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SECTION 1 COMPUTER PART AND HARDWARE 2. Hardware: physical components.

TECHNOLOGIES (Lecture 1, 2, and 3) 3. Software: the name given to computer programs.

4. Information: data that is converted to give it a meaning.
5. Procedures: a series of actions conducted in a certain
LECTURE 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER. order to make sure the system runs smoothly.
6. People: data is entered by humans, for example a
QN1. What is computer? keyboard.
Answer: A computer is a physical device that takes data as
input, transforms these data by executing a stored program, and Note: To remember the components, use this sentence:
outputs information to several devices. A computer is an People Hate Slimy Dogs In Poland-
electronic (digital) device that stores, retrieves, and processes (People, Hardware, Software, Data, Information, Procedures)
data, and can be programmed with instructions. A computer is
composed of hardware and soft.
QN4. What are some of the challenges associated with rise of
QN2. What do you understand by the term’s computer, IT and
ICT? Answer:
1. Rapid change in technology and social expectations,
2. Global competition,
 ICT means Information and Communications
3. Shortened product development time, and
Technology is defined as a “diverse set of technological
4. Shortened product life span, customer-oriented
tools and resources used to communicate, and to create,
disseminate, store, and manage information”. ICT,
means all devices, networking components, applications
QN5. Describe three major domains from which ICT experts
and systems that when combined allow people and
must encompass capabilities and skills? Answer:
organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit agencies, and
governments) to interact in the digital world. ICT refers
1. Cognitive capabilities and skills – modeling,
to a broad spectrum of technologies that allow users to
requirements, critical evaluation and testing, methods
get, produce, and share ideas and resources.
and tools, and, professional responsibility.
 IT (Information Technology) refer to all of the
2. Practical capabilities and skills - design and
technology that we use to collect, process, protect and
implementation, evaluation, information management,
store information. It refers to hardware, software
human-computer interaction, risk assessment, tools and
(computer programs), and computer networks.
QN3. Discuss applicability of any three components of ICT.
3. Additional transferable skills – communication,
Answer: There are 6 components to an ICT system
teamwork, numeracy skills, self- management and
professional development.
1. Data: raw facts and figures.
QN6. What is advantage of the rise of ICT? 18,000 vacuum tubes per computer. Weight of device
Answer: has brought about many technical changes in: about 30 tons and cover large floor space about 15,000
1. World Wide Web (www) and its applications, sq. feet. Demand of cooling system (air-conditioning)
2. Networking technologies, particularly those based on was high due to device created a lot of heat during
TCP/IP, graphics and multimedia processing and required a lot of power to run. Computers
3. Oriented programming, were slow, and expensive, the processing speed was
4. Software safety, security. milliseconds (1/1000).
5. IT related jobs include system analyst, computer
programmer, architect, business analyst, data operators, (b). About second -generation computer? Or n each of
IT project manager, etc. the computer generations what was the cause for the
QN7. What is the computer literacy? increase of speed, power, or memory?
Answer: is the ability to use computers and related technology Answer: the second-generation computer was started
efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from basic use from 1959 – 1964. Introduced transistors technology
to programming and advanced problem solving. where one transistor could do the work of about 40
vacuum tubes. Transistors were required less power and
QN8. Describe the historical development of computer? generated less heat, less expensive, where faster
Answer: The historical developments that led to the invention of (processing speeds were in millionths of a second),
modern computers were due to increasing computing demands smaller, more reliable, and accurate. Storage capacity of
from users. The history of computers can be traced back to computer increased due to use of transistors. Introduced
Abacus around 500 BC, Napier’s bones by John Napier (1550- some device such as card readers, printers, and magnetic
1617), and slide rule by William Oughtred (1620), pascaline tape units. The symbolic languages (assembly
calculator by Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Jacquard Loom or languages) were used.
Weaving Machine by Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752-1834),
Leibniz Calculator by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), (c). About third-generation computer?
difference engine and analytic engine by Charles Babbage Answer: third-generation computer was started
(1791-1871), Hollerith's tabulator by Herman Hollerith (1860- from1964 to 1970. Integrated Circuits (ICs) were
1929) and Mark 1 by Howard Aitkens (1939-1943). introduced. Low cost, high reliability, small size, low
power consumption. Led to development of the
QN9. Briefly, discuss all computer generations. minicomputers. It was fast, the processing speeds were
(a). About first-generation computer? in nanoseconds (billionth of a second). Use of operating
Answer: the first-generation computer was started from system started, and computers were able to run multiple
1946 to 1958. A computing device was performed task programs at the same time.
for 1day which actually it completed in 300 days by
manual operation. Vacuum tubes technology used, over
(d). About fourth -generation computer?
Answer: the fourth -generation computer was started QN12. What characteristics made the transistors better than the
from 1971 to 1984. Large Scale Integration (LSI) and vacuum tube? Answer: Transistors were able to conduct
Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) were introduced. electricity faster and efficiently than vacuum tubes. Transistors
Computer price becomes lower and lower and become were less expensive, were faster, smaller, more reliable, and
cheaper from year to year. Computers keep in small size accurate, required less power and generated less heat.
(Microcomputers was introduced such in 1982, the
laptop computer) due to silicon or microprocessor chip. QN13. How space travel was made possible through the
prolog, C++, C, and object oriented of C, C++, Java, invention of transistors?
etc., were also introduced.
QN14. What did the microprocessor allow the computers to do?
(e). About fifth -generation computer? And what was the microprocessor's original purpose?
Answer: the fifth -generation computer was started from Answer: It allow the entire computer (processor, main memory,
1985 to date. It includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and and I/O controllers) can fit on one chip Purpose: for that reason,
use of robotic systems technologies even, computers keep on decreasing in size and become cheaper
from year to year.

