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Question #1

1)Could you also please verify if Mr Fetene if he has some experience in water harvesting?

Water Harvesting

I have participated on water harvesting works some of Which are

Construction of Kobo sand dam construction at Fentalle woreda about 4km from
Metehara town Designed by MS Consultancy. The scheme is to designed to collect
flood by series of four sand dam and collected at 50 m3 sandwich masonry
reservoir located at downstream of the dams by gravity. By chance I have
presented the physical model of the project on international conference on ground
water in Ethiopia held at Economic Commission of Africa by that time.
Additionally, I have managed different small scale roof water harvesting schemes,
when I was at Gudina Tumsa Foundation.

The other one is I have designed and supervised Kori small scale rock fill dam
(Cyclopean Concrete) located at Afar Region Zone one Kori Woreda, as the
project was turnkey Project. The project is to harvest the seasonal flood for the
cattle of the pastoralist.
Question #2

Especially the latest position is very brief – it would be helpful if Mr Fetene could specify his
responsibilities and personal contributions to the listed points. In particular the Tender
documents: what was he designing, revising? What kind of tender documents – what is being
tenderd, what was his task, what was the reques/result of this task and was it the only time he has
elaborated tender documents, if not, kindly ask him to mention when else he was involved in the
elaboration of tender documents.

From 8-Jully-2005 to 8-Jully-2006 GC I have been working for Pastoral Community

Development Project (PCDP) as Construction Supervision Engineer and Procurement Officer
Assisting procurement activities under taken by the community to deliver construction materials
up on time and specified quality and quantity.
Moreover, I have been engaged on Tender Preparation which includes Needs Assessment, Bid
Document Preparation, Preparation of Technical Specification, Drawings and Bill of Quantities,
Choice of the procurement method. Supervision of Bid Process Information on the submission,
opening, and evaluation of Bids and on the award of Contracts. Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria, Publication of the tender / Advertising / Inviting , Bids collection /
Submission ,Opening & Evaluation Award & Signing.

When I was at Afar Water Works Construction Enterprises I have participated and managed
different procurement works which includes procurement for goods and works. As there was a
multiple construction project, we were working on subletting part or whole of our projects to
different sub-contractors. Being as chief engineer and later as head of Construction Department I
have been engaged on different tender and bid process of works.
Question #3

When he states Capacity Building: what is his task? Who did he train? For which purpose, how
long, who participated, how many people participated, what were the topics, which were the
methods that he applied, has he produced didactic material, where were the Capacity building
activities held? This logic would need to be followed for anything stated in the CV.

At different level of Experience and working environment (Design and Or Construction) I have
been working on Knowledge transferring and Backing up Junior engineers so that they had
confidence professionally. Basically, when you are a team leader or works as the most
responsible person for specific work you need to capacitate your works because it is their
contribution that is summed together for your achievement. To get the ultimate achievement the
shortest way is to train inform backup the by your self if you have the skill and time the second
one is to make them trained by certified institutes or professionals. But most of the time it is
difficult to train construction professionals on duty which will hinder the site work and other
other hand it is also difficult certified professionals to site camps since they are not welling to
take the challenge. So I most of the time do the training by my self specially on contract
management and construction supervision areas. Here under I describes some of my experience
on the issue
1) At Design Environment
When I was working for Afar Design and Supervision Works, I had a commitment on my job
description to train support backup and supervise Junior Engineers. During that time, I have been
doing all formal and non-formal training and capacity building on design process of water
supply, Irrigation Design, Road Design theories and concepts, practical design works flow in
combination with different appropriate design software’s out of which
Bentley Water GEMS/CAD Water Hammer
 Network Building
 Drawing Elements
 Loading Elevation Data
 Alternative and Scenario Creation
 Running Model
 Reviewing and Analysis
 Publishing Result

ArcMap Arc Hydro Water Shade Delineation

 Fill the DEM
 Determining Flow direction
 Determining Flow Accumulation
 Stream Definition
 Stream segmentation
 Catchment Grid delineation
 Catchment Polygon Processing
 Drainage Point Processing
 Adjoining Catchment Processing
 Select pore point
 Extracting Catchment Area and Exporting to Shape File

AutoCAD Civil 3D
 Importing Surveyed Points
 Creating Surface Model
 Creating Alignment
 Creating Surface Profile
 Creating Design Profile
 Creating Typical Cros section/ Sub Assembly
 Creating Sample Line
 Creating Corridor model (Bringing together the Horizontal Alignment, the Vertical
Alignment (Profiles Surface and Design) and the typical Cros section the creating the 3D
 Creating Cros section Sheet
 Creating Quantity take off
 Plan Production (Publishing Plan Profile and Cros section Sheet)

Training on other important Engineering software’s like Global Mapper , Autodesk

InfraWorks , Google Earth and office software’s are some of them.

