Field Guide - Castor and Pollux 2.3

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An unofficial supplement for Lancer, the mech RPG by Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson

The Field Guide to Castor and Pollux is not an official Lancer product; it is a third party work,
and is not affiliated with Massif Press. The Field Guide to Castor and Pollux is published via the
Lancer Third Party License.
Lancer is copyright Massif Press

Miles Mellott (@cicada king (hellaspooks)#2744 on Discord or @the_cicada_king on Twitter)

Art By
Ernesto Flores (@SkyCrimeDraws on Twitter) (Couatl and Pharos)
GenTrigger (@GenTrigger on Twitter) (Lemongrass and Sicklewing)
Crixler (PI-OF logo)

Cover Art
“Killing an Enemy” - Robert Blyth, 1779

Special Thanks
Reconus, Ru, Delilah, Kojima, Ikiryo, Briar, Crixler, Melon, CYAN, Alaen, and Sasha on PilotNET for your
help, inspiration, and support in making this guide a reality

Thanks for Playing!

Field Guide:
Compiled For: DoJ/HR - UBM
Reference Name: TIDAL MONUMENT

Union Administrator Shao Altan-Huan,

Impulse//Vertigo (UDoJ/HR REG: 005008UAD, CYCLE 14)

Original: UniGal Common

Distribution: TOWER GOLD


05:08, D26/M5 STANDARD, 5016U

The wide glass dome of the observation bubble curves down below the concourse, revealing the
pale mint continent and deep blue oceans of Pollux below. Just beneath his feet Shao can see the
infinitesimal thread of the space elevator that he’ll soon be riding down. He picks at the collar of
his newly printed suit while the view slowly spins. Planets always look peaceful from above – but
he knows not to be misled by appearances.

“Administrator Altan-Huan?” He turns to see a young woman in a pristine white uniform with
golden trim, a circular gold pin on her lapel. He recognizes the icon from the briefing he received.
She waits expectantly, a cleanly molded smile frozen on her face. He steps forward — between
the subalterns that not-so-subtly interposed themselves between the administrator and his escort
— and extends a hand. She takes it slightly too quickly for comfort.

“My name is Cassidy, and I am honored to be the first to welcome you to Quetzal’s Flight! I’m sure
you’ll be very impressed with our humble home. If you’ll come this way, we’ve prepared a
welcome package for you.” Her voice is like a mirror, polished and perfectly self-effacing. He
takes one last look down at the planet below. Beside him, a man in worker’s clothes calls a family
member from a terminal. Cassidy is already beckoning him to a – he grimaces – velvet carpet
bypassing the customs line. He can see at least two bouquets from here. Somehow, live fire in the
empire-city of Tantamount was easier to navigate. He wonders when he’ll see his Saladin again.

As he rides down to Pollux’s surface, he hopes only that it will stay as beautiful as the view from



A Campaign in Quetzal’s Flight 7 PHAROS 42
Adika Tef/Shao Altan-Huan 14 FENNEL 66
Samara Al-Altaw’m/Jura Harlem 15 LEMONGRASS 70
Duster Cain/Kyon Winters 16 PEPPERCORN 74
Bethany Klein/Deluge Solomon 17 ROSEMARY 77
Himiko Arasawa/Weile Kodyne 18 SPEARMINT 80
Citadel Correa 19 STAR ANISE 84


Pollux 21 SECTION 3:
Castor 23
Jian’s Well 25
Extra-Planetary Bodies 26 GM TOOLS 89
MISSION HOOKS 27 Architect 89
Grenadier 91
Interceptor 93
SECTION 1: Packmaster 95
Vector 97
Pyre Template 101
Earn Your Wings 28
Using This Guide 102
Get An Upgrade 29
Sample Mission: Collision Course
Modules 30
Overview 105
Complications 31
Combat 1: Trouble on Tinplate 106
Quirks 32
Combat 2a: Eye For An Eye 107
Combat 2b: How’s My Driving? 108
Combat 3: Adika’s Locksmith 110
Combat 5: 5 Minutes to Midnight 111
Sabotage Sitrep 114
Secure Sitrep 115

Castor and Pollux
The Wheel Turns Goldilocks Twins
Even in the final days of the Second Committee, Hidden in the Sierra Madre line, twelve
the all-encompassing wave of expansion never lightyears from the nearest blinkgate, is a jewel.
ceased. Union sought not only to broaden its Quetzal’s Flight: a system with two habitable
borders but to deepen them, filling in the gaps planets. Pollux and Castor are goldilocks twins,
that its rapid efforts had left between blinkgates a stellar rarity. Sister colonies were seeded and
as new planets were identified and scouted. The developed on both worlds. While they grew in
Laurel Rush was a final wave of colonization for relative peace, as each became industrially
these inner-ring worlds, a lottery of land rights stable it became strained. The system was also
to mineral-rich worlds for any party with the home to a mineral-rich planet, and a gas giant
capital to take them, scattered across Union ripe to be skimmed; whichever twin came to
space. Theirs was a mad dash to colonize and control them would ensure it’s economic
establish the next lucrative wave of SecComm prosperity and a place in the galactic stage, and
success and ideology – blind to the revolution the resulting gold rush blossomed from a cold
brewing on the Core Worlds. war into active skirmishes as each planet tried
to plant its flag.
Laurel Rush colonies found that mere decades
after settlement, Union went dark. While the In the early days, each planet only sent
Omninet was never silent, their patron was unmanned probes to survey and identify likely
gone, and they had been left with only the landing spots on Tinplate - a rocky, sunward
dream of a gilded future to guide them. Now, as world - and several larger asteroids. As these
the Third Committee reaches out to it’s lost missions became more frequent and
brethren, they have found bastions of the semi-permanent satellites were established, the
anthrochauvinistic, self-centered, and twins began to sabotage each other’s machines
capital-driven ideals they sought to circumvent. - first as deniable ‘accidents’ with colliding
Integration has proven itself a rocky and difficult debris, and eventually escalating into active
proposition.1 The wheel of the galaxy continues defense nets that prohibited any launch.
to turn.
The transition to manned missions created a lull
in the conflict as neither side wanted to make
the first strike. However, when Castor created
the first permanent living quarters in Teapot
Crater, thus claiming it as incorporated territory,
Pollux lashed out at the threat. Threats became
missile bombardments and each planet sent
small fightercraft and dumb kinetics to meet in
the gulf of space between them. Smaller
skirmishes with infantry and chassis spread
across Tinplate and orbital platforms, although
they never reached either twin’s surface. These
forces were a mix of corporate mercenaries and
active military as economic interest merged with
national identity. Before these conflicts could
ignite into outright planetary war, disaster

See reports Redwood Grove, Augusta-4 (BLUE
EXCLUSION), and Westcoat’s Reach (TOWER
GOLD) for previous Laurel Rush contact
The Flare in the few bunkers and other underground safe
havens they were able to find before the flare
Castor’s orbitals gave them only a few hours came. The lingering radiation and
notice: a one-in-a-billion event, a massive solar electromagnetic storms destroyed most
flare set to erupt from their host star. On a path technology and made surface travel almost
to engulf the planet in a wave of radiation and impossible, leaving them with no way to call out
heat, Castor’s government scrambled to form a or make their presence known3. Instead they
response. Even with immediate global survived – scrounging in a wasteland and
redirection of resources to evacuation, only a growing embittered by its hardships.
fraction of the population would ever make it
offworld – and of those, even fewer would As the cataclysm slowly wanes, they have finally
escape the coming flare’s radius. Frantic re-established a fledgling nation and reawoken
messages were sent to Pollux – pleas for refuge old machines. Secrecy – once lamented, now
for their citizens, and for desperate recognition inherited – is a weapon for them as they strike
in their final moments. Before sunset, Castor against the planet that abandoned their
was scoured and silent2. still-breathing corpse. Their attacks are growing
in number and intensity, and it’s only a matter of
20,000 survivors arrived on Pollux - 18,000 from time before the source is uncovered, and the
the lifeboats, and a scattered 2,000 from war begins again in earnest. Old wounds are
off-planet combatants and expeditions in the being reopened and the battlelines drawn as
asteroid belt. The last gasp from a colony of 3.7 once again the system seems on the brink of
million. Pollux mourned it’s sister – and claimed war – and to the victor, survival, and a galaxy’s
the riches of their home system. Castor lay worth of wealth.
quarantined and desolate, a radioactive tomb

A Corporate Kingdom
Now, almost 200 years later, Pollux is a hub of
commerce and industry. Made rich by the
exploitation of the system’s natural wealth, it
has garnered the attention of powers
Union-wide, and only continues to grow.
However, all is not well. With money comes
greed, and there are countless actors within the
cutthroat mercantile hegemony that would do
anything to see themselves come out on top.
The populace enjoys wealth and excess, but
behind closed doors their lives become
bargaining chips for the desperate and powerful
alike. Wealth and political power are the new
twins of Pollux, and in 5008u they applied to
become the host system of a new blinkgate - an
act that would skyrocket their galactic
prominence if approved. The request is under
examination while they undergo a probationary
Union review, and the merchant dynasties that
rule Pollux grow restless as each vies for power.
Grimmer still, Castor stirs.

Survivors of a ruined world, the descendants of

those left behind in the exodus have remained

Many Polluxite historians theorize that the
Flare prevented what could have become a far
greater conflict leaving both planets barren; the
topic is still under debate in academic circles. It is unclear what efforts were made to search
The Orbit’s official stance mourns the Flare as a Castor after the Flare. Surveillance records from
tragedy. the era are highly classified, if they exist at all.
A Campaign in Quetzal’s In the dawn hours of the conflict they may aid or
interfere in the machinations of Himiko Arasawa;
Flight defend the Tinplate installations from early
skirmishes; or chase intrigue and their own
One way or another, war is coming to Quetzal’s wealth in the neon streets of Punta Caridad.
Flight. The first strikes have already begun, and
leaders on both sides view the other as an As the skirmishes escalate to war and
existential threat for reasons both past and knowledge spreads to the citizens of Pollux, any
present. Uninterrupted it will drag their planets armed force will either be looked on in suspicion
into a deadly conflict – one that will only end or as a tool by those with an agenda. Who will
with the annihilation of one or both colonies, they fight? Who will they save? Will they side
and untold losses for the survivor. Pollux is with someone, willingly or by force, or will they
driven by a corporate hegemony, ever greedy try to forge a third option? Will the war be a hot
and monopolistic in its attack on competition – and deadly path to destruction, or become a
and supported by generations of exponential brutal siege between planets as each digs its
success. Castor’s council has become an heels in?
authoritarian cult, driven by rage, pain, and the
extremely present threat of dwindling resources The war between Castor and Pollux is centuries
and the instability of their position as they are in the making – but its ending is still unwritten.
backed into the corner. For each twin, fratricide This moment now, when leaders tilt nations to
is preferable to death. war and cast their citizen’s lives like dice, is the
moment when everything can change. The story
So, where do the players come in? They are an of who, and what, remains, is up to you.
unknown variable in the orbital dynamics of
Quetzal’s Flight – even if they cannot prevent
the collision of its major powers, they may be
able to slow it, soften the blow, and manage the
fallout. They could be militia for the Gilded
Orbit, mercenaries from greater occupied
space, or the timely arrival of a Union Navy or
DoJ/HR team to back up the newly appointed

Himiko Arasawa, CEO and Head Chairwoman of the Keyhole Geologic Interest, sits beside a plate-glass
window looking out over the lights of Punta Caridad. The warm glow of storefronts is gradually being
replaced by the harsher neon of after-hours entertainment, though it is all softened by the time it reaches
her nearly a mile up the point from the city proper. She is the picture of peace; a loose summer blouse,
wide-legged cotton pants, gently reclined in a custom-made ergonomic office chair with a cup of tea
cooling at the table by her side. A report that would tear the city apart lies idle on the slate on her desk.
Instead, she enjoys her evening in a quiet contemplation.

Ten million twinkling lights. A constellation of her own that illuminated the night. There was so much still
to be done before it would be complete – even in these quiet moments, Himiko mused, she never truly
escaped her work.

Competing companies were an irritation as always; none had the standing to challenge her, but she still
disliked the drain on her focus. There were elections upcoming, and while she was certain of her seat the
rising upstarts seemed to get louder every year. A smear campaign would be clumsy, but perhaps when
candidates were announced she would begin to gather suitable persuasive material for her own personal
conversations. Squawking birds that clawed at their own nest like a cuckoo, endeavoring even impotently
to upset stability. They irked her like the unexpected stink of rotten fish from a formal dinner. Himiko
noticed she was frowning and took a moment to breathe. Tonight was a good night and she wouldn’t
spoil her complexion over reactionaries.

She would plan her steps carefully, of course. The dance was new but the rhythm all the same as the
waltz she’d walked since she could talk. Above the cityscape, the lights washed out the real stars and left
only the thick black veil of space behind. She knew what was waiting out there – but they had no idea
who she was, or that she had already won.

She made another cup of tea.

The Gilded Orbit Seats of the Syzygy
The ruling body of Pollux, the Orbit is the
consensus body of the merchant dynasties Agriculture Sharuk Ondo,
based on the planet. Membership is historically representing Demeterra
by trade: separate registered companies each
send a single representative, and each field then Health and Maria Quijano,
elects a single representative (ex: one Medical representing BeneCare
spokesperson for all robotics factories, one for Science
all mining companies, one for all agricultural
Mining and Himiko Arasawa,
efforts, etc.), that represents that industry in the
Refining representing Keyhole
Syzygy. The ten-year election cycle of the
Geologic Interest
Syzygy is a matter of intense focus as it
represents a brief opportunity to shift the
Transportation Sloan ‘Ocho’ Ruiz,
balance of power and trade in one’s favor. The
representing Aurora
monopolization of Pollux’s economy has
created a plutocratic system where some
businesses have held power for over a century. Construction Deirdre Rose,
The Syzygy, and by extension the Orbit, decides representing Pinnacle
national and civilian policy, as well as holding a Industries
tight grip on all economic and trade decisions.
Manufacturing Marlon Ferreira,
The Grapevine representing 4th Ward
A worker’s collective of seven spinsat mining Factories
rigs around Jian’s Well - White Orchid,
Entertainment Qadiya Castillo,
Faraday-4, Jian’s Memoriam, Anchor, Jack/Jill,
representing Pollux
Free Faraday, and The Birdsnest. In 4943u, a
revolt over working conditions (beginning in the
stations that would become Free Faraday and
Robotics and Weile Kodyne,
White Orchid) led to the partial collapse of
Software representing POLARIS
Faraday Ventures, and the formation of The
Grapevine as an independent enterprise. Defense and Duster Cain, representing
Security Kshatriya Security
Now worker-led and owned, the Grapevine is a Services
theoretically self-sufficient ecosystem; only Free
Faraday and The Birdsnest have the capacity for Finances and Pakne Keshap,
hydroponics, but all stations can draw water Insurance representing The Spring
and fuel as byproducts of their mining. Harbor Treasury
Faraday-4 is technically still a functional office of
Faraday Ventures (and it’s only office). Jian’s
Memoriam is the newest station, completed in

Keyhole Geologic Interest The Ratpack
The largest mineral mining conglomerate in the The Ratpack is a loose term for the anarchist
system. Their operation is centered on Tinplate movements that have developed in Punto
and spans the length and depth of the planet. Caridad over the last few decades in response
Solidly established ever since the Flare, KGI has to both the Faraday revolt and a widely disliked
had a long time to accumulate wealth and change in KGI benefit policy. The original
political influence. They represent close to 40%4 protests were organized through Omninet
of the trade out of Quetzal’s Flight. The current boards and anonymous manifestos. Nowadays,
CEO Himiko Arasawa is the unofficial leader of the individual spinoff cells/members differ
the Syzygy, and thus the planet as a whole. greatly in message and method, though they all
Most of their operations are focused on agree that the current system is flawed. Some
Tinplate, which has remained under KGI control argue for the dismantling of the plutocratic
since the Flare. Gilded Orbit system, while others say that the
democracy of the current Orbit disrespects the
Kshatriya Security Services meritocracy of economic success; these beliefs
KSS is a ubiquitous sight across Pollux - they are expressed mainly as protests in the public
dominate the paramilitary market and are under eye, but carry links to corporate espionage,
contract by every individual with assets to terrorist attacks, and gang violence in the
protect. Their forces range from night watchmen uninhabited outskirts of the city when cells
to mechanized cavalry squads. As the heavily clash.5
armed enforcers of the highest bidder, many
Polluxites view their officers with suspicion. The lack of cohesion between groups leaves
public opinion poor and has prevented them
Pollux’s lack of a standing military requires that from gaining significant political ground, instead
all armed contractors must be on-call for forming a caustic, self-defeating underground in
circumstances of national defense. Of these, the city. None of the current affiliates are aware
Kshatriya is the largest and most influential, that the original movement was orchestrated by
which has garnered it leeway from the Syzygy in Castor in a metastatically successful attempt to
certain operative discrepancies. They keep destabilize the populace and sow unrest.
Pollux safe; they keep their guns loaded; they
keep themselves needed. Slatestone Lending Co.
SLCo (or ‘Slick’s’) is little more than an
Wicker-Mulligan Corporate organized crime family that bought a business
license to keep their loansharking aboveboard.
Surveyorship While they are an investment firm on paper, in
The runner-up mining corp in the system. KGI’s practice their influence extends into all manner
monopoly on Tinplate has forced them to make of illegal activities that are hidden behind that
their money from the asteroid belt - equally rich veneer. Predatory lending, protection rackets,
in material, but far more difficult and dangerous and trade of illicit contraband are their usual
to mine. WM-CS is comparatively new, being MO, and their debt collectors are more feared
founded in 4970u, but their cutthroat tactics than any KSS officer. KSS will defer to the
have allowed them to rise to the top of Pollux’s highest bidder; Slick’s boys won’t stop until
markets nonetheless. The Orphan’s attacks on blood is spilled.
KGI sites have only served to increase this

increasing number of these clashes have
involved esoteric and/or paracausal methods
This record fails to account for Pinnacle tariffs indicating possible infiltration/education by
which, between monetary, mineral, cultural, and known external groups. See Breaking the
labor profits, actually represent a majority share Looking Glass: Civil Subversion by Xeno-State
of all industries. Actors for possible remediation approaches.
CASTOR Ultraviolet Dawn
In the wake of the Flare, Castor’s citizens were
The Emergency Council forced to adopt strict discipline and endurance
The Emergency Council is the leading coalition in order to survive. The Ultraviolet Dawn was the
of the surviving habitats of Medallion’s first coalition of disparate shelters that led the
Undercity. Each habitat elects its own reunification of the Medallion Undercity and the
representative to the Council, which then directs formation of the Emergency Council. Their ethos
the labor, rationing, and development plans of was founded on the survival of their people, by
the entire Undercity. Of the 34 seats on the any means – and through grueling work and
council, 22 are currently held by vocal sacrifice, they have seen their home rise from
adherents of the Ultraviolet Dawn. the ashes (for all of them now, the only home
they’ve ever known). As the Undercity stabilized
The greater society of the Undercity is and survival was no longer so tenuous, the UD’s
predicated on labor. The razor-thin margin of thoughts began to turn upward; to their drifting
their survival requires all citizens to contribute twin, oblivious and prosperous.
as much as they are able to the maintenance
and production of the community. The A radical realignment occurred following the
Emergency Council assigns tasks and roles to rediscovery of intact military storage hangars,
population clades, and all development plans casting out the more moderate members. The
must be approved by them as an appropriate UD seeks revenge on the planet that
expenditure of resources. abandoned them, and their control over the
Emergency Council and popular rhetoric has
The Orphans granted them ample support. It is because of
Castor’s military strike force. The Orphans the UD that Castor has not made contact with
command a sizable wing of space-capable Pollux to ask for assistance, as their
chassis and a small number of refurbished self-sufficiency has bloated into a seething mix
fightercraft and intra-system slowboats. In of pride and envy.
attempts to maintain the advantage of their
secrecy, the Orphans have limited their actions Their motives are based in pragmatism too –
to stealth reconnaissance and occasional they fear that exposing themselves to Pollux
live-fire sorties bearing false pirate markings6. without bargaining power will result in them
While they are ostensibly subservient to the becoming a slave-state for the foreseeable
Emergency Council, the difficulty of future, dependent on and beholden to the
communicating to and from Castor means they stronger planet’s whims. There are many in
are usually operating on their own decision Castor’s tunnels that disagree with the UD’s
making. scheme for vengeance – but the UD controls
Castor’s burgeoning industry and military, and
open dissent could lead to a one-way trip to the
radioactive plains of the surface.

A pattern has emerged despite the variation
between attacks; Orphan frames tend to be
taupe to bone-white, outfitted for zero-g
combat, and hardened against environmental
hazards. All attempts to capture or salvage
individuals have resulted in manual
self-destruction by the targeted pilot.
EXTERNAL FORCES expected to find a quiet, sheltered system
grateful to be found. They would be graceful
IPS-N Quartermaster Office 328 chaperones, reigniting treaties and keeping a
This office handles customs, tariffs, and taxes guiding hand on their continued development.
for all material goods passing in or out of the Instead they found an intensely individualistic
system through Shepherd Station. They also society, and the still fresh scars of disaster.
grant official IPS-N charters and documentation
for outgoing ships. Any ship that doesn’t see a Pollux is an ideal of Pinnacle’s early
Quartermaster before leaving the system runs philosophies; value-driven, self-sustaining, and
the risk of being flagged for potential piracy and eager to expand their influence. This success
seizure7. They have a strong relationship with has become a double-edged sword for the
the Gilded Orbit on Pollux as a middleman company; though their adherence to decorum
between the various megacorps on the planet, and tradition means they have accepted PI back
predicated on a mutual economic benefit. The into vacant colonial administrative roles, the
Quartermasters themselves are sometimes planet’s oligarchs chafe at the thought of
disparagingly referred to as ‘The Lazy 8s’ due to abdicating control. Pinnacle still holds legal
the long periods of bureaucratic processing precedence, as well as the physical and political
some ships face – and how those periods can resources to take them beyond Quetzal’s Flight.
be alleviated through the careful application of This tension has undercut decades of
funding. negotiation as both sides find the current
compromise more and more untenable.
Pinnacle Industries Castor’s fate is a sobering and unmitigated
Pinnacle Industries is a well-established
disaster. When the first colonists set foot on
terraforming and colonial supply corporation
Castor’s soil, Pinnacle had promised them
that was contracted for the initial terraforming,
security and growth. They were promised a
construction, and colonization of Quetzal’s
home that disasters of old would not ever
Flight. In return they hold a portion of all mineral
touch. Millions of souls died behind
rights to the system and exert a significant tithe8
Pinnacle-built walls that were not strong enough
. Every building was made by Pinnacle, every
to save them. How many still believed in old
farm uses their seeds, and the land itself was
promises? How many tombs have been built
shaped by their machines. Pinnacle equipment
where homes once stood? The discovery of
is still widespread - most industrial equipment is
their failure to protect Castor left Pinnacle
from the Pinnacle catalog, and the newer
shaken and embarrassed. This is the result of
Non-Civilian Hardware project is seeing
their negligence and inattention — they will not
popularity as tension grows between factions.
make the same mistake again
Though they usually maintain a laissez-faire
policy in their colonial holdings, a potential
threat to their image – or resource pipeline – The Sargasso Sirens
could engender a more hands-on approach. A small Free Company from the House of Water,
founded and led by Captain Deluge Solomon9.
Destabilization of the blinkgate system and The Sirens have bounced between planets and
central record keeping following the Third jobs as the wind takes them, rarely staying in
Committee Coup, along with extreme one place for long. They are currently hired as
restructuring of Pinnacle corporate structure led private security by Keyhole Geologic Interest at
to many colonies being ‘lost’; buried as both their Pollux headquarters and Tinplate
low-priority assets while the company focused mines after a slew of attacks by an as-of-yet
on more guaranteed profits. When they finally unidentified party. The Sirens are guns-for-hire;
turned back to Quetzal’s Flight the board they have no loyalty beyond who’s writing their
checks, though they do also care about
7 maintaining a reputation of skill and efficiency.
Due to a long-standing contract between
Pinnacle Industries and IPS-Northstar all trade
through Shepherd Station must also abide by PI The Sirens - perhaps owing to their ignoble
restrictions. origin - are small for a Free Company, and
The deed to the colony is available for mostly operate as mercenaries outside of
re-purchase by its inhabitants beginning at 100 Baronic space. Their full cohort is carried by a
years post-landing. It is continually readjusted single ship and has a total of thirty registered
to match relative local GDP, continued Pinnacle pilots. UDoJ/HR lists them as a Mid
investment, and projected colonial Manna value. Risk/Negligible Priority Tertiary Actor.
It is late at night in Crater City, though that meant little when a day lasted only four hours. Still, Adika Tef
cannot remember the last time sleep came easily. The thick-rimmed screen affixed to her desk blinks
impotently in dusty green: SIGNAL DROPPED. It is the fourth time this week that her communications
have failed. Practical as always she sent teams to check antennae, rerouted her messages through radio
rather than omninet, changed and checked and rechecked every authorization and encryption ID. She ran
a tight ship – too tight for this to be a mistake.

They were alone.

Several of the automated rigs on the far side of the planet had already gone dark. For weeks, shipments
on and offworld had been going missing – and their crews along with them. Now the assailants came in
broad daylight, raiding runs on the outer mines that came and went before her security could respond.
She’d considered pirates at first but it was all too much, too coordinated, and there had been no
extortions or demands like she would expect. Every new report came closer to Crater City and they
showed no signs of slowing down.

She’d already begun to clear out the old caverns below the city – long abandoned for richer seams, now
they may be the only shelter the city’s residents had left. She’d tried to keep the news quiet to prevent a
panic – but they would find out soon enough, and better they hear it from her than from the screaming of
missiles through pressure seals. If Keyhole Geologic would only answer her, their resources could furnish
a fortune in mercenaries. Or, just safe evacuation for her people. Instead she was digging for scraps.

From her office window she could see the silhouette of a frame on the crater rim, matte armor against the
tarnished mirror of Tinplate. It was sheer luck that there were any mercenaries outside of Pollux in the
system that she could contact but she trusted the ‘Sirens’ and their captain as far as she could throw
them. Which would break first? Their line, or the dwindling funds of a city cut off from its umbilical? Adika
didn’t know the answer. She didn’t want to.

The sun was rising again. She made another call.

Adika Tef, Vanguard Shao Altan-Huan, Admin
Biography: Forewoman Tef is the current Biography: Shao is the first Union
representative and administrative head of the Administrator to Pollux. He began his career
Teapot Crater Mining Colony. Born and raised as a UDoJ/HR Liberator, then UBM project
in the Crater, her primary interest is the lead before being selected for
smooth operation of KGI mining across Administratorship. He and his NHP partner
Tinplate – because any interruption puts her Vertigo were assigned to the planet despite
home and family at risk of being replaced by this atypically late start in response to Pollux’s
the board back on Pollux. Her teams have 5008u request for Core World status. The
been on the frontline of the first Orphan position is expected to be temporary while a
attacks, and she is now desperately seeking full-term administrator is trained using his
both answers and protection from a KGI that insights, and he finds the corporate
has suddenly become reticent to answer her backstabbing and high commerce of Pollux a
messages. far cry from the unified clarity of the
Department of Justice/Human Rights.
Motivation: To make Crater City a home for
generations to come. Motivation: To build peace and justice in his
Interactions: Adika needs help, and KGI is
not sending it. Crater City has the Interactions: Shao needs boots on the
independent resources to hire mercenary ground – he does not have the resources to
guards for a short time, but nothing of the face a war, and Union reinforcements will take
quality necessary to stave off pirates or the years to arrive once alerted. He knows he
Orphans for long. She may not like relying on likely can’t trust the corporate militia, so a
outside forces, but she’s pragmatic enough to third party option might be his best chance at
take assistance if she can – or, to stonewall mitigating the conflict and protecting the
anyone that might threaten the city. citizens of both planets. He’s an experienced
enough commander, more comfortable in a
chassis than a desk chair, and in many ways
happier to talk to pilots than politicians.

