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Royal Belgian Institute of Marine Engineers

Surge Detection And Surge

Control Systems For Centrifugal
Compressors -- Part 1
Fundamentals include dynamic centrifugal compressor map, operating
envelope, surge cycle

Surge detection and surge control of centrifugal
compressors is complex. It requires specialized
knowledge and experience of machinery, controls
and processes to develop advance algorithms,
tailback strategies and dedicated, purpose-built
systems that are capable of high-speed execution of
algorithms for optimized turbomachinery controls.
This paper presents fundamentals such as
dynamic centrifugal compressor map, operating
envelope, surge cycle and surge detection. The
paper will also describe antisurge and performance
controllers and their importance to an overall
control strategy, antisurge control responses,
advance control features including loop decoupling,
load sharing, performance override control, limiting
loops and tailback modes. Recycle piping and valve
sizing considerations, hot gas bypass valve (HGBV)
requirements and instrumentation considerations
are also discussed.

Dynamic Compressor Map

Centrifugal compressors convert energy imparted
by the driver into potential and kinetic energies in
the gas being compressed. Figure 1 shows a
representative dynamic compressor map. It explains
energy conversion in two dimensions. The
horizontal coordinate of the map is for volumetric
inlet capacity Q and the vertical coordinate
represents pressure ratio Rc.
Characteristic operating envelope of a centrifugal
compressor is shown in Figure 2. It illustrates how
the stable operating zone was determined after
adding control margins within the boundaries of
surge limit, stonewall, minimum and maximum
speeds and any additional process or compressor
train constraint.
Surge Cycle And Surge Detection
Figure 3 shows propagation of a surge cycle. As
pressure builds up, system resistance increases, and
the operating point draws the performance curve.
At point A, the potential energy in the discharge
vessel exceeds the capability of the compressor.
With Pv > Pd(max), the flow in the system reverses.
As a result, the pressure downstream of the
compressor drops, and that allows the compressor
to reestablish forward flow. If corrective action is not
initiated, the surge cycle repeats.
Surge can be experienced during the startup and shutdown of a compressor, during operation at low flow
rates (inlet volumetric flow in the proximity of surge limit line) or when a centrifugal compressor operates at
high flow rates with sudden process variations, such as changes in pressures and gas composition, fouled
aftercoolers, plugged inlet filters or strainers and loss of driver power.
Surge cycle times typically range from 0.3 to 3.0 s/cycle.
Consequences of a surge include rapid oscillations in flow and pressure, exponential rise (severity based) in the
temperature of the gas, process instability, potential machine/ process trips and possible damage to
compressor seals, bearings, impellers and shaft depending on the energy level associated with surge and the
compressor design.
Surge detection is an inherent feature of the surge control system. It is used to alarm plant operators, engage
the surge system controller's adaptive action (i.e., increase the margin to surge) and, if necessary, shutdown
the compressor to prevent damage. Various methods are used for surge detection, including setting thresholds
on rate of change in pressure, rate of change in flow, rise in temperature compared to upstream gas
temperature, rate of change in driver power and/or a combination of all of these parameters.

Compressor Map With Invariant Coordinates

Compressor inlet volumetric flow (Qs) and polytropic head (Hp) are commonly used map coordinates. These are
expressed by the following equations:
In these equations, not all parameters can be crossed the surge control line (recycle is taking place
measured directly. Real-time measurement of to prevent surge).
molecular weight is not suitable for antisurge control.
Accurately defining the interface between stable
operation and surge in all possible conditions is
essential to protect a compressor from surge. Many users expect surge margin (b1) to be 10% of
Invariant coordinate systems contain only the the flow at SLL. This is a good target that is
variables, which are measured directly. Normalizing appropriate for some cases, but not for others. The
the above equations will produce a compressor map surge margin of a system must take into account
in reduced flow and reduced head coordinates that many factors, such as uncertainty of SLL (surge tested
are invariant to changes in gas properties such as gas or theoretical); performance curve shape (steep or
density and molecular weight. This creates a reliable flat curves); accuracy and response of transmitters;
coordinate system for better surge protection and size, speed and response of the recycle/blow off
control. The following equations are for reduced flow valve; volume of the discharge and recycle
(qsr2) and reduced head (hpr), piping/system; type, size and frequency of process
disturbances; robustness of the compressor design;
and criticality of the compressor service to the