2) At Construction Environment
Capacity Building for professional engaged in construction site works,
 Process from site taking over on  
 Construction planning material breakdown, scheduling
 Surveying work,
 Method statement preparation,
 Take off preparation,
 Construction time management, 
 Construction time management, 
 Construction Claim Management
 Construction Change Management ( Variation )
 Contract administration,
 Payment preparation and overall project management
 Project Clause out Preparation

Question #4

When he stated Contract management and Construction supervision: please say which sort of
contracts he managed, I suppose it was the contracts with service providers? If yes, please say
which services. If is was for goods, please name the goods, and also the contract volume. When
Construction supervision is a key task, then it is interesting to know how many people were
working on the construction site, is it possible to state specific sub-tasks, what is being
About Types of Contracts
As I have stated above in the previous question related to tender, I have managed contract related
to goods and works too. Contracts related to goods are mainly procurement for construction
materials and Electro Mechanical equipment’s like cement, rebars, Pumps (Surface and
Submersible), Generators, and other building materials. When I was at Pastoral Community
Development Project (PCDP) I also engaged on procurements of Heelpost Materials and Tools,
Schools furniture’s and tools.
On the other hand, I have worked on Contract related to works specially when I have worked for
Afar Water Works, by subletting different construction projects to different sub-contractors in
the area.
Number of Staffs I have Supervised
At different levels of experience, I have managed and supervised different size of works. For
instance, when I was working as
 Site Engineer I managed from 10 to 20 Skilled and Semi-skilled personnel
 Project Manager I managed about 50 personnel’s out of which about 10 are skilled

 As Head of Construction Division more than 200 works were during under my
department out of which more than 10 highly professional Engineers, about 30 juniors to
graduate engineers, about 30 professionals on Administration and Finance area working
at different construction Sites. This number may not include temporary workers hired at
site level.

Volume and Scale of Contracts that I have Managed

1) At Design Environment
 Completed Design and Supervision of construction of Gewane Town Water Supply
Projects which is owned by the Afar National Regional State (SDG ) and AfWWCE as a
contractor . Located at Zone 3, Afar NRS, whose first Phase Project Cost is about
375,000,000 Birr Three hundred seventy-five Million Birr after expansion the
overall project cost goes up 500,000,000 Birr.

 Completed Design and Supervision of construction of Genu Multi Village Water Supply
Projects which is owned by the Afar National Regional State (SDG) and AfWWCE as a
contractor. Located at Zone 4, Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about 41,000,000 Birr
Forty-One Million Birr
 Completed Design and Supervision of construction of Ayshet Multi Village Water
Supply Projects which is owned by the Afar National Regional State (SDG) and
AfWWCE as a contractor. Located at Zone 2, Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about
67,000,000 Birr sixty-seven Million Birr

 Completed Supervision of construction of Ayshet Ground Water Based Pressurized

Irrigation Projects which is owned by the Afar National Regional State (SDG ) and
AfWWCE as a contractor .Located at Zone 2 ,Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about
92,000,000 Birr Ninety-two Million Birr

 Completed Geometric Design of DC 1 ERA Design standard one road from Afar
National Region State Palaces to Semera Air Port.

 Completed Feasibly Design Study of Berhale Ayshet Road Project.

2) At Construction Environment
 As a Project Manager Completed Construction of 530 Ha Pasture Irrigation Land
Development Projects which is owned by the Ministry of Water Resource and AfWWCE
as a contractor. Located at Zone 1, Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about 78 ,000,000
Birr Seventy Eight Million Birr.
 As a Project Manager Completed Construction of 1521 Ha Pasture Irrigation Land
Development Projects which is owned by the Ministry of Water Resource and AfWWCE
as a contractor. Located at Zone 1, Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about
156 ,000,000 Birr One hundred fifty six Million Birr

 As a Project Manager Completed Construction of Digdiga Teru Road Project which is

owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and AfWWCE as a contractor. Located at Zone 2,
Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about 92,000,000 Birr Ninety-two Million Birr.