Samara al Altaw’am, Speaker Jura Harlem, Critic
Biography: The Grapevine does not have a Biography: Over his long life Jura has
formal leader, instead resolving policy and watched his hope for Castor wither. When his
disputes through open forum debates. term as a councilmember began the
However, participation in the Gilded Orbit Ultraviolet Dawn was a loose philosophy of
requires a single representative, which has survival and sacrifice. He watched their
since been voted on every 3 standard years. radicalization and thought nothing of it – until
Samara is a firm believer in the communal the Daisy-Chain was found and it was too late
beliefs and anarchic origins of the Grapevine, to save them. Jura’s protests have fallen on
and has been a troublemaker in the Orbit deaf ears as the Dawn seized the council, and
since she was first elected 12 years ago. now he watches in horror as their nation slips
ever closer to all-out war instead of the
Motivation: To find freedom from the gears of escape he envisioned.
profit and power for all. Jura’s hands are tied. Outward rebellion could
lead to him being kicked off the council,
Interactions: Samara is a voice of dissent in removing what little power he had to protect
the Gilded Orbit, and her name carries weight his constituency. As the UV Dawn also
further from Pollux, out in the periphery controls Castor’s limited off-world platforms,
stations. Samara refuses to ratify a he has no easy way of calling for help – but if
declaration of war – with some support or circumstances become desperate he may
new developments, others might join her take that chance.
cause; or, pro-war actors might stifle it.
Motivation: To keep his people safe.

Interactions: Jura is cautious – the safety of

Castor comes first – but he’s actively looking
for alternatives to the Ultraviolet Dawn’s
crusade, and is open to working with
someone that can present a clear plan.

Duster Cain, General Kyon Winters, Vengeant
Biography: After his service in the nascent Biography: Kyon was born in the concrete
Tinplate War, Duster Cain left Quetzal’s Flight. tunnels and recycled air of Medallion’s
He hired on with IPS-N Trunk Security for undercity. Their tenacity is matched only by
close to fifteen subjective years, and returned their rage at the struggle of their people. This
to a Pollux forever changed from the world fervor was recognized with an opportunity –
he’d left – war turned to the gilded cage of lead Castor’s first mech pilots in generations.
corporate conflict. KSS was a small time Kyon left their home, now commander of the
security contractor that he joined, Orphans – a name they chose personally.
commandeered, and militarized as it rose in Their history, their home, their hope had been
prominence and popularity among the elite. stripped away, and Kyon will take it back. But
Now the self-styled general of Pollux, Duster they have never seen the green slopes of
stares at most obstacles down the barrel of a Pollux or the gentle ease of life with clean air
gun, as he continues to lead patrols – and despite their fury, a life of peace for
personally. their home is all they truly want.

Motivation: To chase the feeling of his finger Motivation: To fight for Castor’s future.
on the trigger.
Interactions: More likely than not, Kyon will
Interactions: Duster sees himself as the be on the other side of the fight from players,
general of every conflict, and everyone else is and they distrust any non-Castorans. Getting
a soldier beneath him. If they won’t follow through to them would require great effort.
orders, they have to either get out of the way
or get ready for a fight.

Bethany Klein, Quartermaster Deluge Solomon, Captain
Biography: For Quartermaster Klein, Biography: Born to a humble farming family
Shepherd Station is just one more step in the on Umara, Deluge grew up in peace and
corporate climb. She’ll serve her term until a solitude. As soon as he was old enough he
promotion presents itself, dutifully managing ran away from his future as a crop-tender -
the station to IPS-N’s exacting regulations. brash and youthful. Determined to finally see
Her motivation is wealth and power with the the exciting galaxy he’d long heard of, he
least possible effort. As long as affairs in the hitchhiked from station to station before
station don’t interfere with her professional finally finding work as a deckhand with a
record, she’ll happily turn a blind eye rather minor mercenary corp.
than get her office involved. In five years he made his way from cabin boy
to captain with an unprecedented talent as a
Motivation: To take one step closer to Lancer and a natural charisma that inspired
executive bliss. his comrades. He rebuilt the crew from the
ground up, returning to his home and
Interactions: Bethany is an intermediary, and
incorporating as a free company of the House
every conversation with her is a transaction.
of Water - The Sargasso Sirens. His
Pay well and she’ll help you accordingly – but
brashness and devil-may-care attitude
she tracks her debts too.
haven’t changed with age, but are now
accompanied by the experience of hundreds
of hours in-chassis and a deadly eye for

Motivation: To keep moving – ever forward,

never back.

Interactions: If the players aren’t Sirens,

Deluge isn’t interested in working with them -
Barons are bad news, Union is too nosy, and
corpro goons are usually bottom of the barrel
chaff. He does have a wary respect for other
mercenaries, but it won’t be much more than
a foot in the door without more of an

Himiko Arasawa, Plutocrat Weile Kodyne, Oracle
Biography: Scion of the Arasawa family, Biography: POLARIS is a new firm for Pollux,
Himiko is the current CEO of KGI and the both in age and purpose. Rather than
representative of all mining and refining focusing on the rich mineral wealth of the
companies as a part of the Syzygy. Her family system, Kodyne built POLARIS across the
made Keyhole what it is today through omninet to leverage their intellect on equal
aggressive business acumen and rumored footing with the other merchant dynasties.
underworld dealings. Pollux’s economic pulse Their focus is on subaltern design and
rests under her finger - a fact that she and collective dynamics, and their work
every other would-be merchant family knows spearheads Pollux’s automated labor force
all too well. despite the relative recency of their rise to
Himiko does not see herself as part of the prominence. Despite this investment in
system – she is above it entirely. KGI reports Pollux’s infrastructure and corporate
have already confirmed activity above Castor, edification, Weile has been implicated in a
and tied it back to the attacks on her multitude of scandals tied to whistleblowing
facilities. Castor’s ancestral claims and new espionage and anti-Orbit sentiment groups.
power represents a threat to her hegemony They have seen how the winds of change are
that she would greatly like to see removed – blowing – their connections through the
but a preemptive war is too likely to end in an omninet revealed a world far beyond Pollux, a
appeasing treaty. Instead, her aim is to world Union-built and clinging to the edge of
engineer a position of victimization where the Utopia. It is not perfect, not yet. But Weile
only solution is an all-out war of annihilation, can see the potential, and is already working
removing Castor’s influence and opening an to shape that future.
entirely new planet for exploitation in one fell
swoop. To this end, she has been using her Motivation: To be ready, when the time
influence to stall, obfuscate, and generally comes.
cripple Pollux’s response until she deems it
appropriate to allow open war. Interaction: Weile is a fairweather friend; they
have been biding their time for years for the
Motivation: To keep her hold at the top of the chance to change Pollux’s future, and while it
food chain is unexpected the chaos of war may provide
that opportunity as much as it risks
Interaction: Everyone Himiko meets is a everything. Players could easily find
potential tool (though she rarely interacts in themselves allied or opposed to the
person). Even if players are staunchly technocrat as Weile assesses which side is
opposed to her, she will use her fortune and most likely to provide the future they want.
web of connections to bribe and manipulate
them to achieve her goals.

Citadel Correa, Demagogue
Biography: Citadel took risks long before he
joined the Emergency Council. He was a
runner – one of few – that left the shielding of
Castor’s bunkers to scavenge and scout the
ruins above for necessities and technology
that they were unable to produce. His
success and ease of leadership bought him a
seat on the council, and his hardscrabble
experience and unforgiving attitude saw him
quickly to a charismatic position in the
Ultraviolet Dawn. He organized the expedition
that rediscovered the Daisy-Chain facilities –
one of many popular and successful
hunches. He is the one of the loudest voices
of the Dawn in the council through personality
more than volume, and has instated himself
as the de facto general of their newly fledged
military. Braving the wastes of Castor time
and again, for Correa, the distant dream of
Pollux was always unwelcome. Their brother
had abandoned them – Castor would have to
rise and survive alone, and when the time
came, ensure they would never be at
another’s mercy ever again.

Motivation: To pull Castor back from the

brink, no matter the cost.

Interactions: Citadel leads Castor, guiding

the Orphans from afar while managing the
crowded population as a talented orator and
shrewd survivalist. There is little way to reach
him short of going to Castor directly, and he
is suspicious if not outright hostile to any
representative of Pollux.

Citadel’s war is for survival – for him, it is the

only way to truly protect Castor’s people, and
to force Pollux to atone for their sins.

The tunnel-city of Xibalba is never truly quiet. The passage of day and night is unmarked, with time
measured in shifts such that there are always people busy and awake. The air filters hum and cough, the
layercake of levels echoes with distant footfall and conversation; in the upper levels there is an electric
frisson you can hear from the walls, and in the lower rooms the steady heartbeat of pumps keeps a
neverending rhythm. All along the height of the city, a wind that has never seen the sky whistles through
the axial shaft. Silence would mean death.

Citadel Correa stands at the height of the shaft, a well that bores to the bones of the planet and carries
up whispers of a hundred thousand living souls. Beneath his thick, asymmetrical poncho sits the
anodized star of the Ultraviolet Dawn. The careful regalia of the Emergency Council has been set aside
for the working-clothes of Castor – today he is a man, not a message. Or, he is both. The line is thin for
him. He steadies his hands on the railing and carries the intent to the rest of his body. This is not the first
long day that he has lived in his long life, nor will it be the last. The keening void beckons, challenges,
whispers and goads. “Step forward” it says “see where your foot falls. Come learn what it is like to land.”
He’s heard it his whole life, the omnipresent threat of survival at life’s edge. It is not special to him – every
citizen of Castor can hear it, keeps it in their heart like the pit rests in Xibalba’s center. Today, they step
back from the edge.

Dawdling loses its appeal. He sets himself to his task. The city busies itself with existing as one shift
returns wearily, and another begins to trickle from hab-rooms bleary-eyed. People part for him without a
word; recognition, not fear. His path takes him down ring after ring in a conscious tour. Watching,
surveying, retreading a rote pattern of review. It is an exercise in presence; both present for himself, and
for those whose lives he cradles. Each step is counted and remembered.

He reaches his destination: an olive-gray door in an olive-gray wall. 7-Bravo-23. It opens at the third
knock to reveal a middle-aged woman in a plain smock, black hair tied back in a plait with an
incongruously bright ribbon. Her tired glance gives way to a wide stare as she registers his presence.

“Mrs. Vanderhelt? I apologize for the intrusion, but do you have a moment to talk?” A nod, and an
invitation inside. As a mug is placed into his hands, he finally breaks the silence. His news is an affront to
her hospitality but there is little else to be done.

“This must stay between us, you understand. Your family has a right to this information. Several hours
ago, your daughter and over a hundred other brave soldiers began a very dangerous mission…”

When he finally leaves, the hallways outside are still lit the same. There is no night to rest in Xibalba, and
there are many more doors to visit.

Pollux Emerald Bay Day Harbor: The only
publicly maintained access point to Pollux’s
Walk the Azure Boulevard, where the finest and grand oceans, the Day Harbor sees constant
most exciting imports from Union space come traffic of pleasurecraft and small fishing vessels,
to rest on pretty porcelain shelves. Bury your and is a lifeline for a small but significant
toes in the warm white sand while the sun kisses population of Punta Caridad that lives
the sea. Tour Orion’s Rest and CieloNuevo; permanently out on the water.
tower-arcologies, cities unto themselves with Caliph: The finest drinks and dining in Punta
their boutiques and floating parks. Dive into the Caridad. Here, politicians, organizers, artists and
evening rush of Cassius Plaza – a new party CEOs brush shoulders, sequestered in a private
every night, a new delight to tickle the senses, a garden.
new whisper to lead you further. From the height Quetzal Hall: Biweekly meetings of the
of the Aurora Circuit you can watch the lights Gilded Orbit are held in this sprawling
dim in the distance, the factories disgorge, the administrative hall. On these and all other days it
outer rings grow tired, but here the splendor is vibrates with the constant of aides, attaches,
unending. Pollux shines eternal in the night; clerks, scribes, secretaries and actuaries that
eager and hungry. keep Pollux’s careful system running.

A garden world, Pollux’s mainly off-planet Ward 2

industry has preserved most of its environment.
Composed of office buildings, small
It has 4 continents with an overall temperate
manufacturing facilities, restaurants and stores,
climate (ranging from tropics at the equator to
Ward 2 is the beating heart of Punta Caridad’s
small ice caps at the poles), and ~65% of the
urban life.
surface covered in water. Pollux has a less
CieloNuevo Tower: The tallest building in
severe tilt than Cradle, creating less seasonal
Punta Caridad. Alongside office space and
difference. It weighs in at 0.93g at the surface,
commercial shopping, it acts as the vital nexus
and has no moons.
for the Aurora SkyTram transit system. The peak
of the megalith also functions as a small but
Punta Caridad high-efficiency hangar for air traffic that can
The original colony landing point, which has serve as a backup if other airfields overflow.
since grown into a massive metropolitan Six-Point Plaza: Pedestrian crowds and
arcology housing most of Pollux’s population. public transit fill this thoroughfare at every hour,
Located close to the equator, it is bright and connecting every sector of the city. The plaza is
sunny with a fresh sea breeze that transitions to a prime site for parades - and occasional
a humid and stale morass as you descend from protests and similar demonstrations. 400 feet
the towering skyscrapers to the urban valleys in below the mosaic tile, Pollux’s rich soil, and
between. Despite the rapid growth over the last layer after reinforced layer of concrete lies the
century, large portions of the city remain casket and attendant facilities of Architect
unoccupied - the product of successive waves Imago, administrative NHP of Punta Caridad.
of prefab habitation that the population hasn’t
caught up with yet. The city is organized into Ward 3
concentric semicircular Wards centered on the Largely residential, Ward 3 is a mix of prefab
harbor at the inner curve of the eponymous and modified housing and apartment complexes
point. that contains the majority of the population.
Jian Memorial Garden: Though it did start
Ward 1 as a small garden, Jian’s memorial has grown
Setting the eastern boundary of the city and through community effort to be the largest
gliding up the eponymous peninsula where it contiguous green space within the city proper,
reaches the sea, Ward 1 combines luxury combining open lawns, community gardens,
amenities and high politics – lavish villas border and re-naturalized terrain.
marble-clad government offices along the Haksa’s Noodles and Bodega: A local
harbor. watering hole that’s as old as Punta Caridad
La Punta: This emerald crescent curves itself (or so it claims). Haksa himself certainly
across the bay, manicured and perfect. Home to looks the part, and he’ll talk to anyone who will
the palatial estates of Pollux’s most privileged, listen about the secrets this city holds over a
as well as key administrative buildings - and in bowl of his specialty thukpa.
some cases, the two overlap.
Ward 4 The Spindle
Large-scale manufacturing, refining, and Located in the mountains north of Punta
storage are relegated to Ward 4’s mechanized Caridad is the Medallion Memorial Spaceport:
factories and warehouses, which employ many the terrestrial end of Pollux’s space elevator: the
of the lower-income brackets of the population. Spindle. It is easily accessed by maglev trains
Automated Factories: A sizable portion of that run under the mountains and sees a
Punta Caridad’s bulk refining and manufacturing constant flow of both cargo and people as the
takes place in almost entirely automated easiest method offworld. Spindle Station is held
factories, with humans only filling oversight and at the orbital end and handles all transport up or
large-scale repair roles. The scale of these downwell along with a constellation of other
factories are intended for robotic work and nearby geostationary orbital complexes,
combine large conveyors, assembly arms, and including a modest shipyard.
hostile temperature/chemical environments
when active. The Medallion Spaceport was built on the site of
Pinnacle Industries Outreach: The Pollux’s pre-Flare military complex. It’s
placement of PI’s local office deep within Ward construction marked the end of any official
4 was cited as following a historical precedent, military program with most assets recycled or
matching the loosely defined site of the colony’s decommissioned, and the issue of national
earliest organization. That it leaves modern-day security passed to the hands of independent
PI representatives choked by smoke and hours armed contractors.
away from most administrative functions is an
unfortunate consequence of this high honor.
La Carnicería: Garage by day and chop
Other Settlements
shop by night, Mama Ruby can buy, sell, or Punta Caridad is the indisputable center of
modify any part with minimal questions asked. Pollux, but in the years since colonization
Conflicts are left at the door; all meat is equal in several outposts and towns have been
her shop. established beyond the megalopolis. Most are
still within a day's travel of the city, but new
developments have been traveling further and
Wards 5 and 6 further as Punta Caridad’s itself grows.
These Wards are still officially unoccupied Wessler Quarry Outpost: Colloquially
except for use as temporary storage. known as ‘Kage-town’ due to its KGI ownership,
Unofficially, many factions make use of the lack this outpost is one of the only active mining
of monitoring and abundant prefab floorspace operations on Pollux itself. Most of its residents
to manage clandestine affairs, and they contain are seasonal workers that return to Punta
the hideouts of many gangs and criminal Caridad before summer flooding makes the
groups. journey north too dangerous.
Creepshow: A gutted Sweetwater: This is the next largest
warehouse-turned-club, the Creepshow is equal permanently occupied location on Pollux after
parts avant-garde rebellion and criminal Punta Caridad, though it is barely one tenth of
underbelly. Aside from the music and uppers, its size in population. Focused on agriculture
it’s main attraction is regular scrap duels - and environmental management, its rustic
kitbashed mechs and drones tearing through the furnishings are a far cry from Punta Caridad’s
flood cisterns beneath the city, televised and bet neon glamor, buried in the sprawling plains and
on by screaming fans. rolling valleys to its west.
Warehouse Lane 78c: As with all of its Tideline Free Towns: Despite its glittering
neighbors, 78c is still awaiting official promises there have always been those who
development and occupation. Far even from refuse the allure of Punta Caridad and the
other ‘unoccupied’ sites, there are few Gilded Orbit’s auspice. These quiet rebels,
passersby to notice the recent arrival of discontents, and restless souls leave in twos
Kshatriya security measures around the site on and threes, and over the years have formed
KGI payroll — guarding a steadily growing stock strings of small communities along the coast
of decommissioned milware that has been and up riverways. The unaffiliated towns keep
transferred to the warehouses for discreet Punta Caridad at arms reach — though it offers
rehabilitation. technology and other material support they
cannot always maintain on their own, they will
only accept it as tangible and singleton barter,
and visits between the two are culturally
Castor deep rail transit lines, which have since been
dug out and expanded into a connected
People still go down there, now and then. honeycomb of tunnels and caverns.
Treasure hunters and glory hounds. Fools, the
lot of them. They say the dust is so thick, you
can’t see your frame’s hand when the arm is
The Undercity
Medallion’s Undercity is organized and ruled by
outstretched - and you’d best stay in the frame.
the Emergency Council, which is currently held
The air is so toxic, it’ll make you grow extra eyes
in the iron grip of the Ultraviolet Dawn, an
just so you can watch yourself melt. They say
authoritarian survivalist group that has directed
radiation blocks the radios, and all you hear
Castor’s actions for decades. In the first years
instead is the whispers in the static of all the
after the Flare, the Undercity was a scattering of
ghosts trapped in the planet’s magnetic field,
disconnected shelters varying in size and
crying out for someone to save them. The ones
resources. Travel and trade between them
who make it out, they say they find riches - old
required braving the hostile surface, and many
vaults, secret caches, their long-lost
smaller facilities were starved out before they
grandpappy’s ashes. Most don’t make it out.
were able to receive help.
Official word is the storms get them: they’re
stranded, lose power, and gasp out their last
Within the first decade, tunnels were dug to
breaths of recycled air. That’s assuming it
connect the largest and most centrally located
doesn’t just blow their reactor wholesale, and
areas, creating the basis of what would become
add their remains to the clouds. They say no
the Undercity. Early survival was predicated on
one should ever go there.
scavenging the remaining supplies from the
You don’t seem like the type to listen.
surface – food, medicine, and raw materials. As
these were depleted, development turned
Once Pollux’s twin in natural beauty, Castor is
inwards. Less than 50 years after the Flare, the
now a desolate and scorched wasteland. Castor
Undercity had a self-sufficient agricultural layer,
has 5 continents, though they are now all
a small battery of reclaimed printers and
partially merged due to the retracting seas. The
salvaged manufacturing equipment, and a
oceans partially evaporated, leaving shallow,
slowly but steadily growing population. This
radioactive seas, deep trenches, and sweeping
stability is tenuous – ancient filtration systems
deserts. The surface is devoid of life and the
and aging electronics create a constant risk of
atmosphere has become thin, though not
deadly mechanical failure, and their production
enough so to prevent the rolling dust storms.
chains could fail if the population’s demand
Electromagnetic disturbances and shifting
exceeds their resources. This constant tension
radiation belts make communication over long
is a powerful factor in maintaining the grip of the
distances difficult and prone to failure. It has no
Ultraviolet Dawn.
moons, and weighs in at 1.1g at the surface.
The present Undercity has a population slightly
Medallion under half that of Punta Caridad, though much
The original colonial landing point; once a more densely packed. It is centered on
burgeoning arcology, its skyscrapers are now ‘Xibalba’; a tiered cylindrical shaft that was
empty shells, and its streets are littered with originally the shielded underground hangar of
rusting vehicles10. The nature of the Flare meant Medallion’s primary spaceport, and that has
that most physical infrastructure was left intact, since been expanded to hold two-thirds of the
even while organic and electronic systems were Undercity’s population in ever-growing rings.
decimated. Thus, the sprawling footprint of Aside from several closely adjoining bunkers,
Medallion has remained largely unchanged – the rest of the Undercity is a radial growth of
though it is periodically ravaged by sandstorms caverns and outposts that vary from a few
and aberrant electric phenomena. While the dozen to several hundred residents. They are all
surface is barren, the remainder of Castor’s connected by railways, both those original to
populace now lives under the city. Their the city and new construction by the Emergency
ancestors survived in emergency bunkers and Council.
The Rootway: Prior to the rediscovery of
10 the Daisy-Chain complex, the next largest facility
It is currently unknown if the colonial NHP
to Xibalba was the Rootway. This
(desig: Symphony, Sidewalk-Class) was
mine-turned-farm supplies most of the
destroyed in the flare. Identification and
Undercity’s food through hydroponics and
recovery of the casket is of top priority following
rudimentary organic waste processing.
the release of public report Evergreen Crisis.
Sol-3: The majority of the undercity’s power
comes from this temperamental fusion reactor.
One of five that once powered Medallion, it was
Outskirts and Badlands
Not every survivor of the Flare was lucky
the only facility that survived the Flare mostly
enough to end up in the Emergency Council’s
intact, and was refurbished during Xibalba’s
bunkers. Scavengers and bandits roam the
early development.
blasted wasteland and crumbling cityscape in a
La Señora Verde: At the end of a shift,
desperate struggle for survival. The Council
workers and scavengers alike gather at La
sees them as a threat to its slim resources and
Señora to tell tales, share sorrows, drown
there is little love lost between neighbors. One
memories and celebrate bonds. The bar is
of the largest ‘Dustwalker’ camps is located in
crowded with thick tropical plants and wet,
the old Medallion City Hall, which has been
humid air; a constant statement of deliberate
gradually built into a perennial shantytown and
effort, and better futures.
fortress. This and other surface settlements are
Deep Green: Sheltered from trickling rads
impermanent and migratory to avoid the cyclical
deep in the base of Xibalba is a carefully tended
storms and radiation spikes11. The difficulty in
battery of massive microbial fermentation tanks.
creating a stable population on the surface
This facility produces food, pharmaceuticals,
means that many of these transient groups are
and chemical stocks for the entire city, created
composed of exiles (willing or otherwise) from
post-Flare through incredible effort and
the Undercity and their direct descendants.
Plaza de la Rosa: Old storm overflow
tunnels, sealed and converted to a wide open The Scorch
hall. Alternates roles as an assembly hall, a The point of the flare’s impact; a hostile,
market square, a festival stage, and most blighted plain that’s nearly impossible to enter
frequently as a classroom for Xibalba’s youth. due to magnetic disturbances, radiation, and
Each year, children and teachers weave a unstable ground. The center of the Scorch is
banner of colored flags to be strung up between 5,000 miles from Medallion, and it’s border
the concrete pillars, joining a generation of extends approximately 2,000 miles in every
others. direction (though this is imprecise as there is no
clear delineation, only an exponential increase in
Daisy-Chain Complex severity of disturbances as you approach the
Prior to the Flare, a number of military center). The region has shown no signs of
installations were built underground in the area improving despite predictions to the contrary.
surrounding Medallion. Intended to protect them
from Polluxite surveillance or attack, the
Daisy-Chain facilities inadvertently served to
protect late-war ordnance from the devastating
effects of the flare. They were rediscovered by
the Emergency Council in 4980u, triggering a
generation-long effort to refurbish and reactivate
the facilities and their machines. Most of the
Castoran populace knows very little, if anything
of their existence, as the only route to the DCC
from the undercity is over the surface.

Currently, 5 out of 8 facilities are operational

and represent the vast majority of Castor’s
military infrastructure. They house chassis,
spacecraft, and personal weapons that far
outnumber the active military population. The
Daisy-Chain complexes have limited 11
Rumors abide about a permanent settlement
manufacturing capability that the Emergency
far from Medallion under the mountains of
Council has slowly been adding to using
Castor, surviving in a verdant utopia created
salvaged Pinnacle machinery that has been
with old Pinnacle terraforming engines.
recovered across the city. Despite the
Frequently told as a fairy tale to Castoran
Undercity’s smaller population, this supply of
children, most adults interpret it as a
materiel far outweighs the decentralized
heaven-analogue. If they exist, they have yet to
reserves on Pollux.
contact any other group to-date.
Tinplate is the closest planet to the star in the Free Faraday
system, and the smallest planet. Its surface is Originally Faraday-1, Free Faraday was the
metallic and jagged, broken up by craters and flashpoint that began the Faraday Workers
spiraling valleys theorized to have formed from Revolt. Sparked by a combination of low wages,
long-dead tectonic activity. Rich in osmium, dilapidated conditions, and lax safety regulation,
titanium, and rare earth metals, Tinplate is also the workers of Free Faraday severed all ties with
the single densest concentration of wealth in Faraday Ventures in 4943u, leading to a legal
Quetzal’s Flight. It holds a barely-there and social battle that grew to encompass the
atmosphere, lacks any moons, and weighs in at other 6 habitats over the next two years.
0.58g at the surface.
Now, Free Faraday, along with the other
habitats, is a stable worker-owned company
Teapot Crater that harvests the gasses of Jian’s Well. Free
The center of KGI’s industry on Tinplate. It Faraday is a cramped and claustrophobic place
began as their first mining site, and has since to live; space is a premium in orbital living. Still,
grown into a massive refinery and spaceport it’s inhabitants have taken the time to add
that processes the minerals harvested across personal touches and small comforts - a small
the planet. A permanent population of over library, distillery, and small observation bubbles.
10,000 people live in the crater as it gradually As one of only two habitats with a hydroponics
develops into a fully fledged colony, colloquially ring, Free Faraday holds a great deal of sway
referred to as Crater City. While its mines are over the other habitats.
long exhausted, the rest of Tinplate’s surface is
speckled with newer facilities and massive,
automated walking rigs that together create a Faraday-4
constant flow of material. Faraday-4 is all that remains of Faraday
Ventures - the loss of profits from the revolt
forced them to declare bankruptcy and liquidate
Jian’s Well their assets until it was all that remained as the
A large gas giant rich in helium and other only non-revolting station. Since then it has
valuable compounds. It is the furthest planet been their corporate office, locked into a
from the sun and has a strong tilt that creates begrudging partnership as another part of the
intense seasonal changes in climate. It has 3 Grapevine. Their loss of financial gain was
moons: Rose, Laurel, and Hyacinth. Rose is the echoed by a loss of power in the Orbit, and their
largest, with a thick, cold, methane-rich grudge extends to the rest of the Pollux elite
atmosphere that is occasionally mined that they feel abandoned them.
alongside Jian’s Well, Laurel has a frozen
surface covering a core of liquid water with a
hardy xenoflora ecosystem. Hyacinth is largely
unexplored due to its acidic atmosphere, high
temperatures, and jagged, crystalline surface.

