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Good morning to the honourable judges, teachers and my fellow friends.

I would like to
share a story entitled

‘The Foolish Donkey’.

A salt 盐 seller 卖家 used to 习惯 carry 携带 the salt bag on his donkey to the market every
day. On the way , they had to cross a river . One day ,  the donkey suddenly tumbled
down 跌落 the river and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved 溶解 in the
water and the bag became very light 轻 to carry. The donkey was happy. 

Then the donkey started to play the same trick 绝 招 every day. The salt seller came to
understand 了解 the trick and decided to 决定 teach a lesson 教训 to it. The next day, he
loaded 装 a cotton 棉 bag on the donkey. Again, it played the same trick hoping 希望
that the cotton bag would be still become lighter 更轻. 

But the dampened 湿 cotton became very heavy 重 to carry and it suffered 受 苦 much. It
learnt a lesson. After that, it did not play the trick and the seller was happy. 

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