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Letter of Confirmation

It is hereby certified that

Ms / Mr Sauli Pietarinen from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences has been an

exchange student at our institution.

Chitkara University,India
Name of the host institution: ______________________________________

Chitkara University Insitute of Engineering and Tech.

Department(s) / Faculty of: _______________________________________

Official student exchange period: 11.01.2023 - 26.05.2023

of which the following dates were completed online: ____________________

Sangeet Jaura
Name of the signatory: __________________________________________

Pro Vice Chancellor , Office of International Affairs

Function: ____________________________________________________

31 - May - 2023
___________________________ __________________________
Date Stamp and Signature

This document should be completed at the end of the exchange period

by the host institution. Completed document must be uploaded by
the student to the Mobility-Online.

Metropolia PO Box 4000 Myllypurontie 1

University of Applied Sciences FI-00079 Metropolia, Finland FI-00920 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 7424 5000 Business ID 2094551-1

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