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Allied Schools

Second Term Examination

February 2023
Name: ________________________ Date: __________
Subject: Computer Science Class: VIII
Total Marks: 100 Total Time: 3hrs
Objective Part ( /60)
 Attempt all the given questions on the prescribed answer sheet.
Q1. There will be 10 marks for project work. [ /10]
I. Fill in the blanks: /12
1. In Flash, the _______tool is used to make rectangle in the stage.
2. Press Ctrl + Enter to check the fate of the created _____tween.
3. The devices involved in ______can be connected to each other by cable, or by
wireless media.
4. A/An______of a network is the wired layout of the various devices of the network
with respect to each other.
5. The ________is a collection of documents that are written and encoded using the
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
6. A____ is an eight wire connector.
7. The _______is a series of steps which when followed faithfully will lead to
solution of some problem.
8. Flowcharts are merely a ______representation of the algorithm.
9. Swap function is just to interchange the value of _____.
10. Dreamweaver is software owned by ______.
11. The ______ is the order in which the link will show up in the tab order.
12. Swap function is just to interchange the value of ______.
II. (a) Define the following terms. Each carries two marks.) /10
1. Bar codes
2. Electronic Mail
3. Internet
4. Electronic Data Interchange
5. Product Data Exchange
6. Electronic Forms
Allied Schools
Second Term Examination
February 2023
7. Network Interface Card
8. Sorting
9. Rollover link
10.Active link
(b). Write down the full forms of the following terms: /18
1. LAN 2. WAN 3. PAN Network 4. MAN 5. CPU 6. NIC 7. 8. T.C.P 9. I.P
III. Draw three columns on answer sheet and match the column A with column B
and write the correct answers in column C. /10
Column A Column B
H.F.C Interchange the value of two
Sorting Highest Common Factor
Swap The order in which the link will show
up in the tab order.
Flowchart Putting many things together in just
the right order. The order is decided
based on some value of each
Tab index Diagrammatic representation of the

IV. Give detailed answers to the following questions: (3×10=30)
1. (a) Write a short note on LAN and WAN. /06
(b). Give any two different ways in which computer network can be
considered useful. /04
2. (a).Write down the steps of how to launch Dreamweaver. /06
(b).Explain the method to manipulate the text of webpage. /04
3. (a) Explain the importance of E-Commerce. /06
(b)Write note on Modem. /04
V. Practical Work ( /10)
 Implement the bubble sort algorithm to sort an array of 20 numbers.
 Implement the selection sort algorithm to sort an array of 20 numbers.
Allied Schools
Second Term Examination
February 2023
Answer Key
I. Fill in the blanks: /12
1.In Flash, the rectangle tool is used to make rectangle in the stage. Pg:83
2.Press Ctrl + Enter to check the fate of the created shape tween. Pg:94
3.The devices involved in PAN can be connected to each other by cable, or by wireless media.
4.A/An Topology of a network is the wired layout of the various devices of the network with
respect to each other. Pg:97
5.The World Wide Web is a collection of documents that are written and encoded using the
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).pg: 101
6.RJ-45 is an eight wire connector. Pg:108
7.Algorithm is a series of steps which when followed faithfully will lead to solution of some
problem. Pg: 110
8.Flowcharts are merely a diagrammatic representation of the algorithm. Pg:115
9.Swap function is just to interchange the value of elements. Pg:118
10. Dreamweaver is software owned by adobe. Pg:121
11. Tab index is the order in which the link will show up in the tab order. Pg: 133
12. Swap function is just to interchange the value of elements. Pg:118
II. (a) Define the following terms. Each carries two marks. /10
1. Bar codes pg:100
2. Electronic Mail pg:101
3. Internet pg:101
4. Electronic Data Interchange pg:100
5. Product Data Exchange pg:101
6. Electronic Forms pg:101
7. Network Interface Card pg:108
8. Sorting pg:118
9. Rollover link pg: 134
10. Active link pg: 134
(b).Write down the full forms of the following terms: Each carries two marks. /18
1. LAN: Local Area Network 2. WAN: Wide Area Network 3. PAN: Personal Area Network
4. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network 5. CPU: Central Processing Unit
6. NIC: Network Interface Card 7. RJ-45 8. T.C.P: Transmission Control Protocol
9. I.P: Internet Protocol
III. Draw three columns on answer sheet and match the column A with column B and write
the correct answers in column C. /05
Column A Column B
H.F.C Highest Common Factor
Sorting Putting many things together in just the right order. The
order is decided based on some value of each object.
Swap Interchange the value of two quantities.
Flowchart: Diagrammatic representation of the algorithm.
Tab index Order in which the link will show up in the tab
Allied Schools
Second Term Examination
February 2023
IV. Give detailed answers to the following questions: (3×10=30)
1.(a) Write a short note on LAN and WAN. Pg: 109 /06
(b). Give any two different ways in which computer network can be considered useful. /04
2.(a).Write down the steps of how to launch Dreamweaver. Pg:121 /06
(b).Explain the method to manipulate the text of webpage. Pg:129 /04
3.(a) Explain the importance of E-Commerce. Pg:100 /06
(b)Write note on Modem. Pg:100 /04

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