InglesIII Week 11

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Víctor Alejandro Moreno Agurto


Cáceres Quispe, Mariela Buey Fernández, José Calderón Cotos, Moisés

U22244937 U22219288 U20250362

Lima, june 2023.

Old vs modern
Hi teacher, my name is José: My favorite device is the cell phone. I am
currently using a cell phone of the iPhone brand and 10s model, almost a little
old. Generally, I like this device more than another, since in my free time I don't
usually watch TV or play games on my laptop, I just listen to music from my cell
phone with my new headphones, the cheapest ones I got in the store. It is a
very good cell phone, but today, a more updated model called iPhone13 has
come out. When comparing it with my cell phone, this one is so much better,
since it has a better camera, it has better resistance, and it has more battery

Hi teacher, my name is Mariela: Me too Jose, my favorite device is the cell

phone, today I use the Motorola brand. And although, it is the oldest
technological device that I have, I like it a lot, not only because of its good
battery but because it is resistant, the truth is that I am very careless and it has
dropped several times but even so, the screen is still intact, works correctly.
About a month ago a new Motorola model came out that of course is much
better than the one I have, it has 4 cameras and has more memory. I bought it.
Today people can get very cheap and the most practical devices online

Hi teacher, my name is Moisés: My favorite technological device is the cell

phone. My first cell phone I had was a Motorola, one of the first models with
keys, today I have a Samsung galaxy A51 because it has better capacity, less
weight, has modern functions, better camera, among others. I use it for different
functions, for social life, for students and others, thus having different functions
to use my phone, for calls, messages, social applications, study applications
such as canvas, UTP+, Zoom, among others. Besides having a good camera
and sound to be able to communicate better in my classes and present
assignments from my phone.

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