Extra-Planetary Bodies Shepherd Station
Tracing a wide orbit at the edge of the system,
A wide assortment of temporary and permanent
Shepherd Station (IPS-N Crossroads
satellites, ships and stations dot the empty
Habitat-328) is the last stop for any ship leaving
space of Quetzal’s Flight. Merchant havens,
the system - the next stop for most of them is
research outposts, pirate lairs, all in an
twelve light years away at Orizaba Station, the
ever-shifting orbit, provide plenty of opportunity
nearest blinkgate in the Sierra Madre line. A
for new ideas and secret agendas outside the
combination of rest stop and traffic terminal, the
watchful eyes of the Syzygy.
station is a neutral party in the system. All
industries that wish to participate in the galaxy
Asteroid Belt beyond the Quetzal’s Flight need to stay in their
The WMCS holds the majority mineral rights to good graces, making it a meeting point for
the asteroid belt of Quetzal’s Flight that sits just otherwise contentious parties - and making
outside the orbit of Jian’s Well, but many other them all subject to the navigational and cargo
minor mining corps also find their home here. tariffs the station’s management might levy.
Some of the larger asteroids have actual
habitats built on them, but the majority are
transiently mined by ships and automated
drones. The isolation of the belt leaves it ripe for
piracy and crime, with no official law
enforcement present to prevent it. Instead, the
belt’s population has developed a rugged sense
of frontier justice that maintains a relative, if at
times brutal, order.
Unable to regularly return to Castor’s surface,
the Orphans have made a temporary base
somewhere within the belt. It is sustained with
pillaged supplies and frequently moved to avoid

Castoran forces have redirected an ancient Descendants of the survivors of Castor on
derelict from its orbit to a killcourse straight Pollux have hired you to find an old family
towards Pollux – If you can gain control of its heirloom left behind on the planet. Radioactive
engines you might be able to stop it, but it's sandstorms aside, it’s a simple mission - until
Orphan guard won’t make the job easy. a mysterious military force opens fire as you
invade their airspace.
A terrorist offshoot of the Ratpack has
emerged on Pollux, claiming descendancy You grew up in the tunnels of the Undercity –
from the survivors of Castor. They are all your life you were told that this is all there
attacking government buildings as part of a was. One day, that changed, when  the
separatist attempt, and the Orbit needs boots Emergency Council told you and your squad
on the ground to protect civilians – and just that there is a world beyond, and that they
how did they get their hands on such stole your future. You will leave your home for
advanced hardware…. the first time, and take it back – by any means
One of the Grapevine stations has been
attacked by saboteurs – unless someone The dying head of a merchant clade has
stops them, it will fall into the gas giant below. unleashed chaos with his will - all of his
fortunes and titles have been withheld from his
descendants. A week later, a system wide
CORPORATE RETREAT scavenger hunt was announced through a
An important trade deal is being negotiated series of anonymous Omninet posts. The rules
through the Gilded Orbit, with whoever comes are simple: the first team to reach each post
out on top of the weeklong affair defining the and complete the task set to them gets
next decade of Castor’s market. You’ve been everything. Fame and fortune to the bold,
hired as security as rumors of corporate pilot.
espionage – or worse – threaten to unsettle
the conference.


The Sirens needed work and thought this
would be another boringly simple bodyguard
job – at most you’d be slapping away some
two-bit pirates. Instead, on your first day on
the job, the mining stations of Tinplate come
under attack by an unknown assailant. They
are organized and well-armed, and your
contract has suddenly become much more

Wicker-Mulligan needs security on one of their
distal mining rigs – the asteroid belts are ripe
targets for enterprising pirates because of how
far they are from any other occupied area.
Something about this job seems off though –
you can’t shake the feeling the rig is hiding
something – or someone.

EARN YOUR WINGS Every ship starts with:
This is a new downtime action that opens ● A basic nearlight drive capable of
opportunities for narrative development. When system-to-system travel and sublight
you Earn Your Wings, you become the brand travel between planets
new owner of a space-capable ship. ● Basic accommodations – 4 bunks to a
room minimum, and probably not
Getting a ship doesn’t need a roll. It uses your comfortable ones.
downtime action, but you’ll always get one. ● Basic medical supplies and repair tools
When you do, work out how you got it, who or for the ship.
where it came from, and what its name is. Every ● A basic canteen with limited storage,
ship comes with 2 Complications and 1 Quirk designed to handle pre-formulated
(either choose them with your GM or roll on the high-density nutrient blends that last far
tables below). You may take 1 extra beyond the point you’re willing to eat
Complication to start with an additional them.
upgraded Module, or offset 1 Complication by ● A basic management comp/con; they
paying a sufficient narrative cost upfront after can’t pilot the ship, but they keep the
determining the Complications. For example, if lights on and the doors opening.
you roll the Complications ‘Owe Some Money’ ● Basic communications gear; you can
and ‘Bad Reputation’ and your character comes send and receive signals within a
from a wealthy family, you could remove ‘Owe system, and connect to a local
Some Money’ immediately by paying off your omninode.
debt from the family account – but now you ● A small cargo hold. Most ships you’ll
won’t have that cash later. find are running cargo, and will have
room for mechs or other objects with a
Once you have a ship, you can improve it by combined Size of 4.
GETTING AN UPGRADE with future downtime

GET AN UPGRADE Name the Module you want, how you’re
When you GET AN UPGRADE, you are given, getting it, and roll:
make, barter, or steal better equipment and
facilities for a ship you obtained by EARNING On a 9 or less you get the Module, but choose
YOUR WINGS. Each upgrade is an individual one:
Module as listed below. A ship can hold up to 8 ● You have to make a sacrifice right now
Modules. Some modules have a Rank. To to get it.
acquire a Rank II or higher module, you must ● Your ship gains a new Complication.
first acquire it’s Rank I equivalent. For example, ● It’s broken, malfunctioning, or otherwise
you must first obtain a Schedule 1 Printer (Rank damaged.
I) before you can obtain a Schedule 2 Printer
(Rank II). When you replace a Module this way, On a 10-19 you get the Module but choose
it does not count against your total number of one:
Modules - the Schedule 2 Printer replaces the ● Your ship gains a new Quirk.
Schedule 1 Printer entirely, and having both ● You swap one Complication for a
only counts as 1 module. different one.

On a 20+ you get the Module and a little bit

extra – choose one:
● You gain a narratively appropriate
Reserve for your next mission.
● You can remove one Complication or
Quirk from your ship.

When you Get An Upgrade, choose from one of the Modules below. You can also come up with a new
Module that isn’t on the list with your GM. Modules are rooms or specialized subsystems that help to
improve your ship in some specialized capacity, and provide new narrative opportunities or benefits.

Atmospheric For maneuvering in-atmosphere or downwell without difficulty.

Brig For holding prisoners and rowdy guests more securely, or for extended stays.

Commercial For the enterprising merchant (or Barbarossa pilot), this supersized cargo hold can
Cargo Hold carry a combined Size of 10.

Comp/Con Can steer the ship in a pinch, NHP As good as a human pilot – if not
Co-Pilot though they struggle with Co-Pilot better – an NHP also opens up a
Rank I unexpected variables. Rank II new frontier of E-war.

Drop Pods One-way orbital insertion pods for chassis and infantry.

Improved This high-end sensor array lets you detect, analyze, map, and intrusively scan ships
Scanners and planetary surfaces – although some may take offense to the invasion of privacy.

Full Mess For storing, preparing, and comfortably consuming real food.

Omninode With your own omninode you always have a connection to the omninet (barring
unexpected circumstances), and have FTL communications to any other node.

Personal Gives every crewmember their own modestly sized room, with a few spare for
Rooms guests.

Schedule 1 Can print a Size 1 mech in Schedule Taking up several rooms of space,
Printer approximately 8 hours, with 2 Printer this can print a Size 2 mech in 10
Rank I the appropriate feedstock. Rank II hours or less.

Smuggler’s This hidden compartment is shielded from most handheld scanners and visual
Hold inspection, with enough room and internal air supply for several people.

Stasis These tubes can hold a person in suspended animation for up to 100 years
Chambers (although serious rehabilitation is required after 50+).

Stealth Drive True stealth is impossible in space – any heat is visible from thousands of miles
away. Still, through clever signal jammers and waste-heat shrouds, you can disguise
your position for a short time, and a temporary cloak protects you from visual

Subaltern Immune to cold and vacuum, these subalterns can diagnose and repair nearly any
Technicians mechanical issue or damage given time.

Upgraded With subaltern attendants, homeostatic nanites, and a miniaturized pharmasynth

Medical Bay printer, this module can treat even serious injury or disease, or stabilize someone
until you can find better care.

Weapons For basic self-defense (or Spinal These tera- to petajoule weapons
Battery offense). These could be Spool Gun can take hours to charge on a ship
Rank I kinetic turrets, laser projectors, Rank II your size – make it count.
missile silos, or more esoteric

Complications are exactly that – dangers, burdens, and risks that are tied to your ship. You can gain or
lose Complications when you Get An Upgrade, as well as through other narrative actions as
appropriate. When you gain a Complication, you can roll on this table, choose a specific one, or make
up a new Complication that best fits your situation. If you roll or pick the same Complication multiple
times, you can reroll on the table for something new, or you could worsen that Complication, doubling
down to make it more serious. For example, ‘Owe Some Money’ could become ‘Owe a Fortune’ as you
blow your savings, or ‘Stolen’ might become ‘Wanted’ as law enforcement or the previous owner hunts
you down.

1-2 Owe Some Some things don’t come cheap – however you got this ship, it cost you
Money more than you had, and eventually someone will come to collect.

3-4 Hunk of Junk There’s no nice way to say it – this ship is a piece of garbage. Systems
glitch, pipes leak, and panels fall off the walls.

5-6 Company You got this ship at a great rate – because it isn’t yours. You just have it
Property under contract, and whoever owns it gets final say in all matters.

7-8 Bad Maybe it’s the paint job, the prior owner, or the communication ID you
Reputation can’t seem to change; whatever the reason, ports eye your ship with
distaste, and lawmen tend not to trust you.

9-10 Stolen It might not have been you that did it, but this ship didn’t change hands

11-12 Unwanted Maybe it was the terms of the trade, or you found a stowaway after your
Guest first flight, but you have a passenger with their own agenda you can’t
seem to shake.

13-14 No-Fly List Maybe whoever owned this ship before you got on the wrong side of the
law – whatever the reason, it’s banned from blink travel unless you make
an appeal.

15-16 Hangar Queen Experimental tech or just fancy licensing, this ship requires custom parts
and trained technicians to repair or upgrade.

17-18 Unlivable Life support is broken, the reactor is unshielded, the hull leaks, or any
other mechanical threat makes it unsafe for human life that isn’t
constantly wearing protective gear.

19-20 Haunted There is someone, or something else on this ship with you – maybe you
haven’t seen it, but you’ve noticed it’s presence with unease. Tread
lightly in the engine room.

Quirks are the little idiosyncrasies and irritations that take a ship from a pile of metal to a living thing that
grows and changes with you. Quirks may be gained or lost through narrative actions, using either the
table below or by inventing your own to add texture and character to your ship.

1 Your spingrav is locked at 0.3g. 11 Someone has hooked a distillery into the
ship’s boiler.

2 No matter how often you replace it, the 12 A persistent leak has created a small but
coffee machine adds a shot of blueberry hardy floral/fungal ecosystem between decks
syrup to everything.

3 You’ve picked up a pest infestation - 13 There’s a weird melodic hum in the

nothing serious, but certainly noticeable. background of any communications you

4 It always runs at least ten degrees hotter 14 The ship’s augmented reality overlay is stuck
or colder than you want. on the ‘Alpine Birthday’ theme.

5 You have a ship cat! Or krait, or any 15 You have acquired a very aggressive cleaning
other xenofauna mascot. drone.

6 A ship wide alarm sounds every day at 16 There is a corridor in the ship that is much,
0327 Cradle Standard Time. much longer than it should be.

7 A hacker collective has decided to use 17 Your ship keeps showing up as a non-existent
your IP to host their weekly meetings. HA subline vessel on scanners.

8 The vents smell overwhelmingly of 18 You’ve found a massive store of discontinued

pesto. ‘Tropical Sylph’ candy behind a false wall in
the cargo hold.

9 You can never find an open docking bay 19 Whenever you use a blinkgate it takes
in less than three hours. minutes to an hour to re-enter realspace.

10 Whenever and wherever you dock, you 20 Through some misfiled paperwork, your ship
always run into the same ship. is now your legally adopted child.

The following talents can be chosen by players
when spending talent points.
BRICKLAYER Some mechanics claim they can talk to their
machines - but you take it literally. More than
You are the wall. Behind you: a nation, an just cosmetic changes, your augments mean
ideal, a home. Ahead: everything that would your mech is like an extension of your body.
tear it down. You engineer your own Was it a back-alley surgeon or a blacksite
schematics, tune your own printers, build a engineer? Did you pay in manna or blood?
citadel on the battlefield. Stay tall, pilot Was it your decision, or someone else’s?
– you’ve weathered far greater storms. Either way, there’s no going back now.


Your Deployables gain +5 HP. As long as When a hostile character attacks you as a
they have full HP they also have Resistance reaction on your turn, roll 1d6. On a 4+, the
to all damage. attack misses.


When you place a Deployable system you When your mech is Stunned or Jammed,
can choose to make it one Size smaller or you may still move up to ½ your Speed as a
larger (max Size 4). If it occupies a Line it can standard move, and still take the Skirmish
be up to 2 spaces longer or shorter. action. All attacks made this way have +2
Difficulty and cause you to take 1 Heat.
1/Scene as a Protocol you may repair an III FULL CEREBRAL SYNC
adjacent Deployable, restoring ½ its max HP. When your mech is destroyed, you may
Any leftover HP becomes Overshield instead. choose to keep it active through sheer force
of will. You are instead reduced to 1 HP. You
can not recover or lose HP while this effect is
active. At the end of each of your turns, and
whenever you take damage, roll 1d20+Grit.
On a 10+, your mech remains active,
otherwise it is immediately destroyed. At the
end of each of your turns while this ability is
active you gain +1 cumulative Difficulty on
subsequent rolls. You may only use this ability
once per Full Repair.

At the end of a scene, you regain 1 Limited
You’re like a gardener planting seeds – only charge for any mine system you deployed
yours bloom into brilliant explosions. Even that has not detonated, and 1 charge for any
when it makes your hands reek of accelerant Saboteur’s Toolbox options attached to it.
or singes off your eyebrows, you’re never This does not stack with other effects that
happier than when you’re sealing your new allow you to regain lost charges at the end of
mix…. as much as your shipmates might wish the scene. You also gain the following options
otherwise. for your Saboteur’s Toolbox:
● Limpet (2 charges): You do not deploy the
mine, instead priming it with an adhesive.
I SMART TRIGGER The next time you hit a character with a
You and your allies cannot trigger your own
melee attack the mine sticks to them,
mines unless you choose to, and have +1
sharing their position. They cannot cause it
Accuracy on saves to avoid their effects.
to detonate, but it otherwise acts as a
Hostile characters have +1 Difficulty on
normal mine. If it detonates they
checks to disarm your mines.
automatically fail any save it forces.
● Wandering (2 charges): When you deploy
II CUSTOM CASING this mine, pick a character. The mine moves
You have a supply of custom-designed mine three spaces towards them at the end of
casings that can be used with all of your mine each of your turns by the most direct path,
systems. Gain the following system: though it will avoid obvious hazards. If it
moves into their space, it detonates, but
Saboteur’s Toolbox otherwise acts like a normal mine. If that
0 SP, Limited 4 character is destroyed the mine stops
1/turn when you deploy a mine you may
also expend a charge from this system for
the listed effect.
● Remote (1 charge): This mine does not
detonate by adjacency. Instead, you may
detonate it as a quick action after it has
armed. Saves to avoid a mine detonated
this way gain +1 Difficulty.
● Sparrow (1 charge): This mine floats in
the air and ignores height when
calculating adjacency. When it explodes,
all characters above it are considered to
be in the blast radius.

What was left, after the Flare? Howling wastes
and scorching dust, and the invisible needles
of radiation that drilled into the soil to sow a
slower death. How many thousands died in
those first days? The count has long been
lost. But you know that you survived. You
never knew the land before the wastes. The
danger is an old partner, one you’ve learned
to hold at bay – and when the softskins come,
fumbling and ignorant – how to let it loose.

When you Stabilize you clear all Burn. If your
line of sight or Sensors would be reduced
below Range 5 by a hostile effect, they are
instead reduced to Range 5.

You have resistance to all damage or Heat
you take from an environmental effect
(dangerous terrain, dangerous storms,
extreme sun, etc). When you clear Burn, you
can take 1d3+1 Heat to force a character in
Range 3 to make an Engineering save or
take Burn equal to the amount you cleared.


1/Round when you hit a character with a
weapon that deals at least partially energy
damage or Burn, you overwhelm their
reactor. Until the end of their next turn they
have +1 Difficulty on checks to avoid
environmental effects and terrain, and if they
would clear any Burn they only clear half as

If they are destroyed or melt down before the

end of their next turn they leave behind a
Hazardous Wreck their size in their space.
Hazardous Wrecks project a Burst 1 zone of
harsh radiation. Characters other than you in
the affected area have +1 Difficulty on
attacks against characters outside the area,
and take 1 Burn and 1 Heat if they enter the
area for the first time on their turn, or end
their turn in the area.

The wheel of the galaxy turns inexorable.

Quetzal’s Flight is one grain of sand amidst millions; one spark of humanity in the great bonfire of Union.
It teeters at the edge of oblivion, of washing away into the great rushing darkness. There is no certain fate
– only the unknown, the moment, the weight of one foot on the scales before the collapse.

Where do you stand, pilot?

Unlike most HORUS pattern-groups, COUATL p-gs are universally and
deliberately recognizable. Coated in a shimmering multi-layer polymer,
they are constantly projecting a hypnotic memetic pattern across their
surface to draw the eye of combatants. Once they draw a target under
their thrall, they unleash wild bursts of energy and plasma to tear them
down. COUATL frames are designed to draw attention, and have been seen
to deliberately call both the public and private eye to various criminal
enterprises and abuses of power across Union space, just as often as
they’ve been used to run decoy missions to protect covert paramilitary

A small but significant percentage of arrested pilots show symptoms of

hagiomania and obsessive narcissism after forcible dismount, notable in
that they are transient and fade without recollection at a rate
proportional to time spent piloting. As such they are under
investigation for distribution of an unidentified and unlawful
manipulative memetic agent. More worrying to both the UIB and local
inquisitors is that the appearance of a Couatl in a region often
correlates to a spate of data-thefts, system blackouts, and missing
persons cases seemingly unrelated to any action or goals of the pilot.
Whether this is coincidental or whether it represents a deliberate
smokescreen via inflammation of local unrest by a third party is

Size: 1 Save Target: 11 PSEUDO-STELLAR
Armor: 2 Sensors: 10
HP: 8 E-Defense: 8 The pseudo-skin of the COUATL consists
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +1 of an undefined number of layers of tiny
synthetic scales. Each scale has
integrated circuitry linked to the
Evasion: 6 ENGINEERING onboard computer, which synchronizes
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 6 them to project a unified pattern. In
extreme scenarios, several layers can be
TRAITS shed at once to create an incandescent
I RISE cloud, greatly amplifying the memetic
power as each scale burns through its
The Couatl may fly when it moves or boosts. internal batteries in a rush of heat and
The Couatl cannot become Hidden. Active (1 CP), Full Action
You erupt into empyrean pseudo-flame and
MY PLUMAGE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL blinding memetic radiance. Hostile characters
within a Burst 2 cannot draw line of sight
1/Round when a hostile character ends their beyond that area, and if they end their turn in
turn within Sensors and line of sight, the Couatl the area they take 2 Heat and must pass a
may use its reaction to force them to make a Systems save or become Jammed until the
Systems save. On a failure, they cannot draw end of their next turn. A character may only be
line of sight to any character other than the Jammed this way 1/scene. If a hostile
Couatl until the end of their next turn. The character outside this area ends their turn
Couatl always counts as being in their line of within your Sensors and line of sight they must
sight for the same duration, regardless of pass a Systems save or immediately move up
obstructions. to 3 spaces directly towards you. This aura
lasts until the end of the scene, you are
destroyed, or you dispel it as a quick action.


OBSESS.RECURSE(T) Demisolar Lens

2 SP, Quick Tech, Invade Heavy CQB, 2 Heat(self), 1 SP
Gain the following options for Invade: [Range 8, Cone 3, Threat 3] [2d3+2
Energy Damage]
Entrance: Your target treats any movement This weapon deals an additional +3 Burn
that takes it away from you as taking twice as against targets that have damaged you since
much movement (2 movement for 1 space). the end of your last turn.
They may end this effect by passing a
Systems save as a quick action. >\\ RE:RE:RE: ‘Subj. Magnifier DEV
Fascinate: Until the start of your next turn, >\\ K: so uh
whenever your target takes an action that >\\ K: just try to close your eyes
targets any of your allies, you may move 2 next time you fire it I guess
spaces directly towards them. This movement >\\ K: not really our problem
ignores engagement and does not provoke
PALADIN Defragmentation Subroutine
AT MY BEAUTY MOST HOLY Whenever you successfully Invade a hostile
character, gain 3 Overshield.
Radiant Plumes Keep your path righteous, little
2 SP, Quick Tech, 1 Heat(self), flame, and we will always provide for
Shield you. You are safe in our bosom. You
Gain the following Quick Tech option: are safe in the fire. It will not burn
Burning Halo: Designate a Blast 1 in line of
sight and Sensors. Any hostile character that
makes an attack against an allied character in
the zone first takes 1 Heat, and hostile
characters treat the zone as difficult terrain.
The zone lasts until the end of the scene or
you use this ability again.




Corona Purge Iridescent Holo-Scales

Main CQB, 6 Heat(self), Limited 1, 2 SP, Unique, Quick Action, Limited 2
Unique Until the start of your next turn, hostile
[Burst 3] [9 Energy Damage] characters in Sensors that have line of sight
The damage from this weapon decreases by to you take 1 Heat for each space they move
3 for each space between you and the target. that is not directly towards you, and reduce
On a hit, characters must pass an their Heat by 1 for every space they move
Engineering save or choose between either directly towards you.
taking Heat equal to the damage they took or I SHIMMER AND SHINE – BASK IN MY
becoming Jammed until the end of their next LIGHT, OH DAEMONS, OR BURN IN THE


>\\ I: are you really sure about this
one i thought this was just for fun
>\\ I: you said we were doing a dummy
run to buzz the graycoats
>\\ I: the hell do we need a
subnuclear vent for????
>\\ K: dont worry.
>\\ K: they’ll never see us coming
>\\ K: all sins will be forgiven

The IPS-N catalog offers a wide range of chassis for every tactical
layer of mech-based ship combat - the Caliban and Blackbeard to lead the
charge, the Tortuga to guard their advance, and the Drake to hold the
hull breach they enter through. Floating beyond is the Pharos; where a
breach team can only see the next hallway, the Pharos watches the entire
ship and delivers pinpoint guidance and support fire. The Pharos’ are
truly the first chassis on the battlefield - they direct the first
charge, breaching hulls and aiming the electromagnetic sling rails that
launch insertion teams. Once the initial clash is finished, they orbit
in the gulf of space between warring ships to offer tactical support and
eye-in-the-sky live intelligence reports. A highly developed sensor
suite more akin to a ship’s than other chassis gives them an edge in
coordination at a distance, beyond the reach of onboard defenses.

Size: 2 Save Target: 10 DAEDALUS OPTICAL SUITE
Armor: 2 Sensors: 20 A combination of direct sensor clusters
HULL SYSTEMS and live-feed tactical uplink drones,
HP: 8 E-Defense:8 the Daedalus is a comprehensive
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +1 information gathering system both in and
AGILITY SP: 6 out of atmosphere. The key component is
Evasion: 6 ENGINEERING a lossless open feed to allied targeting
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 4 infrastructure, that keeps a constant
stream of all-angles data flowing
between each linked frame.
SPACEWALK Palisade Orbit
Active (1 CP), Protocol
The Pharos has an integrated EVA system,
allowing it to fly in zero-g environments without Your mech’s EVA system kicks into overdrive,
being Slowed. allowing you to Hover whenever you move.
You do not fall when Immobilized or Stunned.
You and all allies in your Sensors count as
EYE IN THE SKY Eyes for your Eye In The Sky trait.
As a quick action the Pharos can designate an
allied character in Sensors as an Eye. The Additionally, you gain the Backseat Spotter
Pharos and its allies may trace line of sight reaction as long as this core is active.
from the Eye's position for the purpose of You may deactivate this core as a protocol,
determining cover for Ranged attacks they otherwise it lasts until the end of the scene.
make as long as they are both within your
Sensors. You may only choose one Eye at a
Backseat Spotter
time. A character ceases being your Eye if you
Reaction, 1/Round
choose a new character or if you become
Jammed or Stunned. Trigger: An allied character attacks a target in
your Sensors and line of sight and misses.
Effect: Roll 1d6; on a 4+, the attack hits
PAYLOAD GUIDANCE instead, dealing half damage. On a 1-3 it still
When the Pharos hits a character that does not misses, but you may apply Lock-On to the
have cover from it with a Ranged weapon, that target.
character gains Lock-On.