 As a Construction Directorate Completed Construction of Semera Town Water Supply

Upgrading Project which is owned by the Afar Water Bureau and AfWWCE as a
contractor. Located at Zone 2, Afar NRS. Whose Project Cost is about 130,000,000
Birr One hundred thirty Million Birr.

 Being as a Construction director at Afar Water Works Construction Enterprises has

completed more than more than 30 different Medium and Large Water Supply, Irrigation
Infrastructures, Road and Bridge Construction, Urban Flood Protection Projects and Land
Scape and Green Area Development Projects. Whose Companies annual turnover is more
than 800,000,000 Birr, eight hundred Million Birr.
 As Office Engineer at Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprises, WWDSE, at
Tendaho Dam and Irrigation Project, I have been managing a contract vale of about
864,000,000 Birr Eight hundred sixty-four Million Birr

About Tasks Supervised

As Construction Contract Administration I have been working to assure that proper
management of construction inspection, surveying, materials testing and contract administration
activities are completed in accordance with the Project Contract requirement, specification and
More Specifically I have been working primary on the following the contract administration
 Ensure the Construction performs all Work in accordance with the Contract;
 Maintain complete and accurate records of the activities and events relating to the
 Obtain necessary approvals and document significant changes to the project;
 Interpret Drawings, Specifications (Construction and material) and Special Provisions for
the project;
 Meeting with the contraction team on a regular basis to review progress, discuss
problems and consider necessary changes.
 Resolve any problems which may have a significant impact on the execution, progress
and/or overall cost of the project.
 Prepare and participate in dispute resolution or litigation regarding the project.
 Monitoring the construction progress and performance to ensure goods and services
conform to the contract requirements.
 Authorizing payments consistent with the contract terms.
 Resolving disputes in a timely manner.
 Maintaining appropriate records.
 Determining the sequence of activities, dependencies, required or desired outcomes, and
acceptable performance levels.
 Developing a time table and start and end date for each performance component. Include
milestones with accompanying time frames, and monitoring and reporting requirements.
 Monitoring construction activity on a specified frequency to identify problem areas.
 Meeting with the contraction team on a regular basis to review progress, discuss
problems and consider necessary changes.
 Providing access to facilities, equipment, data, staff, materials and information.
 Establishing scope of authority, clear lines of communication and reporting and specific
individuals who will interact directly with the contractor.
 Establishing control of correspondence, data and reports.
 Identifying potential problems and solutions.
 Establishing a procedure, identifying a responsible person and establishing a timeframe
for handling noncompliance.
 Establishing a procedure, identifying a responsible person and establishing a timeline for
making necessary contract decisions or modifications
Question #5

The mentioned ESIA study, did he conduct it by himself? With who did he
collaborate, what was the result, what was his specific taks, any prior assessments,
which regulations were being followed/monitored, … more details will strengthen
the list of tasks of the first position.

As design team is composed of multiple professional’s and expertise like

sociologist (socio economist), environmentalist, location engineer (Surveyor),
hydrologist, geologist, hydraulic engineer, structural engineer etc. but the main
design engineer (team leader) or coordinator is supposed to look over all design
compartment and chapters and with each professional too. So I have been doing
the ESIA study with all the above mentioned team of professionals by coordinating
supervising and incorporating the whole team my basic duty being concerned on
the main engineering design par.

Specific to ESIA of Construction of Infrastructure development Projects my key

areas of concern were

 Vulnerability of project area to erosion must be considered

 Excavation should not be undertaken during high erosion risk periods
 Location for excavations for sand, gravel and stone for construction should
be sited away from erosion risk areas
 Systems should be implemented to minimize erosion during construction
 Attempts must be made to protect valuable ecosystems
 Adequate compensation should be provided for people who are resettled
 Quarry and borrow sites should be rehabilitated after use
 Siting of the dam/reservoir must take into consideration the local earthquake
and faulting activity which may cause breaching of the dam
 Population resettlement requires careful planning
 Efforts must be made to minimize damage or loss of sites of
cultural/historical/ecological significance
 A clean-up must be done in the project area after the construction phase is

All projects should take the following in environmentally sensitive areas activities
irrespective of the nature of the project. Sensitive areas may include:

 Land prone to erosion

 Land prone to desertification
 Areas which harbor protected, threatened or endangered species
 Areas of particular historic or archaeological interest
 Primary forests
 Wetland of national or international importance
 National Park and protected area
 Important landscape
 Religiously important area

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