QN15. What are the computer types and categories or mention

these five categories and the type of applications used.?
QN10. Compare and contrast on the performance ability Answer; are based on the physical size, performance and
between robots with artificial intelligence and human beings application areas.
with natural intelligence?
Answer: The term artificial intelligence: may be used for any Categories by fuction: Analog and Digital Computers,
computer that has characteristics similar to the human brain, 1. Analog computers are special-purpose computers,
including the ability to think critically, make decisions, and serve one function or a few related tasks and
increase productivity. measures a continuous flow (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) using
Human intelligence: defined as a general mental ability for analog signals. Examples, analog machine that using
reasoning, problem solving, and learning analog signals are telephones, radios, television.
- Robots don’t get tired, they don’t eat, they don’t even 2. Digital computers are general-purpose computer
require wages, they don’t strike, and they don’t care about that can be instructed to do many different tasks. In
fringe benefits while human beings are vice versa on that. digital computers, user tells computer what to do by
means of a program.
QN11. State areas where robots must be used?
Answer: Industrial activities, Hospital machines and etc.
QN16. Briefly describe the functionalities of supercomputer, network. It must more capable in terms of power,
microcomputer, mainframe and minicomputers. Categorized memory, storage and speed for communication
according to size/classes: super computers, mainframe 6. Client computer is any computer that access
computers, and minicomputers. computing resources from server and have lower
1. Super computer is characterized as fastest, most specifications of computing ability compared to
powerful and most expensive computer (cost server.
millions of dollars). Process information at speeds of
1.2 trillion instructions per second and can take input QN17. Describe the three capabilities of computer or how to
from more than 10,000 individual workstations. measure the capabilities of the computer and how to
Have many CPUs. Used in many quantities of data distinguish computer from other computing devices?
are manipulated and a lot of calculations must be Answer: By speed, storage, accuracy and ability to follow a set
done such as weather prediction and earthquake of instructions without human intervention.
predictions, nuclear weapons research, atomic
bombs and finding oil. 1. Speed: computer does computations tasks fast at
2. Mainframe computer: is slower, less powerful and electronic speed. Speed of processing data is measured
less expensive (cost hundreds of thousands of US in terms of billionth of a second and SI unit is Hertz
dollar) than a super-computer. Have many CPUs (Hz).
like supercomputer? 2. Storage: computers can store and retrieve data using
3. Minicomputer: Is smaller than mainframe and memory measurement called byte. A byte is a
operate at 16-bit and 32- bit words. Can process data combination of 8 bits. A bit is a binary digit which is
at several hundred thousand up to more than one either 0 or 1. Other storage unit of measurements
million instructions per second. Heavily utilized in includes Kilobyte (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabyte
companies, universities, scientific laboratories, (GB), Terabytes (TB), Petabytes (PB), Exabyte (EB),
research groups. Zettabyte (ZB), Yottabyte (YB).
4. Microcomputer: Is very much smaller and cheaper 3. Accuracy: computer can perform more complicated
than others. Have smaller memory and less power, mathematical operations per second without human
are also physically smaller, and permit fewer intervention. More reliable and accurate than the human
peripherals to be attached compared to being. Computer accuracy depends on the developed
minicomputer and mainframe computer. algorithms and stored programs.
Categories by application area:
QN18. Define the computer algorithms and programs?
5. Server computer runs a network of computers and Answer:
handles the sharing of equipment like printers and Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a specific task
the communications between computers on the
or problem. applications from centralized e-government systems to
Program is a set of instructions written in a computer language. provide service to customers.
3. Business activities: Citizens can pay service bills
QN19. Discuss this statement: “If computers are so accurate, through online systems and can sell or buy through
why is the phrase ‘garbage in-garbage out’ associated with internet using e-commerce or e-business, mobile money
their use?”Explain what is Garbage in Garbage out (GIGO)? services such as tigopesa, m-pesa, airtel money exist in
Answer: When computer is wrongly programmed gives us Tanzania.
computer error and wrong results. QN22. Define the input, process operation and output in term of
computer system/functions?
QN20. Describe the two computer limitations/What are the Answer:
limitations of the computer? Input: is the process of entering data into the computer system.
Answer: Process operation: is the manipulation of data in a
predetermined manner by the computer itself under the control
1. Its application programs must always be prepared, cannot of a program.
accomplish a task on its own without a human written Output: is the process of retrieving the information once it has
program. been processed.
2. It lacks of personality and perception that is a reason to be
used by both good and bad people. QN23. What is the computer system?
Answer: Is a series of interconnected devices that function in
QN21. If computer literacy was a rare skill 50 year ago, why do coordination for input-process-output. has hardware, (computer,
you need it today? Describe how computers are used in primary storage, secondary storage, input devices, and output
government and politics, home, manufacturing industries, devices) software (different types of programs –application
business and commerce, banking, defense and military software and system software) and user: (without human beings
agencies, hospitals, and in schools and Universities? a computer cannot work).
Answer: the uses of computer in
QN24. Discuss at least ten factors to consider when buying
1. Economic sectors and as such work: become more computer? Answer:
efficient, safe, accurate and cost-effective such as
industry, business, government systems, education, 1. Do you like Laptop or desktop?
research, military and defense, transportation, health and 2. Which brand do you like? DELL, Toshiba, HP Compaq,
agricultural sectors and even in families and homes. etc.
2. The government systems: government Ministries, 3. Processor Core (CPU): Two aspects are normally
Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Local considered in CPU; the processor type (eg. Intel
Government Authorities (LGAs) use various computer processor) and the processor speed measured in Hz.
4. Computer memory (RAM). For small applications, you information and instruction also perform logic, control,
can get at least 4 GB RAM, but note that the higher the arithmetic, input and output operations 
RAM size the higher the price and consequently better (b). HDD- is stands for Hard disk driver, it is used to store
computer performance. user specific data and operating system files. It is
5. Hard Disk Drive (HDD): This is the space to store your permanent memory.
data. Consider size of HDD based on the amount of data (c). RAM- is stands for random-access memory. RAM is
that are going to be stored in your computer. Normally used for immediate data storage and retrieval
HDD is measured in terms of GB or TB. (processing). It temporary memory.
6. Graphics: Consider the form of graphics built in.
7. Computer Software and Operating System: check QN27. Describe the function of each of the following peripheral
whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit OS. Also check if it is MS device: (a) Keyboard (b) Scanner (c) Printer (d) Projector (e)
Windows or Linux or another OSS based operating UPS (f) Monitor. Answer:
system. (a). Keyboard - is used for data entry and issuing
8. Anti-Virus Software: check for good virus and spyware commands.
package. (b). Scanner- is used to transfer or take a picture of the
9. Computer Lifeline: check the computer lifespan to document, digitize the information to your computer.
estimate how long it will last. (c). Printer - means a machine that can be used to print text
10. Internet Provider: Select a good and reliable Internet or images. The main function of the printers is to present
Service Provider (ISP) text or images to flat media such as paper in various
QN25. What is a peripheral device? Mention five components of (d). Projector - is a device used to project a computer image
a typical stand-alone computer. Answer: are the devices or other images from independent devices, such as DVD
connected to the computer. All hardware other than the computer players, Blue-ray player, etc. onto canvas or a wall.
itself is referred to as peripheral equipment or devices. Examples (e). UPS- An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device
of peripheral devices include monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, that allows a computer to keep running for at least a
disk drive, speakers, and scanner. short time when incoming power is interrupted.
(f). Monitor- A computer monitor is an output device
QN26. Describe the function of each of the following computer that displays information in pictorial or textual form.
parts: (a) CPU (b) HDD (c) RAM?
Answer: QN28. Describe the functionalities of various devices that are
regarded to have contributed in the development of modern
(a). CPU- is stands for central processing unit. CPU is the computer.
chip that perform all of the computer's programs. The
function of CPU is to read, interpret and process the
1. Napier's bones are a manually-operated calculating
device created by John Napier of Merchiston, Scotland QN30. As far as computer generations are concerned, (a)
for the calculation of products and quotients of numbers. Describe the causes for the increase of speed, power, or
2. Slide rule is mechanical analog computer which is used memory in each of the computer generations.
for multiplication and division, and for functions such as Answer:
exponents, roots, logarithms, and trigonometry. This 1. First Generation (1940-1956) - Vacuum Tubes: The cause
device created by William Oughtred (1920) for the increase in speed, power, and memory in the first
3. Pascaline calculator was designed by Blaise Pascal generation of computers was the use of vacuum tubes. These
(1623-1662), It was used for add and subtract two tubes allowed for electronic signals to be sent and received
numbers directly and to perform multiplication and quickly, enabling faster calculations and data processing.
division through repeated addition or subtraction. 2. Second Generation (1956-1963) - Transistors: The cause for
4. Jacquard Loom or Weaving Machine by Joseph- the increase in speed, power, and memory in the second
Marie Jacquard (1752-1834) He played an important generation of computers was the replacement of vacuum tubes
role in the development of the earliest programmable with transistors. Transistors were smaller, faster, and more
loom (the "Jacquard loom"), which in turn played an energy-efficient than vacuum tubes, allowing for more powerful
important role in the development of other and compact computers.
programmable machines, such as an early version of 3. Third Generation (1964-1971) - Integrated Circuits: The
digital compiler used by IBM to develop the modern cause for the increase in speed, power, and memory in the third
day computer. generation of computers was the development of integrated
5. Leibniz calculator or stepped reckoner: was designed circuits. These circuits combined multiple transistors onto a
by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It was the first calculator single silicon chip, allowing for even greater miniaturization and
that could perform all four arithmetic operations increased processing power.
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) 4. Fourth Generation (1971-Present) - Microprocessors: The
cause for the increase in speed, power, and memory in the fourth
QN29. Explain the computing machine innovated by Charles generation of computers was the invention of the
Babbage. microprocessor. Microprocessors integrated thousands of
Answer: Charles Babbage is considered to be the "father of the transistors onto a single chip, allowing for even more powerful
computer". In 1821 Babbage invented the Difference Engine to and compact computers. This also led to the development of
compile mathematical tables. On completing it in 1832, he personal computers and laptops.
conceived the idea of a better machine that could perform not 5. Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) - Artificial
just one mathematical task but any kind of calculation. This was Intelligence and Quantum Computing: The cause for the increase
the Analytical Engine (1856), which was intended as a general in speed, power, and memory in the fifth generation of
symbol manipulator, and had some of the characteristics of computers is the development of artificial intelligence and
today’s computers. quantum computing. These technologies aim to create computers
that can process information and solve problems in ways that controlled devices called Robots.  A Robot is a machine
mimic human intelligence, as well as perform calculations at that works like a human being, but performs tasks that
speeds far beyond what is currently possible with traditional are unpleasant, dangerous, and tedious to be done by
computing methods. human beings. For management control, i.e. to keep
track of orders, bills and transactions. For advertisement
purposes, which enable an industry to attract more
QN31. (b) What characteristics made the transistors better than customers.
the vacuum tube? Answer: They are smaller in size, use less 2. Government systems: Computers play an important
power, have a longer life span, less expensive and its faster than role in government. Some major fields in this category
vacuum tube. are: Budgets, Sales tax department, Income tax
department, Male/Female ratio Computerization of
(c) How space travel was made possible through the voter’s lists, Computerization of driving licensing
invention of transistors? Answer: because transistor is not too system, Ecitizen online services, Weather forecasting. If
hot while vacuum tubes are very easily to get hot. computers were not used, the large number of files in
government registries would make information recovery
QN32. What did the microprocessor allow the computers to do? extremely difficult.
And what was the microprocessor's original purpose? 3. Education: Computers are widely used in the teaching
Answer: The microprocessor is the central unit of a computer & learning process. Learning and teaching using
system that performs arithmetic and logic operations, which computers is referred to as Computer Aided Learning
generally include adding, subtracting, transferring numbers from (CAL) and Computer Aided Teaching (CAT). To assist
one area to another, and comparing two numbers. , and control the long-distance learning in universities usually referred
circuitry necessary to perform the functions of a to as the Open University Concept. To analyze academic
digital computer’s central processing unit. In effect, this kind data.
of integrated circuit can interpret and 4. Academia and research: Computers can be used for
execute program instructions as well as handle arithmetic research in various fields. They are used by: Scientists to
operations. analyze their experimental data, e.g., in weather
forecasting and Engineers & Architects to design & test
QN33. Discuss computer applicability in the following sectors: their work.
industry and factories, government systems, education, 5. Military and defense: Computers are largely used in
academia and research, military and defense, transportation, defense. Modern tanks, missiles, weapons etc. Military
health and agricultural sectors, families and homes. also employs computerized control systems. Some
military areas where a computer has been used are
1. Industry and factories: To monitor and control Missile Control, Military Communication, Military
industrial processes.  The industries use remote Operation and Planning and Smart Weapons.
6. Transportation: Computers are used in: -Automobile 1. Education; Computers equipped with the Internet
traffic control, e.g., to monitor vehicle traffic in a busy provide important information and connect all students
town. Railway corporations to co-ordinate the movement around the world to get materials like
of their goods & wagons. -Airports (Airline industry).  2. Medicine: The computer is used in hospitals, clinics
The computers are used; To control the movement of and health centers to book appointments and make files
aircrafts, take off & landing through the use of radar for patients as preserves patient information,
equipment. Making reservations (booking purposes). medications taken by the patient and the patient’s health
Storing flight information. development.
7. Health care: Computers have become important part in 3. Accounts The computer is used in calculations, data
hospitals, labs, and dispensaries. The computers are storage and analysis in banks, commercial centers and
being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and shops, and it can also be used at home to calculate the
medicines. scanning and diagnosing different diseases. family budget.
To control life-supporting machines in the Intensive 4. Industry The industry has come to rely heavily on
Care Units (ICU). To enable medical experts in computers, as factories have used computers to operate
different countries to share their expertise or labour, thus modern machines and equipment in order to ensure a
reducing the transportation of patients & professionals. high level of quality in production.
Diagnostic System - Computers are used to collect data 5. Companies and Banks; Banks use computers to
and identify cause of illness. Lab-diagnostic System - maintain accounts and manage transactions and
All tests can be done and reports are prepared by securities. Banks also provide banking services facilities,
computer. Surgery: Nowadays, computers are also used maintain records of their customers online, and also help
in performing surgery. customers check the balance of their account, and
8. Agricultural sectors: in agriculture researching conduct financial transactions over the Internet easily
activities Organizations like TARI- Tanzania and quickly.
Agricultural Research Institute. Computer used to store
experiments data collected. QN35. With examples distinguish between hardware and
9. Families and homes. Computers are used at homes: For software. Answer: Hardware refers to the physical and visible
watching movies, playing music and computer games. components of the system such as a monitor, CPU, keyboard and
For storing personal information. For calculating and mouse. Software, on the other hand, refers to a set of
keeping home budgets. In household items, such as, instructions which enable the hardware to perform a specific set
Microwave ovens, Televisions, etc. of tasks.
QN34. Discuss what is computer and why do we need it today.
Answer: Hardware Software
Hardware is further divided Software is further divided Chrome etc.
into four main categories:  into two main categories:
 Input Devices  Application Software
 Output Devices  System Software QN36. Describe all computer generations. What are the
 Secondary Storage technological innovations in first and second computer
Devices generations? Answer:
 Internal Components
1. The first-generation computer: the first-generation
computer was started from 1946 to 1958. Vacuum tubes
Developed using electronic Developed writing using
technology used which generated large amounts of heat,
and other materials instructions using a
were bulky and unreliable. Computers were slow, and
programming language
expensive, the processing speed was milliseconds
When damaged, it can be When damaged it can be 2. The second-generation: computer was started from