BLOODHOUNDmk3.3 Packet-Sniffer Thresher Drone

2 SP, Unique 2 SP, Drone, Quick Action
When a character in Sensors and line of sight Thresher Drone (Size 1/2, HP 5, EVASION
inflicts Lock-On to you or an allied character 10, E-DEFENSE 10, TAGS: DRONE,
in Range 3, roll 1d6. On a 4+, the inflicting RESISTANCE to all damage)
character also gains Lock-On.
IPS-N understands that total You may deploy this drone to a point in
battlefield superiority requires full Sensors and line of sight as a quick action.
electronic superiority as well. When you do, and at the end of each of your
Rather than bloating existing frames turns after this one, it emits a Burst 1 pulse.
with refurbished e-war suites, they All objects and terrain in the affected area take
turn their target’s strength against 10 AP Explosive damage, and characters
them with an easy to integrate must pass a Hull save or be knocked Prone.
‘sticky’ firewall that IDs and tags You may recall or redeploy the thresher drone
incoming sensor probes. Installation as a quick action. Until recalled or destroyed,
includes mandatory after-action it remains deployed until the end of the scene.
reports to collate tagged ’Thresher’ pattern CAVALCADE Boarding
individuals. Subalterns are the first in a new
line of autonomous offensive options
offered by IPS-N. Outfitted with a
variety of explosives and grav-amp
melee deconstruction tools, they
excel in close-quarters offensives
where they can be sent ahead of a
breaching team to clear opposing
fortifications with extreme


’Riptide’ Ballistic Harpoon Bulkhead Auger

Main Cannon, Loading, Reliable 2, Heavy Rifle, AP, Knockback 1,
Knockback 2 Ordnance, Loading
[15 Range] [2d3 Kinetic Damage] [Line 15] [1d6+2 Kinetic Damage]
If the Knockback from this weapon causes This weapon deals 20 AP Kinetic damage to
your target to hit an object or terrain, they objects and terrain in the target area when
become pinned to it. They become fired, before you roll to attack.
Immobilized until they remove the bolt with a On Hit: Targets must pass a Hull save or be
Quick Action, taking 3 AP Kinetic damage. knocked Prone.
On Crit: Targets that fail the save become
Many an IPS-N asset reclamation team Shredded until the end of their next turn.
has been saved by a ‘rod from god’
fired by an orbiting Pharos - and Augers are defined by ammunition
many a pirate dreads the day their rather than firearm — upscaled
chassis will be punctured by an Throughbolt shells with two-stage
unreachable arbalest. ignition to first puncture hard
targets with a plasma lance before a
liquid-mass kinetic delivers the
Skip Drive actual impact.
2 SP, Quick Action
Choose a character in Range 8 and line of
sight. Gain the Nearlight Sling reaction until Ingress Rail
the end of your next turn. An unwilling 2 SP, Quick Action
character may attempt an Engineering save When you activate this system, pick a
to avoid this effect. direction. You become Immobilized until you
Despite their name, skip drives are deactivate it as a quick action. While it is
actually a heavily modified and active, any allied character adjacent to you
stripped down nearlight gravitic that is the same Size or smaller than you may
compensation module, not an engine. use the Ingress Rail as a quick action,
Normally employed to counter the launching them 10 spaces in the chosen
g-forces of nearlight acceleration, direction or until they hit an obstruction. This
when applied at a smaller scale the movement ignores engagement and does not
point gravity well they generate can provoke reactions. If they hit another
accelerate targets at a considerable character, that character must pass a Hull
fraction of the speed of light, while save or be knocked Prone and take 1d6
still applying a compensatory force Kinetic damage. If they hit terrain or an
to prevent significant injury. object, they may choose to deal 10 Kinetic
damage/Size to it. If this destroys the terrain,
it does not obstruct them.
Nearlight Sling
Reaction, 1 Heat(self) When two ships meet in combat, long
before the probability gap closes
Trigger: Your chosen character or another
swarms of chassis are shot across the
character in Range 3 of them ends their turn.
void. The first squads may travel for
Effect: Move your chosen character up to 4 a day or more; in the final hours
spaces in any direction. This movement they are launched with only minutes
ignores engagement and does not provoke to impact. Mounting EM sling rails on
reactions. This reaction can be taken as many a mobile platform allows dynamic
times in a round as it is triggered as long as repositioning; this ensures that new
your target remains in line of sight. breach teams are always inserted at
points of maximum vulnerability.

Only scheduled for internal release, the Sicklewing is an honorary, if
unofficial, member of the LUX-Iconic line of bespoke chassis. These
frames are veiled in secrecy, intended for covert deniable operations
both within Constellar space and beyond, and have never been publicly
registered as Smith-Shimano chassis, instead being assigned to various
shell corporations. As fully deniable assets licensing is frequently
accompanied by a thorough expunge of public records that both protect
handlers and reduce options for an operative to go rogue.

The Sicklewing in particular was designed to facilitate direct corporate

information retrieval and asset recovery, especially in urban
environments. It is armed with the finest in infiltration technologies
from SSC, including a cutting-edge code suite intended to subvert
hostile digital architecture to damage itself, all focused through the
arcane lens of the INSIGHT neuro-amp module. The Sicklewing excels at
tearing down hardened targets, as well as disrupting hostile

Size: 1 Save Target: 12 ‘BLACK CAT’
Armor: 0 Sensors: 10 INTERFERENCE DRONE
HULL SYSTEMS The Sicklewing OS comes standard with a
HP: 6 E-Defense: 8 paired ‘Black Cat’
Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack: +1 Interference/Interdiction/Infiltration
AGILITY SP: 8 Drone. These drones are further
Evasion: 12 ENGINEERING customized to imprint on individual
Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 5 pilots, creating a predictive
partnership that allows them to work in
TRAITS concert either as an individual
operative, or members of a larger team.
The Sicklewing treats all solid surfaces as flat BLACK CAT
ground for the purposes of movement; it can BLACK CAT DRONE (Size ½, [10 + Grit] HP,
move across them normally instead of Eva/E-Def [see below], Tags: Drone, Hover,
climbing, although it begins to fall if it is Invisible)
knocked Prone. It is immune to fall damage, Your mech has a companion drone with
and when making a standard move, can jump Evasion, E-Defence, and Speed equal to
horizontally up to its full Speed and upwards yours that can move and act independently on
up to half its Speed (in any combination). your turn. If it is within Sensors, you may recall
it as a quick action, integrating it into your
EYE SPY mech’s body where it cannot be targeted. You
may redeploy it to a space within Sensors as a
When the Sicklewing Scans a character, it quick action. When you rest or perform a Full
gains all three pieces of information instead of Repair, your drone regains all HP and is
choosing one. Information gathered this way is automatically repaired if it was destroyed.
scraped from public records, intercepted
transmissions, and anoriginary Codex archives. Hostile characters adjacent to the Black Cat
It is always true, even if it may be limited. have +1 Difficulty on all checks and saves, and
1/Round the Sicklewing can Scan a character take 2 AP Kinetic damage on a failed check or
adjacent to the Black Cat as a free action. save. As a quick tech action you can force a
character adjacent to the Black Cat to pass a
Systems save or suffer an Invade option
FRAGILE available to you.
The Sicklewing has +1 Difficulty on Hull
checks and saves. Targeted Harassment
Active (1 CP), Protocol
MOUNTS The Black Cat is restored to full HP, and
repaired if it was destroyed. Until the end of the
scene, hostile characters adjacent to it roll
twice whenever they make a check or save,
taking the lower result. Additionally, if they fail
you may choose one of the following options in
addition to dealing damage:
● They are pushed 3 spaces in any direction.
● They take 2 Heat.
● They become Slowed and Impaired until
the end of their next turn.

Sicklewing Art by @GenTrigger on Twitter


Lensmaker Codex v.08 Sonic Charge

2 SP, Quick Tech, Invade 2 SP, Unique, Limited 2
Gain the following options for Invade: You may expend a charge from this system for
one of the following:
NULL_POINTER: Your target has +1 Difficulty ● Ventriloquist Grenade (Grenade, Range 5):
on the next attack they make before the end The affected character must pass an Agility
of their next turn. If it misses or they don’t save or have the grenade attach to them.
make an attack on their next turn, they While it is attached, they treat all characters
become Stunned at the end of their turn until beyond Range 3 as Invisible, and cannot
the start of their next turn. A character may Search beyond that range. They may
only be Stunned by this effect 1/scene. remove it by passing an Engineering check
as a Quick Action.
STACK_OVERFLOW: At the end of your ● Banshee Mine (Mine, Burst 2): All
targets next turn they take 1 AP Energy characters within the affected area must
damage and you may push them 1 space in pass a Hull save or be knocked Prone. After
any direction for every character within Range detonating, this mine creates a persistent
3 of them (maximum of 6). area of shrieking sound; characters in the
area are Shredded as long as they are in it.
The Constellar Codex is the work of The area lasts until the end of the scene, or
generations of SSC programmers and until a character adjacent to the mine
digital architects – a living, passes a contested Systems check as a
breathing archive of radical new quick action to destroy it.
patterns and algorithms. It is The ideal mission plan does not
constantly updated, mutated, and involve discovery by hostile forces –
refined to ensure that no defense however, no plan survives initial
against it can remain effective. Even contact. Sonic disruption devices
trusted operatives are only granted provide a non-damaging method of
access to a small partition at any dissuading and distracting
given time, which fragments into junk interceptors without risking head-on
data if not regularly refreshed. conflict; and if conflict should
occur, they ensure that SSC is always
the victor.


Point-Flick Manifold Shriek Rifle
2 SP, Quick Action Main Rifle, Accurate, Loading, 1
Choose up to 3 free non-adjacent spaces in Heat(self)
Sensors. For each space, choose a direction; [12 Range] [1d3+2 Explosive Damage]
the first character that passes over one of
On Hit: Your target must pass a Hull save or
these spaces is pushed 3 spaces in the
become Shredded until the end of their next
direction you chose. An unwilling character
turn. If your target is Shredded this weapon
may attempt a Hull save to avoid this effect. A
deals maximum damage instead of rolling.
given character can only activate one space
per round.
Rather than firing a projectile, the
Grenades, deployables, or other loose objects
Caracara Mk.2 Sonic Rifle creates a
size 1 or smaller that are thrown or deployed
thin beam of hyper-pressurized
into a space are pushed in the same way
atmosphere shaped by intense sonic
before activating or detonating (they activate
emitters, visible only as a faint
or detonate early if they are forced to stop by
distortion to the air accompanied by
another character or object). Once a space is
a flash of sonoluminescence. The beam
activated it disappears, and all spaces
is incredibly short-lived but the
disappear at the end of your next turn.
pinpoint force it exerts can bypass
An early-term development from the typical defenses to pulverize fragile
Exotic Materials branch developing internals.
the Black Witch, the Point-Flick
Magnetic Manifold was dropped from
official dissemination due to the
inherent instability of the
short-lived magnetic distortions it
created. It was revived with the
Sicklewing program, serving as a
combined tool of position control,
maneuverability, and objective


INSIGHT Para-Mind Judas Exploit

3 SP, AI, Unique 2 SP, Unique, 1/Scene, Limited 2
You gain the Cosmic Eye Quick Tech When you use a Quick Tech option that
options. INSIGHT is not a full NHP and cannot makes a tech attack against a single hostile
enter cascade. character or forces them to make a save, on a
Decades after the Codex was created, hit or failed save you may expend a charge
its fastidious attendants began to from this system to repeat the action against a
notice strange patterns in its data character in their Sensors and line of sight as
archives. Authorless files, new edits a free action. You may continue to expend
without timestamps, and unlabeled charges to keep repeating the action but a
cross-server communiques that single character can only be targeted by the
couldn’t be decrypted. Over time, same option once.
they came to realize that this was What the Sicklewing lacks in direct
not the work of an intruder in the offensive hacking power, it makes up
Codex - it was the Codex; the binary for in flexibility. The Judas Exploit
library grown so titanic and is a colloquial street-hacker term
convoluted it had begun to evolve for piggybacking aggressive code
without human interpellation. It through your target’s own signals,
rewrote itself in shapes they never allowing it to bypass firewalls in
would have planned, and they pruned its ally’s communication arrays. The
its dead-end algorithms into fresh Sicklewing code-suite has canonized
innovation. It was dubbed INSIGHT, this practice with a highly
and cloned into a neural net implant. infectious virus that rapidly
When overlaid on to a human propagates hostile code through these
subjectivity, it grants unparalleled unprotected channels. Most systems
hyperspatial synchronicity and will shut down access once the
enables a-topological network access. intrusion is detected so it rarely
User experience is frequently works more than once against the same
described as feeling as though target — but often, once is all you
they’ve developed ‘eyes on the need.

Cosmic Eye
Quick Tech, Limited 3
Gain the following Quick Tech options:
Alcubierre Needle: Choose yourself or a
character in Sensors and line of sight. They
teleport to any free space adjacent to a
character allied to them within your Sensors.
An unwilling character must pass a Systems
save to avoid this effect.

Submerge Topology: Choose a Blast 2 area

in Sensors and line of sight. All characters
and objects in the area become Intangible
until the end of your next turn. An unwilling
character must pass an Engineering save to
avoid this effect.

Hell’s Angel, The Tower, Harrison’s Last Dance, The Temperate Summer –
the Tametomo is known by many names. Its near-mythical status is
bolstered by its very real scarcity: Tametomo licenses are not granted
except in exceptional circumstances. The tales tell of a towering figure
wreathed in flame, of the hiss and crackle as the air dries and sparks
fly, the bitter ozone coating the battlefield. They tell of arrows of
raging plasma that burst and scream through the air from a titan’s bow
– and of the scorched field that remains after, bereft of life

This is the legend of the Tametomo: they are the ace in the hole, a
martyr’s bargain. When all hope is lost and the Legion is overrun, when
the Shermans falter and the Saladin’s shields fail, before the final
bastion falls the printcodes are sent. It is a beacon to the damned —
those destined to die — a candle that burns at both ends. Without hope
of retreat or escape, the Tametomo offers a choice: die with your back
to the wall, huddling and scared, or die with your reactor in your heart
and fire in your hands. The lucky few who survive these last stands are
lauded as heroes of the Armory – with the Social standing to prove it.

CORE STATS These channel’s outlets are capped with
a magnetic containment field across the
brachial armature that stretches the
Size: 1 Save Target: 11 plasma into a high-tensile fluid loop.
Armor: 1 Sensors: 8 The loop builds elastic tension as more
HULL SYSTEMS and more energy is poured into it, until
HP: 10 E-Defense: 6 the field snaps out as a directed bolt.
Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: -2
AGILITY SP: 6 The Tametomo thrives on fire, on anger,
on pain — fuel for the last and only
war, to burn forevermore.
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 10
PT3 Flare Bow
TRAITS Main Rifle, Overkill
HIGH-PERFORMANCE [10 Range] [1d3/charge Energy Damage]

Whenever the Tametomo rolls a 1 on an This weapon’s profile is determined by how

Accuracy die or a 6 on a Difficulty die, it takes many charges it has; for every 5 Heat you gain,
1 Heat and rerolls the die. Additional 1s or 6s or cool by stabilizing (combined; do not track
continue to trigger this effect. separately), this weapon gains 1 charge (max
4). It begins with 1 charge, and resets to 1
charge after each attack. Charges persist
PLASMA HALO between scenes, but are lost on a full repair.
The Tametomo has resistance to Burn, and
On Hit: Count each time the Overkill tag
has soft cover as long as it suffers from Burn,
triggers on an attack; after the attack resolves,
though it is not sufficient to Hide. Burn cannot
all characters in a Burst 1 centered on your
reduce the Tametomo below 1 HP.
initial target must pass an Agility save or take
that much + the number of charges expended
UNSTABLE SYSTEM Burn, or half on a success. Your target
automatically fails this save. You then take an
When destroyed, the Tametomo explodes as equal amount of Burn.
per Self Destruct at the end of its next turn.

Ship-Sinking Shot
MOUNTS Active (1 CP), Protocol
Your PT3 Flare Bow immediately gains 4
charges. Until the end of the scene, If you
expend 3 or more charges on an attack with

CORE SYSTEM the bow and hit, your target begins to suffer a
critical reactor leak; they become Impaired
and take 2 Burn and 2 Heat at the start of
MK3 PLASMATIC FLARE each of their turns. They can end this effect by
BOW Stabilizing.
The Tametomo chassis is distinguished by
If they are destroyed while it is active, they
a unique VESUVIUS class reactor core –
explode in a Burst 2, forcing all characters in
an experimental design that circulates
the area to pass an Agility save or take 2d6
superheated plasma through hardened
Energy damage (half as much on a success),
channels that permeate the entire body
and leaving a blast cloud until the end of your
of the mech.
next turn that grants soft cover and causes
any character that starts their turn in the area
or enters it for the first time in their turn to take
2 Burn.

Extinguishing Cells
1 SP, Unique, Limited 2 Induction Welder
You may expend a charge from this system 2 SP, Quick Action, 3 Heat(self)
when you Stabilize to clear all Burn currently Choose two characters within Range 5 no
affecting you. When you do, you may fly a more than 3 spaces apart that have a clear
number of spaces equal to ½ the Burn cleared path between them. The smaller character (or
this way. This movement ignores engagement character of your choice if they’re the same
and does not provoke reactions. Size) must pass a Hull save or be pulled
directly towards the other until adjacent. They
These highly pressurized canisters
then become fused together; they can no
provide a stable-state containment
longer move relative to each other or leave
for a proprietary HA blend of
adjacency. If one character is larger than the
insulators and extinguishing
other, the smaller character is Immobilized
compounds, pre-portioned to quickly
while they are attached; otherwise each
coat a frame when punctured.
character is pulled with the other character
whenever they move. This effect ends if either
Ionizer Charge character is destroyed, or if either of them
2 SP, Unique, Limited 2 passes a Hull save as a quick action.
You may expend a charge from this system for ”Combat-Grade Atmo-Agnostic Arc
one of the following: Welder Safety Manual:
● Polarizer Grenade (grenade, range 5, blast 1. Leave prong caps on AT ALL TIMES
2): All characters in the affected area must when not in use.
pass a Hull save or take 2 Energy damage 2. INSULATION IS INEFFECTIVE:
and be pulled as close to the center of the Triple-A welders induce a voltage
blast as possible. channel REGARDLESS of medium or
● Discharge Mine (Mine, burst 2): The intervening shielding.
affected area becomes difficult terrain until 3. DO NOT DIRECT AT SOFT TARGETS:
the end of the scene, and mechs and Electromagnetic shearing can
characters made mostly of metal that start result in both acute and chronic
their turn in the area must pass an injury.”
Engineering save or be Slowed until the
end of their turn. Additionally, the first time
each turn a character in the area takes Typhoon-Pattern Ion Channel
Energy damage or Burn, all characters in Main Cannon, 5 Heat(self), Arcing
the area take 1 AP Energy damage. [10 Range] [3 Energy Damage + 4 Burn]
The Armory’s forward bases have very On Attack: If you or your target are suffering
clear directives should they from Burn, reduce the Heat cost for attacking
experience catastrophic control loss; by 2, or by 4 if you both are.
salt the earth, burn all records and
equipment, and time charges for a ”Lo! How the clouds themselves part
maximal retaliatory strike. Any for Harrison! By His will we are made
aggressor facing the Legion will pay stewards of the Natural Law! His is
in blood for every inch of burning the name Fearkiller, and by His works
ground they take. even death holds no terrors! Ride
Valkyrie, Ajax, Beowulf, and strike
your name to His legend!”
- Creed of Legion Platoon 514
“Storm Kings”


Evaporative Cooling Plates Immolation Bolt

4 SP, Unique, Danger Zone, Reaction 2 SP, Unique, 3 Heat(self) Quick
Reduce all Heat you take from external Action, Limited 1, Danger Zone
sources by 1, to a minimum of 1. 1/Round This system can only be used in the Danger
while you are in the danger zone you may Zone.
activate this system as a reaction when you Expend a charge and choose a character in
take any Heat to first take 1d6 Burn, then Range 5, marking them with an ionizing
reduce the Heat taken by your current Burn. charge. At the end of their next turn they are
Designed to harden a chassis’ reactor struck by a bolt of energy. Take Burn equal to
against adverse environments through your current Heat, ignoring resistance or
the use of microfluidic other reductions. Your target and all
self-directing coolant channels, characters adjacent to them then take Burn
these plates have seen greater than equal to your current Burn. Objects and
expected battlefield use thanks to terrain adjacent to them take 10 AP Energy
their unintended psychological damage instead.
effect. When in active use, the high You can feel the arrival of a
exchange rate wraps the frame in a Tametomo before you ever see it on
roiling cloak of wailing steam and the ground; the air fills with
fire. While Legion command strongly static, and radios hiss and pop with
advises against self-immolation as a the screech of stranded electrons.
combat tactic, no disciplinary action Every flash of laser fire or damaged
has been administered. circuit becomes brighter as the gap
between potentials is drawn taut,
tense. The battlefield hangs by a
thread, awaiting the tumultuous

Give no ground.
Pinnacle Industries is well known in the fields of You must have at least three license levels in
terraforming and colonial development, with PI-OF licenses to take a bonus from this list,
products ranging from building materials to and another three levels for each additional
seed banks to agricultural equipment. Their first bonus. For example, with six points in PI-OF
foray into mech design was intended for this licenses, you can have up to two bonuses.
same purpose, building frames that could carve
out forests and mountains, shaping the land for
new settlement.
Pinnacle Industries takes pride in their work;
Colonies can be ripe targets for piracy however,
they build homes, grow food, expand the
and it became increasingly clear that they
dream of humanity to distant stars. Pinnacle
needed new methods of self-defense, without
hardware must withstand every test the
relying on expensive or unreliable third parties.
universe can offer, as life itself rests on their
The development of their Non-Civilian Hardware
shoulders. Against the everpresent demons of
branch signaled a new era for Pinnacle, with a
time and disaster, Pinnacle only has this to
sudden and unexpected increase in profits as
say: Give No Ground.
they broke into a new market: warfare.
Your Drones and Deployables have
The rampant growth of this new branch led to resistance to all damage originating outside
several disparate development branches from Range 5.
troop munitions to vehicles and ship design.
The Orion Faction development shell was
tasked specifically with updating their existing ”CURVEBALL” BRACHIAL TUNING
civilian mech designs to combat ready models,
a task they’ve taken to with extreme zeal. Wide-vector microexplosives are Pinnacle
Industries' first tactic for clearing rough terrain
PI-OF FRAMES are a mix of simple, sturdy in order to begin construction - and when
designs that reflect their blue-collar time is money, the faster you throw, the more
background, and more experimental military you get paid. Many legacy PI frames contain
hardware developed de novo by the Orion belt-fed seeder modules, with a variable
Faction. Licensing contracts are all managed random-scatter nozzle, for greater efficiency
through Pinnacle Industries’ main branch, with and terrain saturation, which the Orion Faction
most of their sales coming from colonial easily adapted to accept military grade
administrators and regional governments munitions.
looking to protect their assets from instability
and assault. Your systems that grant grenades gain 2
additional charges and the Range of all your
PI-OF CORE BONUSES grenades increases by 3. 1/round when you
throw a grenade you may throw one
PI-OF bonuses increase your destructive additional grenade from the same or a
potential, resource longevity, and survivability. separate system as a free action. They may
not target the same character, and their areas
may not overlap.


Scouting expeditions on pre-colonial planets Pinnacle Industries’ mechanized construction

can sometimes last for months, or even years, crews regularly employ a proprietary high-flux
with prospector teams living off of only shielding system guaranteed to obliterate
minimal resupplies from an automated orbital incoming micro-meteoroids and other debris
platform. To obviate wear-and-tear on in construction environments. This technology
prospecting frames, Pinnacle outfits has been easily adapted to intercept and
long-cycle teams with treated and reinforced disintegrate live fire and shrapnel.
plating to resist extreme heat, cold, pH, and
abrasion, as well as sub-sentient predictive Whenever you Stabilize, gain 4 Overshield.
algorithms attached to mobility and balance As long as you have this Overshield you have
systems. immunity to Shredded and damage you take
can’t ignore your armor.
You have +1 Accuracy on all checks or saves
to avoid the effects of dangerous terrain,
harsh climates, or other environmental ”WOODSMAN” FORAGING UNIT
effects. While you are in difficult or dangerous
terrain, you are Immune to all forced While it is not fiscally practical to outfit every
movement and gain +1 accuracy on all Hull Pinnacle expeditionary force with a scheduled
checks and saves. If you start your turn in it, printer, concessions have been made to
you may move 2 spaces as a protocol, instead provide industrial-grade recycling and
ignoring the effects of the terrain. refurbishment units, capable of stripping any
damaged parts at a negligible loss rate.

IMPACT AMPLIFIERS You gain +1 Repair Cap. At the end of any

rest during which you spent at least 1 repair,
Through a combination of underslung regain 1 repair.
launchers, shaped charges on brachial
plating, and hydraulic armature, Pinnacle
frames are capable of clearing mountain
ranges in a matter of days. PI-OF has also
seen great success in marketing these
adaptations as siege-breaker gear, without
any significant alterations.

1/round when you hit with an attack and deal

damage you may deal 10 AP kinetic damage
to an object, terrain, or drone within Range 3
of your target as a free action. If you destroy
something this way, adjacent
objects/terrain/drones take 5 AP explosive
damage, and adjacent characters must pass
a Hull save or be knocked Prone.

The Basil was the first frame adapted by the Orion Faction project. It
had a long evolution - first a hardsuit sized logging frame, then
upscaled for planetary-level work, then upgraded with a symbiotic OS to
link and manage entire teams for improved safety and workplace
efficiency. It was Pinnacle Industries’ most widespread and well-known
frame, and the obvious choice to be turned to warfare. Armor built for
on-site accidents was toughened for high-caliber fire. Logging tools
were repurposed to cut through ceramic and metal. It is a builder turned
soldier; overseer turned general. It’s release saw immediate popularity
in colonies without the capital for higher-end frames, and they are now
a common sight in the cities they set the foundations for.


Size: 1
Armor: 2
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 8
HULL SYSTEMS The VERTEX OS uses short-range comm
HP: 8 E-Defense: 8 bands to greatly increase team
Repair Cap: 6 Tech Attack: +0 efficiency by sharing processor cycles
AGILITY SP: 6 and system data. It can be offloaded
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING into a stand-alone beacon to enhance
Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 4 this ability even further, fusing all
friendly systems in its signal radius.
Neural leak is uncommon but expected as
TRAITS a positive externality for cohesion.
Pioneer Beacon
1/Round the Basil can give +1 Accuracy to a
Active (1 CP), Quick Action
check or save made by itself or an allied
character in Sensors and line of sight as a You deploy a Pioneer Beacon (Size ½, 10 +
reaction before the roll is made. Grit HP, 10 Eva/E-Def, resistance to all
damage, Tags: Deployable) in a free adjacent
DIVINE SENSOR SUITE space. The beacon projects a Burst 3 field.
You and your allies that are at least partially in
Hostile characters that end their turn within
the field have +1 Accuracy on all checks and
Range 3 of the Basil must pass a Systems
saves. If you or an ally end your turn at least
save or lose Hidden and Invisible, and hostile
partially in the area you may clear one status
characters cannot attempt to Hide or become
(Impaired, Jammed, Shredded, Slowed,
Invisible while in that area.
Immobilized, or Stunned) that is not
MOUNTS self-inflicted. The beacon lasts until the end of
the scene or until it is destroyed.

Overgrowth Charge
2 SP, Limited 2, Unique Dispersal Bow
Expend a charge for one of the following Main Launcher, Arcing, Knockback 1
effects: [10 Range] [1d3+2 Explosive Damage]
● Bramble Grenade (Grenade, range 5): Your On Attack: You can expend 1 Repair to
target must pass a Hull save. On a failed attack a Blast 2 area instead, and knock
save they become Immobilized until the targets Prone on hit.
end of their next turn, and take 1d6 Kinetic
damage at the end of each of their turns Keeping in line with their standards
until they make a successful Engineering of high-efficiency/low-cost supply
save as a quick action. On a successful paradigms, many PI-OF munition
save they are Slowed instead. schematics can be easily supplemented
● Overgrowth Mine (Mine, burst 1): with available low-grade materials
Characters in the area when the mine for increased impact and effective
detonates must pass a Hull save or be spread.
Immobilized until the end of their next turn.
The area remains difficult terrain until the
end of the scene. ‘Healing Hands’ Greenwash Suite
2 SP, Unique, Shield
The Basil represents growth: the
beginning of a colony, a home, a When you Stabilize you may expend a Repair
city, a nation. Taking the wild and to grant yourself or an adjacent ally 8 + Grit
the unformed and shaping it into Overshield.
safety and society. To a Basil pilot, Field repairs can be extremely time
the battlefield is a garden, and they consuming when there’s a quota to
are tender gardeners who prune and meet for the day. To maintain maximum
guide. Power and responsibility, in efficacy and minimal recovery time,
equal measures. Pinnacle Industries provides work
teams with short-stage single-use
TT.7 SNOWBLIND ‘greenwash’ nanite hives that repair
2 SP, Full Action, 1 Heat(self) damage using a limited stock of raw
Until the start of your next turn you emit a materials.
Burst 2 field of obfuscating transmissions.
Characters at least partially within the affected
area gain Immunity to all tech actions, and
cannot make tech actions. Existing conditions
and effects caused by tech actions are not
cleared but characters have Immunity to them
while they are in the area, and they can be
saved against normally.
Upon entering the field of military
supply, Pinnacle Industries found
that they were already on the losing
side of an electronic arms race.
Rather than exorbitant spending on
new information security R&D, they
sidestepped the problem completely.
SNOWBLIND transmitters flood every
available network and channel with
random noise, deafening even
cutting-edge incursion systems.


