T 16. Clarification Disability Employment 220310 Revision

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16 Clarification on Disability in DKI Jakarta

1) In Paljaya there are no people with disabilities working, this happens because
there is no policy from the leadership or directors regarding the recruitment of
workers with disabilities. mentions that there are 22 types of rights that people
with disabilities have, including the right to get a job. Then in Article 53
Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of Law Number 8/2016 obliges the
Government, Regional Government, BUMN, and BUMD to employ at least 2
percent of people with disabilities and requires private companies to employ
at least 1 percent of people with disabilities. of the total employees or workers.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) that the data for persons with
disabilities in DKI Jakarta per region in 2021 is 634 people with regional details
as follows:
 West Jakarta as many as ; 174 people
 North Jakarta : 27 people
 South Jakarta : 173 people
 East Jakarta : 177 people
 Central Jakarta : 83 people

Based on the existing data, it shows that the fulfillment of the right to become
a State Civil Apparatus for persons with disabilities in the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government has not been carried out properly, in the 2018 Civil
Servant Candidates in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government there are 64
formations for CPNS with disabilities, but in fact only 23 people who are
recruited to become State Civil Apparatus from persons with disabilities who
work within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which are spread across a
number of regional work units (SKPD), this occurs due to lack of socialization,
information on recruitment or selection of ASN with disabilities, lack of
supporting infrastructure and facilities and discrimination in certain jobs and

Based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 2020 concerning Work

Disability Service Units, paragraph (1) explains that Local Governments are
required to have a Work Disability Service Unit and in paragraph (2) a Work
Disability Service Unit is implemented. by Labor. Therefore, the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government has established an Employment Disability Service Unit
under the name of the Manpower Disability Service Unit at the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Office.

2) Conclusions and recommendations:

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's policy in empowering persons with
disabilities has issued Governor's Instruction Number 2 of 2018 concerning
Persons with Disabilities as Other Service Providers for Individuals. Where in
the Governor's instructions that Persons with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta have
the opportunity to develop themselves to fill job opportunities with a quota of 2

percent of the total allocation of other service providers. Realizing equal
human rights for persons with disabilities so that they can progress and
develop in a fair, independent and non-discriminatory manner. In accordance
with the Governor's Instruction Number 2 of 2018 concerning Persons with
Disabilities as Other Service Providers for Individuals, Paljaya should be able
to follow up on the Governor's policy in employing people with disabilities,
which is 2% of the total employee allocation. within Paljaya while still adjusting
the education and capabilities and competencies needed at Perumda Paljaya.

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