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F. Diaz
“Look at the weather when you step out; look at
men’s faces when you step in.”
- Chinese proverb -
Learning Competencies

F. Diaz
7.1 Identify the basic and secondary types of
7.2 Discuss how the intensity and differentiation
of emotions may help in communicating emotional
7.3 Explore one’s positive and negative emotions
and how one expresses or hides them
7.4 Demonstrate and create ways to manage
various emotions
Components of Emotion

F. Diaz
Interpret or appraise
some stimulus in terms of one’s well-being
e.g. changes in
hear rate or breathing
Show observable
Experience a
subjective feeling
Case Sample

F. Diaz
A high-level Central Intelligence Agency
official named Aldrich Ames received or
was promised to receive $4.6 million from
Russia. Later, he pleases guilty to
espionage and is currently serving a life
sentence in prison.
The Ames case brings up the issue of lie
detection because he passed at least 2
polygraph test while selling US secrets to
Case Sample

F. Diaz
How Accurate Are Lie Detector Tests?
Why did Floyd fail two lie detector exams if he was innocent?
Why did Ames pass two lie detector tests if he was lying?
• The problem with lie detector tests is that there is still a lack of
identified pattern of physiological responses specific to lying. A
number of different emotions such as guilt, fear or worry can
trigger physiological responses that make a person appear to be
lying when he or she is telling the truth.
• The test administrator also can have a bias about the subject
and not provide objective interpretation of the results. Hence,
researchers estimate that lie detector tests are wrong 25-75% of
the time.
• About 50% of guilty people who were told to both press their
toes to
Case Sample

F. Diaz
• About 50% of guilty people who were told to both press their
toes to the ground and bite their tongue during control questions
passed the lie detector test.
• New tests now include brain scans to detect changes in thinking
and associated neural activity that occur when lying.
Functions of Emotion

F. Diaz
 Preparing us for action
- a link between external events and behavioral

 Shaping our future behavior

- acts as reinforcement

 Helping is to regulate social interaction

- allow observers to better understand us
Qualities of Emotion

F. Diaz
 Emotions are felt and expressed by stereotypic
facial expressions.
 Emotions are less controllable and may not
respond to reason.
 Emotions have an influence on cognitive
 Emotions are hard-wired in the brain. Hence, it
is an innate response.
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Theories of Emotions

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 The brain interprets specific physiological
changes as feelings or emotions and that there
is a different physiological pattern underlying
each emotion.
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Theories of Emotions

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 sensations or feedback from the movement of
your facial muscles and skin are interpreted by
your brain as different emotions
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Theories of Emotions

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 Learning how to smile has grown into a big
business in Japan. Employees are now being sent
to “smile school,” which uses various techniques to
teach reluctant and bashful students to smile.
 A technique is to follow “smile” instructions: “Relax
the muscle under your nose, loosen up your tongue.
Put your hands on your stomach and laugh out
loud, feeling the ‘poisons’ escape” (Reitman, 1999,
p. A1)
Theories of Emotions

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Plutchik’s Psychoevolutionary T.

F. Diaz
 Illustrate the various
relationships among the
 8 primary emotions:
1. Joy
2. Trust
3. Fear
4. Surprise
5. Sadness
6. Disgust
7. Anger
8. Vigilance
Plutchik’s Psychoevolutionary T.

F. Diaz
 The intensity of emotion decreases as you move
outward and increases as you move toward the
wheel’s center
 The intensity of the emotion is indicated by the
color: The darker the shade, the more intense
the emotion
Anger at its least level of intensity is annoyance.
At its highest level of intensity, anger becomes rage.
Plutchik’s Psychoevolutionary T.

F. Diaz
 Each primary emotion also has a polar
opposite, so that:
Joy is the opposite of sadness.
Fear is the opposite of anger.
Anticipation is the opposite of surprise.
Disgust is the opposite of trust.
Universal Facial Expressions

F. Diaz
 Universal emotional expressions are specific
inherited facial patterns or expressions that
signal specific feelings or emotional states.
Proponents are Paul Ekman and Carroll Izard.
Cross-cultural Evidence: How do individuals from
relatively isolate cultures know how to smile or what
smile means?
Smile is an unlearned, inherited universal emotional
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Basic Types of Emotions

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Secondary Types of Emotions

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 These are emotions (pleasant to unpleasant)
that have a major cognitive component
determined by both their level of arousal (low
to high) and their valence.
Secondary Types of Emotions

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ANS and Emotions

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 The is most active
during processes that expend body energy from
your stored reserves. It usually activates the body’s
emergency action or fight-or-flight response.
 The is most
active during processes that restore reserve
energy in the body, usually associated with
relaxing and eating. It responds much more slowly
compared to the SNS.
Bodily topography of basic (Upper) and nonbasic (Lower) emotions associated with words.

F. Diaz
Lauri Nummenmaa et al. PNAS 2014;111:2:646-651

©2014 by National Academy of Sciences

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Marshmallow Test

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F. Diaz
Consider this scenario: You’ve just landed at an airport and you have to walk to
the baggage claim to pick up your luggage. It takes you 12 minutes to walk
there. When you arrive your luggage is coming onto the carousel. How
impatient do you feel?

Contrast that with this scenario: You’ve just landed at an airport, and the walk
to the luggage carousel takes 2 minutes. Then you stand around waiting 10
minutes for your luggage to appear. How impatient do you feel now?

In both cases it took you 12 minutes to pick up your luggage, but chances are
you are much more impatient, and much unhappier, in the second scenario
where you have to stand around and wait.
F. Diaz 2021

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