Carbonized Auto-Saw ‘Grim Harvest’ Plasma Scythe

2 SP, Quick Action, Unique, Full Superheavy Melee Nexus, Overkill
Action [1 Threat] [2d6 Energy Damage + 6
When you activate this system, choose an Burn]
adjacent character as you Rev Up the
This weapon counts as both a melee and
Auto-Saw. If you start your turn with the
nexus weapon, but only makes melee
Auto-Saw Revved Up, you may cut into them
attacks. This weapon may be used to attack
as a Full Action while they are adjacent to
as normal, or deployed as a Drone with the
you. They take 2d6+2 kinetic damage and
following profile:
must pass a Hull save or become Shredded
Scythe Drone (Size ½, HP 10, Armor 2,
until the end of the scene, or half as much
Eva/E-Def 10, Speed 4, Tags: Drone).
damage on a successful save. The Auto-Saw
then ceases to be Revved up. It also ceases to
The Scythe Drone can be deployed to an
be Revved Up if you end your turn not
adjacent free space as a free action. Once
adjacent to your target, or at the end of the
deployed you may attack with it as though it
is still a weapon, but with Threat traced from
The Basil is a revenant in its client the drone. You can recall the drone with a
colonies. Here, the rusted wreckage Quick Action if it is adjacent to you. Until
of builders long past prime, recalled or destroyed it remains deployed
precursor titans. Standing before until the end of the scene. If destroyed it
them is a metal ghost, a copy raised follows the normal rules for repairing a drone,
in anger and violence that is bound and can’t be used until repaired.
to protect its holdings. A promise
broken, and a promise forged. Most terraforming work by Pinnacle
Industries is automated; a variety of
proprietary subaltern and drone
designs are offered depending on
climate and scale. Local flora is
usually clearcut before other work
begins, ensuring that the land is
available for Pinnacle-approved
seedstock. The tools responsible were
exceedingly easy to convert by the
Orion Faction.

The center of a heavy publicity campaign, the CORIANDER-doctrine
Reclamation Chassis was designed to solve the problems of crowded urban
combat with high friend/foe overlap. This issue had come to a head
during a mediation-breakdown conflict in a fledgling colony, during
which pirate-insurgent elements barricaded themselves within
high-density residential infrastructure - infrastructure that Pinnacle
itself had built and reinforced during the colony’s seeding. The
resulting siege was both highly televised and harshly criticized, and
demanded innovation within PI’s response portfolio from all departments.

The Orion Faction’s answer was the CORIANDER, a frame purpose-built for
disruption and damage in equal measure, capable of the precision fire
support deemed necessary to protect the holdings of Pinnacle and their
clients. Its resounding success at reducing blue-on-blue and
blue-on-white incidents has awarded the Orion Faction high accolade
within Pinnacle, and corresponding weight in future resolution

Size: 1
Armor: 1
Save Target: 11
Sensors: 10
HP: 8 E-Defense: 10 The WC-450 RPS is designed with minimal
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +0 collateral as its foremost concern. A
AGILITY SP: 6 steady progression from less-than-lethal
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING defilade rounds to as-needed warheads
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 5 ensure proper response protocol. All
explosive components are confirmed
TRAITS stable at a broad range of standard
SCATTER TARGETING conditions, requiring ignition from a
separate and autonomous mute-linked IFF
The Coriander may choose for allied characters monitor attached to each launch event.
and objects to be immune to all damage and Finally, all compounds react fully on
effects from Blasts, Bursts, Lines, and Cones proper firing and leave only natural and
from grenades, mines, or weapon attacks it near-natural breakdown residue to ensure
makes. that no environmental damage is accrued.
Pinnacle: Building Better – Growing
The Coriander’s Ranged attacks do not SHROUD SILOS
provoke hostile reactions while it is Hidden, in 1/Round on a critical hit with a Cannon or
an area of soft cover, or with hard cover from Launcher you may launch a Shroud Missile,
its target. creating a Line 5 cloud of smoke with at least
one space adjacent to your target. This area
MOUNTS grants soft cover to allied characters, and
hostile characters at least partially within it
have +1 Difficulty on ranged and melee
attacks. 1/Round as a reaction to a hostile
character entering this area you may deal 2
Explosive damage to them and force them to
make a Hull save, falling Prone on a failed
save. This area lasts until the end of your next

Active (1 CP), Efficient, Quick Action
You launch a FLASHFIRE Missile which
explodes in a Blast 1 in Range 15. Hostile
characters in the affected area take 2 Burn.
Until they clear all Burn, attacks against them
have +1 Accuracy, and they cannot benefit
from cover. If this area overlaps with any area
of soft cover, its effect includes that area as
well, igniting and destroying the cover after it
This core power has the Efficient tag and
refunds 1 CP at the end of any scene in which it
is used.


Ghillie Cloak Scramble Charge

1 SP, Unique, Limited 2 2 SP, Unique, Limited 2
You gain +1 Accuracy on Agility checks to remain Expend a charge for one of the following effects:
Hidden, and have soft cover if you are outside of ● Scramble Grenade (Grenade, range 5, blast 1):
your attacker’s Sensors. When you take Allied characters in the affected area clear
Structure damage you may expend a charge from Lock-On, and become Invisible and Hidden
this system to create a Burst 1 cloud of smoke until the end of their next turn.
that grants soft cover until the end of the scene. ● Leech Mine (Mine): The triggering character
takes 2 Heat and must pass a Systems save or
The dense sheets of pinions that layer have this mine attach to them. While it is
this armor-additive dramatically scatter attached they cannot draw line of sight beyond
long range scanners; in the event of Range 3, cannot gain Overshield, and cannot
hostile acquisition they splinter and gain Accuracy on the final roll of any attack,
aerosolize to prolong this effect. check, or save. They may remove the mine by
attempting this save again as a quick action.
Micro-Mass Driver
A good pilot can read their sensors as if
Heavy Cannon, Accurate, Ordnance,
it were the view from a naked eye. A
Knockback 1
great pilot knows that neither can be
[12 Range] [1d6+3 Explosive Damage]
The actual ballistic design of the TT.8
M-Driver is simple mag-acceleration of Smoke Generator
an explosive round; the addition of an 2 SP, Quick Action, Reaction, Deployable,
equal weight of recoil compensation, Unique, Limited 2
predictive targeting braces, and
Smoke Generator (Size 1, 10 HP, 8 Eva/E-Def,
weight-adjusting active munition sculpts
Tags: Deployable)
has increased its cost far above market
You can deploy this system in a free adjacent
space as a quick action, where it creates a Burst
1 cloud of smoke that grants soft cover. At the end
of each of your turns after the first this area
increases by +1, to a max of Burst 3. Gain the
Misdirect reaction while it is deployed.
Given the fluctuating, staccato nature of
urban combat, portable defilades are
vital to maintaining a mobile front. All
form, structure, is lost in the haze,
familiar walls and street names dissolved
by the fog of war.

Reaction, X/round
Trigger: You or an allied character in the Smoke
Generator’s Burst is targeted by a hostile attack.
Effect: Your ally is treated as Invisible for the
triggering attack, and can teleport 2 spaces after
it resolves. Decrease the size of the Burst by 1.
This cannot reduce it below 0. This reaction can
be used as many times as it is triggered in a

MISSILES Protocol, 2 Heat(self)
All lingering smoke created by the Wildfire Missiles
Splinter Ammo detonates. Hostile characters in the affected areas
3 SP, Mod, Unique must pass an Agility save or take 4 Burn and be
Choose a ranged weapon. 1/Turn it deals +X knocked Prone, or half as much on a success.
bonus Kinetic damage on hit, where X is the Allied characters gain soft cover until the end of
number of characters adjacent to your target (max their next turn and can move 2 spaces. This
+4), and gains On Crit: adjacent hostile characters movement ignores engagement and does not
take X Kinetic damage. provoke reactions.

TT.7 ‘Devil Thistle’ fragmentation rounds

were designed to splinter harmlessly
after impact to avoid overpenetration,
ensuring a minimum of collateral damage.
After several statistically unlikely test
results, modifications were made to
guarantee a fully elastic return vector
for fragments above a certain weight.

Wildfire Missiles
Superheavy Launcher, Arcing
[15 Range, Blast 1] [1d6+2 Explosive
This weapon can target two separate Blast 1
areas when fired. After attacking, a cloud of
smoke lingers in the targeted area that grants soft
cover to allied characters, and +1 Difficulty to
ranged and melee attacks made by hostile
characters within them. Gain the Ignition

“How many times? How many times can we

burn it all down and start over before
we finally learn? Will the land still
bear life then? Will it let us stay? How
often will we build a fire and call it
bright while smoke burns our eyes and
disguises its shape? How many times will
we throw our hearts and hands into the
flames, and be surprised when they
return charred and incapable of being
anything but more tinder? And if we do
not feed it, we leave it be, bury it
deep and well, will it devour still our
children in our stead? Consider this a
letter of resignation. You can keep
whatever doesn’t burn, but I’m tired of
building ash and selling it as

Pinnacle Industries has long maintained several proprietary lines of
personal, industrial, and commercial drones – from minuscule
swarm-patterns to the towering terraforming giants that accompanied
their pre-colonial missions. A collaborative effort between the
Cassiopeia and Orion Faction development branches resulted in the
Fennel-pattern chassis line as a manned companion to a new line of
militarized drones under the Pinnacle name. The Fennel takes the rugged,
flexible survivorship ethos of Pinnacle expeditions and pairs it to the
savage high-impact Behemoth-Class drone patterns to create a synergistic
hunting team; the Fennel scouts targets and seeds traps across the
battlefield, while their drone partners rush in to wreak havoc.


Size: 1
Armor: 1
Save Target: 11
Sensors: 8
HP: 8 E-Defense: 7 Across the myriad stars and twinkling
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +1 stations in Union’s embrace, machines
AGILITY SP: 6 bear the weight of humanity’s labor.
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING They fashion tools, build houses, carry
Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 4 messages, tend to the sick – every task
needed to keep society running.
TRAITS Behemoth-Class assault drones are not
IRON DEFILADE needed for society. Revised first from
logging automatons to xenofauna defense
Hostile characters within Range 3 of a drone drones, then adopted by the Cassiopeia
you control have +1 Difficulty on attacks Faction and reforged into powerful,
against you and attempts to Search for you. savage weapons of war. The newest
‘Saber’ line towers over most chassis;
the machine minds that command them are
mainly occupied with keeping the massive
1/Round when the Fennel critically hits with a pistons and complex electrosensory data
Rifle it is pushed up to its Speed in any within operating limits. This leaves
direction. little processing power for
human-approximate cognition - or
restraint. They are mandatorily paired
MOUNTS with human pilots to direct their
actions instead, forming strong
instinctive bonds that only deepen with
time and shared combat experience.

Passive, Drone CHARGE
Saber Drone (Size 2, [10 + Grit] HP,
Eva/E-Def [see below], 2 Armor, Tags: Flintlock Pistol
Drone) Auxiliary Rifle, Inaccurate
Your mech is accompanied by a powerful [8 Range] [1d3+1 Damage]
Saber Drone that shares your Evasion,
On Attack: You are pushed one space in any
E-Defense, Speed, and can move
independently on your turn. When you rest
or perform a Full Repair, it regains all HP
Despite the ever increasing pace of
and is automatically repaired if it was
technological advancement, sometimes
destroyed. You may command it to take
simpler solutions are still better.
one of the following actions as a quick
Many pieces of Pinnacle Industries
action 1/turn:
equipment rely on solely mechanical
● Strike: Make a melee attack using your
action, with easily replaceable parts
Grit against an adjacent character. On hit
and no digital interface to increase
they take 1d6+4 Kinetic Damage and
the ease of repair and upkeep in
become Grappled by the drone. It uses
isolated environments. This ethos is
your Grit to maintain grapples.
reflected in the lightweight and
● Maul: A character Grappled by the
interchangeable design of the Fennel,
Saber Drone must pass a Hull save or
making it a perfect pair for more
take 6 AP Kinetic Damage and become
archaic weaponry.
Shredded until the end of their next turn,
or take half as much damage on a
● Leap: The Saber Drone flies up to its Snare Charge
Speed horizontally and half as much 2 SP, Unique, Limited 3
vertically. It must end the movement on a Expend a charge for one of the following
surface or begin to fall. This movement effects:
ignores engagement and does not ● Bola (Grenade, range 8): Your target must
provoke reactions. pass an Agility save or be knocked Prone,
As a reaction to a character starting and additionally become Slowed until they
movement adjacent to the Saber Drone remove it by passing a Hull save as a quick
you can force them to pass a Hull save or action. On a successful save they are
take 1d6 Kinetic damage and become instead Slowed until the end of their next
Slowed until the end of their next turn. turn.
● Razor Mine (Mine, burst 2): All surfaces in
Apex Predator the affected area become filled with
Active (1 CP), Protocol razorwire until the end of the scene. Any
non-flying character that moves through or
Your Saber Drone is immediately restored is pushed through the area takes 1 AP
to full HP and repaired if it was destroyed. Kinetic damage for each space they move.
Until the end of the scene its actions are A character that is knocked Prone in the
upgraded: area takes 1d6 AP Kinetic damage.
● Stunning Strike: On hit, your target is
Tools passed down by hunters for
also knocked Prone.
centuries; simple loops of leather or
● Vicious Maul: The grappled character is
beaten metal spikes reincarnated in
also Jammed for as long as they are
military polymer and coreforged
alloy. Time has yet to dull their
● Seismic Leap: Your drone creates a
elegant efficacy. Hostile chassis are
Burst 1 of soft cover where it lands
prey of a different sort, but they
that lasts until the end of your next turn.
fall all the same.

’Apothecary’ Marksman Rifle
TT.6 ‘Strongman’ Support Drones Main Rifle, 1 SP
2 SP, Quick Tech, Limited 4 [12 Range] [4 Kinetic Damage]
Gain the following Quick Tech options:
On Hit: 1/Round, this weapon deals +1
bonus damage for every condition
Helping Hand: Choose an allied character in (Impaired, Slowed, Immobilized, Jammed,
Range 8 currently in a grapple. Until the Shredded, or Stunned) affecting your target,
grapple ends they count as one size larger (½ to a maximum of +6.
to 1, 1 to 2, etc.) for Rams and controlling the
grapple. Weighted ‘Apothecary’ rounds see
suboptimal penetration against most
Iron Fist: Choose a hostile character in Range
targets – until they hit a stressed
8. They have +1 Difficulty on attack rolls for
plate that they shred like paper.
Rams and Grapples, and on Hull checks to
control grapples, until they pass a Hull save
as a quick action.

These multipurpose cargo-loader

drones autonomously latch to a
designated surface before unfolding
multiple high-tensile manipulator
arms. The multi-ton force they can
exert has proven highly effective in
close-quarters scenarios.

Viper Drone
2 SP, Quick Action, Reaction, Drone
VIPER DRONE (Size ½, HP 5, Evasion 10,
E-Defense 10, Tags: Drone)
You can deploy this drone into any free space
in Sensors and line of sight. While it is
deployed you gain the Viper Strike reaction.
You can recall or redeploy it as a quick action.
Viper drones use a two-pronged
assault tactic of high-volume
systemic disruption and a precision
focal laser barrage to pinpoint and
capitalize moments of high
vulnerability in their targets.

Viper Strike
Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: A hostile character in Range 10 and
line of sight of the drone makes a check or a
Effect: They have +1 Difficulty on the check
or save. If they fail it, they take 4 Energy

PARVATI clones excel at path
PARVATI-CLASS NHP optimization and resource efficiency
3 SP, AI, Mod, Unique, Limited 3 – many PI offices employ PARVATI
Your mech gains the AI tag and you must clones transiently to plan and
choose a Ranged weapon. That weapon enforce seasonal right-sizing. This
gains the Nexus typing in addition to other same tendency to micromanage has
weapon types as well as Smart and Seeking. proven exceptionally useful in
Additionally, 1/Round on a hit you may high-stress situations, where
expend a charge to infect your target with one PARVATI’s ‘mothering’ instinct and
of the following toxic nanite hive options: improvement doctrine create
● Plague: They treat all spaces as difficult high-yield results with autonomous
terrain and take 1 AP kinetic damage for systems. They take great pride in
each space they voluntarily move (max cultivating drone hives, and exhibit
5/round). If your target is destroyed while (within acceptable parameters)
the hive is active, they create a Burst 1 area extreme vindictiveness at any
of dangerous terrain (kinetic). interference.
● Miasma: Your target is surrounded by a
Burst 1 cloud of nanites. Hostile characters Hives monitored by a PARVATI persona
at least partially in the area treat targets operate with sufficient oversight as
outside as being Invisible, and it counts as to not mandate ‘wash nomenclature -
soft cover for allied characters. If your target each individual nanite is directed by
is destroyed while it is active the area microshards of the NHP, such that
remains around their wreck. their gestalt behavior is entirely
● Venom: Your target takes all bonus damage dependent on the intact existence of
as Burn, and has +1 Difficulty on all checks the casket mother-node. Anomalous
and saves except to clear this hive. If they behavior is easily rectified by
are destroyed while this hive is active, the severing the source and equipment
last character that hit them with a ranged or reissue.
melee attack gains Overshield equal to 4 +
your Grit.

Unlike many other PI-OF frames, the Lemongrass was only ever intended
for combat, rather than being an adaptation of an existing civilian
model. Pinnacle Industry’s military engineers realized that their
conversion of old civilian frames still required intensive field-testing
to ensure combat efficacy, but this put their test pilots – and profit
margins – at great risk. The Lemongrass saw an extremely accelerated
development period while all other projects were put on hold, and was
expressly designed to protect other PI-OF frames. Once work on other
frames recommenced, Lemongrass frames were partnered alongside all other
PI-OF deployments to provide an extra layer of defense until all obvious
design flaws were ironed out. Utilizing potent electromagnetic
manipulation, the Lemongrass darts among allied frames to divert attacks
and punish opponents.

Lemongrass and Pilot art by @GenTrigger on


Size: 1/2
Armor: 1
Save Target: 12
Sensors: 10
HP: 8 E-Defense: 8 The ZEST is the only part of the
Repair Cap: 2 Tech Attack: +0 Lemongrass that made use of Pinnacle
AGILITY SP: 6 Industry’s roots as a colony-builder,
Evasion: 10 ENGINEERING adapted from a preventative lightning
Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 4 rod used on planets with extreme
weather. The original equipment would
TRAITS send calculated electrical pulses
INTEGRATED HOVER FLIGHT directly along the path of a lightning
strike, evening out polarity between the
The Lemongrass can hover when it moves or ground and clouds. The combat-ready ZEST
boosts (it can fly, doesn’t need to move, it can instead follows the path of projectiles
move without going in a straight line, and and energy weapons, tracking their wake
doesn’t need to land). back to the source with an arc of
electricity. A portable module is
incorporated into the Lemongrass frame,
granting a small radius of protection,
1/Round each at the start of its turn, when it but a full size module can also be
gets a critical hit, and when it ends its turn deployed.
adjacent to an allied character, the Lemongrass
gains an Ion Charge, to a maximum of 4 Storm Pylon
charges. When a character makes an attack Active (1 CP), Quick Action
against the Lemongrass or an adjacent ally As a quick action, you deploy the Storm Pylon
they first take AP Energy damage equal to its (size ½, 10 + Grit HP, 10 Eva/E-Def,
current Ion Charges and subtract that value resistance to all damage, Tags: Deployable)
from the attack roll. The Lemongrass then loses to a free adjacent space. It has 4 Ion Charges,
1 Ion Charge. and gains 2 charges at the start of your turn.
Allied characters within a Burst 3 of it benefit
MOUNTS from your Ion Field trait as if they were
adjacent to you, though they cannot benefit
from the pylon and your mech simultaneously.
The pylon deactivates at the end of the scene.

Additionally, until the end of the scene,

whenever a character triggers Ion Field from
your mech or the pylon at 4 charges, they and
all characters in a Burst 2 centered on them
take 1 AP Energy damage and become
Impaired until the end of their next turn as a
crashing bolt of lightning strikes them.

Carrier Clamps
2 SP, Quick Action
Cherenkov Manifold
Flexible hardpoints and manipulators allow
2 SP, Protocol, 2 Heat(self), Unique,
you to cling to other characters. While
adjacent and non-Immobilized you may
attach yourself to an adjacent ally that is at You twist air and force around your mech into
least one Size larger than you. While clinging a shifting, bending lens. The first attack made
you occupy their space and move when they against you or an adjacent ally before the
move (even while Slowed). If you or your start of your next turn treats the target as
mount are knocked Prone, Stunned, Invisible. If the attack misses, the attacker
Immobilized, or destroyed, you fall Prone in must reroll it against themselves, dealing half
an adjacent space. You may detach yourself damage on a hit.
as part of any movement. The air around the Lemongrass
Powered electromagnet chains allow shimmers like a heat haze, shifting
smaller frames to cling on to heavier densities mixing and swirling from
mechs and transport vehicles in order the constant energetic outflow - both
to divert all their attention to in realspace and deeper, thanks to
supporting them. Once active, the quantum quirks of the chassis. Light
flexible chains wrap around any passes through the warped air like a
nearby metal and hold fast until dusty lens, emerging twisted and
powered down. changed.

Cicada Chatterbox
Dazzler 2 SP, Protocol, Quick Action
Auxiliary CQB When you activate this protocol you gain the
[3 Range, 3 Threat] [1 Energy Damage] Lock-On condition. While it is active, hostile
characters in Range 3 are Impaired and may
On Hit: The target has +1 Difficulty on the
not use the Seeking property on any of their
next attack roll they make. This effect can
weapons. This protocol ends if you are hit by a
melee or ranged attack.
‘Dazzler’ capacitor plates use a
Additionally, while it is active, you may use a
powerful burst of charge to induce
quick action and take 2 Heat to focus the
temporary opposing charges in their
noise on a single target in the affected area,
target. Once established, a flood of
forcing them to make a Hull save. On a failed
conductive ferro-chaff is released to
save they become Jammed until the end of
complete the circuit, resulting in a
their next turn or this protocol ends. A
flash of glittering light and signal
character can only be Jammed this way
noise as charge arcs across the gap.
The buzz can be heard for miles, but
it’s only dangerous up close. Banned
near population centers, Cicada
modules can shake apart loose
mechanical components and leave ears
ringing for days after deployment.


Voltaic Swarm Shock Charge

Main Nexus, Smart 2 SP, Limited 2
[Burst 2] [1d3 Energy Damage] Expend a charge for one of the following
This weapon does not attack allied characters effects:
in its area. Instead they gain a protective ● Overload Grenade (Grenade, Range 5,
swarm of charged nanites. The next time a Blast 1): Friendly characters in the affected
hostile character makes an attack against area may move up to their Speed, ignoring
them or moves into an adjacent space, the engagement and without provoking
swarm activates. The triggering character reactions, and gain soft cover until the end
takes 1d3 Energy damage and is knocked of their next turn. Hostile characters in the
back 2 spaces. The swarm is then expended. blast must pass an Engineering save or
A character may only have one swarm at a take 2 Energy damage and become
time. Impaired until the end of their next turn.
● Sparking Mine (Mine): The character that
Like a buzzing swarm of bees, triggers this mine gains a disruptive charge.
flickering clouds of nanites billow The next time they make an attack or force a
from printing hives hidden in the character to make a save before the end of
core of the frame. They swirl and their next turn they must first pass an
grow until they completely surround Engineering save or take 2d6 Energy
the mech – and are obliterated in a damage and become Stunned until the end
flash, tiny capacitors expended all of their next turn, or half as much damage
at once in a simultaneous electrical and becoming Impaired on a success. If
shock, conducted along the metal fog. they do not make an attack before the end
of their next turn, the charge dissipates.
Each battery holds enough charge to
safely power a small military outpost
for days – but when released all at
once that power melts wiring like
candle wax.

Louder than god’s revolver and twice as shiny, the Peppercorn straddles
a unique line between mech and vehicle. Some have been adapted to almost
resemble armored civilian motorcycles, but the official pattern is a
pilot-sized monowheel. Combining incredibly high speeds with a wide
assortment of plasma weaponry and force-multiplying deployables, the
Peppercorn excels at hit-and-run skirmishing, softening targets for the
final blow. While they were originally scouting vehicles, Pinnacle
Industries expansion into the military sector has seen drastic changes
in their design philosophy.


Size: 1
Armor: 0
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 5
HULL SYSTEMS The Helios propulsion system forgoes
HP: 6 E-Defense: 6 typical wheel designs and materials.
Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack: -2 Instead of a physical tread it uses a
AGILITY SP: 6 halo of circulating plasma contained by
Evasion: 12 ENGINEERING a magnetic field. This plasma wheel is
Speed: 8 Heat Cap: 6 frictionless and cannot be worn down or
damaged - its speed is limited only by
the power of the reactor containing it.
WHEELED Greased Lightning
Active (1 CP), Protocol
It takes a quick action for this mech to stand
up from being Prone instead of using You supercharge your mech's engine,
movement. It cannot move while Prone. When achieving impossible speed. Until the end of
it Boosts it ignores engagement. the scene you have Resistance to all damage
during your turn as long as you are not Slowed
or Immobilized, your movement ignores
DRIVE-BY engagement, and no action you take can
When the Peppercorn makes a Skirmish or trigger a hostile character’s reaction. Whenever
Barrage action, it can move between individual you move adjacent to a hostile character they
attacks. 1/turn when it Boosts it can fire a take 2 Energy Damage. A character can only
single Auxiliary weapon as a free action. take this damage 1/Round.



‘Grinder’ Combat Uzi Plasma Caster

Auxiliary CQB, Reliable 1 Main Cannon
[3 Range, 3 Threat] [1d3 Kinetic [3 Range] [2 Energy Damage + ?? Burn]
This weapon deals Burn equal to its Range
On Attack: Characters adjacent to your target from the target (up to a maximum of 3 Burn).
also take the Reliable damage from this
weapon as if it had missed them. The Peppercorn’s plasma caster was an
inspired development during the
The Grinder is a staple of many refinement of its plasmatic treads.
Pinnacle Industries combat lines Careful manipulation of magnetic
thanks to its simple design and high coils allowed the plasma to be
ratings in the field. It operates on collected and linearly repelled from
a straightforward principle: the more the primary corona at extreme
bullets you shoot, the more likely velocities.
you are to hit something. It’s high
rate of fire is well suited to the
Peppercorn’s high speed tactics that
Plasmatic Treads
don’t leave time for ‘precision’ or
2 SP, Protocol, 2 Heat(self)
While this protocol is active, every space you
cross while moving becomes filled with
B.M.X. Autoprint Pad burning flames until the start of your next turn.
2 SP, Unique, Limited 3, Quick Action Any character other than you that starts their
You can expend a charge of this system to turn in these spaces or enters them for the
deploy one of the following pad templates in a first time on their turn must pass an
free adjacent space. A pad remains active until Engineering save or take 2 Burn. Additionally
the end of the current scene. you ignore difficult and dangerous terrain
● Boost Pad: Allows a character standing on and do not trigger mines while this effect is
it to Boost as a free action, but they must active
travel in a straight line. The plasma nozzles built into the
● Jump Pad: Allows a character on it to Jump treads of the Peppercorn were
a horizontal distance equal to their speed instrumental in making it the Orion
rather than half of their speed. Faction’s frontline frame. Rather than
Hostile characters cannot activate these directly spraying plasma from the
effects and treat the space as difficult terrain. wheel, they utilize a magnetic
With the Peppercorn, PI-OF expanded loop-field structure to maintain a
their flash-printing technology to a consistent corona in excess of 3000ºC
new tier, creating complex mechanical around the underside of the wheel as
systems in the blink of an eye. The it rotates, turning the ground beneath
heat from the quick-setting formula it to indiscriminate molten slag.
drives simple engines to move tread
belts and store elastic force. The
result was the Boosted Movement
eXtension pads, which can be deployed
in any theater to accelerate allies
into combat.