replaced with a new installed once more using a 1959 – 1964. Introduced transistors technology.
component backup copy Transistors were required less power and generated less
heat, less expensive, where faster (processing speeds
were in millionths of a second), smaller, more reliable,
Hardware is physical in The software cannot be
and accurate. Storage capacity of computer increased
nature and hence one can physically touched but still
due to use of transistors. Introduced some device such as
touch and see hardware can be used and seen
card readers, printers, and magnetic tape units. The
symbolic languages (assembly languages) were used.
Hardware cannot be The software can be
infected by Viruses infected by Viruses QN37. Differentiate between the third and fourth generation of
computers. Answer: The period of third generation was from
1965-1971 where Fourth Generation of computers was between
Hardware will physically Software does not wear out
1971 – 1980. The computers of third generation used Integrated
wear out over time but it can be affected by
Circuits (ICs) whereas fourth generation computers used the
bugs and glitches
VLSI technology or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
circuits technology.
An example of Hardware is An example of software is
hard drives, monitors, CPU, Windows 10, Adobe QN38. What were the main disadvantages of the computers of
scanners, printers etc. Photoshop, Google the first generation? Answer: The computers were very large
in size. They consumed a large amount of energy. They heated CPU, keyboard and mouse. Software, on the other hand,
very soon due to thousands of vacuum tubes. They were not very refers to a set of instructions which enable the hardware to
reliable. perform a specific set of tasks.
b) Input and output operation: An input device is connected
to a computer that sends out data into the computer, while an
QN39. For instance, somebody ask your recommendations while output device is connected to a computer that receives
purchasing computer for home use. What are you going to incoming data.
tell on the capabilities of CPU, RAM and HDD? c) Analog and digital computers: Analog computers are
Answer: Processor Core (CPU): Two aspects are normally special-purpose computers, serve one function or a few
considered in CPU; the processor type (eg. Intel processor) and related tasks and measures a continuous flow (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)
the processor speed measured in Hz. using analog signals. Examples, analog machine that using
RAM – Consider the size at least 4 GB RAM, but note that the analog signals are telephones, radios, television. Digital
higher the RAM size the higher the price and consequently better computers are general-purpose computer that can be
computer performance. instructed to do many different tasks. In digital computers,
Hard Disk Drive (HDD): This is the space to store your data. user tells computer what to do by means of a program.
Consider size of HDD based on the amount of data that are going
to be stored in your computer. Normally HDD is measured in d) first and second computer generations
terms of GB or TB. e) super computers and mainframe computers
f) minicomputers and microcomputers
QN40. Why Charles Babbage is generally regarded as the g) desktop and laptop computers
“Father of Computer”? Answer: Charles Babbage is h) laptop and PDAs
considered to be the "father of the computer". In 1821 Babbage i) notebook and tablet
invented the Difference Engine to compile mathematical tables. j) server and client computers
On completing it in 1832, he conceived the idea of a better k) Kilobyte (KB) and Gigabyte (GB)
machine that could perform not just one mathematical task but l) Megabytes (MB) and Terabytes (TB)
any kind of calculation. This was the Analytical Engine (1856), m) Petabytes (PB) and Exabyte (EB).
which was intended as a general symbol manipulator, and had
some of the characteristics of today’s computers. QN41. Mention any three IT related jobs and identify the
required computer skills for each job category. Answer:
1. Data analyst- is responsible for organizing data related
to market research, logistics, linguistics and project
QN8. Distinguish between the following:
activities can help teams find solutions.
a) Hardware and software: Hardware refer to the physical 2. Data clerk: is a professional responsible for transferring
and visible components of the system such as a monitor, paper formats into computer files or database systems.
3. IT Support Officers monitor, maintain and provide 29. DELL. Digital Electronic Link Library.
technical assistance for organisations' IT systems
QN7. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
QN42. Write the long forms of the following abbreviations as
used in computer science and IT field: a) Computer is electric device.
1. IT, for Information Technology. b) Computer is intelligent device.
2. ICT, means Information and Communications c) Computer is electronic device.
Technology. d) Computer is ignorant device because it allows garbage in
3. WWW, World Wide Web  garbage out.
4. TCP, Transmission Control Protocol  e) Computer is ignorant because it depends on programs for it
5. IP, Internet Protocol to work.
6. API, Application Programming Interface f) Computer is a digital device.
7. PC, Personal Computer g) Computer performs input-process-output operation.
8. CPU, Central Processing Unit h) Computer accepts data.
9. I/O, input/output i) Computer displays information.
10. HDD, Hard Disk Drive j) Computer composes of hardware and software.
11. RAM, Random Access Memory
12. ROM, read-only memory QN9. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
13. UPS, Uninterruptible power supply statements:
14. IC, Integrated Circuits a) Developments that have led to the invention of modern
15. LSI, Large Scale Integration computers were due to increasing computing demands from
16. VLSI, Very Large-Scale Integration users.
17. AI, Artificial intelligence b) The history of computers can be traced back to Abacus
18. PDA, Personal Digital Assistants. around 500 BC.
19. KB, Kilobyte c) Contribution of Charles Babbage in computer development
20. GB, Gigabyte was in difference and analytic engine.
21. MB, Megabytes d) Generations or eras of computer technology are grouped by
22. TB, Terabytes age and technological advancements.
23. PB, Petabytes e) First computer generation was between 1946 and 1958.
24. EB, Exabyte f) First generation computers were able to perform a
25. GIGO, Garbage in Garbage out computing task of one day that was equivalent of manual
26. ISP, Internet Service Provider operation of 300 days.
27. OSS, open-source software g) In first computer generation, vacuum tubes were used in
28. HP, Hewlett-Packard  place of relays. 16
h) First generation computers had weight of about 30 tons. b) Transistors were used in second computer generation
i) First generation computers were big enough to cover 15,000 because were less expensive, faster, smaller, more reliable,
sq. feet of floor space and accurate.
j) First generation computers used over 18,000 vacuum tubes. c) Transistors were used in second computer generation
because they required less power and generated less heat.
QN10. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
d) In second computer generation, high- speed card readers,
printers, and magnetic tape units were introduced.
a) First generation computers created a lot of heat during e) In second computer generation, the processing speeds were
processing, measured in millionths of a second (microseconds).
b) In first generation computers, the demand of cooling system f) In second computer generation, the symbolic languages
(air-conditioning) was high. (assembly languages) were used instead of machine
c) First generation computers used punched cards for data languages.
storage. g) In second computer generation, compilers started.
d) The processing speed of first-generation computers was h) Third computer generation was between 1964 and 1970.
measured in terms of milliseconds. i) In third computer generations, the tiny Integrated Circuits
e) First generation computers were huge, slow, and expensive. (ICs) were introduced.
f) First generation computers were very unreliable, required a j) The minicomputers started in third computer generation.
lot of power to run, and produced so much heat.
QN12. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
g) First computer generations were possible because of vacuum
tubes while second generations depended on use of
transistors. a) The processing speeds in third generation computers were in
h) The second generation was between 1959 and 1964. terms of nanoseconds (billionth of a second).
i) In second generation, transistors were used instead of b) The use of operating system started in third generation
vacuum tubes. computers. 17
j) Transistors were able to conduct electricity faster and c) Third generation computers were able to run many different
efficiently than vacuum tubes. programs at the same time.
d) The fourth computer generation was between 1971 and
QN11. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
e) Large Scale Integration (LSI) and Very Large-Scale
a) Second generation computers used transistors in such a way Integration (VLSI) were introduced in fourth computer
that one transistor was capable to do the work of about 40 generation.
vacuum tubes. f) The fourth-generation computers used silicon chip to hold
the entire computer (processor, main memory, and I/O
g) Microcomputers were introduced in fourth computer f) Each typed character in computer is stored using a single
generation. byte.
h) Laptop computer was invented in 1982. g) Computer can perform thousands or more complicated
i) The introduction of programming languages like prolog, C+ mathematical operations per second without human
+, C, and object oriented of C, C++, and Java were intervention.
introduced in fourth generation computers. h) Computer is more reliable and accurate than the human
j) The fifth computer generation was introduced in 1985. being.
i) Computer accuracy depends on the developed algorithms
QN13. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
and stored programs.
j) Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for accomplishing or
a) The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and use of robotic systems solving a specific task or problem.
are in fifth generation. k) When an algorithm is written in a computer language is
b) Data entry in laptop computers is done via keypad and called a program.
mouse pad. l) A program is defined as a set of instructions written in a
c) Data entry in tablet computer is done via touch screen. ( computer language.
d) Laptop or tablet computers can be used without a power m) The program tells the computer what to do with the data. 18
connection. n) When computer is wrongly programmed, users will
e) Server runs a network of computers. experience Garbage in Garbage out (GIGO).
f) Server computers are more capable in terms of power, o) The fact that computers do the job more accurately and
memory, storage and speed for communication. much faster is the greatest strength of the computers today.
g) Client computers access computing resources from server.
h) Client computers have lower specifications of computing
ability compared to server.
i) Computer does its computations by electrical means. QN1. What is the computer hardware?
j) Computer does its computations at electronic speed. Answer: is the collection of physical parts both internal (HDD,
motherboard) and external (computer case, monitor, keyboard,
QN14. Answer TRUE/FALSE for each of the following
mouse) of a computer system. Generally, the concept of
hardware includes computer components, the physical and
a) A measurement unit for computer speed is called Hertz (Hz). tangible parts of the computer, i.e., electrical, electronic and
b) Computer memory is measured using byte. mechanical parts which comprise a computer
c) A byte is a combination of 8 bits.
d) A bit is a binary digit which is either 0 or 1. QN2. Describe the “computer working principle?
e) 1 TB is equivalent to 1000,000 KB. Answer: Computer working principle: data are entered into a
computer via input devices, then are processed and stored in a QN7. What are the significant input devices?
system unit, and are finally displayed by the output device. Answer: allow the user to enter information into the system or
control its operation such as mouse and keyboard, touchpad,
i.e. Input devices  System Unity  Output devices webcams, microphones, joysticks, and image scanners.
QN3. What is the system in computing?
Answer: is the combination of an information processing system QN8. What is the keyboard?
such as computer and the outside world possibly human or Answer: Keyboard is input device either can be wired or
another information processing machine. wireless has (alphabetic - QWERTY), numerical pad (calculator-
style set of keys) punctuation, symbol, control keys and function
QN4. What is the difference between input and output in keys (F1 – F1). It’s use for data entry and issuing commands.
Computing? Answer: Inputs are the signals or data received by
the system, and outputs are the signals or data sent from it. QN9. State the function of each of the following keyboard keys
Keyboards and Mouse are considered as input devices of a when performing input operations: ENTER or RETURN, DEL
computer, while Monitor and Printers are considered output or DELETE, BKSP or BACKSPACE, SPACE BAR, CAPS
devices of a computer. Modems and networks cards typically LOCK, TAB, ESC or ESCAPE, ARROW KEYS,
serve for both input and output. FUNCTION KEYS or F KEYS, CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT,
QN5. What considered to in designation of a device as either NumLock and Page Up (Pgup) and Page Down (PgDn)?
input or output? Answer: depends on the perspective. Answer:
Example Mice and keyboards take as input physical movement
that the human user outputs and convert it into signals that a 1. ENTER or RETURN - Moves the cursor down one line
computer can understand. The output from these devices is input and to the left margin.
for the computer. Similarly, printers and monitors take as input 2. DEL or DELETE - Deletes the character at cursor
signals that a computer output. They then convert these signals and/or characters to the right of the cursor and all
into representations that human users can see or read. highlighted (or selected) text.
3. BKSP or BACKSPACE - Deletes the character to the
QN6. Define the Input/Output (I/O) system? left of cursor and all highlighted text.
Answer: refers to the communication between an information 4. SPACE BAR - Moves the cursor one space at a time to
processing system such as computer and the outside world the right.
possibly human or another information processing machine. Or 5. SHIFT KEY - Use the shift keys to type capital letters
any operation, program, or device that transfers data to or from a and to type the upper character on keys with two
computer. Typical I/O devices are printers, hard disks, characters on them.
keyboards, and mouses. 6. CAPS LOCK - Locks the keyboard so it types capital
letters (a light goes on when caps lock is on).
7. TAB - Moves the cursor five spaces to the right.
8. ESC or ESCAPE - Cancels a menu or dialog box, a 4. Digital camera takes photographs and stores the image
command or an operation. as data on a memory card.
9. ARROW KEYS - Moves the cursor around document 5. Touch screens: allowing a user to interact with the
without changing text. computer by touching pictures or words on the screen.
10. FUNCTION KEYS or F KEYS - Access commands by
themselves or in combination with the three command QN11. Discuss all factors that you will consider when
keys; CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT. purchasing computer monitor. Answer:
11. Command or Special Keys: The Control key or Ctrl
is often used to access commands. It is pressed in 1. Display Technology: computer monitors are powered by
combination with other keys, acts as a shortcut to different display technologies, some of which include liquid-
execute commands and to select commands from the crystal display (LCD), light-emitting diode (LED) and
drop-down menus. The Alternative key or Alt is often organic light-emitting diode (OLED). Of those available
used to access menus. The Shift key is used to type display technologies, OLED offers the highest level of
CAPITAL LETTERS. performance.
2. Resolution: refers to the total number of pixels in a
12. NumLock – These key switches the right-hand keypad
computer monitor that can be displayed at any given time. A
between typing numbers and being used as cursor keys.
computer monitors with 4K resolution, for instance, features
 4,000 pixels. Known as ultra-high definition (UHD), it’s
13. Page Up (Pgup) and Page Down (PgDn). These keys capable of producing crystal-clear images with a high level
move the cursor to the preceding screen (PgUp) or the of detail.
next screen (PgDn). 3. Screen Size: refers to the diameter of the display. Large
computer monitors have a large display, which generally
QN10. Discuss the functionalities of other input devices such as makes them preferable over smaller computer monitors.
bar code readers, light pen, track ball, digital camera and 4. Ports: All computer monitors contain at least one display
touch screens? port. It’s essentially a socket that’s used to connect a cable
1. Barcode reader function is to scan these codes and send between the monitor and the computer include DisplayPort
the data, via a Wi-Fi antenna, Bluetooth or cable, to a (DP), Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and High-Definition
Multimedia Input (HDMI).
handheld or computer that will manage and store the
5. Refresh Rate: refers to the number of times a computer
information obtained from the readings taken. monitors updates with images in a given second. A computer
2. Light pen: is used to draw text and diagrams or select monitors with a 144 Hz refresh rate updates 144 times per
the object with the user interface system in the CRT second, whereas a computer monitors with a 60 Hz refresh
monitor. rate updates 60 times per second.
3. Trackball users to control the screen-based movement
of a cursor or icon on an industrial computer monitor. QN12. Discuss all factors that you will consider when
purchasing printer. Answer:
1. Printing Capability: The number of pages per minute (e) optical disk (f) magnetic disk (g) removable disk.?
2. Ease of Use: easy to use means PPM and Answer:
troubleshooting. Printer driver easy to setup.
3. Running costs: have cheaper cost per pages than (a). Computer brand: is a name, trademark, or other
others such as Hp printer symbol which distinguishes a product or manufacturer
4. Maintenance and supply costs: you might want to look from others in the market, for example Dell.
into cartridge refills rather than buying new ones every (b). Input device: is any hardware device that sends data to
time it runs out. Look for reliable printer a computer, allowing user to interact with and control it.
repair companies as well, so you can monitor your Keyboard.
printer’s health. (c). Output device: is any hardware device used to send
5. Network printing: refer to printer’s connectivity data from a computer to another device or user. Printer.
features Traditionally, printers use USB ports or the (d). Memory device: It is used to store data and instruction.
Ethernet. Now, newer models use Wi-Fi as a networking HDD
option. (e). Optical disk: – is a disk which record data by burning
6. Paper compatibility: Depending on your needs, you microscopic holes in the surface of the disk with a laser
should also know which types of paper is compatible where data can only be written once CD- ROM
with the printer you want to buy. All printers will feed (f). Magnetic disk: is a disk which allow to record and
on a legal-sized paper, erase data any number of times
(g). Removable disk:  Is a disk that is inserted into the drive
for reading and writing and removed when not required.
QN13. What is computer hardware?
Answer: Hardware refers to the computer's tangible components QN16. Hard disks are measured in terms of Gigabyte (GB).
or delivery systems that store and run the written instructions Terabyte (TB), Petabyte (PB), and Exabyte (EB). Write the
provided by the software. relationships among all these units.

