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1) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (or no preposition):

on - at - in - by

1. The brochure will be ready ..on.... 14th July.

2. We can make the final decision September.

3. I would like to take a day off next week.

4. I go to work bus.

5. She’s the car right now.

6. Jane is waiting for you the bus stop.

7. Our headquarters is …in…… the city centre.

8. When will you arrive the office?

9. The meeting has been scheduled for 3 pm. Please, arrive ...on... time.

10. Let's meet the theatre 8 p.m.

2) Choose the correct option (16 points):

1. ……Could…… you ask him to call me back?

A Should B Could

2. I …can……… speak English very well.

A may B can

3. …May……… I borrow your pen, please?

A May B Would

4. You …must……… be quiet in the library.

A can B must

5. “Hello! I ……would…… like to buy a car insurance policy”

A would B will

6. My doctor said I …shouldn´t……… eat fast food.

A couldn’t B shouldn’t

7. You …mustn´t……… drive in this country unless you are over eighteen.

A mustn’t B shouldn’t

8. …will……… you like me to do the shopping for you?

A would B will
9. …must…….. you please mute your microphone when you’re not speaking? 
A can B must

3) Put the words in brackets in the correct form in order to complete the sentences:
1. My colleagues …are…learning…….. (learn) how to process a claim right now.
2. How often ……do you serve……… (you/serve) customers at work?
3. Jane speaking. Who …is…calling…….. (call), please?
4. Yesterday I was sick so I ……took…….. (take) the day off.
5. I ……commute…….. (commute) to work five days a week.
6. Where …does the company have………… (the company/ have) subsidiaries?
7. The report will be ready this afternoon. I ´m preparing… (prepare) it now.
8. Pharmaceutical companies …made……….. (make) a huge profit last year.
9. Thomas is an HR manager. He …signs………… (sign) contracts every week.

4) Choose the correct option (5 points):

1. How …often……… do you serve customers at work?.
A often B many C times
2. What is a C.E.O?
A Chief Experienced Officer B Chief Executive Officer C Chief External Officer
3. “What do you do?” “I work ……as…… a salesperson.
A like B as C in
4. “I’m …afraid……… Miss Green is in a meeting right now”.
A worried B afraid C concerned
5. Caroline is an HR manager. She …hires……… new employees.
A serves B signs C hires
8. I was offered more pay to work a …split shift ……… from 08:00-12:00 and from 16:00-20:00.

A split shift B part time C full time

9. I visit my friends in London once in a …while ………. .

A lifetime B fortnight C while

5) Complete the gap in each sentence with one of the following words in the correct

A) Nearly 200 people  Applied for the job that was advertised in the local
B) Before you  sign the contract make sure you have read it through
C) You should always  fill in the application form as honestly as possible.
D) Do you know that job I applied for? Well, I've been  called for an
E) I've  attended 5 interviews so far and still haven't been F)  offered
a job.
G) In the end I decided to accept  the job and started last week.

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