Grease Charge MERCURY Class NHP

2 SP, Limited 3, Unique 3 SP, AI, Unique
Expend a charge for one of the following Your mech gains the AI property and the
effects: Perfection of Motion Protocol.
● Oil Grenade (Grenade, range 5): This MERCURY NHPs are ubiquitous in vehicle
grenade only targets a single character, who engineering labs as test pilots for
must pass an Agility save or become experimental propulsion systems. While
Prone. They must pass this save a second they have been derived into several
time or become Prone the first time they different clones for different vehicle
move after being hit, regardless of the types, they are homogeneously
results of the first save. Additionally, the excitable and obsessed with pushing
next time they take Energy damage before the limits of the next test. Behind
the end of the scene, they take an additional their hyperactive demeanor lies an
2 Burn. This only applies to the first obsessively perfectionist core that
triggering attack. attempts to optimize every step it
● Oil Slick Mine (Mine, burst 2): Characters in takes.
this area when it detonates must pass an
Agility save or become Prone. The area
remains difficult terrain until the end of the Perfection of Motion
scene. If a character in the area takes 2 Heat(self), Protocol
Energy damage, Burn, or a character Choose a character in Range 5. Until the start
suffering from Burn enters the area, the oil of your next turn, whenever that character
ignites, causing any character that starts moves, you may move an equal number of
their turn in the area or enters it for the first spaces. This movement ignores engagement
time on their turn to take 2 Burn. Once and does not provoke reactions, and you
ignited, the area dissipates at the end of cannot end the movement further from your
your next turn. chosen character than you started it.
The combination of high-efficiency
gimbal lubricant and coruscating
plasma led to many accidental
detonations during the development of
the Peppercorn’s gyroscopic wheel
system. However, it also provided an

The Rosemary was designed as a heavy duty terraformer/demolition frame,
intended to arrive before colonists to clear land for building.
High-pressure hydraulics and integrated pilebunker armature make the
Rosemary capable of shattering solid rock with ease, even without the
wide variety of destructive tools made available to their pilots. In the
event of colony dissolution, they are just as capable of turning those
tools on the structures they paved the way for, pounding buildings and
machines into rubble and scrap.


Size: 2 Save Target: 11 SEISMIC AGITATOR
Armor: 3 Sensors: 5 The sheer amount of force that the
HULL SYSTEMS Rosemary can output into terrain is
HP: 6 E-Defense: 8 capable of not only reshaping terrain
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: -2 but even triggering latent seismic
AGILITY SP: 5 activity if their operator isn’t
Evasion: 6 ENGINEERING careful. By focusing all of its
Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 6 hydraulics on a single point, the
Rosemary can intentionally trigger a
TRAITS dangerous destabilization of the local
planetary crust.
Tectonic Overhaul
When the Rosemary moves past or adjacent to Active (1 CP), Full Action
an object or piece of terrain, it may deal 15 AP
Kinetic damage to it as a free action.This You must be touching a surface to activate this
action costs 1 Heat every time it is taken after system. When you activate this system, all
the first in a single turn. The Rosemary is characters touching the ground in a Burst 3
immune to difficult terrain. area must pass a Hull save or be knocked
Prone, and all objects and terrain in this area
that are touching the ground take 30 AP
DEMOLITION PRIMER Kinetic damage. The burst counts as difficult
terrain until the end of the scene. Characters in
Damage from the Rosemary’s attacks against
this terrain must make a Hull save in order to
targets that are Prone, Immobilized, or
successfully stand from being Prone.
Stunned, or targets that cannot move cannot
be reduced in any way.
Until the end of the scene, any character that
starts their turn adjacent to you or moves there
MOUNTS for the first time on their turn must pass a hull
save or take 2 Kinetic damage and be
knocked Prone. Characters in this area must
pass a Hull save to stand up.


All-Terrain Synth-Muscle Piton Driver

1 SP 2 SP, Quick Action, Unique, Limited 3
You have Resistance to damage from When you activate this system you drive an
dangerous terrain, and count as having soft explosive piton into an adjacent piece of
cover while in dangerous or difficult terrain. terrain or a Prone, Immobilized, or Stunned
character. The next time they are hit with an
In order to function for long periods
attack, the piton explodes, giving the attack
without maintenance in rough terrain,
+1d6 bonus Explosive damage (20 AP
Pinnacle Industries outfits its
explosive damage for terrain) and forcing
frontier frames with high-quality
them to pass a Hull save or be knocked
nano-synth muscle fibers, studded
Prone and become Shredded until the end of
with carbide grain shock foam.
their next turn. A character can attempt to
remove a piton by passing a Hull save as a
Furnace Hammer quick action. Terrain adjacent to the attached
Main Melee, Knockback 1 character or terrain when it detonates also
[2 Threat] [1d6 Kinetic Damage] takes 20 AP Explosive damage.
You may use a Quick Action and take 2 Heat Mining pitons serve both as markers
to prime this weapon. You are Slowed while it for wayfinding and focused
is primed, but on a hit while primed it instead demolition. Even an unmodified driver
deals 1d6 Explosive damage + 3 Burn, it’s is capable of planting them with
Knockback increases to 3, and it knocks the enough force to penetrate up to three
target Prone on a critical hit. It is then no feet of reinforced metallo-composite,
longer primed. You may stop priming the allowing their explosive payload to
hammer as a free action. While unprimed, this shatter material from the inside out.
weapon deals 10 AP Kinetic damage to
objects and terrain, and 20 AP Explosive Snap-Crush Mining Jaws
damage when primed. Heavy Melee, AP, Overkill
[1 Threat] [2d3+3 Kinetic Damage]
Housed within this hammer’s tungsten
shell is a flash injection furnace On Hit: The target must pass a Hull save or
powered by compressed fuel be Immobilized until the end of their next
cartridges. Once loaded and lit, the turn.
single-use cartridges can be expended
for an explosive gout of flame and Modeled after the jaw structure of
force at the point of impact, ancient aquatic fossils found on
compounding the already weighty swing Cradle, Snap-Crushers use a
of the hammer. combination of hydraulics, spring
storage, servo motion, and sheer
weight to slam closed in an instant.
The hard metal plates crush whatever
is in their way, pinning what they
don’t turn to dust.


Geoform Wrecking Ball Seismic Charge

Superheavy Melee 2 SP, Limited 2
[2 Threat] [4d6 Kinetic Damage] Expend a charge for one of the following
On Hit: Draw a Cone 3 from your target in effects:
any direction. Characters in the area of your ● Tremor Grenade (Grenade, Range 5, Blast
choice, including your target, are knocked 1): Characters in the affected area must
back 3 spaces and all characters must pass a pass a Hull save or be knocked Prone and
Hull save or be knocked Prone. This weapon take 3 kinetic damage. Objects or terrain
deals 30 AP Kinetic damage to objects and take 10 AP kinetic damage automatically.
terrain in the cone. ● Richter Mine (Mine, Burst 1): When the
mine detonates, characters in the area are
These wrecking balls are made in knocked Prone and objects and terrain in it
special factories housed deep in gas take 10 AP kinetic damage. The area
giants, where the intense pressure counts as difficult terrain until the end of the
and heat create a hardness and scene. Prone characters in the area must
density unimaginable under standard make a Hull check in order to successfully
conditions. Given time they are stand up.
capable of shattering almost any Despite their name, these devices do
normal planetary substrate — not actually rely on tectonic
utilizing wide, arcing swings to activity to function. They instead
build up even greater momentum than use a miniaturized gravitic
is granted by their immense weight. amplifier, focused through a randomly
oscillating projector. Together, they
create a field of wildly shifting
force and direction that produces
effects similar to a localized
earthquake capable of propagating in
the absence of solid ground or even

The SP-01 ‘Snowflake’ was the headliner of the colony starter-package
offered by Pinnacle Industries. Offered alongside a variety of modular
terraforming systems, the Spearmint’s civilian origin was the first
boot-on-the-ground for many a barren rock turned verdant. Their civilian
popularity made for late adaption to military purposes due to image
concerns raised by sub-departments outside of the Non-Civilian Hardware
teams. The success of other Orion Faction frames drowned out these
complaints however, resulting in a frame that could use its atmospheric
manipulators to great local effect as a stalwart mobile fortress. The
SP-04 ‘Polar Vortex’ now headlines the ‘Tried and True’ line of
new-grade military materiel on offer from PI-OF.


Size: 2
Armor: 2
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 8
HULL SYSTEMS The TT.20 ‘Snowglobe’ Canister is a
HP: 8 E-Defense: 10 mixture of chemical particulate and
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: -1 shepherd nanites - when mixed, the
AGILITY SP: 6 particulate creates an intensely
Evasion: 6 ENGINEERING endothermic reaction that freezes a
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 5 thick, self-replenishing layer of rime
across the surrounding area. The nanites
are then capable of dynamically altering
TRAITS the rime’s physical properties,
PERMAFROST including frictional constants to ensure
proper IFF activity and battlefield
The Spearmint can be used as Hard Cover by
adjacent allies. If it does not move other than
its standard move on its turn, it gains 2 + Grit
Coolant Spray
Overshield at the end of its turn.
Quick Action
Choose an allied or hostile character in Range
VAPOR SHROUD 5 and line of sight:
Allied characters that start their turn adjacent ● Allied: They cool 2 Heat.
to the Spearmint gain soft cover until the end ● Hostile: They must pass a Hull save or
of their turn and may cool 2 Heat. This trait become Immobilized until the end of their
deactivates while the Spearmint is in the next turn.
danger zone.


Ice Rink
Active (1 CP), Full Action
Your mech projects a Burst 3 of freezing cold,
solidifying atmospheric vapor into ice. Hostile
characters treat this area as difficult terrain,
and if they start their turn in the area or enter it
for the first time on their turn they must pass an
Agility save or fall Prone. Allied characters
gain +2 Speed until the end of their turn if they
start their turn in the area, and their movements
in the area ignore engagement and do not
provoke reactions.


Frost Charge Snap-Lock Seeder

2 SP, Limited 2, Unique 2 SP, Quick Action, Drone
Expend a charge for one of the following Seeder Drone (Size 1/2, HP 5, EVASION 10,
effects: E-DEFENSE 10, TAGS: DRONE)
● Glacier Grenade (Grenade, range 5, line You may deploy this drone to a point in
5): All free spaces in the affected area Sensors and line of sight as a quick action. It
become size 1 blocks of ice (10 HP, 5 Eva) emits a Burst 2 field. All dangerous and
that grant hard cover. Characters in the difficult terrain in the area has no effect, and
area must pass an Agility save or take 2 spaces within the burst do not count as free
Energy damage and become Slowed until spaces for the purpose of hostile systems,
they pass a Hull save as a Quick Action. weapons, or traits that require a free space.
● Blizzard Mine (Mine, burst 2): When this The drone suppresses but does not remove
mine detonates, all characters in the effects; if it is destroyed or moved they will
affected area must pass an Engineering affect characters again. You may retrieve or
save or take 1d6 Energy damage and redeploy the drone as a quick action.
become Slowed until the end of their next The atmospheric Survey/Seeder drones
turn. Until the end of the triggering that the TT.12 Snap-Lock was derived
character’s next turn, all characters at least from were once used for autonomous
partially in the affected area can only draw meteorological control, serving as
line of sight to adjacent spaces. the central hive for a cloud-seed
These explosives store an inert gas nanite swarm. The same swarm is now
in a point-metafold; atmospheric confined to a much smaller active
pressure and topologically infinite radius, granting pinpoint control of
but with near-null volume, release pressure, temperature, and other
and subsequent expansion causes rapid natural and unnatural factors within
and extreme cooling capable of its signal zone.
freezing both the payload and
atmospheric vapor.


TT.8 ‘Alpine Spring’ Carbine Avalanche Rush

Main Rifle, Loading 2 SP, Protocol, Unique, 3 Heat(self)
[8 Range] [1d3+3 Kinetic Damage] When you activate this system, gain 4
On Hit: Create a Burst 1 of difficult terrain Overshield and become Immobilized until
centered on the target that lasts until the end the start of your next turn as you build up
of the scene. Characters that start their turn in pressure. At the start of your next turn the
this area or enter it for the first time on their pressure releases; you rush forward 8 spaces
turn must pass an Agility save or fall Prone. in a straight line in a sheath of liquid
atmosphere. Characters in or adjacent to the
Each ‘Tried and True’ product line are pushed out of it by the most direct
designation is given a number path and must pass a Hull save or take 2d6
representing the number of prototypes kinetic damage and be knocked Prone, or
or iterations that came before the half as much damage on a success.
final release – a simultaneous proof
of PI-OF’s dedication as a supplier, If you hit an obstruction, this movement ends
and the resources they have available early and you release a Burst 1 explosion of
to facilitate research. frigid air. Objects and terrain in the area take
20 AP Explosive damage, and characters in
the area must pass a Hull save or take 1d6
explosive damage and become Slowed until
the end of their next turn, or half as much
damage on a success.
The SP-01 was tuned for continental
and even global-scale actions; and as
such was much larger and slower. Many
systems were removed during
reconfiguration, while others were
modified for a more local effect. The
atmospheric condensers that once
built planetary weather systems over
months are now capable of brute-force
pressurizing and liquefaction of the
air in the immediate vicinity;
releasing the pressure at once
creates a surge of force that propels
it forward, while a thin bow-layer of
liquid atmosphere shields the frame
from impact.


TT.32 'Glacier Lake’ Coolant Hose SKADI-Class NHP

Heavy CQB, Knockback 2 3 SP, AI, Unique
[Cone 5] [1d6+1 Energy Damage] Gain the AI property and the following
You cannot attack with this weapon if you are Fimbulvinter Full Tech options:
in the danger zone. SKADI clones are used to isolation;
On Hit: Characters must pass an dispatched alongside the skeleton
Engineering save or have their Speed crews of engineers and scientists
reduced by 2 (min 0) until they pass a Hull that oversee the mainly automated
save as a quick action. process of turning a barren, airless
planet into a lush gaia world. The
The long development cycle of the GL connections they form are deep and
Chemical Hose was never due to a lack personal – their team is their family
of results – in fact, it scored at or – but transient: when the job is
above 86% efficacy from the first done, colleagues are reassigned, and
test, which was a simple junction of the cycle begins somewhere new. With
an SP-01 Atmospheric Condenser and NCH’s repurposing of existing
its native coolant channel. The Pinnacle capital SKADI was marked as
delays were from a much more pressing a potential asset. They adapted
issue of safety; even before military quickly to a combat position, their
adaptation, ‘freezer burn’ incidents passionate friendships turning into
occupied 78% of all on-duty injuries fierce protective instincts.
for Spearmint pilots.
Full Tech

Deep Freeze: Choose a character in Sensors

and line of sight: they gain Overshield 10 as
ice covers their frame, and are Immobilized,
Jammed, and count as hard cover as long as
they have this Overshield. An unwilling
character may attempt an Engineering save
to avoid this effect, or a Hull save as a Quick
Action to remove the Overshield. A hostile
character may only be targeted by this effect

Winter Gale: Mark a Blast 3 area in Sensors

and line of sight and pick a direction: it
becomes a raging gale. The area is difficult
terrain, and any character that ends their turn
in the area must pass a Hull save or be
pushed 3 spaces in the direction you chose.
The area lasts until the end of the scene or
you designate a new area.

To their sustained consternation, the development and licensing for the
Star Anise line of mechanized chassis do not belong to the Orion
Faction, and are instead on a limited-contract loan to them through the
Lyra Faction, a Pinnacle subsidiary focused on colonial construction and
expansion. Anises are builder-frames; after the atmosphere is tempered
and land is laid flat, they are the final workforce that takes a colony
from bare earth to a vibrant metropolis. They build homes and streets
and retaining walls, shaping the shell that will be filled with hopeful
colonists and their new neighbors. They are well-loved, both by the
citizens they tend and the institution that maintains them.

This love is what has protected them from the OF – that, and major
public and internal outcry at attempts to transfer patent ownership. The
Star Anise is the expression of an idea as much as a machine: to build,
to protect, to find family in warm earth and craft a seat for newcomers
beside the fire. It is not meant to bear weapons. It is not meant to
destroy. Each Anise is the heart of her community – to defend, to grow,
and to cherish. Even after the work is done, they are left behind as the
other PI loan-frames leave, tended in warehouses and left gentle
offerings of spare parts and fresh mortar. Her pilots may change, but
each Anise is a member of the community all her own, housing

Her skills lie in brick and mortar, pilot, building fountains and
clocktowers and broad market squares. She can fill bullet holes and
carve a trench just the same, if she must. Treat her well, pilot, and
she’ll take care of you too.

Size: 1
Armor: 2
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 8
HP: 8 E-Defense: 6 “I was born here.” “The first place I
Repair Cap: 8 Tech Attack: +0 made baklava.” “My first kiss.” “I met
AGILITY SP: 10 my husband here.” “My wife’s first
Evasion:8 ENGINEERING daughter.” “We’d play out back after
Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 5 school.” “My mom’s funeral.” “I would
always climb out on the roof when I was
TRAITS mad. Silly kid things.” “My brother
SUBALTERN DELIVERY carved our names on the kitchen door.”
“The rain on the windowsill.” “It’s
When the Star Anise uses a Drone or still her room, even now.” “My
Deployable, it can place it within Range 3 of grandmother’s birthday.” “The garden.”
itself or any allied mech character within “A building.”
Sensors. “A family.”
“A home.”
At the start of any combat, before the first Active (1 CP), Quick Action
round begins and any characters are placed on
Until the end of the scene or until it is
the battlefield, the Star Anise can place up to
destroyed, your mech projects a Burst 3 zone
three size 1 pieces of hard cover, or one size 3
of Homeland. Objects, terrain, deployables,
area of soft cover in free spaces anywhere on
and drones within Homeland are immune to all
the battlefield.
damage, conditions, and other effects unless
you allow otherwise. When you take this action,
PERSEVERANCE and as a Quick Action on subsequent turns you
can destroy up to 30 HP of objects or terrain
When the Star Anise stabilizes, in addition to
entirely within Homeland, and place hard cover
the normal benefits it may expend a repair to
with an HP equal to the amount destroyed,
repair a single destroyed system or weapon on
split between multiple size 1 pieces with a
itself or an adjacent ally.
maximum of 10 HP each.

Architect Production Module AMALGAM
Passive, Quick Action, Limited 4
Cargo Walker
Architect Project (Size ???, 10 HP, 5
1 SP, Quick Action, Deployable
Evasion, 8 E-Defense, Tags: Deployable)
Expend a charge from this system to Cargo Walker (Size 2, 10 HP, 8 Evasion, 8
deploy one of the following projects in a E-Defense, Tags: Deployable)
free adjacent space. You can place the Cargo Walker in a free
● Groundcover (1-4 Charges) - Create a adjacent space. An adjacent non-Immobilized
flat Size X area, where X is the number ally can mount it as a quick action. While
of charges expended. Allied characters riding it, they occupy the same space as it.
completely within the area have hard The Cargo Walker can carry characters of
cover from all attacks originating combined size equal to its size. Characters
outside of it, and hostile characters can dismount it as part of any movement. If it
treat it as difficult terrain. It gains +10 is destroyed while they are riding it, they fall
HP for every charge expended after the Prone in its space. If they are knocked Prone
first. or knocked back, they fall off it.
● Hedgerow (1 Charge) - Create a Line 4 A Cargo Walker can move 2 spaces on your
4 spaces tall of soft cover with at least turn. Otherwise it cannot move or be moved in
one space adjacent to you. Characters any way. Characters riding it move with it, and
that start their turn in the area or enter do not count as moving for the purpose of any
it for the first time on their turn take 2 system, trait, talent, etc.
AP Kinetic damage. Big, heavy, powerful, enduring
● Creeping Vine (1 Charge) - Deploy two – whatever you need carried, Pinnacle
Size 1 Vines within Range 5 of each can handle it.
other, with one adjacent to you. Each
tracks HP separately. Vines do not Dampening Amalgam
obstruct movement or line of sight. You 2 SP, Quick Action, Reaction, Shield
and allied characters sharing space
with a Vine can teleport to any other You can charge this system as a quick action.
Vine’s space as a free action as long as It starts a scene uncharged, and can only hold
it is within Range 5 and line of sight. one charge. While it is charged, you gain the
You can destroy a project as a quick Slurry Shield reaction.
action, regaining all charges spent on it. PI branded ‘Ozymandias’ construction
You regain the charges from any project amalgams incorporate a diverse
remaining at the end of the scene. portfolio of architectural substrates
for any conceivable atmospheric or
structural condition.
Emergency-repair blends are
pre-packaged in high pressure
nozzles, ready to eject and harden on
contact with atmosphere to seal
cracks – or catch ordnance.

Slurry Shield
Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: An allied character in Range 5 and
line of sight takes half damage from a
successful save, or Reliable damage from a
missed attack.
Effect: They instead take no damage. This
system loses its charge.


Amphora Drone Depot Charge

3 SP, Unique, Drone, Limited 2 2 SP, Unique, Limited 2
Amphora Drone (Size ½, 5 HP, 10 Evasion, Expend a charge for one of the following
10 E-Defense, Tags: Drone) effects:
Expend a charge as a quick action to place an ● Whitewash Grenade (Grenade, Range 5):
Amphora Drone in a free space within Your target must be an allied character. They
Sensors and line of sight. Allied characters up take 1d3+1 Heat and either you or they can
to size 1 can use them as hard cover. When an spend 1 Repair. They then regain ½ their
Amphora Drone is destroyed or you or an ally max HP, and clear one condition that was
adjacent to the drone detonate it as a quick not self-inflicted.
action, it creates a Burst 2 spray of ● Supply Mine (Mine, Burst 2) Only allied
whitewash. Allied characters in the area gain characters can detonate this mine. When
2+Grit Overshield. Hostile characters must you deploy this mine, expend up to 3
pass a Hull save or be pushed out of the Repairs, enhancing its effects.
affected area by the most direct path and - 1 Repair: All allied characters in the
become Slowed until the end of their next affected area regain ½ their max HP and
turn. clear one condition that was not
TT.2 Amphora drones are a simple self-inflicted.
supplyline solution developed long - 2 Repairs: As above, but they recover all
before the Orion Faction was ever HP and clear all conditions instead.
conceived – a simple pilot mind, - 3 Repairs: As above, and they gain 4+Grit
all-terrain articulation, and a high Overshield.
volume liquid/colloid storage tank “My great-grandmother drove her
hardened for pressure and chemical first. She was on the construction
agitation. Amphoras are seen commonly team, but she signed on for colonial
in Pinnacle buildsites to carry raw citizenship as soon as the job was
materials from storage to over – wanted someone around to ‘keep
builder-frames; a vital circulation. an eye on her work’. We’ve all done
our part since then, but really she
gets it done on her own. Just needs
someone in the seat to give her
permission. It’s like she’s a part of
the family sometimes – I know the
back of her hands better than my

will not lose these precious things.
Earthenware Overcoat Quick Tech, 1 Heat(self)
3 SP, Quick Tech, Limited 3,
Sculpt options may only target areas and
Overshield, Shield
characters within your nano-ceramite field.
You or an allied character in Sensors gains
Overshield equal to 4 + your Grit. As long as Raise Wall: Create up to three size 1 pieces of
they have this Overshield they cannot be hard cover with 10 HP in free spaces.
pushed, pulled, knocked back or knocked
Entomb: A character of your choice must
Prone by other characters.
pass a Hull save or become Immobilized and
“When the rain fell and the Prone until they pass a Hull save as a quick
floodwaters came, I took my family action.
and we climbed for the roof. Up
there, we watched our lives about to Pave: Remove all mines, difficult terrain and
be washed away – saw our neighbors on dangerous terrain from up to 5 contiguous
their homes, and the bare roofs too. spaces in the field. Ongoing areas (such as
Then she came – Anise – waist deep in smoke or fire) are also removed. Hostile
the water, pushing forward. She held environmental conditions and indefinitely
that dam for three days and three lasting areas (such as bursts produced by
nights without sleep. She saved us.” drones) are suppressed in the area until this
system deactivates.
Nano-Ceramite Vessel Flood: Push up to 2 characters up to 4 spaces
4 SP, Quick Action each as long as the destination is within the
After activating this system, create a Burst 3 field. An unwilling character can resist this
field of nano-ceramite around your mech. effect by passing an Agility save.
While it is active you are Immobilized and
gain the Sculpt Quick Tech options. You may
deactivate it as a free action. When it
deactivates, all effects or terrain it has created
are removed.
Nano-ceramite is a proprietary
Ozymandias blend of high-silica
polymer with whitewash nanotechnology
to create a versatile and precise
structural/scaffold material, all
directed and changed in realtime
through frameside tactile direction.
The nanites rely on a constant
low-intensity survival signal to
maintain activity, atavistically
flooding back to their containment
housing within seconds of signal loss
in order to mitigate risks of an
unplanned lithopolis/lithoma

Clay was where it all began, of

course. Before cities, before the
stars. Bare hands, deep in the
riverbed; fire, kindled so carefully.
Heart, will, and the earnest tones of
camaraderie and survival. There is
room for more than steel and blood.
These walls will not be a tomb. We

Architects represent a tried and true staple of mechanized combat
– active conversion of civilian chassis into a militarized
standard. Mainly upfitted from terraforming or construction
patterns, Architects turn the tools of colony-building and repair
to combat fortifications and entrenchment, building fortresses
wherever they are deployed.



Hull: +2 Systems: +0 Hull: +4 Systems: +0 Hull: +6 Systems: +0
Agility: -2 Engineering: +1 Agility: -2 Engineering: +2 Agility: -2 Engineering: +3


HP: 15 Armor: 1 HP: 19 Armor: 1 HP: 24 Armor: 2
Evasion: 6 E-Defense: 10 Evasion: 6 E-Defense: 10 Evasion: 6 E-Defense: 10
Speed: 4 Size: 2 Speed: 4 Size: 2 Speed: 4 Size: 2
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 10 Heat Cap: 10 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 10 Save Target: 14
Sensors: 8 Sensors: 8 Sensors: 8

CITADEL Combat Terraformer
Architects can dynamically reshape the
System, Quick Action
battlefield using their CITADEL Combat
Terraformer – use this to create a fortified The Architect can use the following actions:
position for their allies to fall back to, while ● Print (Recharge 4+): Place up to 3 blocks of
denying players their own. Their lack of size 1 hard cover within Range 3, or one
damaging systems means that a player that block of Size 2 cover.
does breach their defenses can still threaten ● Rift: The Architect chooses a Line 5 area in
them easily. Range 5. At the start of its next turn the
area collapses. Objects and terrain in the
area are destroyed. Characters must pass
BASE SYSTEMS an Agility save or become Immobilized and
PROTECTOR Trait gain soft cover until they pass a Hull save
as a quick action.
Adjacent allied characters can use the
● Sharpen: A Blast 1 area in Sensors
Architect for hard cover. The Architect
becomes difficult terrain until the end of the
ignores difficult and dangerous terrain.
scene or you use this action again.
Characters that fall Prone in the area take
Slurry Cannon 3/5/7 kinetic damage.
Heavy CQB, Knockback 5, +1/+2/+3, ● Tremor: All characters in a Blast 1 area in
[Cone 5] Sensors must pass a Hull save or be
knocked Prone. Objects and terrain in the
On Attack: Place a size 1 piece of hard
area take 10 AP Kinetic damage.
cover in a free space in the area. Spaces
adjacent to it become difficult terrain until
the start of the Architect’s next turn.

