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Q.1What is Privatization?

Privatization is the process of handing over ownership or management of public

companies, enterprises, and assets to private investors. This transfer procedure
involves the issuance of shares as well as the sale or direct distribution to the general
public. All other measures, including "outsourcing," which allows for the private
sector to carry out government-regulated or financed tasks, are included under the
umbrella term privatization. Waste management, street design, housing, education, etc.
Other way, there are several ways in which privatization might occur. A small number
of people seize control of a publicly listed firm in the process. The stock of the
corporation is no longer traded on the stock market. Common people are thus
prohibited from owning stock in such a firm. The phrase "Private Limited" was used
by the corporation in place of the word "Limited".

Merits and Demerits of Privatization:

Enhanced performance
Salary and benefit
Possibilities for Advancement
Management has been improved
Employees' Opposition
Government Funding Shortage
Private companies concentrate on what is profitable
Inadequate Work

Q.2 What is Nationalization?

Nationalization is a process Taking over privately held businesses, resources, or other
property inside a nation is a process known as nationalization. Typically, it entails giving
ownership to the state or government instead of private persons, businesses, or
organizations. Although nationalization can have a variety of goals, it is frequently done
to advance the public good, guarantee fair resource allocation, or exert more control over
important economic sectors. Depending on the government's objectives and the unique
situation, nationalization can take many various shapes. It can entail acquiring and
controlling a whole business or sector, together with all of its operations, management,
and assets. Alternately, partial nationalization can take place when the government buys a
sizable share or controlling interest in a privately held company while maintaining a
certain proportion of private ownership.

Merits and Demerits of Nationalization

Complete Nationalization
Control and Direction
Social Welfare
Resource Allocation
It ensures steady supply of essential services
Encourages efficient use of resources
Protection of strategic industries
Elimination of Monopoly
Ensures equitable distribution of resources

Low output and ineffectiveness
Keeping private projects
Consumers can be exploited
Corruption and mismanagement
Political interference
Regulatory Overload
Disagreements and Conflicts
Funding and Investment
. Efficiency Concerns

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