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What is .NET?

Answer :- It is the technology from Microsoft, on which all other Microsoft

technologies will be depending on in future. It is a layer between the operating
system and the programming language.
How many Language support by .Net?
Answer ;- 20 languages
Which IDE is used to develop windows application in .net?
Answer :- Visual Studio.Net is IDE
Porpose of GAC ?
Answer :- The Global Assembly Cache stores assemblies specifically designated to be
shared by several applications on the computer.
Features of Visual Studio
Answer :-
Features of C# language?
Answer :-  C# is powerful and flexible.
 It is a language of few words.
 It is modular.
 It will be popular.
diagramm of CLR Execution
Answer :-
Full form of CTS? How it is HelpFUll?
Answer ;-
full form :- Comman Type System
How it's Helpfull :--It is intended to allow programs written in
different programming languages to easily share information.
List out Ipout Controls ?
Answer :- Checkbox

What will Happen If the value of the Autosize property of the label is True OR
Answer :-
Which Property is used to set font Colour with font dialog control?
Answer :- FontDialog.Color Property
Use of RadioButton | Properties of Radio buttton
Answer :-
Use : Radio buttons, also called option buttons, let users select one
option from a collection of two or more mutually exclusive, but related, options.
Radio buttons are always used in groups, and each option is
represented by one radio button in the group.

properties :
BackColor : It is used to set background color of the
BorderColor : It is used to set border color of the
BorderWidth : It is used to set width of border of the
Font : It is used to set font for the control text.
ForeColor : It is used to set color of the control text.
Text : It is used to set text to be shown for the
ToolTip : It displays the text when mouse is over the
Visible : To set visibility of control on the form.
Height : It is used to set height of the control.
Width : It is used to set width of the control.
GroupName : It is used to set name of the radio button
Porpose of groupbox Cotrol In With example
Answer :-
Use :- The GroupBox displays a frame around a group of controls with or
without a caption. Use a GroupBox to logically group a collection of controls on a
form. The group box is a container control that can be used
to define groups of controls.
Example :-
creates a GroupBox control : GroupBox authorGroup =
Properties :- authorGroup.Name = "GroupBox1";
authorGroup.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
authorGroup.ForeColor = Color.Maroon;
authorGroup.Text = "Author Details";
authorGroup.Font = newFont("Georgia",
Why it is needed to use Tab order in a GUI from ? write the steps to settab order
Answer :-
Purppose :- The tab order is the order in which a user moves focus
from one control to another by pressing the Tab key
Steps :-
1) Select the control in the designer.
2) In the Properties window in Visual Studio, set the
TabIndex property of the control to an appropriate number.
Properties of textbox with oneline Description.
Answer :-
1) Font :- Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the
2) FontHeight :- Gets or sets the height of the font of the control.
3) ForeColor :- Gets or sets the foreground color of the control.
4) Lines :- Gets or sets the lines of text in a text box
5) Multiline :- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a
multiline TextBox control.
6) PasswordChar :- Gets or sets the character used to mask characters
of a password in a single-line TextBox control.
7) ReadOnly :- Gets or sets a value indicating whether text in the
text box is read-only.
Events of Listbox controls with it's usages?

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