QN14. What is a computer disk? Describe the two basic types of QN17. Write the long form for each of the following abbreviation as
computer disks? used in computer science and IT industry: CD-ROM, WORM,
Answer: A disk is a round plate on which data can be encoded. EOD, CD- RW, CD-R, GUI, OCR, VDU, CRT, LCD, LED,
There are two basic types of disks: magnetic disks and optical USB
QN18. What is a disk drive? Describe three basic forms of optical
QN15. Give one example for each of the following: (a) computer disks.
brand (b) input device (c) output device (d) memory device
QN19. Why is it advisable to make a backup of your important files
in optical disks? QN31. Describe the use of projector.

QN20. What is a mouse? Describe the function of the following QN32. What is a USB? Discuss application of a serial and parallel
parts of the mouse (a) left button (b) right button (c) middle port.
button or a scroll wheel
QN33. List five factors to consider when purchasing printer
QN21. What is GUI? Discuss the point-and-click operation of the
mouse. QN34. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
(a) Computer cannot function without hardware.
QN22. Describe four mouse operations. (b) Inputs are the signals or data received by computer.
(c) Outputs are signals or data sent from computer.
QN23. What is a click? Discuss the drag-and-drop operation of the (d) Keyboard is an adaptation of the typewriter.
mouse. (e) Keyboard has an additional numerical pad and function keys
(F1 – F12).
QN24. What is an optical scanner? Briefly describe the scanning (f) A QWERTY Keyboard is the standard typewriter keyboard
process. layout, used for computer keyboards.
(g) A keyboard provides a set of alphabetic, numeric,
QN25. Describe the functionalities of the following input devices punctuation, symbol, and control keys.
(a) Touchpad (b) Light pen (c) Joystick (h) The ENTER or RETURN key moves the cursor down one
line and to the left margin.
QN26. Describe the functionalities of the following input devices (i) The DEL or DELETE key deletes the character at cursor
(a) Microphone (b) Webcam (c) Digital camera and/or characters to the right of the cursor and all highlighted (or
selected) text.
QN27. Discuss the functionality of the computer monitor. Explain (j) The BKSP or BACKSPACE key deletes the character to the
the differences among LCD, LED and CRT monitor. left of cursor and all highlighted text.

QN28. What is VDU? Discuss all factors that you will consider QN35. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
when purchasing computer monitor. (a) The SPACE BAR key moves the cursor one space at a time
to the right.
QN29. What is a printer? Give three examples of printers. (b) The SHIFT key is used to type capital letters and to type the
upper character on keys with two characters on them.
QN30. With examples, describe the impact and non-impact (c) The CAPS LOCK key locks the keyboard, so it types capital
categories of printers letters in which a light goes on when caps lock is on.
(d) The TAB key moves the cursor five spaces to the right. enables to write onto it in multiple sessions. (g) The CD-R disk
(e) The ESC or ESCAPE key cancels a menu or dialog box, a allows you to write only once. (h) The capacity of the most
command or an operation. widely available CD format is expressed either as 74 minutes or
(f) The ARROW KEYS key moves the cursor around document 650MB. (i) With software, microphone can be used for speech-
without changing text. to-text processing. (j) Webcam is a camera that stores video
(g) The FUNCTION keys or F-keys access commands by signals transferred over the Internet in real time.
themselves or in combination with the three command keys;
CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT. QN38. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
(h) The command or special keys in the keyboard normally do (a) Mouse controls the pointer on your computer screen. (b) You
nothing 33 on their own but work in combination with other can never do any harm to the computer by clicking on something
keys. (i) The control key or Ctrl is often used to access with the right mouse button. (c) Use of mouse can eliminate
commands. (j) The alternative key or Alt is often many keyboard strokes. (d) The flashing bar known as cursor is
used to access menus. where the work will take place on the computer screen. (e) The
left mouse button is used to select objects and text. (f) The right
QN36. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) The mouse button is used to access menus. (g) The mouse scroll
Shift key is used to type CAPITAL LETTERS. (b) The wheel is placed between the left and right buttons. (h) Mouse is
NumLock key is used to switch the right-hand keypad between an input device that facilitates work with the GUI. (i) Mouse can
typing numbers and being used as cursor keys. (c) The Page Up be divided into mechanical and optical with respect to a signals
(Pgup) key is used to move the cursor to the preceding screen. transfer movement. (j) Mouse can be divided into wired and
(d) The Page Down (PgDn) key is used to move the cursor to the wireless with respect to connection to the computer.
next screen. (e) A computer disk is a round plate on which data
can be encoded. (f) Magnetic disks allow to record and erase QN39. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
data any number of times. (g) Flash disks are examples of (a) Unlike mouse, a trackball is not movable. (b) A trackball
magnetic disks (h) Hard disk is an example of magnetic disk. (i) allows hand movements to be transmitted to the screen by rolling
Hard disks are placed inside the computer. (j) Hard disks were the ball which is located on the upper side of the device. (c) A
originally called “fixed disks”. scanner is accompanied by software that allows it to have control
over the scanned image. (d) A scanner “scans” the image from
QN37. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) Hard the top to the bottom, one line at a time and transfers it to the
disks were originally called “Winchesters”. (b) The optical disks computer as a series of bits or a bitmap. (e) The OCR software is
record data by burning microscopic holes in the surface of the used by Scanner to convert printed documents to text. (f) The
disk with a laser. (c) The CD-ROM and WORM disks are not direct result of scanning process is an image. (g) The result of
erasable. (d) The machine that reads or writes information to a scanning process is text when OCR software is used. (h) When
disk is called a disk drive. (e) To create CD-ROMs, you need using touchpad, user determines the position of the cursor. (i)
CD-R drive and a CD-R software package. (f) The CD-RW disk
Light pen enables handwriting on screen. (j) Light pen requires striking device to produce characters on paper. (e) Non-impact
an appropriate monitor type. printers do not hammer against the paper. (f) Non-impact
printers are much quieter. (g) Local printers are connected
QN40. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: directly to the computer. (h) Network printers are connected
(a) Light pen can also be used as a mouse. (b) Joystick is mainly directly to network using a network card. (i) Dot matrix printers
used in computer games. (c) Joystick has many buttons are the oldest printers. (j) Dot matrix printers print with the
compared to mouse. (d) Microphone converts sound into lowest price of print per paper.
electrical signals. (e) Digital camera stores photographs in digital
format. (f) The photograph quality is expressed in megapixels. QN43. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) Dot
(g) The more the number of pixels the better quality of matrix printers are slow printers. (b) Dot matrix printers make a
photograph. (h) Monitors with flat panel displays are small and lot of noise while printing. (c) Dot matrix printers are mostly
do not flicker. 35 (i) Monitors with flat panel displays consume appropriate for printing text. (d) Laser printers are similar to
very little power. (j) Monitors with flat panel displays are ideal photocopy devices when it comes to technology. (e) Laser
for portable computers. printers have more quality than dot matrix. (f) Printing
technology is based on ink dispersion from container onto paper.
QN41. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (g) Plotter is used for printing large drawings (up to A0). (h)
(a) LCD monitors use less electrical energy compared to CRT Thermal printer leaves a print on the paper by utilizing heat. (i)
monitors. (b) Unlike CRT monitors, the LCD monitors do not Thermal printers are usually used for printing receipts. (j)
emit radiation. (c) The price of LCD monitors is higher Thermal printers are also called POS printer. (25). Attempt the
compared to CRT monitors. (d) Monitor size is expressed by the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) Thermal printers are
size of screen diagonal and measured in inches (“). (e) The small and portable printers. (b) A serial port is used for
picture quality in computer monitor is expressed in terms of connecting a mouse. 36 (c) Ports labeled COM1 or COM2 are
resolution. (f) Resolution is a number of horizontal and vertical referred as serial ports. (d) Ports labeled LPT1 or LPT2 are
dots (pixels). (g) One example of the computer resolution is referred as parallel ports. (e) Parallel port is used for connecting
1920x1080. (h) The dot-matrix printer is one type of the impact a local printer. (f) The ports LPT1 or LPT2 are used for
printers. (i) Line printers produce output one line at a time and connecting local printer. (g) The network port is used for
can print in a range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. (j) The connecting computers to a network.
most common line printer is the impact type.

QN42. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) Ink-

jet is an example of non-impact printers. (b) Thermal printer is
an example of non-impact printers. (c) Laser is an example of LECTURE 3 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT AND
non-impact printers. (d) Non-impact printers do not use a COMPUTER MEMORY
QN44. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: as well as communicate with I/O and storage devices. (g) CPU
(a) Most of the internal computer parts are housed within the transforms data into information. (h) Data are raw facts to be
system unit. (b) The system unit (case) contains a computer’s processed by a computer. (i) CPU consists of Control Unit (CU),
vital parts. (c) Desktop casing is horizontally oriented while the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Registers. (j) Control unit
tower case is vertically orientated. (d) Motherboard is computer's directs and coordinates all computers’ activities.
basic circuit, to which all computer components are connected,
directly or indirectly. (e) Devices are connected to the QN47. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
motherboard through a system bus. (f) System bus connects all (a) Control coordinates electronic data processing system
devices and ensures data flow and communication between operations. (b) Control unit coordinates various parts of the
different devices. (g) System bus use predefined protocols to computer system. (c) Control unit translates program instructions
connect different devices. (h) Protocol describes a manner in into machine operations to be executed by ALU. (d) Control unit
which communication between devices is defined. (i) USB is a interprets all stored information in sequence and issues
serial bus while PCI is a parallel bus. (j) Firewire is used for commands to all elements of the computers. (e) Control unit
connecting computers and audio-video devices such as a digital controls all I/O devices and the transfer of data between CPU
camera. and storage. (f) ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations.
(g) ALU performs addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication
QN45. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) CPU (*), division (/), modulus (%). (h) ALU performs AND, OR,
is the most important part of computer. (b) The CPU is a brain of NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR operations. (i) Processing in
computer. (c) CPU performs all processing functions of computer begins with data and program. (j) ALU performs the
computer. (d) Everything a computer does is essentially a actual arithmetic calculations using the binary system.
mathematical calculation. (e) CPU is a central part of a computer
which manages all other computer parts. (f) Processor speed is QN48. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
measured in hertz. (g) The most famous computer processors are (a) ALU performs logical operations and comparisons. (b) ALU
Intel and AMD. (h) The higher the CPU’s MHz rate, the faster it contains circuitry which circulates, sets algebra signs and
processes information and instructions. (i) CPU speed depends produces results. (c) ALU provides comparative abilities. (d)
on the Word length. (j) CPU speed depends on the Bus Width. Registers are high speed storage devices within the CPU. (e)
Registers store data and addresses used in fetching instruction in
QN46. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) CPU RAM. (f) The Program Counter (PC) register stores addresses.
speed depends on the Clock Speed. (b) CPU speed depends on (g) The Instruction Register (IR) register stores data or
CISC and RISC. (c) Word Length is the number of bits that can instructions fetched from RAM. (h) ROM is a constant memory.
be processed at once. (d) Bus Width is the number of bits that (i) Constant memory cannot be changed by user. (j) ROM is non-
can be moved at once. (e) CPU is also referred as the volatile.
microcomputer chip or the microprocessor. (f) CPU consists of
electronic circuits that interpret and execute program instructions
QN49. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: QN51. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
(a) The contents of ROM do not disappear when the power is (a) CD-ROM drive is used for reading CD media. (b) CD is an
turned off. (b) ROM can only be read. (c) ROM contains optical disc. (c) CD-R is used for reading and writing data one-
programs built into the computer by the manufacturer. (d) ROM time-only. (d) CD-RW is used for reading and writing data
stores special purpose programs and data or instructions which multiple times. (e) DVD disc storage capacity ranges from
the computer needs all the time. (e) ROM is a type of permanent, 4.7GB to 18GB. (f) DVD is an optical disc. (g) A Blue-ray disc
internal memory that is used solely for reading. (f) BIOS is the successor to DVD. (h) A blue-ray disk is optical disk
program is located in a separate ROM on the motherboard. (g) storage. (i) Memory card is a type of flash memory used to store
Not all BIOS programs are stored in ROM. (h) When you enter data in digital cameras, cell phones, MP3 players etc. (j) HDD
information into the computer for processing, you are working can be internal or external.
with RAM. (i) RAM is a temporary memory. (j) RAM requires a
constant supply of power to maintain it. (38). Answer the QN52. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a)
following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) If power fails, the System bus is an electrical path (wire) within computer. (b)
contents of RAM will be lost. (b) RAM is a volatile memory. (c) System bus connects different parts of the computer. (c) System
RAM allows reading and writing of data. (d) Data in RAM are bus is responsible for signals transmission. (d) Address bus is
cleared when computer shuts down. (e) Cache memory allows used for sending the address for data fetching. (e) Data bus is
quick access to data. (f) Cache increases the speed of used for exchanging data between RAM, CPU and I/Os. (f)
communication between processor and RAM. (g) The Status bus is used for exchanging information about the status of
performance mismatch between RAM and CPU is reduced by the data and the system. (g) Control bus is used for exchanging
cache. (h) BIT is a short of binary digit. (i) BIT is the smallest control information between the processor and the peripherals.
piece of data that can be recognized and used by computer. (j) (h) Processor clock speed affects computer performance. (i)
BIT is a single binary value which can be 1 or 0 Amount of cache affects computer performance. (j) Number of
kernels affects computer performance.
QN50. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) Byte
is a group of eight bits. (b) Computer memory is measured in QN53. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
terms of bytes. (c) Everything in computers must be divisible by (a) Amount of installed RAM affects computer performance. (b)
8. 48 (d) A kilobyte is 1,024 bytes. (e) A data backup is useful in Graphics card memory and processor affects computer
case the system corrupts. (f) The external memory is sometimes performance. (c) Clock bus affects computer performance. (d)
referred to as secondary storage. (g) Secondary Storage is the Number of running applications affects computer performance.
long-term storage outside the CPU and RAM. (h) CDs and (e) Processor speed is measured in hertz (Hz). (f) Processor
DVDs are secondary memory devices. (i) HDD is a place for performance depends on frequency and the number of operations
permanent data storage. (j) HDD does not delete/clear data when that ALU performs in one clock cycle. (g) A 2GHz means at
computer shuts down. most 2000 million instructions can be executed per second. (h) A
2000MHZ means 2000 million pulses (clock cycles) per second.
perform all processing functions of computer. Inside this tiny
QN54. Describe the basic three main components of computer. chip there are millions of transistors that are connected so they
Answer: processor, memory and Input/Output can carry out mathematical calculations. Everything a computer
does is essentially a mathematical calculation.