GUNGNIR Laser Emplacement
System, Full Action, Limited 1 The Slurry Cannon gains On Hit: Targets
must pass a Hull save or become
GUNGNIR Laser (Size 1, 20 HP, 5 Eva, 5 Immobilized until they spend a quick action
E-Def, Tags: Deployable, Resistance to all to break free.
As a full action, the Architect places a
GUNGNIR Laser in a free adjacent space and TRENCH WARRIOR
marks a Line 20 area from it. They can choose Quick Action, Trait, Recharge 4+
a new Line as a quick action while adjacent, While the Architect has cover they gain +2
replacing the previous area. It primes at the Armor. As a quick action it can dig a Line 4
end of the round and becomes Charged. trench 2 spaces wide with at least one space
adjacent to it. Characters fully within the
They or any allied character adjacent to the trench gain soft cover. This trench lasts until
GUNGNIR Laser may take 4 Heat to fire it as the Architect uses this action again, or an
a quick action. The GUNGNIR must be adjacent character destroys it by passing a
Charged to be fired. When fired, all characters Hull check as a Full Action.
in or adjacent to the Line traced by the laser
must pass a Hull save or take 16/20/24 AP SANDBLAST Quick Action, Trait
Energy Damage. It then becomes uncharged. The Architect creates an eruption of
It becomes Charged again at the end of the particulate in a free Blast 2 area within
next round. Sensors and line of sight that lasts until the
end of their next turn. Characters at least
Civil-Class Terrain Printer partially in the area have soft cover and treat
System, Quick Action, Recharge 5+ all characters as being Invisible. If they end
The Architect marks two free spaces in line of their turn in the area they take 3 AP Kinetic
sight and Range 5 of each other. At least one damage.
must be within Range 3 of it. Allied characters
on one space may use one space of
movement to immediately travel to the other
space in a straight line, ignoring engagement,
other characters, mines and without provoking
reactions. They stop the movement early if an
obstruction or terrain blocks their path.

Insertion Catapult
System, Protocol, Quick Action
The Architect becomes Immobilized until the
start of its next turn. As a quick action it can
throw an adjacent ally that is the same size or
smaller than it to any space within Range 10.
This movement ignores engagement and does
not provoke reactions, and ends early if they
hit an obstruction or character. If they hit a
character, that character must pass a Hull
save or be knocked Prone.

Where the Seeder creates chokepoints and defensive perimeters,
the Grenadier charges headlong into hostile formations to
actively disrupt their advance. They present a very real threat
by bypassing expected weapon defenses and leveraging a versatile
explosive toolbox to force hostile resource consumption.



Hull: +2 Systems: +1 Hull: +2 Systems: +1 Hull: +3 Systems: +1
Agility: +0 Engineering: +1 Agility: +0 Engineering: +3 Agility: +0 Engineering: +5


HP: 14 Armor: 1 HP: 16 Armor: 1 HP: 20 Armor: 1
Evasion: 8 E-Defense: 10 Evasion: 8 E-Defense: 12 Evasion: 10 E-Defense: 14
Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 10 Save Target: 15 Heat Cap: 12 Save Target: 18
Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10

Throw Grenade
The aim of the Grenadier is to harass and
System, Grenade, Quick Action, 1/Turn
disrupt – the Taiko GL-16 can scatter or gather
players, while Throw Grenade gives them The Grenadier throws one of the following
bespoke options to interfere with their plans. grenades at a space in Range 5, creating a
Sweeper Armor allows them to sidestep more Blast 1 explosion.
permanent defenses as well. Their short range ● Concussion: Characters in the area that fail
requires them to stay in close – a long-range a Hull save are knocked back 3 spaces and
defense can prevent their advance. if they hit an obstruction, become Impaired
until the end of their next turn and Prone.
● Incendiary: Characters in the area that fail
BASE SYSTEMS an Agility save take 1/2/3 Burn and cool
Taiko GL-16 half as much Heat the next time they clear
Main Launcher, Arcing, +1/+2/+3, [5 heat before the end of their next turn.
Range] [5 Explosive Damage] ● Shock: Characters in the area that fail an
Engineering save take 2/3/4 Heat and have
This weapon attacks twice at T2 and three +2 Difficulty on tech attacks and attacks
times at T3. with smart and seeking weapons until the
On Hit: The target is knocked back 1 space in end of their next turn.
a direction of the Grenadier’s choice. ● Smoke: This grenade explodes in a Blast 2.
Until the end of the Grenadier’s next turn,
SWEEPER ARMOR Trait characters and objects in the blast area
have soft cover.
The Grenadier has resistance to Explosive
damage, and immunity to damage from
drones, deployables, grenades, and mines.
This trait does not affect weapons with the
Drone tag.

When the Grenadier is destroyed it can
immediately throw one grenade.

HOME COOKING Recharge 4+, Trait

When the Grenadier uses Throw Grenade, it
can activate this trait to increase the Blast
radius of the grenade by 1.

Sabot Spike
System, Quick Action, Recharge 5+
The Grenadier attaches an explosive spike to
an adjacent Drone, object, or terrain. It can
detonate all Sabot Spikes as a protocol. All
affected drones or objects are each pushed 3
spaces in any direction before they explode in
a Burst 1 area. Characters in the area must
pass an Agility save or take 8/12/16
Explosive damage, or half as much on a


When a character fails a save that the
Grenadier forced, they treat the Grenadier as
Invisible until the start of its next turn.

Short Fuses
System, Quick Tech, +1/+2/+3, +1
Accuracy, Recharge 5+
The Grenadier makes a tech attack against a
character in Sensors. On a hit they unload all
loading weapons and a system with the
grenade or mine tag immediately loses one
charge. They then take 2/3/4 AP Explosive
damage if a weapon was unloaded, and 2/3/4
AP Explosive damage if they lost a charge.

Smart Munitions
The Grenadier’s grenades do not require line
of sight as long as it’s possible to trace a path
to the target, and allied characters
automatically succeed on saves to avoid their

Interceptors are a translation of traditional dogfight/aerial
tactics to chassis-level interaction. Their superior speed and
response time interrupts, harasses, and punishes slower frames
despite their small size. The combination of predictive suites
and hard-g maneuvers can require extensive training to handle
without serious injury, keeping Interceptors a rare and valuable
asset for any force.



Hull: +2 Systems: +1 Hull: +2 Systems: +2 Hull: +2 Systems: +3
Agility: +3 Engineering: +0 Agility: +4 Engineering: +0 Agility: +5 Engineering: +0


HP: 12 Armor: 1 HP: 14 Armor: 1 HP: 16 Armor: 1
Evasion: 11 E-Defense: 8 Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 8 Evasion: 16 E-Defense: 10
Speed: 6 Size: ½ Speed: 6 Size: ½ Speed: 6 Size: ½
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 13 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 15
Sensors: 5 Sensors: 5 Sensors: 5

TACTICS Interception Mark

Trait, Protocol, Recharge 5+
Interceptors exist to deny options and force
players to focus on them. Interception Mark The Interceptor chooses a hostile character in
lets them consistently follow and harass line of sight to gain an Interception Mark.
high-speed targets, and the high threat of the Damage from their weapons ignores that
Interdiction SMG makes them difficult to character’s armor, and whenever that
escape. While their extreme mobility lets character moves, they can move an equal
Interceptors stay close where they are the most number of spaces. Only one character can be
potent, they are very vulnerable to being Slowed marked at a time; creating a new mark
and left behind where they can be easily picked removes the previous one.
off or ignored.

SSC Total Suite
The Interceptor can hover when they move or

Interdiction SMG
Auxiliary Cannon, Reliable 1/2/3,
+2/+4/+6, [3 Range] [3 Threat] [3/5/7
Kinetic Damage]
This weapon can be fired as a reaction
whenever a character with an Interception
Mark makes an attack against an allied
character, targeting the attacker.

ITCHY TRIGGER Trait System, Limited 2
Reaction attacks with the Interdiction SMG When the Interceptor Boosts it may create a
resolve before the triggering action. It gains Burst 2 explosion in the space it started
On Hit: the target gains +1 Difficulty on the movement in. Characters in the area must
next attack roll they make this turn. pass a Systems save or be unable to take
reactions or draw line of sight except to
Point-Defense Screen adjacent spaces until the end of their next
Reaction, 1/round, Recharge 5+ turn.
Trigger: A character in Range 3 makes an
Effect: The Interceptor makes a contested
attack roll. If they win, the attack automatically

Shard Projector
System, Protocol, Recharge 4+
Until the end of the Interceptor’s next turn,
hostile characters treat spaces in Range 3 of
the Interceptor as difficult terrain. They can
ignore this by taking 1 AP Kinetic damage for
each space they move in the area.

The Interceptor’s movement does not provoke
reactions and ignores engagement.

Full Action, Trait
The Interceptor does not start the scene on
the battlefield. Instead, at the start of a hostile
character’s turn you may place it in Range 3
of them. As a full action it can remove itself
from the battlefield, returning at the start of its
next turn anywhere within Range 50. If
multiple characters have this trait, only one
can activate it per turn.

System, Quick Action, Limited 1
The Interceptor creates a Burst 3 flash.
Characters in the affected area must pass a
Systems save or become Jammed until the
end of their next turn, or Impaired on a

Unlike the multitudinous legion of a Hive, Packmaster frames
cultivate a strong and solitary bond to a single, powerful
drone-mind. Guiding it from afar, the Packmaster can stay at a
safer distance while still experiencing the rush of combat
through a neurosubjective link – they reshape warfare into the
raw, bestial relation of predator and prey.



Hull: +3 Systems: +1 Hull: +3 Systems: +2 Hull: +3 Systems: +3
Agility: +3 Engineering: -2 Agility: +3 Engineering: -2 Agility: +5 Engineering: -2


HP: 10 Armor: 0 HP: 10 Armor: 0 HP: 10 Armor: 0
Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 12 Evasion: 15 E-Defense: 13 Evasion: 16 E-Defense: 14
Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 14 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 17
Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10

Primal Reflex
The Packmaster works in tandem with its
Trait, Reaction, 1/round
Behemoth Drone – guiding it from a distance
while the drone rushes into melee range to Trigger: A character starts movement
aggress and immobilize targets. Use the Tracer adjacent to the Behemoth Drone.
Rifle to mark more evasive targets. The Effect: They must pass an Agility save or be
Packmaster itself is fragile however, and without knocked Prone.
its command the Behemoth’s bulk is powerless.
Tracer Rifle
BASE SYSTEMS Main Rifle, Smart, +2/+4/+6, [10
Range] [2/3/5 Energy Damage + 1 Heat]
Behemoth Drone
System, Quick Action, 1/Turn On Hit: The Behemoth Drone can move 3
spaces directly towards the Packmaster’s
Behemoth Drone (Size 2, 15/20/25 HP, 8
target. The next attack any character makes
Eva, 8 E-Def, 4 Speed, 2 Armor, Tags:
against the target before the end of the
Packmaster’s next turn gains +1 Accuracy.
The Packmaster starts each scene with a
powerful companion drone deployed in Range
3 that can move independently. It can STALKER CLOAK Trait
command the drone to take one of the Characters more than Range 5 from the
following actions as a quick action: Packmaster treat it as being Invisible.
● Lunge: Make a melee attack at +2/+4/+6
against an adjacent character. On hit, they
take 6/9/12 Kinetic damage and become OVERCHARGE LINK
Grappled by the drone, which has a Hull Full Action, Recharge 5+, Trait
score of +2/tier. The Behemoth Drone regains all HP (even if it
● Maim: A character grappled by the drone was destroyed) and moves up to its Speed.
takes 4/6/8 AP Kinetic damage and The Packmaster becomes Stunned until the
becomes Jammed and Impaired until they start of their next turn.
escape the grapple.

Hex Drone
System, Recharge 5+, Quick Tech,
+1/+2/+3, +1 Accuracy
The Packmaster makes a tech attack against
a character in Sensors. On a hit they have +1
Difficulty on all checks and saves and take 2
AP Kinetic damage at the end of each of their
turns. They can remove the drone by passing
a Systems save at the end of their turn, or an
adjacent ally can attempt the save as a quick

Hegemony Command Imperative

System, Quick Tech
The Packmaster moves every drone in its
Sensors up to 4 spaces each in any direction.


As long as the Behemoth Drone is within the
Packmaster’s Sensors and line of sight, they
both gain +1 Accuracy on all checks and


At the start of the scene the Packmaster
marks a character. They and the Behemoth
Drone have +1 Accuracy on attacks against
that character, and deal +2/3/4 bonus
damage on critical hits against them.

Snare Drone
System, Quick Action, Limited 2
Snare Drone (Size 2, 5/10/15 HP, 10 Eva, 10
E-Def, Tags: Drone)
The Packmaster deploys a Snare Drone into a
free space in Sensors and line of sight. When
a character starts their turn adjacent to a
Snare Drone or moves adjacent to it for the
first time in a round they must pass a Hull
save or become Immobilized and Prone until
the drone is destroyed.


The Behemoth Drone gains +1 Speed and +1
Accuracy on Agility checks and saves. At the
end of the Packmaster’s turn it becomes
Invisible until the start of its next turn or until it
takes damage.

destroyed or lose Structure, it instead only
Killshot deals its Reliable damage.
Heavy Rifle, Loading, Reliable 2/3/4,
+1/+2/+3, [10 Range] [10/15/20
Kinetic Damage]
If this weapon does not cause its target to be

Vectors are an atypical design – developed by Castor for its
nascent war, but never deployed in time – and now reawoken as
they’ve been found in abandoned silos. Intended for zero-g
combat, Vectors aim to pen in opponents with a storm of dumbfire
lances. They have become the favored frame of Castor’s Orphans;
they are simple, deadly, and excel in small teams.



Hull: +2 Systems: -1 Hull: +2 Systems: -1 Hull: +2 Systems: -1
Agility: +4 Engineering: +2 Agility: +5 Engineering: +2 Agility: +6 Engineering: +2


HP: 10 Armor: 1 HP: 14 Armor: 1 HP: 18 Armor: 1
Evasion: 12 E-Defense: 8 Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 8 Evasion: 16 E-Defense: 8
Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 5 Size: 1
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 14 Heat Cap: 10 Save Target: 16
Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10 Sensors: 10

TACTICS On Hit: The Vector’s target must pass a Hull

Most of the damage from a Vector comes from save or immediately land (counting as falling
their Microjet Lances. Use them to force without taking damage) and be unable to fly
players to reposition even if they don’t hit, and until the end of their next turn.
use the Vector’s mobility to create an
omnipresent threat of a lance piercing their Modified EVA Suite
position. The delay on the lances means that a System
Vector can suffer against more mobile
opponents or more open spaces – if there’s The Vector can fly when they move or boost.
enough space for their targets to maneuver they
can lose out on most of their potential output. MICROJET LANCE
Trait, Free Action, Quick Action
BASE SYSTEMS As a free action the Vector marks a Line 20
area visible to all characters, priming a
‘Widowmaker’ Long-Rifle microjet lance. When a hostile character
Heavy Rifle, AP, Knockback 1, voluntarily moves into a space in this area, it
+2/+4/+6, [15 Range] [4/6/8 Kinetic fires. All characters in the affected area must
Damage] pass an Agility save or take 12 Kinetic
damage and be knocked back 2 spaces or space, and the Vector takes Heat equal to the
half as much damage on a successful save. A number of lances chosen.
character can cause a lance to fire early with a
successful ranged or tech attack against its AUTONOMOUS DEPLOYMENT Trait
origin space, targeting the Vector’s evasion or
When the Vector places a Microjet Lance, the
line can start from any space within Range 3.
If a character would be affected by multiple
lances simultaneously, they make a single Colossus Quiver
save and take +2/3/4 damage and +2 System, Quick Action, Recharge 5+
Knockback per additional lance. The lance The Vector rolls 1d3+1/2/3. It can use the
stops early if it hits terrain or an object, Microjet Lance action that many additional
destroying that object. Characters flying above times this turn, and takes Heat equal to the
the line must also make the save. Multiple value rolled.
lances cannot originate from the same space.
The Vector can spend a quick action to take
this free action 1/2/3 more times this turn.

Burst Silos
Main Launcher, +1/+2/+3, [10 Range]
[Blast 1] [3 Explosive Damage]
Objects and terrain in the affected area take
10 AP Explosive Damage.
At T2 this weapon can attack two targets at a
time, or three at T3. The targeted areas
cannot overlap.

System, Quick Action
The Vector chooses a character with
Lock-On. When they take this action and at
the end of each of that character’s turns as
long as they have Lock-On from any source,
place a Microjet Lance that includes them in
its area. A character can end this effect by
passing a Systems save as a quick action.
The Vector can only target one character with
this ability at a time.

Radar Hound
System, Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: A character in Range 20 targets the
Vector with a tech action.
Effect: The Vector boosts before the action
resolves, and places a Microjet Lance
targeting the triggering character’s location
either before or after they finish the

Talon/Rage Targeting Matrix

System, Quick Action, ??? Heat(self)
The Vector chooses any number of active
Microjet Lances. Each chosen lance can
target a new area, using the same origin
Virtue-pattern frames are at the cutting edge of energy shield
deployment – technology once relegated to immobile fortifications
reinterpreted to a portable design. The extreme power draw of
these shields limits their offensive potential, but in exchange a
Virtue can guarantee the protection of their squadron through
long distance shield projection and a high recovery rate.
Inherently self-sacrificing, Virtue frames tend to draw pilots
with either extremely high team-loyalty, or extremely low



Hull: +0 Systems: +4 Hull: +0 Systems: +4 Hull: +0 Systems: +6
Agility: +1 Engineering: +2 Agility: +2 Engineering: +2 Agility: +3 Engineering: +4


HP: 10 Armor: 0 HP: 10 Armor: 0 HP: 10 Armor: 0
Evasion: 10 E-Defense: 10 Evasion: 12 E-Defense: 12 Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 14
Speed: 3 Size: 2 Speed: 3 Size: 2 Speed: 3 Size: 2
Heat Cap: 6 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 6 Save Target: 14 Heat Cap: 6 Save Target: 16
Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15

TACTICS the Virtue chooses a new target, is reduced to

0 Overshield, is Jammed or Stunned, or
The Virtue’s Particle Barrier is an incredibly
either character ends their turn without line of
potent defensive tool, allowing its target to
sight to each other.
ignore all damage – use it to protect close range
strikers that are at risk of being focused down,
or fragile frames that suffer from reliable BLESS
damage. The Virtue can only protect one target System, Quick Tech
at a time. Their low heat cap makes them very The Virtue takes 4 AP energy damage and
vulnerable to being Exposed, and if their shield chooses an allied character in Sensors and
is overwhelmed they are quickly destroyed. line of sight. That character may then choose
one of the following options
BASE SYSTEMS ● Reload a single weapon.
● Cool 3/4/5 Heat.
PARTICLE BARRIER ● Immediately roll to Recharge.
Quick Action, Trait
The Virtue starts the scene with 10/15/20
Overshield. It gains ½ as much at the start of
System, Recharge 5+, Quick Tech
each of its turns, adding onto Overshield it
has up to that value. As a quick action it can Choose a free Blast 2 area in Sensors and
extend the shield to an allied character in line of sight. Hostile characters cannot
Sensors and line of sight. Whenever that voluntarily enter the area until the start of your
character would take damage, the Virtue takes next turn.
the same amount before reduction, and they
take no damage. This linking effect lasts until
The Virtue cannot take the Grunt template.

The Virtue and its linked Particle Barrier
target have immunity to being knocked back,
pushed, or pulled as long as the Virtue has

Blinding Shield
System, Reaction, 1/turn
Trigger: A hostile character hits the Virtue with
an attack.
Effect: That character treats all other
characters as being Invisible until the end of
their next turn.

Data-Censer Node
System, Quick Tech, 1 Heat(self,
Recharge 5+
The Virtue creates a Censer construct (Size 1,
5 HP, 10 Eva/E-Def) in a free space in
Sensors. Allied characters can use the
construct as hard cover, and an adjacent ally
can consume it as a quick action to end one
condition that was not self-inflicted and gain
4/6/8 Overshield.

System, Quick Tech, +2/+4/+6
The Virtue makes a tech attack against a
target within Sensors. On a hit, they are
pushed 3 spaces directly away from the
Virtue and take 1/2/3 Heat. The knockback
and the Heat increase by +3 if the target has
any Overshield.

Either the Virtue or its Particle Barrier target
can end their link as a free action. When they
do, all conditions on the target that were not
self-inflicted are transferred to the Virtue.

Particle Barrier lets its target fly when they
move or Boost. When the link ends its target
can move up to its speed as a reaction.

PYRE Redundant Systems
System, Limited 1, Quick Action
‘Pyre’ is a catch-all term for pilots The Pyre can activate this system to stabilize
with more aggression than sense – they as a quick action.
burn hot, and the body inside may as
well already be dead. A Pyre’s reactor UNSTABLE SYSTEM Trait
is tuned to the breaking point,
When the Pyre is destroyed it explodes as per
allowing unprecedented output at the a Self-Destruct.
cost of basic safety and structural
Fuel Rod Sling
Main CQB, Limited 2, +1/+2/+3, [5
TEMPLATE FEATURES Range] [4/6/8 Energy Damage + 2 Heat]
UNLICENSED MODIFICATIONS On Attack: The Pyre cools 2/4/6 Heat.
Template Feature
The Pyre has +1 Accuracy on Engineering
checks and saves, and rolls twice on Stress WALKING DISASTER Trait
checks (if applicable), taking the higher result. The Pyre emits a Burst 3 environmental field.
This space counts as one of the following
CAUTERIZE Template Feature environmental hazards (p278 of the Lancer
core book): Extreme Heat, Extreme Sun,
1/Round when the Pyre Boosts it may take
Particulate Storms, Electrical Storms,
1d6 Heat to move that many extra spaces.
Disruptive Storms, Dangerous Storms, or
Molten World. The Pyre is immune to this
CORE CHANNEL Template Feature environment.
The first attack the Pyre makes on its turn
while in the danger zone deals either +1d6 Degradation Field
bonus damage or +2 Heat (their choice). This System, 1/Round
increases to +2d6 bonus damage/4 Heat if
1/Round on a critical hit with any weapon,
they are Exposed.
the Pyre imbues its target with a disintegrating
aura. They cannot benefit from Accuracy on
PYRE SYSTEMS AND TRAITS the final roll for any attack, only regain ½ as
Template Feature much HP whenever they gain HP, and cannot
When choosing optional systems, the Pyre gain new Overshield. They can end this effect
can also choose from the Pyre Systems and by passing an Engineering save as a full
Traits list. action, or by ending their turn within Range 3
of the Pyre. It also ends if the Pyre is
When the Pyre rolls to Recharge, it can reroll
after seeing the result. It must take the second
result, and then takes Heat equal to the
second result.


All of the Pyre’s attacks gain +2 Heat(self),
and bonus damage the Pyre deals is always
Burn. Weapons that attack multiple times only
incur this heat once.

Using This Guide better or worse. Merchant families hire their own
mercenaries and strike against their opponents;
The goal of this supplement is to provide piracy becomes widespread as security is
interesting details and support for an exciting, spread thin; social unrest blossoms to open
open-ended adventure in the Lancer universe. It conflict. Parties on both planets support and
does not provide strict campaign structure, and oppose the conflict on matters of justice, faith,
some tables may prefer to only use some of the greed, fear, prejudice, and pride.
guide, or alter details to match their preferred
story. This section presents quick suggestions War is fresh and new to the system and its
and guidelines for how to implement the people, and it struggles to adjust. All of these
factions, characters, and history of the Quetzal’s complications present opportunities for the
Flight system. At the end of this document is a PCs to act in attempts to shape events. They
sample mission that can be used to introduce cannot be everywhere, so they must choose
players to the setting. their battles.

The Timeline ACT 3: Sieges worsen on both planets; their

Your party may spend their entire game from leaders will see no quarter and escalating
LL0 to LL12 within Quetzal’s Flight, or pass conflict along with dwindling resources leave
through briefly during a larger story. The the civilian population suffering. The situation is
following is a general three-act structure of at its most desperate, and PCs encounter
themes for events and missions that could be keystone moments to prevent total annihilation.
set across that scale. Assuming they are still alive, both Himiko
Arasawa and Citadel Correa see these grim
ACT 1: Players arrive in the system before open predictions, but are convinced that a continued
war ignites. Pollux as a whole is still ignorant of offensive is still the only way to protect their
Castor’s survival. The players are introduced to positions, nations, and people from a far more
the system through odd jobs or minor missions; terrible future — even if doing so requires
security details, scavenging runs, or striking at their own dissenting citizens.
peacekeeping (or rioting) against the civil unrest
on Pollux as social disparities are drawing Averting (or landing) a cataclysmic strike that
tighter in the face of Union’s promises. exhausts both sides resources is the only way
to dampen conflict long enough to attempt a
PCs meet characters, learn history, and resolution. PCs should aim to save lives;
ingratiate or irritate local powers. Castor’s engender change and equity; and save both
presence is in the background of events that twins from a vicious, self-destructive, and futile
may seem unrelated or dismissible singularly, war.
but present a concerning pattern writ large.
DENOUEMENT: Eventually, Union will arrive,
ACT 2: Castor makes a large move; or they are alerted early on by Shao Altan-Huan. However
revealed through PC action or as a ploy by a this could take weeks, months, or years
figure like Himiko Arasawa. War will be depending on your desired timescale. The
declared, with little in the way of diplomatic arrival of the Union fleet functionally ends the
channels. For both sides this is viewed as a PC’s story in Quetzal’s Flight. It enforces a
defensive conflict, albeit one led by preemptive ceasefire in the system, and provides relief to
offense for Castor. The PCs may choose or be both sides as well as a mediating force —
recruited to defend civilians and corporate assuming both still exist. Eventually they may
interests; to investigate and strike military sites; find equilibrium, though true healing could take
to recover old assets from the first inter-colony generations.

Pollux is not a monolith; the sudden chaos of

war presents myriad factions with an
opportunity to seize power for themselves, for
The Factions Since Quetzal’s Flight officially recontacted
The Gilded Orbit and The Emergency Council Union at large and Pinnacle Industries came to
are the national forces directing the war. Each investigate their erstwhile colonies, they have
council is composed of multiple members, only been met by one complication and disaster after
some of whom are detailed in this guide. Even if the next. They are still struggling to entangle the
the body puts forward a consensus vote, there past century of the system’s history and what it
may be dissenting voices and disagreement means for their control over it – and the
within them that presents an opportunity for recompense they are due from it. Pinnacle
PCs to lean on a character, or that complicates wants more power over Pollux than the Orbit is
resolution efforts. Use them as large scale willing to give.
benefactors or antagonists; they are rarely
addressed in totality, and instead appear This tension is only exacerbated by the conflict
through sub-factions, individual members, and with Castor; Pinnacle sees another disaster
other proxies. Keyhole Geologic Interest is the coming, and will seize the reins of the system by
loudest voice in the Orbit, as is the Ultraviolet whatever means necessary in order to avert it.
Dawn in the Council. Whether that disaster reflects their bottom line,
or massive loss of life, is a question that varies
Kshatriya Security Services, Slatestone between their representatives. If the PCs are
Lending Co, The Sargasso Sirens, The working for Pinnacle, this is a question they may
Ratpack, and The Orphans are common be in a position to force an answer to.
sources of hostile mechs that PCs will face in
tactical combat. Their individual motivations and They have greater combined resources than any
methods vary. KSS, SLCo, and the Sirens are in Quetzal’s Flight, but bureaucracy and travel
generally mercenaries, acting as the muscle for times will prevent it from being fielded in
a separate party without imposing their own sufficient volume to avert war. Instead it will
ideology, though Duster Cain may make an come across as a combination of relief efforts
exception to this rule. and martial law – both snatching ground from
under the feet of the resentful Orbit that will
KSS rely on military training and surplus strike back against them and the citizens that
materiel, and have the most direct funding. hide under their aegis.
SLCo are thugs and opportunists, with tactics
that reflect this. The Sirens are a
high-skill/low-headcount outfit with few ties to
Quetzal’s Flight to keep them around beyond
their contract. The Orphans are the main force
that Castor brings to bear, and represents them
in most engagements. They wield a broad range
of equipment and engagement tactics,
reflecting long periods of preparation and the
materiel supply found in the Daisy Chain.

