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My first flight to Kashmir

Ready with all the bags packed, waiting for my chance

for the security check-in, sailing in a boat of many
different emotions; fear, excitement, happiness. Thinking
why there are so many, wondering where to explore. My
mind was circling just like an eagle flying, circling boldly
over the mountains crest.

Every thing was in shades of rainbow. Finally, my chance

was here to board the flight. The flight was as big as a
giant [beast]. As we flew higher my heartbeat began
drumming in my ears as drilling holes. But the
excitement level was high and fear went low after the
constant speed of flight.

The window seat was a heaven. The tiny buildings

looked just like lilliput. The floaty white cotton candy like
clouds were sailing in the sky and two or three chunks
out of them floated wide in distant corners of the sky like
well-formed punctuation marks, placed with exceptional
care. The sun shone brilliantly spreading a golden glow
and filtered through the clouds that drifted across the
clear blue sky. I felt like the world was mine to conquer
and I was ready to fly. Suddenly, zoom! The flight
landed. I had reached Kashmir!!!! Hurray I yelled with


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