QN55. Describe the two basic types of computer cases. QN60. Describe the functionalities of the three parts of CPU.
Answer: Answer: Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic and Logic Unit
1. Desktop casing is placed on a desk in a horizontal (ALU) and Registers.
orientation. 1. The control unit: directs and coordinates all
2. Towers come in three sizes (mini-tower, mid-tower and computers’ activities. It translates program
full-tower) and it is vertically orientated instructions into machine operations to be executed
by ALU. It controls all input and output devices, the
QN56. Describe the function of the computer motherboard. transfer of data between CPU and storage.
Answer: Motherboard (MBO) is computer's basic circuit, to 2. The arithmetic and logic unit perform arithmetic
which all computer components are connected, directly or and logic operations. Arithmetic operations include
indirectly. Devices are connected to the motherboard addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*),
through a system bus. division (/), modulus (%), etc. The logical operations
include AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR,
QN57. Describe the function of the system bus. XNOR, etc.
Answer: System bus connects all devices, ensures data flow 3. Registers are high speed storage devices within the
and communication between different devices using CPU. They store data and addresses used in fetching
predefined protocols. instruction in RAM.

QN58. Describe the function of the soundcard, graphics card, QN61. Explain how the CPU performance is measured.
and modem. Answer: by Processor speed is measured in hertz (or megahertz
Answer: A soundcard is a device used for sound creation and or gigahertz).
production by means of computer speakers. Graphics card is
responsible for image processing and displaying it on a monitor. QN62. Which CPU component is responsible for the +, -, *, /, %,
Modem enables computers to communicate via telephone lines operations? Which name is used to refer to these operations?
and Internet. Answer: The arithmetic and logic unit perform arithmetic and
logic operations.
QN59. What is the function of the CPU? Why is it referred as a
brain of computer? Answer: It is the computer chip that does
QN63. Which CPU component is responsible for the AND, OR,
efficient compared to efficient as compared to
NOT, NAND, NOR operations? Which name is used to refer
AMD processors. the Intel processors.
to these operations? Answer: The arithmetic and logic unit
perform arithmetic and logic operations.
In the case of Intel, it In the case of AMD, it
QN64. Which CPU component is responsible for the <>, >, <=, has iGPU in almost has iGPU only in the
>=, operations? Which name is used to refer to these all the Core i series AMD APU series. The
operations? Answer: The arithmetic and logic unit perform (excluding the Core i GPU performance here
logical operations and comparisons. F-series). is higher than the Intel
QN65. Which CPU component is responsible for storage of data iGPU.
and addresses? Answer: Registers.
Intel’s Clock speed AMD’s Clock speed
QN66. What is the difference between the Intel and AMD
can reach and surpass may reach 5.0 GHz. But
processors? Answer:
5.0 GHz. in this case, it produces
more heat.
Intel AMD

Intel possesses AMD possesses

Intel processors are AMD processors are less
symmetric symmetric
less expensive expensive compared to
multiprocessing multiprocessing
compared to the the Intel ones at the
capabilities that can capabilities that can go
AMD ones at the higher range.
go up to 4 sockets/ 28 up to 8 sockets/ 128
lower range.
cores. cores.

It may heat up when The AMD processor

The Intel (Rocket The (Zen 3) AMD IPC is
someone uses it with generally stays cooler
Lake) IPC is lower higher than that of
a Clock Speed Boost than Intel due to its
than that of (Zen 3) (Rocket Lake) Inte
of 14nm. small lithography. The
TSMC 7nm is very
similar to the Intel
QN67. Explain the meaning of the following parameters that
Intel is way more AMD is not very determine the speed of the CPU: Word length, Bus Width,
Clock Speed.
format. instruction
Answer: Word Length is the number of bits that can be
processed at once. Bus Width is the number of bits that can be
moved at once. Clock speed
5. The RISC The CISC
consumes low consumes
power. high power.

QN68. Distinguish between CISC and RISC. 6. The RISC The CISC
Answer: processors are processors
highly are less
S.No. RISC CISC pipelined. pipelined.

1. RISC is a CISC is a 7. It optimizes the It optimizes

reduced complex performance by the
instruction set. instruction focusing on performance
set. software. by focusing
on hardware.

2. The number of The number

instructions is of 8. Requires more Requires
less as instructions RAM. less RAM.
compared to is more as
CISC. compared to
QN69. Explain the function of the control unit.
3. The addressing The Answer: CPU (processor) is a central part of a computer
modes are less. addressing which manages all other computer parts, monitors their
modes are mutual communication and performs arithmetic-logical
more. operations.

QN70. Explain the function of the arithmetic and logic unit.

4. It works in a It works in a
Answer: The arithmetic and logic unit perform arithmetic
fixed instruction variable
and logic operations. Arithmetic operations include addition
(+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulus external memory and saves data permanently.  (c) Internal and
(%), etc. The logical operations include AND, OR, NOT, external memory- internal memory (RAM) is volatile, External
NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, etc. memory is non- volatile Internal memory is directly access by
CPU, External memory is not directly access by CPU Internal
QN71. Explain the function of the CPU registers. memory is faster than External memory (d) Volatile and Non-
Answer: Registers are high speed storage devices within the volatile memory: volatile memory stores data when a computer
CPU. They store data and addresses used in fetching instruction is on but erases it as soon as the computer is switched off,
in RAM whereas non-volatile memory remains in a computer even after
the system shuts off. (e) RAM and Cache: The size of RAM is
QN72. Write the long forms of each of the following abbreviation greater while the size of cache memory is less. (f) Bit and Byte:
related to computer science and IT field: USB, PCI, CPU, ALU, a bit is the smallest unit of computer memory, that has an ability
CU, PC, IR, RAM, CISC, RISC, ROM, BIOS, CD, DVD, HDD, to store a maximum of two different values whereas a byte,
CD-ROM, CD- R, CD-RW, MB, GB, KB, MP3, MHz, GHz. composed of 8 bits, can hold 256 different values. (g) Binary
Answer: and Decimal numbers: The decimal number system operates in
QN73. What is a computer memory? base 10, wherein the digits 0-9 represent numbers. In binary
Answer: Computer memory is the storage space in the system operates in base 2 and the digits 0-1 represent numbers,
computer, where data is to be processed and instructions and the base is known as radix. (h) KB and MB: 1 MB
required for processing are store. (megabyte) - 1024 KB (approx. 1000 KB) (i) GB and TB: 1 TB
(terabyte) – 1024 GB (approx. 1000 GB)
QN74. Give one example for each of the following: (a) internal
memory (b) external memory (c) primary memory (d) QN76. What is a data backup? Why is it important to store
secondary memory? Answer: (a) Internal memory: RAM backup files in external storage devices?
(Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory). Answer: Backup is the process of creating a copy of the data
(b) External memory: hard disk or solid-state drives, USB flash on your system that you use for recovery in case your
drives, and compact discs. (c) Primary memory: RAM and original data is lost or damage.
ROM (d) Secondary memory: Magnetic tapes, Hard Disc,
Compact Disk, Pen drive, Flash Drive, SSDs, Optical drives etc. QN77. What is a secondary storage? Give examples of the
secondary storage devices.
QN75. Distinguish between the following: (a) RAM and ROM: - Answer: it referred to a class of non-volatile media that
RAM is volatile memory that temporarily stores the files you are could store data without always being connected to power.
working on. ROM is non-volatile memory that permanently Secondary storage might include hard disk drives (HDDs),
stores instructions for your computer. (b) Primary and solid-state drives (SSDs), optical disks, USB flash drives,
secondary memory- Primary memory is the computer's main floppy disks or other devices.
memory and stores data temporarily. Secondary memory is
QN78. A DVD disk with capacity 4.7 GB contains three software of LECTURE 4: SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES
storage size of 300MB, 1.45GB and 750 KB respectively.
QN84. (5). Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a)
Calculate the size of the free space in the DVD in terms of the
Computer programs tell computer what to do and how. (b)
Computer programs are a sequence of instructions that perform a
task. (c) Software tells the hardware how to work. (d) Software
QN79. Calculate the size of the formatted flash disk of capacity 2
is intangible part of computer. (e) People who write programs
GB in terms of bytes.
are called programmers. (f) Computer needs system software to
operate. (g) Users need application software to solve their
specific problems. (h) Software is stored in form of files. (i) Any
QN80. What is a system bus? Describe three types of the system
operating system is system software. (j) Operating system
buses. Answer: A System Bus is an electrical path (wire) which
manages computer resources at a low level.
connects different parts of the computer and is responsible for
signals transmission.
QN85. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a)
Systems software consists of low-level programs that interact
QN81. List five factors that affect the performance of computer.
with the computer hardware at a very basic level. (b) Operating
Answer: The main factors influencing a computer's
system is a program which manages computer hardware. 55 (c)
performance are the instruction set, algorithms and
Commercial software comes with business license through
architecture of the hardware, the operating system, the
purchasing. (d) The open-source software comes with license
number and speed of processors, the amount of RAM and
under the GNU- GPL. (e) The GNU-GPL license allows anyone
disk space, and the speed of the bus connecting the processor
to use the software free of charge and free to modify. (f) The
to memory and devices.
OSS based license of GNU General Public License (GPL) is the
reciprocal license. (g) Any software developed under the OSS
QN82. Given a CPU speed is 2GHz. Explain what does the
license of GNU-GPL must also be open source. (h) The Berkley
2GHz mean? Answer: A two-gigahertz clock (2 GHz) means at
Standard Distribution (BSD) is an OSS license. (i) The BSD
least two billion times.
license is the non-reciprocal license. (j) Commercial software
comes as pre-packaged.
QN83. Explain two ways of reducing performance mismatch
between CPU and RAM
QN86. Describe two categories of software based on the
Answer: 1. Cache memory is used to reduce the average
memory access times. 2.
QN87. What is system software?
Answer: Software are computer programs that tell computer
what to do, how to do and when to do it.
SYSTEMS (Lecture 4, 5, 6 and 7)
QN88. What is the computer program? QN95. What are the functions of system software?
Answer: Computer programs are a sequence of instructions Answer: System software tells the computer how to interpret
written in such a way that they can perform a task. data and instructions. It allows the user to interact with the
QN89. What is the programming language?
Answer: Programming language is computer language QN96. Define the term ‘operating system’. Mention four
(computer program instructions written) functions of the operating system?
Answer: Operating System (OS) is the master control program
QN90. Distinguish between software and hardware? which manages all computer resources. Operating system is a
Answer: Software is, unlike hardware, intangible part of the program which manages computer hardware. The functions of
computer. It consists of a sequence of commands, written operating system
according to strict rules.
QN97. Give three examples of operating systems.