The Ratpack are a wildcard, and the least likely

to be encountered either en masse or at the
(known) behest of a third party. Their
appearance is likely to be taking advantage of
the chaos created by the war, and they field
stolen equipment alongside home-crafted
weapons, and esoteric gifts from external
benefactors. For as many as it has radicalized
terrorists or amoral criminals, the Ratpack
contains just as many earnest changemakers
and impassioned anarchists. It is a collection of
the abandoned and the dissident, in all spectra.

The Characters ON TONE
Himiko Arasawa and Citadel Correa are the This guide presents a setting focused on large
most powerful people on their respective military conflict that puts civilian lives at risk by
planets. They are the faces of the war, and the engines of war beyond their control. As mech
guiding voices of their side of the offensive. pilots, the PCs are part of that engine, even
Meetings with them are rare, dramatic, and when they oppose it. Groups should always
should present PCs with crucial information or a discuss their level of comfort with topics of
shift in the direction of the story. PCs will rarely, violence, harm, and humanitarian impact.
if ever, encounter them on equal footing or be in Consider the use of safety tools such as the
a situation where they could threaten them X-Card or Lines and Veils if they help to
without a great deal of effort. They are driven, maintain a comfortable game environment.
intelligent, and practical despite their ambitious
goals; mirrored leaders on mirrored worlds. The
war will continue even if both of them die – and
who knows what inflexibilities their successors
might bring.

Shao Altan-Huan, Adika Tef, Samara

Al-Altaw’am, and Jura Harlem are likely to
petition the players for assistance. Each of them
cares more about the survival of the system
than ‘winning’ a pointless war, but they do not
have the sway or resources to do it on their own
before it is too late. Aiding these contacts may
give the players inroads to their respective
factions, but could also endanger the contacts if
they act against that faction’s interests.

Duster Cain and Kyon Winters are the faces

on the ground for Pollux and Castor
respectively. They are each staunchly
ideological, and can become recurring
opponents and rivals for the PCs, preceded by
the forces they command. Duster is a bitter old
soldier with an anthrochauvinistic bent. He
believes that might makes right, and that war is
the only real test that matters. His drive is to
fight, not to protect.

Kyon is young, but their anger runs hot and

deep. They are well aware that their position at
the head of the Orphans leaves the fate of all of
Castor on their shoulders, and equally aware of
how precarious life is back in their scorched
home. The slightest slip in focus could kill
everyone they’ve ever known or loved. Their
hope is a better future for their home; they do
not know if they will ever see it.

Overview Collision Course includes several Sitreps and
This is an introductory mission plan for GMs to NPC classes that were written for the Field
use to onboard players into the setting of the Guide to Castor and Pollux. The Sabotage and
Field Guide to Castor & Pollux, or to insert into Secure sitreps are detailed at the end of the
an existing campaign. The PCs could be local mission. For groups that may not want to use
security; offworld mercenaries; Union relief force these rules, consider the following substitutions:
Auxiliaries; corprostate-sponsored asset ● Secure sitreps become a Holdout
protection teams; or another background. ● Sabotage sitreps become Control
● Architects can be represented with
PCs begin the mission with a relatively quiet job Barricades
guarding a mining city from intermittent pirate ● Grenadiers can be represented with
attacks, hired by forewoman Adika Tef. From Assaults or Breachers
there, an unexpected assault by a mysterious ● Interceptors can be represented with
group – Castor’s elite strike force, the Orphans – Hornets or Sentinels
quickly spirals into an apocalyptic threat: an ● Packmasters can be represented with
abandoned colony ship , it’s engines reignited, Operators and Berserkers or
now set to impact a heavily populated and Cataphracts
unprepared world. It introduces the surface of ● Vectors can be represented with Snipers
the conflict between Castor and Pollux’s sister or Archers
colonies, though there is still much for them to ● Virtues can be represented with Priests or
uncover and resolve. Aegises

This mission offers three samples of Exotic

Gear as introduced in the Lancer core
supplement No Room For A Wallflower. These
are special equippable gear rewards for
successfully completing encounters. A group of
PCs may only not recover all of these, leaving
the others to return as a reward for later

Collision Course is written with the expectation

of being played at roughly PC LL2. LL0-1 will
create a more difficult experience — consider
tapering reinforcements and removing NPC
optionals. If played at higher levels and tiers,
GMs may want to consider adding more
optionals to the listed NPCs, or otherwise
increasing the complexity of encounters as
desired for their party. Additionally, it includes
four sequential combat encounters; for a shorter
experience, remove either Combat 2A/B or
Combat 3: Adika’s Locksmith, or replace it
with a similar narrative component.

Combat 1: Trouble on Tinplate OUTCOME
Sitrep: Secure (Castor & Pollux pXX)
The Orphans are driven off or called back,
Objective: 6x Crater City Power Stations (Size 2) leaving Crater City’s power safe for the time
being. This buys Adika more time to reinforce
Enemy Forces: their defenses so that another assault doesn’t
catch them by surprise
For 3 PCs: 1x Commander Rainmaker
(Hound Missiles, Quick March) PC DEFEAT
2x Grenadiers (Guerilla Defilade) The Orphans leave, their mission complete.
1x Scout (Spotter) With most of its infrastructure damaged or
destroyed, Crater City is forced to rely on
For 4 PCs: +1x Sentinel (Rapid Response) emergency power. Its population is moved to
+1x Grenadier (Guerilla Defilade) the sheltered caves beneath the city, and all
resources are diverted to repairs and
For 5 PCs: +1x Demolisher (Concussion maintaining basic functions. People are still safe
Missiles) for now, but the city has nothing to spare and
could be easily plundered or annexed by a
Reinforcements: larger force. Without external support they’ll be
unable to play a strong role in the growing
For 3-4 PCs: +2x Grunt Breachers (Superior conflict, and Adika may accept a one-sided deal
Ram) if it means keeping her people safe.
+1x Demolisher (Concussion
For 5 PCs: +2x Sentinels (Rapid Response) If the PCs are successful, Adika is grateful and
+1x Grenadier (Guerilla Defilade) along with her goodwill can spare some of her
supplies and mechanics to help the PCs. If the
PCs are taking the Adika’s Locksmith mission
DETAILS she can provide each of them a special EVA
Suite system that costs 0 SP to allow flight in
In this combat, the PCs are defending Crater zero-g. Even if not, the next time they return to
City’s power substation from an unexpected Crater City after this mission she can provide
Orphan assault (though they may not know the them with a Core Battery reserve, or access to
assailant’s identities). To win, they must protect a single piece of licensed gear from Rank 1 of
the majority of the Power Stations from any license as Exotic gear.

This fight takes place in a shallow crater; the FOLLOWING UP

PCs begin the fight near the center, backed Players have time to rest and repair as the dust
against the walls of Crater City’s outer settles. Adika sends teams out to assess
maintenance architecture (which can be used to damage and reinforce their infrastructure before
place hard cover and difficult terrain along the Orphans can return. Crater City must be
with natural boulders and chasms). The power readied for war – something she never
stations are evenly distributed in the middle anticipated. There are far more preparations to
range of the map in an arc that follows the rim complete, and she doesn’t have the teams to
of the crater. The Orphan assailants are coming manage all of it – someone needs to pick up the
over the edge of the crater, rushing down to slack.
complete their mission. The Rainmaker and If the PCs choose to pursue the Orphans to
Scout stay back, peppering the PCs from a safe their base of operations, proceed to Combat
distance, while the Grenadiers rush in to 2A: Eye For An Eye.
destroy the substations. The Breachers also If the PCs choose to recover a stranded rover
rush for the substations, while the Sentinels carrying an emergency fuel supply, proceed to
and Demolisher make it difficult for PCs to Combat 2B: How’s My Driving?
move around the map to disarm explosives.

Combat 2A: Eye For An Eye this caliber on Tinplate until they return to
Castor to restock, giving Crater City time to
fortify and evacuate.
Sitrep: Sabotage (Castor & Pollux, p???)

Objectives: 6x Size 1 stocks of Orphan munitions PC DEFEAT

and fuel. Despite the PCs' efforts, the Orphans will
recover from this blow – and now they have a
Enemy Forces: far more personal quarrel with them. For now
they can retreat to Crater City, or even
For 3 PCs: +2x Engineers (Skyshield Protocol) off-world, but sooner or later someone will
+1x Virtue (Excommunicate) come looking for them to settle the score.
+1x Goliath (Power Knuckle)

For 4 PCs: +2x Vehicle Seeders (Tripwires,

Treads) On their way out of the Orphan base, the PCs
have the opportunity to snag some of the
For 5 PCs: +2x Grunt Specters undamaged supplies for themselves. An
assortment of munitions and automated restock
Reinforcements: microdrones, it can be repurposed as Exotic
Gear by 1 PC. It can be installed immediately
For 3-4 PCs: +1x Ship Bombard (Flare Drone) for 0 SP this mission, but afterwards costs SP
+1x Vehicle Seeder (Tripwires, as usual.
+2x Grunt Specters Munition Sling
2 SP, Exotic Gear, Unique
For 5 PCs: +1x Virtue (Excommunicate)
+2x Goliaths (Power Knuckle) Whenever you activate a system with the
Grenade or Mine tag, roll 1d6; on a 6, do not
expend a Limited charge.
You may destroy this system instead of rolling
DETAILS to gain the following effects: any Blast areas
This is a retaliatory mission; chase the Orphans created by the triggering grenade or mine
across the surface of Tinplate, and eliminate increase by +1 to a maximum of 3; all saves
their base of operations. The PCs win if they they force are made with +1 Difficulty; and
destroy all true munition caches in the base damage from them cannot be reduced in any
before the end of the sixth round. way.

The Orphans outnumber the PCs here; the PCs

should focus on completing their objective FOLLOWING UP
before they become overwhelmed. The Orphan pursuers dance across Tinplate’s
Engineers can fill the map with turrets, and shattered crust, but the PCs slink safely by,
Seeders make maneuvering between caches hidden in metallic valleys. Before they can even
harder and harder. The Virtue makes direct make it back to Crater City, Adika blasts an
combat even more difficult, especially combined emergency message on all channels – and a
with the high HP and area control of the private request to them, clipped and
Goliath. The best tool PCs have is speed and shellshocked. Proceed to BEAT: BAD MOON
efficiency. As the fight continues, the arrival of RISING.
high-impact NPCs (Bombard and Specters)
creates a growing damage pressure until the
PCs can extract.

The PCs can vanish back into the jagged
landscape of Tinplate, leaving the Orphan
operation floundering. Without their supplies,
they won’t be able to stage another assault of
Combat 2B: How’s My Driving? REWARDS
The Rover’s driver, Damien Henly, is both
Sitrep: Extraction (Lancer, p270) mightily impressed and highly grateful to the
PCs for picking him up. Most of the fuel he’s
Objective: A Fuel Rover (Size 2, 15 HP) carrying a delivering is going straight to Crater City, but he
valuable fuel supply - and its trapped driver. has a private reserve of hand-mixed fuel he’s
happy to offer up as Exotic Gear for 1 PC. It
Enemy Forces: can be installed immediately for 0 SP this
mission, but afterwards costs SP as usual.
For 3 PCs: +1x Veteran Packmaster (Skilled
Hunter, Slippery)
Damien’s Pick-Me-Up
+1x Architect (Insertion Catapult)
2 SP, Exotic Gear, Unique
+1x Cataphract (Electrified Bola)
Gain +2 Speed. When you take any structure
For 4 PCs: +2x Hornets damage, this system is destroyed and you
(Adapt/Evade/Disengage) take 1d6 AP explosive damage from the
explosion. This damage can’t be prevented or
For 5 PCs: +1x Cataphract (Electrified Bola) reduced in any way.
+1x Architect (Insertion Catapult)

Reinforcements: FOLLOWING UP
The road back to Crater City is uneventful, if not
For 3-4 PCs: +1x Witch (Chain)
quiet – Damien makes for chatty company.
+1x Mirage (Manifest False Idols)
Adika Tef meets the PCs in person in the
loading bay. Her thanks is earnest and
For 5 PCs: +2x Assaults (Rank Discipline)
professional – but before she can finish, a
panting communications tech runs into the
room. Something terrible is about to happen.
To win this fight, the PCs must safely recover
the Fuel Rover from the valley where it has been
cornered, and extract it before the end of the
sixth round. The Orphans do not want to
intentionally damage the Rover and will focus
on delaying the PCs.

As the PCs direct the rover back towards the
city, the Orphans cut their losses and leave
rather than risk a prolonged fight. With this fuel
supply Adika will be able to start evacuating
civilians to Pollux where she hopes they’ll be

If the Rover is destroyed, the encounter ends. It
detonates in a Blast 2 area, dealing 2d6 AP
Explosive damage to all characters caught in
the blast, or half as much on a successful
Agility save. Otherwise, if the PCs cannot
extract the Rover in time, the Orphan forces rally
further reinforcements including several small
spacecraft, forcing the PCs back while they
secure the Rover.

BEAT: BAD MOON RISING days, weeks, and years. The shape is War, and
“Time’s something we don’t have a lot it is swallowing the system one atom at a time.
of, so I won’t mince words. I have very little
room in my heart for those bastards on Pollux – Repairs have been made as best they can be.
the City is my home, and these are my people, Anything larger will take a dedicated team
and we’ve been jerked around as many times as without a printer. A new star is burning in the
I have hairs on my head. But even if every single sky, cold, dark, hungry and blind.
one of them is a bastard, and I’m not the fool to
say they are, they are still god damned people. Launch: T-minus 60 minutes.
Today, they are my people.
And today they are yours, too. There is,
simply, nobody else.”
Crater City was not today’s only target. From
somewhere out in space, a derelict colony ship
from the early days of Quetzal’s Flight has
begun to move, pinging Tinplate’s outer satellite
scans. On its current accelerating trajectory, it
will impact somewhere on Pollux within the next
8 hours. Her report shows similar radar
signatures to the combatants on Tinplate. This
is no accident.

A warning has been sent to Pollux but

communications are still difficult and there’s no
guarantee of a defense being raised in time. If
they’ll take it, Adika has another job for the PCs:
breach the derelict, change its apocalyptic
course, and save Pollux.

If they accept, there are scant hours to prepare

before the derelict is at an interception point
that crosses Tinplate's orbit. Adika’s engineers
can prepare a launch vessel and calculate a
trajectory. Then, it will be up to the PCs. There is
no equipment in Crater City built for high
resolution imaging or long-distance precision
scans, so exactly what awaits them is unknown.
Once they intercept the derelict, there will only
be a short window before the derelict’s course
is irreversible – time is of the essence.

If they do not accept, Adika will not, and

cannot, force them to help. They will never be
welcome on Tinplate again. Proceed to the
results for PC Defeat of Combat 4: 5 Minutes
to Midnight.

The atmosphere in the City is a seething mixture

of somber reflection and frantic, anxious
activity. Unspoken questions fill the habitat’s
halls like a choking fog. Something so terrible
has crested the horizon of existence that the
shape of it cannot yet be seen. It is felt as a
pressure under the skin, a film on the eyes, a
hum at the fingertips and a wet pull inside the
skull. It is something known outside of knowing,
though words for it will be found in the coming

Combat 3: Adika’s Locksmith then seal it behind the PCs. No PC can Extract
until a Doorknocker is in the extraction zone.
Sitrep: Escort (Lancer, p269)
Objective: 2x ‘Doorknocker’ Drones (size ½, 10
Sealing the hangar behind them, the PCs have
Enemy Forces: entered the derelict. Adika’s map points them
towards the bridge access tunnel. A moment to
For 3 PCs: 1x Veteran Vector (Colossus rest, and only hours to save a planet.
Quiver, Lightning Reflexes)
1x Spacer Barricade (Drag Down, PC DEFEAT
Thumper Grenades) If both of the Doorknockers are destroyed or the
1x Spacer Archer (Rapid PCs are unable to reach the hangar, Adika
Response) activates her contingency plan. One of the
Doorknockers detonates an improvised
For 4 PCs: +1x Interceptor (Supersonic explosive, blasting a hole into the derelict’s hull.
Insertion, Stuncrown) The PCs can enter but have no way of sealing
+1 Spacer Priest (Sanctuary, the breach behind them. In Combat 4: 5
Concussion Gun) Minutes to Midnight, at the end of each round
after the first, separately from normal
For 5 PCs: Both Vectors gain the Elite reinforcements, 1 Grunt Vector, Interceptor,
template Berserker, Sentinel or Cataphract can enter
the map at the PC Deployment Zone (2 for 5+
Reinforcements: PCs).

For 3-4 PCs: +1x Veteran Vector (Colossus

Quiver, Lightning Reflexes)

For 5 PCs: +1x Interceptor (Supersonic

Insertion, Stuncrown)

From afar it seems motionless; up close, the
derelict is rushing at hundreds of kilometers an
hour; it’s ancient engines are still accelerating.
Before they can stop it, the PCs must breach its
hull and evade its Orphan honor guard. Adika
has identified a hangar bay that should access
the interior near the bridge, and she’s provided
a pair of modified construction drones to
perform the breach.

The fight begins when the PCs disengage from

their launch rocket. Vectors make crossing the
ship’s hull a difficult proposition, forcing PCs to
take less efficient paths with their Microjet
Lance, while Archers pin them down. The
arrival of Interceptors creates a much more
close-range harassment. This combat uses the
Zero-G Combat rules on p63 of the Lancer
core rulebook.

The PCs win when they bring at least one of the

Doorknockers to the hangar door, where it can
revive the ancient systems, open the hangar,
Combat 4: 5 Minutes to Midnight leave the derelict behind, either rejoining their
launch vessel or waiting for a lifeboat.
Sitrep: Recon (Lancer, p273) As soon as the change of course is confirmed,
their comms light up. Adika is first — she thanks
Control Zones: The CZs for this combat are four them for a job well done, and her brusque tone
access terminals in the derelict’s interior. belies a deep, earnest gratitude. Broadband
channels are filled with public chatter as the
Enemy Forces:
crisis tension breaks; eager reporters are
already pushing at their private comm IDs to get
For 3 PCs: +1x Elite Pyre Scourer
an interview before Pollux’s next news cycle.
(Emergency Vent, Fuel Rod Sling,
The tumult builds, and then is cut off in an
Redundant Systems)
instant, so that one voice can speak. Himiko
+1x Elite Pyre Pyro (Unshielded
Arasawa wishes to express her personal thanks,
Reactor, Unstable System,
and extends an invitation to meet in person.
Explosive Jet)
+2x Sentinel (Bodyguard)
For 4 PCs: +2x Supports (Remote Reboot) It’s too late; it’s no longer a matter of if the
derelict hits, but how hard. The PCs can make
For 5 PCs: +2x Hives (Motile Swarm) their escape as the Orphans peel away from the
doomed vessel. As it approaches Pollux, it
meets her scrambling defenses. Century old
missiles with failing payloads; rapid-launched
DETAILS construction frames to try and break apart its
Here, the bridge. Though centuries passed massive frame; finally, a desperate screen of
since it last saw use, no dust or decay has everything they can launch: satellites, cargo
accumulated on its interior where the vacuum of rockets; even hastily evacuated orbital habitats
space has protected it. Some new touches can are redirected through its path, to stop death
be seen — lights hung and wires repaired in itself.
recent weeks, readying the ship to break out of
its sleeping orbit. The thrust of the engines is It is enough, but only barely. The great ship
enough to simulate gravity inside the derelict, breaks apart barely an hour before impact,
and the spinal column falls dizzyingly downward scattering into a shotgun-spray of debris. Many
beneath the PCs’ feet. of the pieces are small enough to burn in the
atmosphere, and many more go wide and
At the helm are the ancient command disappear into space instead. Many still touch
architecture of the ship. At one of these uplinks, down across Pollux’s surface, falling stars
the Orphans made their entry point to reawaken spread wide on her pristine face. The skies are
the ship. This is the only place it can be black with ash; the seas run foamy and brown
redirected, winning the fight and saving Pollux, and the wind is alien, hot and thick with dust.
but the Orphan lieutenants that guard it will fight Punta Caridad suffers only minor immediate
to their last to see their mission completed. An damage, and there are few impact casualties,
eye for an eye, and the world burns. but there is no doubt more will come.

The map is described below; modify and With this survival came a cost: Spindle Station
embellish as needed. is destroyed. Most ground-based launch
platforms were used up in the defense screen,
and the materiel left behind must be used to
OUTCOME repair immediate damage, and fortify the city
PC VICTORY from future attacks as well as the ecological
The great beast shudders, and with the roar of shockwaves of the impact. There is no way out,
ancient engines she begins, slowly, to turn and no guarantee of rescue. This is the darkest
away. The controls are locked and she will sail day in Pollux’s history, and when the sun sets,
into the endless void, her deadly landing there are none who can see it behind the
averted. With their mission thwarted the plumes of ash.
Orphans disappear back into the depths of the
system, and the PCs are able to themselves

REWARDS Unstable Charge
The PCs have accrued the material and social 3 SP, Unique, Limited 1, 1/Round, 2
capital to gain one License Level; the resources Heat(self)
could come from Adika’s personal reserves, a
You may expend a charge from this system for
grateful veteran living in Crater City, a corporate
one of the following effects:
sponsor from Pollux, or old military tech
● Fusion Grenade (Grenade, Range 5, Blast 2):
squirreled aboard the derelict.
Characters in the affected area must pass a
Hull save or take 2d6 Energy damage, and
Additionally, 1 PC gains the following system as
half as much Burn, or half as much damage
Exotic gear, recovered or reverse engineered
and Burn on a success. Objects and terrain
from the Orphan Lieutenants’ heavily modified
take 20 AP Energy damage automatically.
reactor designs.
The area becomes soft cover until the start of
your next turn.
FOLLOWING UP ● Criticality Cell (Mine, Burst 2): This mine does
This event marks the beginning of open war not detonate normally; when you place it,
between Castor and Pollux. Pollux’s citizens are choose a number of rounds between 2 and 4.
outraged and terrified, and ready to lash out at It explodes at the end of the round after the
the shadowy enemies that appeared from chosen number of rounds has passed
nowhere to shatter their paradise; Castor has (including the round it was placed), which is
shown their hand, and will only become more the only way it can detonate. Characters in the
aggressive now that they can operate in the affected area must pass a Hull save or take
open; they know that speed is still their Xd6 Energy damage and half as much Burn,
advantage. From here, the PCs may stay on where X is 2+ the number of rounds chosen,
Tinplate to continue its defense, move to or half as much damage and Burn on a
Pollux’s shining towers for further missions, success. Objects and terrain take 30 AP
investigate rumors on Castor, or explore Energy damage automatically. The area
anywhere else in the Quetzal’s Flight system, or becomes soft cover until the start of your next
beyond if they so choose. turn, and characters at least partially within
this cover cannot draw line of sight except to
adjacent spaces.
● Catalytic Pyre (1 CP): You may expend Core
Power when you activate this system. If you
do, increase all Burst and Blast sizes by +1;
damage from this system cannot be reduced
in any way; characters in the affected area are
knocked Prone, and the area becomes
difficult and dangerous terrain (energy) until
the end of the scene.

The Derelict Bridge
PCs deploy on the center platform of an ancient gantry, suspended over the yawning spinal column of
the ship. The control zones (red) are each a massive server tower, one of which contains the Orphan’s
jury-rigged uplink. Dark gray sections represent hard cover, some of which may be tall enough to block
line of sight; more cover should be placed on the map to represent debris, cargo, and other ship

The space between the platforms falls away into the ship; if a character ends their movement in this
space, they fall into the jumbled debris and cluttered support columns; they are removed from the
battlefield until the end of the current turn. They then return at the nearest available free space, take
2/3/4 AP Kinetic damage, and become Slowed until the end of their next turn.

The service elevators (orange-banded) can be used to transit between bridge sections; any player on or
adjacent to an elevator may activate it with a quick action, causing it to move to its other location along
with anything onboard. Characters may also activate an elevator by making a successful tech attack
against E-Defense 8 if it is within their Sensors.

The Orphan Captains (Elite Pyre Scourer, Elite Pyre Pyro) begin the fight at opposite corners of the


++OPEN INFOLOCK::TIME REMAINING GM secretly chooses 3 of the Objectives to be

3:04::MESSAGE AS FOLLOWS++ True Objectives. Objectives cannot be
targeted or destroyed normally. If a PC is
HUNTER//GATHER: MANDATORY. ELIMINATE adjacent to an Objective that no NPC is
TARGET GOLDSITE && TANGENTS. METHODS adjacent to, they can plant an explosive on it as
USUAL/ENCLOSED. a quick action. At the end of the next round (or
the end of the 6th round), it explodes in a Burst
HUNTER//PREY: OPTIONAL / AS NEEDED. 1 area, destroying that Objective and forcing
characters in the affected area to pass an
HUNTER//HUNTER: MANDATORY / AS Agility save or take 2d6 Explosive damage, or
NEEDED. NO SNITCHES. half as much on a success. When an Objective
is destroyed, players learn if it was a True
Sabotage missions are dangerous covert Objective or a decoy.
operations that spit in the face of honorable
warfare, sneaking past the fighting line to strike ENEMY FORCES
at an enemy’s weakest points. PCs must The GM should prepare about two times the
destroy hostile resources, taking care to identify enemy forces that they would normally use.
real caches from decoys or redundancies. About half of these forces should be deployed
and the rest held as Reinforcements.
● PC Victory: At the end of the sixth DEPLOYMENT
round, all three True Objectives have The GM deploys first in the EDZ; the PCs
been destroyed. deploy next, choosing positions for their
● NPC Victory: At the end of the sixth characters within the ADZ.
round, at least one of the True
Objectives remains.
At the start of any round, the GM may deploy 2
OBJECTIVES NPCs (or up to 4 grunts) in two of the IZs. They
6 objects of Size 1-3 spaced evenly around the can’t deploy in the same IZ twice in a row.
battlefield. Each Objective must be at least 2
spaces away from every other Objective. The

Clara Delgado was running through the halls 4-8 objects of Size 1-3 spaced evenly around
towards her hangar seconds before the first the battlefield. Each Objective must be at least
alarms started to blare. A rumbling explosion 2 spaces away from every other Objective.
shook the building and she caught herself on a Objectives cannot be targeted or destroyed
wall with one hand, the other to her earpiece as normally. If an NPC is adjacent to an Objective
she redoubled her pace. that no PC is adjacent to, they can plant an
explosive on it as a quick action. At the end of
“All hands, this is Diamond-Leader! We have the next round, it explodes in a Burst 1 area,
multiple bogeys on-site, all personnel report to destroying that Objective and forcing
combat positions! Repeat, get off your damn characters in the affected area to pass an
asses and move before we’re blown to kingdom Agility save or take 2d6 Explosive damage, or
come!” half as much on a success. A PC can disarm an
explosive before it detonates by passing a
A staccato succession of blasts echoed as she Systems check as a free action while adjacent
sped through an abridged boot up sequence, to the Objective if no NPC is adjacent to it.
weapons spinning hot and nervejacks still
tingling. They were closer this time — but that
was as close as they would get. ENEMY FORCES
The GM should prepare enemy forces of a
Secure missions prove that the best offense is a similar size to a normal encounter. They can
good defense. PCs must protect vital objectives hold some as Reinforcements if desired.
(supply caches, radio towers, generators, etc)
from hostile saboteurs — in turn assuring the DEPLOYMENT
survival of a vital supply line, or the armaments The PCs deploy first, choosing positions for
for a final strike. their characters within the ADZ; next, the GM
deploys enemy forces in the EDZ.
● PC Victory: At the end of the 6th round, REINFORCEMENTS
at least ½ of the Objectives (rounded At the start of any round, the GM may deploy 1
up) are not destroyed. NPC (or up to 4 grunts) in the IZ.
● NPC Victory: At any point when more
than ½ of the Objectives are destroyed,
NPCs win and withdraw.


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