Defining The Distance To Surge

An antisurge controller must accurately determine With all factors considered, it is impossible to predict
where the operating point is on the coordinate the right amount of surge margin tor a specific
system and accurately calculate the distance to surge. system. Only final site testing and operating
Due to the dynamic nature of turbocompressors and experience can determine the right amount.
the process in which they operate, a surge control Recycling gas is a waste of energy so take the time to
line (SCL) must be added to the performance curve to optimize surge margin and reduce operating costs.
allow the control system to respond and avoid surge.
The distance between the operating point and the Performance Control
SCL is called deviation. It is shown in Figure 4. The primary control objective of a performance
Deviation infers how far the operation point is from controller is to maintain a process variable at its
recycling or opening the blow off valve (air desired set point. Output of the performance
compressors). Zero deviation means that the controller is the set point for the compressor
operating point is located on the surge control line throughput. Plant production can be optimized by
(recycle valve begins to engage). Deviation greater precise control of the process variable. Typical
than zero indicates that the operating point is in process variables include suction pressure, discharge
normal zone (recycle is closed) while deviation less pressure, compression ratio or process volumetric or
than zero signifies that the operating point has mass flow.
Figure 5 shows various throughput control ranges. Significant energy savings can be realized by
methods, such as suction throttling, inlet guide vanes taking machines online or offline as required.
and variable speed drive options. The throughput Controlling parallel compressors efficiently and
control method selected must consider factors such effectively to meet the process goals, however, can
as electrical costs, cost and availability of steam or be a challenging task.
fuel gas and process system efficiency. Constant The primary control objectives of parallel
speed electric motor drives with throttling used for compressor networks include:
control is the simplest method to start and operate, • Precise control of the primary process variable to
but it is not likely the most energy efficient. maximize plant production.
Throughput control method has a significant impact • Maintain all compressor trains within their design
on the antisurge control system. For example, it inlet operating limits.
guide vanes are used, the guide vane position signal
may need to be fed back to the antisurge control
system so a specific characterizer can be
implemented and adjust the SCL accordingly. It
turbine speed or suction throttling is controlled, then
the antisurge control needs to be integrated to avoid
control loop interactions.
In every case, the antisurge and throughput control
are interrelated because they both influence the
same process variables and, in turn, the position of
the operating point on the compressor map. Highly
integrated antisurge and throughput controls will
maximize the compressors stable zone of operation,
prevent design limit excursions, provide more
effective surge protection, provide more precise
control of the process variable and enable smoother
and repeatable automated start-up and shutdown • Optimally divide the responsibility of maintaining
procedures. the primary process variable between the
compressors in the network, while at the same time:
Loop Decoupling o Minimizing the risk of machines tripping due
Control loops are coupled when the control action of to surge, vibration, over-speed and process
one loop causes the process variable of another loop disturbances.
to change. Dedicated recycle loops on multisection o Minimizing compressor network energy
compressors are highly coupled (often referred to as consumption.
interactive). Opening either recycle valve in the two- o Avoid introducing disturbances to the process
section compressor example will improve the when bringing machines online and offline.
location of the operating point in that section, but There are many ways to control parallel
can negatively affect the location of the operating compressors and some are more effective than
point in the other section. The reaction of the two others at achieving the control objectives above.
recycle loops can quickly become unstable. Typical control strategies include:
Feed forward loop decoupling between the recycle • Base load and swing machines, which can result in
controllers (UIC) is essential to minimize the recycling gas with the swing load machine. Only the
interaction. Feed forward action preemptively opens swing machine handles process disturbances, which
the other recycle valve and very effectively stabilizes increase the risks of trip and increase wear and
each loop. maintenance on swing machines.
• Independent performance controllers on each
Load Sharing train. Flow oscillations can occur between trains
Often, multiple compressors will work in parallel to when multiple controllers are used to maintain a
meet the process needs of the plant. This gives plants common process parameter. To avoid oscillations,
the flexibility to do maintenance on one of the controller tuning is dampened or control loops are
machines and typically not affect plant production switched to manual mode. These reactions severely
and also the ability to manage large process flow compromise the main process variable control and
increase the risk of trips during process disturbances. controller in the parallel network. Equalizing the
• Master controller for load balancing. A master relative distance from surge (deviation), is the best
controller is added to maintain the primary process means for distributing flow among parallel
variable. A master controller provides the set point compressors. This strategy guarantees minimum
for each train performance controller (also referred overall recycle of the group of compressors, providing
to as load-sharing controllers). This control the most efficient operation and also the most
architecture guarantees that both compressor trains effective antisurge control. In the case of a process
move in the same direction to meet the main process disturbance, all compressors in the parallel system
goal. This control method requires all compressor begin to open their recycle valves at the same time.
performance maps to be the same. Since no two
compressors are exactly alike, and suction and
discharge piping in the network can influence Neetin Ghaisas is a senior fellow - rotating
individual compressor performance, they will handle equipment, With Fluor.
flow differently. The result is trains are not balanced,
so in low flow conditions, some compressors may go Todd Aeitsrna is a senior account manager With
into recycle while others will not. Compressor Control Corp
• Master controller for distance to surge balancing.
In this control architecture, the load share response
of the master takes into account the distance to the Source: COMPRESS0Rtech2 JULY 2016
surge control line (SCL) calculated by each antisurge

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