QN91. Describe two categories of software?

Answer: system software and application programs QN98. What is the Application Software?
Answer: Application Software is a program or group of
QN92. Distinguish between system software and application programs designed for end users for solving problems or
programs. Answer: System software are required by computer performs a particular or predetermined task.
itself to operate while application software is required by user to
solve their specific problems. QN99. Give examples of application software?
Answer: word processors (typing letters), Spreadsheet programs
QN93. Software needs to be accessed before it can be used. (financial info), and Database systems (inventory control and
What are some terms used for process of accessing software? address book), graphics program, Internet Browser, Email,
Answer: running, executing, starting up and opening desktop publishing and accounting and personal finance.

Note: Anything that you create on your computer is referred to QN100. Application software is made up of?
as software. Software is stored in form of files. Answer: Custom software (user-made software) and Packaged
QN94. Define system software? software (Ready-made software or commercial software).
Answer: System Software refers to the operating system and all
utility programs that manage computer resources at a low level. QN101. Distinguish between Custom software (user-made
They include operating systems, compilers, loaders, linkers, software) and Packaged software (Ready-made software or
debuggers and other utilities commercial software)?
Answer: Custom software is software that is specifically
tailored to user needs while Packaged software or Ready-made QN105. What some of the major issues considering when
software or commercial software is software that you can buy selecting any OSS based application?
it from software companies or software vendors. Answer: Assessing the maturity status, software scalability,
growth, and integration and support issues. Note, software
development companies can custom design software for you.
QN102. In terms of its availability, software can be
categorized…………...? QN106.Give one example for each of the following (a) system
Answer: as commercial and open-source software. software (b) operating system (c) word processor (d) spreadsheet
program (e) database management system (f) application
QN103. Distinguish between the commercial software and open- software (g) proprietary software (h) open source software (i)
source software? graphics program (j) internet browser (k) email (l) desktop
Answer: commercial software comes with business license publishing (m) antivirus software (n) open source text processing
through purchasing while the open-source software comes with software (o) proprietary text processing software (p) open source
license under the GNU-GPL. Note, Commercial software come spreadsheet (q) open source presentation software (r) proprietary
as pre-packaged and is available from software stores and presentation software (s) open source database software (t)
through the Internet as well. proprietary database software (u) open source internet browser
(v) image editor (w) commercial OS (x) open source based OS.

QN107.Describe advantages and disadvantages of open-source

QN104.Describe two categories of software based on their license software.
and availability nature.
Answer: OSS license of GNU General Public License (GPL) QN108.Describe the meaning of the GNU-GPL software license.
and OSS license of Berkley Standard Distribution (BSD) Why is it considered as a reciprocal license?

1. The OSS (GNU-GPL) license: Its reciprocal OSS QN109.Distinguish between the OSS licenses of GNU-GPL and
license which allows anyone to use the software free of BSD.
charge and free to modify. However, some restrictions
so may use OSS code to be open QN110.State one example for each of the following OSS
2. The BSD license is the non-reciprocal license which you application: (a) Operating System (b) DBMS (c) Web Server
are not allows to republish any changes or modifications (d) software programming language (e) web browser (f) Word
made to OSS code. The organizations managing projects Processor (g) electronic Spreadsheet (h) financial Management
that use OSS logbook to record all downloaded OSS Information System (i) human Resource Management
tools and their licenses. Information System (j) library Management Information System
(k) customer Relation Management Information System (l) QN113.Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions
learning Management Information System (a) Computer functions are based on its operating system. (b)
Within operating system, drivers and various utility programs are
QN111.Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions installed. (c) The operating system allocates resources based on
(a) Operating system manages all computer resources. (b) user needs and the system’s capability. (d) Operating system
Without operating system computer cannot function. (c) manages computer files and software. (e) Operating system
Operating system loads into the computer's memory during manages input/output and peripherals. (f) Operating system
startup. (d) Microsoft Windows is a GUI based operating system. manages computer memory. (g) Operating system manages
(e) A GUI based OS allows user to control computer using a CPU. (h) Operating system acts as an interface between
Mouse and Icons. (f) Without GUI, user controls computer using hardware of the computer and the application software that users
the keys on the 61 keyboards. (g) For a CLI based operating need to run. (i) Operating system directs the flow of information
system, when you turn on the computer, the computer will to and from the CPU. (j) When you turn ON your computer, it
eventually come up with a prompt called the command prompt. first needs to load operating system. (k) Booting up is loading of
(h) Working with CLI based operating system, user should operating system when computer is turned on.
memorize commands. (i) In CLI based OS, users are allowed to
group related files together in a form of directories. (j) A QN114.Define the term Operating System
directory is a file folder container which can contain files, and Answer: Operating System is a system software that manages
other directories. computer hardware and software resources and allows the user's
programs and packages to be run on the machine.

QN112.Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions QN115.Give example of OS controls hardware devices?
(a) Every file is stored in a directory. (b) A directory contained Answer: disks, keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc
within another directory is called a child or subdirectory. (c) The
subdirectory can in turn contain other directories and files. (d) A QN116.Outline the availability of operating systems?
file contains information that can be read, modified or even Answer: either Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) or Command
deleted. (e) A directory acts only as a container and therefore Line Interfaces (CLI).
container does not contain information. (f) Files are organized on
a disk by the directory structure. (g) The root of the directory QN117.Which one provides assistance to computer’s user run
structure is at the top. (h) The root of a disk drive is represented Microsoft Windows, Mac OS or Linux as their OS?
by the backslash (\). (i) To completely specify a file on your Answer: Graphic User Interface (GUI) allows user to control
computer you must specify its drive and directory path, and its computer using a Mouse and Icons. Note Without a GUI, user
filename. (j) If a file is in the current directory, then you can just controls computer using command Line Interface (CLI), the keys
enter its filename to access it. on the keyboard.
QN118. Gives some of Graphic User Interface (GUI) based OS. QN127.Give one example for each of the following: (a) Linux OS
Answer: MS Windows include Windows (eg.,7, 8, 10 and 11), (b) MS Windows (c) Mac OS X (d) CLI based OS (e) GUI
some Linux distributions and MacOS. based OS. Answer: (a) Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora,
Knoppix, etc.) (b) Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, etc.) (c)
QN119.Gives some of CLI based OS. Mac OS X (Cheetah, Panther, Snow Leopard, etc.) (d) CLI
Answer Linux, UNIX and Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS)- based OS: Linux, UNIX and Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS) (e)
Microsoft Disk Operating System. GUI based OS: Windows 10
QN120.Describe four functions of operating system.
Answer: (i) File and Software Management, (ii) Input/Output QN128.Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions (a)
and peripheral Management, (iii) Memory Management and (iv) Installing MS Windows operating system is simple since the
CPU Management. process is GUI based. (b) Formatting hard drive means deleting
everything from computer. (c) The system restoration CD is not
QN121.Write the long forms of the following abbreviations as an upgrade CD. (d) MS Windows OS are graphics-based. (e) MS
used in computer science and IT field: CLI- Command Line Windows OS offer easy access to files and a user-friendly
Interfaces, GUI- Graphical User Interfaces, OS- Operating interface. (f) All files and folders appear as icons in MS
system, PC DOS, CP/M, UNIX, Windows operating system. (g) In MS Windows operating
system, Log off option allows the current user to log off. (h) In
QN122.With examples, describe two categories of operating systems MS Windows operating system, the All-Programs option gives
based on their interfaces. access to all installed programs. (i) In MS Windows operating
system, the Run option is used to manually start executable
QN123.What is a directory. files/programs. (j) In MS Windows operating system, the
Answer: A directory is a file folder container which can contain Standby option power down components like the monitor and
files, and other directories. Every file is stored in a directory. hard drive to preserve energy.

QN124.Describe the significance of a root directory? QN129. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions (a) In
MS Windows operating system, the Turn Off option is the same
QN125.What is the child or subdirectory? as shuts down the PC. (b) In MS Windows operating system the
Answer: Is a directory within another directory Restart option is the same as reboot the PC. (c) In MS Windows
operating system, drives (A:) and (B:) are reserved for floppy
QN126. What is the file? drive. (d) In MS Windows operating system, drive (C:) is the
Answer: it contains information that can be read, modified or hard disk drive. (e) In MS Windows operating system, drive (C:)
even deleted. is non-removable. (f) In MS Windows operating system, drive
(D:) is usually the CD- ROM drive. (g) In MS Windows
operating system, drives (F, G, H,) are reserved for flash disks. be recovered but with reduced bytes. (g) Microsoft window is an
(h) The My Documents folder gives access to a folder which is example of the Open-Source Product. (h) It is advisable to
used (by default) to store any documents on your hard drive. (i) switch on all peripheral devices such as monitor and printer
The Recycle Bin folder is used to temporarily deleted files and before starting the computer.
folders from the hard drive. (j) Recycle Bin allows you to restore
the file in case you deleted it by mistake. QN132. Define the term Desktop. Mention three common
folders shown at the MS Windows desktop.
QN130. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions (a) Answer: Desktop is the empty space on your screen when all
Deleting to Recycle Bin is referred as soft-delete. (b) All windows are closed, showing My Computer, Recycle Bin, and
computer's programs, files and folders are represented using several program shortcuts. Desktop refers to the main
icons. (c) Clicking icon means you are activating the program. background area when all windows are minimized. A desktop
(d) Icon can be renamed, selected and deleted by right clicking can be customized by adding background pictures, changing the
and selecting action. (e) The Desktop Cleanup Wizard will background color, changing the size of the icons, and more.
remove any desktop shortcuts that have never been used to a new
folder on your desktop called Unused Desktop Shortcuts. (f) QN133.Mention common features available on all MS Windows
Taskbar is used to switch between any open programs or OS? Answer: Log off (log off the current user), Turn Off
documents. The Window Clock sits on the taskbar and displays Computer (shutdown, restart and standby), All Programs (access
the system time, hovering the mouse pointer over the clock will to installed programs), Run (used to manually start executable
reveal the date. (g) A pointer is the arrow you use to choose files/programs), Search, Help and Support, Desktop, My
things on screen. (h) Deleting a shortcut icon or removing it from Computer, Recycle bin, My Document, Control Panel.
the Desktop does not actually deleting the program or file. (i) In
MS Windows operating system, windows can be opened, QN134.Mention three options available under the Turn Off
minimized, maximized and closed. (j) In MS Windows operating Computer option in MS Windows operating system.
system, windows can be moved and resized. Answer: Turn Off Computer (shutdown, restart and standby)

