49 39 “Subsistence Allowance’ 939) 08 5040 “Temporary Employee” 9(40) 08 51 41 “Temporary Post’ 941) 08 52 42 “Time Scale” 9(42) 08 53 43. “Travelling Allowance” 9(43) 08 5444 “Work-charged Staff” 944) 08 Index

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