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Explanation of the legislative process for changing the form of the law from Perumda to Perseroda

Numbe Activity description Activity time

1. Preparation of draft regional regulations regarding Perseroda 3 Months
2. Paljaya submitted an application to the DKI Jakarta BUMD Trustees to obtain approval 2 Months
for the change in the form of a legal entity to become a Perseroda.
3. Paljaya submitted a request to change the legal form of Perumda to Perseroda to the 2 Months
Governor of DKI Jakarta accompanied by the results of an initial study made by Perumda
4. The Governor studied Paljaya's application letter, followed by the formation of Regional 1 Months
Regulation Drafting Team through the Governor's Decree.
5. Paljaya opened an open auction (recruitment) for the implementation of the work on 3 Months
the preparation of the Academic Paper on the Draft Regional Regulation on the Change
of the legal form of Perumda to Perseroda.
6. The process of preparing the Academic Paper of the Draft Regional Regulation on the 10 Months
Establishment of Perseroda Legal Entity by team experts with theoretical and empirical
study methodologies was carried out in participatory way through Focuss Group
Discussions and Public Tests involving stakeholders from relevant agencies, academics,
expert teams and Non Governmental Organizations.
7. The Academic Manuscript and the Draft Regional Regulation on the Establishment of a 3 Months
Perseroda Legal Entity are then discussed in the legislature with Bapemperda, Paljaya as
the applicant and other relevant agencies.
8. Academic Papers and Draft Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of 1 Months
Perseroda Legal Entities resulting from discussions in the legislature are submitted to
the Governor.
9. The Regional Secretariat carries out the administrative process for the determination of 1 Months
the Regional Regulation concerning the Change of the legal form of Perumda to
Perseroda which is then submitted to the Governor after obtaining approval from the
DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
10. Determination of changes in the legal form of Perumda to Perseroda 1 Months

Regional governments can adapt changes in circumstances in the form of BUMD laws and management procedures that will have implications
for BUMD management and BUMD capital ownership in accordance with the provisions mandated by Law Number 23 of 2014 and Government
Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning unified BUMD BUMD side character Commercial Corporation. and vice versa is the Social Enterprises,
the nature of this duality needs to be reviewed with the form of BUMD in accordance with the field of business.

In essence, Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) themselves have a strategic role for the regions considering their dual function, namely one of
the facilities for regional financial receipts (PAD) and providing services to the community in the regions according to the type of business.
Conceptually, Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) are all business entities or part of the large capital owned by the region. With regional
autonomy in an effort to increase the economy, can BUMD be formed by itself, either for the purpose of public service, profit oriented or a
combination of both.

If you want to change the form of the law from Perumda to Perseroda, the local government or the initiator must first evaluate it through an
academic study or study conducted by an institution appointed professionally by the initiator viewed from various aspects:

 Legal aspects, business aspects, organizational and management aspects, financial aspects, market and marketing aspects.
 Improved aspects of wastewater services in an optimal, effective, efficient, performance, and sustainable manner.
 Increase the company's capacity by optimizing the principles of the system manage good company (GCG).

Judging from the aspect, it is possible that in the long term retraining is needed when changing the form of the law. Perumda can change to
Perseroda with a note that there is a strong desire from the local government in this case the Governor and it is carried out in accordance with
applicable regulations.

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