QN131. Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions QN135. Outline the steps for starting and stopping computer
(a) In MS Windows operating system, any opened window is (MS Window). Answer: by pressing the start button key or by
displayed on the Desktop. (b) In MS Windows operating system, clicking the start icon. By clicking on the Turn Off Computer
too many windows can be opened concurrently. (c) When you option on the start menu.
put the pointer on any of the window's borders, the mouse
pointer turns into a two-headed arrow. (d) The minimize and QN136.Mention any three default folders in any MS Windows
maximize buttons are located in the upper right corner of every operating system. Answer: My Computer, My Pictures, My
MS Window. (e) It is possible for a computer to run with two Recent Documents, My Documents and Recycle Bin
operating systems at the same time. (f) With soft delete, data can
QN137.Explain the function of each of the following buttons as Answer: Icons are small graphical images that can represent
used in MS Windows operating system: (a) shutdown (b) your computer's programs, files, folders and printers
restart (c) standby (d) log off. amongst other things. Program/file/folder
QN141.What is a System Tray? Mention three examples of
(a). Standby: This will put your computer into standby programs displayed on the MS Windows System Tray.
mode, basically it will power down components like the Answer: System Tray (displays icons for programs that are
monitor and hard drive to preserve energy. loaded into memory) Example
(b). Turn Off: Shuts down the PC, always use this option to
turn off your PC. QN142.What is a Taskbar? Mention three examples of programs
(c). Restart: This will restart the computer displayed on the MS Windows Taskbar.
Answer: Taskbar (horizontal bar along the bottom of the
QN138.Explain the function of each of the following folders as Desktop showing programs that are running)
used in MS Windows operating system: (a) My Computer (b)
My Document (c) Recycle Bin? QN143. Explain the function of each of the following: (a) Start
(a). My computer gives you 66 access to computer's disk Button (b) Taskbar (c) Windows Tabs (d) System Tray
drives and files. Answer: Start Button (provides access to start menu for
(b). My Documents folder gives access to a folder which is programs, settings, printers, etc); Taskbar (horizontal bar
used (by default) to store any documents on your hard along the bottom of the Desktop showing programs that are
drive. running); Window Tabs (used to switch between any open
(c). Recycle Bin folder is used to temporarily deleted files windows such as programs, folders, documents, etc); System
and folders from the hard drive. Tray (displays icons for programs that are loaded into
QN139.Explain the function of each of the following drives as
used in MS Windows operating system: (a) drive A: (b) drive QN144.Describe the functionality of the Windows Explorer.
B: (c) drive C: (d) drive D: (e) drive E: (f) drive F: Mention four ways to open MS Windows Explorer.
Answer: The (A:) and (B:) drives are reserved for floppy drive. Answer: Windows Explorer is split into two parts, the left-
The (C:) drive is the hard disk drive. This drive is non- hand side which is called the folders list (A) and the right-
removable. The (D:) drive is usually the CD-ROM drive. hand side (B) which is where you will be managing your
Sometimes it is the (E:) drive. The drives (F, G, H, etc) are files and folders.
reserved for flash disks.
There are a few ways to open Windows Explorer, here
are four different methods:
QN140.What is Icon? Mention different options of arranging
icons in MS Windows operating system.
Method 1. Click on the START button, hover your 6. Background is the image that appears behind the
mouse over the All Programs (or programs in classic icons on your computer's desktop.
view) and then hover over Accessories, finally click
on Windows Explorer. QN147.Explain the function of the Windows Recycle Bin.
Method 2. Hold down the START button and press the Answer: Recycle bin is a file or folder for windows
E key. that temporarily stores all deleted files, folders, and paper.
Method 3. Click the START button, click run, type
explorer into the box and press enters. QN148.Briefly explain the process of Booting and Shutting down
Method 4. Open My Computer and click on the Folders the computer.
button at the top of the My Computer environment. Answer: Booting is basically the process of starting the
computer. The booting process refers to starting a computer
QN145. How flash disk drives work? by pushing the power button or opening a laptop lid. Click
Answer: Draw power from the computer via the USB the windows icon at the lower left side of the screen. Then
connection and Data is stored on the drive in the form of click the Shutdown button to properly shutdown a computer.
files and folders,
QN149.When you delete files from your computer and after you
QN146.Explain the following terms as used in the MS Windows empty it out of the Recycle Bin, is it possible to restore any
operating system: Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, file. What is the difference between deleting file from My
Rename a file, Screen Server, Desktop and Background. Document and from Flash disk?
Answer: Answer: When we try to delete a file or a folder in Windows?
1. Windows Explorer is navigating the files or folders The files move to the Recycle bin while Files deleted on the
in Windows operating system flash drive are deleted permanently instead of going to the
2. Internet Explorer it allows users to view web pages recycle bin, so you cannot perform recycle bin recovery to
on the Internet.  recover files from USB.
3. Rename a file- to modify name of file.
4. Screensaver is a software program that becomes
activated after the computer is inactive for a
specified time. QN150.When you delete files from your computer and after you
5. Desktop is a space where you can organize empty it out of the Recycle Bin is it possible to restore any
applications, folders, and documents, which appear file?
as icons is a space where you can organize Answer: Simply said, yes. The Windows operating system
applications, folders, and documents, which appear doesn't erase anything from your storage media when it
as icons deletes it. Even after you empty the Recycle Bin, the data
may still be restored even if you can't see or access it
unclosed after finished working on it consumes memory
QN151.How do you view the contents of a folder? unnecessary that may be used by other programs. (p) MS
Answer: Open File Explorer from the taskbar or right-click Windows will always prompt you to save your work when you
on the Start menu, choose File Explorer and then select a click the Close (x) button in the title bar.
location from the left pane to search or browse.
QN155. What is a Control Panel? Mention at least five types of
QN152.Explain the process of shutting down the computer settings that can be done in control panel.
Answer: let turn off your PC in Windows 10, the steps is Answer: Control Panel is a part of the Microsoft Windows
select the Start button, select the Power button, and then graphical user interface which allows users
select Shut down. to view and manipulate basic system settings.
Setting of the Windows Control Panel
QN153.Describe the processing of opening a program 1. System and Security - A section to check your
Answer: Choose Start→All Programs. Click the program computer's status, backup and restore, and others.
name on the All-Programs list that appears. You see a list of 2. Network and Internet - View network status.
programs; just click the program on that sublist to open it. 3. Hardware and Sound - View which devices are on
Double-click a program shortcut icon on the desktop. your computer and add devices.
4. Programs - Uninstall programs.
5. User Accounts - Change user accessibility.
6. Appearance and Personalization - Change desktop
QN154. Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions: (a) options, like fonts and screen readers.
Screen saver displays an image or animation on your screen 7. Clock and Region - Change date and time.
when your PC is idle. (b) Screen savers are fun and often 8. Ease of access - Optimize your display settings.
entertaining. (c) MS Windows come with inbuilt screen savers.
(d) A file is a document. (e) The last three letters (suffix) of a file QN156.What is a file? Write file extension for each of the
name designate an extension. (f) An extension identifies the following programs (a) MS Word 2003 (b) MS Excel 2003 (c)
format of the file and it is preceded by a period. (g) By naming a PDF file (d) Executable file (e) MS Word 2007 (f) MS Excel
file with an extension, you tell the computer which format the 2007
file is in. (h) Folder name has extension. (i) A file can contain a Answer: A file is a collection of information, with a unique
folder. (j) It is not a good idea to delete program files. (k) If you name, stored in your computer or on a removable disk.
want to get rid of a program, uninstall it. (l) Scrollbar is on the The file extension for: -
right side of a window for vertical scrolling and on the bottom 1. MS Word 2003- doc
for horizontal scrolling. (m)A Menu Bar is usually located at the 2. MS Excel 2003- .xls
top of the program window. (n) A shortcut menu is a hidden 3. PDF file- PDF/A, PDF/E, PDF/UA, PDF/VT,
menu that can be opened at any time. (o) Leaving a program PDF/X
4. Executable file- exe (Windows) or no filename across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a display
extension (UNIX). screen and to select one or more actions to take from that
5. MS Word 2007- doc position.
6. MS Excel 2007- XLSX  Click is the act of pressing a computer mouse button once
without moving the mouse.
QN157.What is a folder? Double click to click a mouse button twice in rapid
Answer: Folders are special files that can hold multiple succession, as to open a program or select a file.
documents. Folders can hold both files and other folders Dragging is the action of selecting an object or section of
(subfolders). text and moving it, usually to drop in an alternate area.
Scrolling is the sliding movement of images, video or text
QN158.Differentiate between copying, moving and pasting a file. across a display screen either vertically or horizontally.
QN160.Differentiate between copying a file and moving a file.
Copying Moving Pasting Answer: Copying – make a duplicate of the selected file or
It means to make It means to To make a copy folder and place it in another location. Moving – move the
a duplicate copy transfer a file of a file, folder or original files or folder from one place to another (change the
of a file. from one location selected text in destination)
to another. another location
It uses 'Copy and It uses 'Cut and The phrase "cut QN161.How do you remove the contents of the Recycle bin?
Paste' option. Paste' option. and paste" is
Answer: Select the files and then press Shift and Delete
often used.
keys together to delete files and folders permanently.
The original file The original file Shortcut for paste
remains at the is moved to the :
is Ctrl + V. QN162.What are the uses of the left mouse button and the right
source location destination
location mouse button?
Shortcut for Shortcut for copy
The left button on a mouse is the default button used to click,
move is Ctrl + F7 is Ctrl + C
select, drag to highlight a word and/or object and used as a
The right button on a mouse is typically used to provide
QN159.Describe the meaning of the following terms: Mouse, additional information and/or properties of an item selected.
clicking, Double click, Dragging, and Scrolling. Mention the
use of the left mouse button and the right mouse button. QN163.Give one difference between a file and folder as used in
Answer: computer. How do you view the contents of a folder?
A mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes
Answer: A file cannot contain another file/folder. A folder QN169.Mention any five programs available in the Windows
can contain any number of file/folders. A file has certain size accessories in the MS Window operating system.
and memory consumption. A folder has no size of its own. Answer: Calculator, Notepad, Paint, Explorer, WordPad.

QN164. Mention 4 operations/actions that can be performed QN170.Explain how to access Windows accessories in the MS
while working with a folder or file. Window operating system.
Answer: Create, write, read, reposition, delete, copy, Answer: click on the Windows logo on the left side of the
rename, move and cut short files. Start Screen and click on the All-Apps icon on the toolbar

QN165.What is a Screensaver? Describe the process of setting up QN171.Describe the function of each of the following programs
screensaver. under the Windows accessories in the MS Window operating
Answer: A screen saver is a utility that causes a monitor to system (a) Notepad (b) Bluetooth (c) Paint (d) Snipping tool
blank out or display images after a specified time passes without (e) WordPad (f) Sticky Notes (g) Magnifier (h) On-Screen
keyboard or mouse activity. Keyboard (i) Narrator (j) Windows Speech Recognition
QN166. Distinguish between a menu and menu bar. What is a (a). Notepad is a text editor, i.e., an app specialized in
shortcut menu? editing plain text.
Answer: Menu is a list of commands displayed on your (b). Bluetooth to share data over a short distance,
screen, which allows you to perform tasks. A Menu Bar is eliminating the need for wires.
an onscreen display that lists available categories of (c). Paint used to draw, colour and edit pictures,
commands including imported pictures from a digital camera
A shortcut menu is a menu that appears when you right- (d). Snipping tool for capture an image of all or part of
click an object your screen.
(e). WordPad use to make and modify documents, add
QN167.Explain the process of creating a new folder. text in a variety of fonts and colors.
Answer: Step 1: Right-click a blank spot on your desktop. (f). Sticky Notes use for loads quickly and enables users
Step 2: Select New folder at the top of the menu. Step 3: to quickly take notes.
When the folder appears, the default name “Untitled folder” (g). Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger/
is automatically selected. zoom so you can see words and images better.
(h). On-Screen Keyboard allows users to type text using
QN168.What is a Scrollbar? a joystick or a pointing device.
Answer: A scroll bar's orientation determines the direction (i). Narrator is a free screen reader utility included with
in which scrolling occurs when the user operates the scroll Microsoft Windows.
(j). Windows Speech Recognition converts words 5. Word wrap: (automatic move to the next line when
spoken into a microphone into machine-readable you have filled one line with text, and it will readjust
format. text if you change the margins),
6. Print: (send a document to a printer to get hard
PROGRAM (Lecture 8, 9 and 10)
7. File management: (file management capabilities
LECTURE 8. BASICS OF WORD PROCESSING. such as create, delete, move, and search for files),
font specifications, (font types, size and styles such
QN172.What is a word processor? as normal, bold, italics, and underlining),
Answer: Word processor is software that allows users to create, 8. Windows: (edit two or more documents at the same
edit, and print documents time with each document appears in a separate
QN173.Write the long forms for each of the following 9. Spell checking: (identifies words that don’t appear
abbreviations as used in computer science and IT industry: in a standard dictionary)
Answer: What You See Is What You Get. QN176.State the name used to refer each of the following: (a)
Microsoft word processors (b) Online word processors (c)
QN174.Give examples of Common Word Processors? OpenOffice word processor
Answer: Microsoft Word (Microsoft product), Google Docs Answer:
(online word processors), OpenOffice Writer, etc. Google Docs (a). Microsoft word processors:
works on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome as well as Safari, (b). Online word processors:
and it is free like OpenOffice Writer (c). OpenOffice word processor:

QN175.Outline standard features of word processors. QN177.Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions:
Answer: (a). Of all computer applications, word processing is the
1. Insert text: (insert text anywhere in the document), most common.
2. Delete text: (erase characters, words, lines, or (b). All word processors are compliance with WYSIWYG.
pages), (c). Word processing can run via a browser-based
3. Cut and paste: (remove (cut) a section of text and application through application of cloud computing.
insert (paste) it somewhere else),
4. Copy: (duplicate a section of text), page size and QN178. Match the following items as used in word processing
margins, search and replace, software: Answer:
1. Window - edit two or more documents at the same time
2. Copy- duplicate a section of text.
3. File management - create, delete, move, and search for 1. Word-wrap- computer automatically go to the next
files line after reaching end of line.
4. Word wrap- automatic move to the next line when you 2. Formatting- change of the appearance of your
have filled one line with text, and it will readjust text if highlighted text
you change the margins 3. Text highlight- Clicking the mouse and dragging
5. Delete text- erase characters, words, lines, or pages the mouse cursor over the text.
6. Font style- Bold and italics 4. Toggle- Turn on or off for options like Bold,
7. Print- get hard copy Underline, and Italics.
8. Spell checking- identifies words that don’t appear in a 5. Paragraph- Going from one enter key stroke to the
standard dictionary next time you hit the enter key.
9. Cut and paste- Remove a section of text and insert 85 6. Font- style of character that your text is in.
somewhere else 7. Garamond- Font type
10. Merge- mailing labels 8. Non-Printing Characters- space bar, tab key, and
enter key.
QN179.Match the following items as used in word processing 9. Cursor/Insertion Point- flashing vertical bar on the
software: Answer: screen where your text will appear when you start to
1. Layout- margins and indenting paragraphs type.
2. Footnotes- Automates the numbering to enable you to 10. Thesaurus- search for synonyms
easily cross-reference other sections of the document
3. Headers, footers - top and bottom of every page
4. Automated lists - bulleted or numbered QN181. Match the following items as used in MS Word
5. Macros - character or word that represents a series of program:
keystrokes Answer:
6. grammar checking - Identifies sentences, paragraphs, 1. WYSIWYG- Everything displayed on screen appears
and punctuation that doesn’t appear to meet commonly the same way when printed.
recognized rules of grammar 2. Misspelled words- Marked with a red squiggly
7. tables of contents and indexes- automatic create a table underline
of contents and index 3. Text-level features- Bold, underline, italic and strike
8. collaboration- track changes to the shared document through
9. translation and speech- artificial intelligence capabilities 4. Title Bar- Document1
10. Internet features- embed Web links into the document), 5. Main menu - Home
6. Spell check - Built-in dictionary
QN180.Match the following items as used in word processing 7. Microsoft Word – 1983
software: Answer:
8. Page-level features - Indentation, paragraphing and (ix). Click scroll bar - Move one screen at a time
justification (x). Home - font options
9. Docx- MS Word 2007
10. Default file name- Name of the application QN184. Match the following items as used in MS Word
(i). Ctrl + Page Up - Moves the cursor to the top of the
(ii). Page Down - Scrolls the screen down one page
(iii). Ctrl + Page Down - Moves the cursor to the bottom of
QN182.Match the following items as used in MS Word program: the screen
Answer: (iv). End - Moves the cursor to the end of the current line
(i). Home tab –Styles (headings) (v). Ctrl + End - Moves the cursor to the end of the
(ii). Insert tab - Header and Footer document
(iii). Bold- Ctrl-B (vi). Print Properties - page ranges and number of copies
(iv). Status Bar- Number of words (vii). Page Up (g) - Scrolls the screen up one page
(v). Italic - Ctrl-I (viii). Insert password - Office button -Prepare
(vi). Zoom - 100 (ix). Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current
(vii). Insertion Point -cursor line
(viii). Office button - new file (x). Ctrl + Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the
(ix). Scroll Bar- Moving through the document document
(x). References tab - Footnotes and Captions
QN185. Match the following items as used in MS Word
QN183. Match the following items as used in MS Word program:
program: (i). Print option - Paper size
(i). Insert Tables, Symbols, Date and Time, and Page (ii). Left arrow - Moves cursor one space to the left
Number. (iii). Ctrl + Left arrow- Moves cursor one word to the left
(ii). Paper size - letter, legal, executive (iv). Right arrow - Moves cursor one space to the right
(iii). References- Bibliography (v). Paste - Ctrl-V
(iv). Status Bar - Shows position within the document by (vi). Page Layout tab - set margins.
showing which page are you in the file. (vii). Office button - Print, Prepare, Send, Publish and Close
(v). Click scroll arrow - Move one line at a time (viii). Ruler - Resizing the margins
(vi). Paper Orientation - Portrait and Landscape (ix). References Tab - Insert Footnote
(vii). Page layout- Set margins (x). Print - Ctrl-P
(viii). Square box -your position in the document
QN186. Match the following items as used in MS Word Excel use Absolute and Relative cell references as needed. (d)
program: To avoid having Blank Columns when working with MS
(i). Undo action - Ctrl + Z Excel set your column width instead. (e) To avoid confusion
(ii). Redo action - Ctrl + Y when working with MS Excel verify all your formulae and
(iii). Ctrl + Right arrow - Moves cursor one word to the right functions to be sure it produces the correct result. (f)
(iv). Margins - Top, Bottom, Left and Right Columns are labeled with the letters of the alphabet. (g) In
(v). Print file - Ctrl + P MS Excel when you get to column Z the next column is AA,
(vi). Ctrl/Insert - Copy text AB, AC, ... AZ, BA, BB, etc. (h) In MS Excel columns hold
(vii). Select All text - Ctrl + A information that is alike. (i) In MS Excel rows run across the
(viii). Move (cut) text - Shift/Delete screen horizontally and are numbered. (j) In MS Excel, cells
(ix). Up arrow - Moves cursor one line up are the intersection of the column and the row. (7). Answer
(x). Paste Text - Shift/Insert the following TRUE/FALSE questions related to MS Excel:
(a) Column A, row 1 is referred to as cell A1. (b) Labels are
simply text typed into the cell. (c) Labels by default will be
QN187. Match the following items as used in MS Word left aligned in the cell. (d) Labels have no numeric value. (e)
program: You can fit 256 characters in a cell. (f) By default, numbers
(i). Save file - Ctrl + S typed into a cell are right aligned. (g) All formulae will begin
(ii). Down arrow - Moves cursor one line down with an equal sign (=) to indicate to the computer that it is a
(iii). Move (cut) text - Ctrl + X formula. (h) Formulae are made using cell references. (i)
(iv). Ctrl + V - Paste Text Worksheet by default is named sheet1, sheet2, etc. (j)
(v). View menu - Web and print layout Workbook by default contains 16 worksheets. (k) Workbook
(vi). Ctrl + C - Copy text is a file. (l) The range of cells in column A and rows 10
(vii). Track changes - Accept and rejects through 20 is represented using A10:A20. (m)All cells in row
(viii). Tables and Figures - Insert captions 5 is represented using 05:05. (n) All cells in rows 5 through
(ix). Left margin - Zero mark on the ruler 10 is represented using 05:10. (o) All cells in column H is
(x). Format Painter - Used when formatting style is represented using H:H. (p) All cells in columns H through J
not known. is represented using H:J. (q) The range of cells in columns A
through E and rows 10 through 20 is represented using
QN188. 6). Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions
related to MS Excel: (a) To avoid confusion when working QN189.Discuss the significance of electronic spreadsheet
with MS Excel gives a Label to your numbers. (b) To avoid program. (2). Explain three ways used to avoid confusion
confusion when working with MS Excel use a Cell Reference when working with MS Excel. (3). In Microsoft Excel you
when possible. (c) To avoid confusion when working with MS can add numbers in cells A1 and A2 by using two methods.
List two ways of adding them. (4). Describe the process of QN191. Consider the screenshot below. Type it in Excel and run
selecting cells in Microsoft Excel worksheets. (5). Explain the functions indicate below.
how to format numbers in MS Excel?

QN190. Define the following terms as used in MS Excel program

(a) Columns (b) Rows (c) Cells (d) Cell reference (e) Cell
Range (f) Active Cell (g) Anchor Cell (h) Worksheet (i)
Workbook (9). Define the following terms as used in MS
Excel program (a) Labels (b) Numbers (c) Formulas (d)
Functions (10). What is a Cell? Mention four items held in a a) What is the result of evaluating the formula =MAX
cell. (11). Describe the syntax used to write the following (B2:F3)?
formulae: (a) SUM (b) MIN (c) MAX (d) AVERAGE (12). (b) What is the result of evaluating the formula =SUM
Describe how to insert charts in MS Excel 2007. Mention (B2:B5)?
three chart types available. (13). Describe where each of the (c) What is the result of evaluating the formula =SUM (B2,
following charts are most appropriate to use: (a) B5)?
Column/Bar charts (b) Line charts (c) Pie charts (d) Scatter (d) What is the result of evaluating the formula =MIN
charts (e) Area charts (14). Assume that the MS Excel (B2:B5)?
worksheet you are working with has gridlines, in printing the (c) What is the result of evaluating the formula =AVERAGE
worksheet, (a) will the gridlines appear in the printed (B2:B5)?
spreadsheet? Answer YES or NO. (b) If the answer is NO, QN192. Match the following items related to MS Excel program:
how would you make sure that the gridlines are included in
your printout. (15). Discuss the setbacks of applying
electronic spreadsheets in management decision making.
(16). Write a complete excel formula using two IF functions
that returns the value ‘Small’ if the number in cell A1 is less
than zero, returns ‘Big’ if the number in cell A1 is greater
than zero and returns ‘Same’ if the number in cell A1 is
exactly equal to zero. (17). Write Excel cell references to
represent each of the following: (a) The range of cells in
column A and rows 10 through 20. (b) All cells in row 5. (c)
All cells in rows 5 through 10. (d) All cells in column H. (e)
All cells in columns H through J. (f) The range of cells in
columns A through E and rows 10 through 20.
QN193.Match the following items related to MS Excel program:

a) What is the result of evaluating the formula =SUM

(C2:C5)? b) What is the result of evaluating the formula
=MAX (C2:E3)? c) Write a single efficient formula using
a single SUM function which adds up all cells containing
numbers but does not include any empty cells. d) Write a
single efficient formula to into cell B6 which computes
the average of the numbers in that column only. e) What
is the result of evaluating the formula =SUM (B2,C5)? f)
What is the result of evaluating the formula =MIN
(C2:C5)? g) What is the result of evaluating the formula
=MAX (D2:D5)? h) What is the result of evaluating the
formula =AVERAGE (C2:D5)?
QN194. Match the following items related to MS Excel program:

QN195.Use the data given below and answer the following

clear with a logical structure. (j) Presenter needs to keep a
clear focus on what is important and interesting to the
APPLICATION (Lecture 11 and 12)
QN197.(5). Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions
LECTURE 11: INTRODUCTION TO MS POWERPOINT related to MS PowerPoint program: (a) During presentation
it is important to present every single line in the slide. (b)
QN196. (3). Answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions During presentation it is important to indicate a “take-home
related to MS PowerPoint program: (a) MS PowerPoint message”. (c) Switching to a new section or topic is a
consists of any number of slides. (b) MS PowerPoint slides technique of re-engaging people’s interest and keep their
may contain images, text, and video clips. (c) MS PowerPoint attention focused especially for longer talks. (d) Slides can
is useful for delivering a speech. (d) MS PowerPoint can assist as visual support for audience. (e) A good slide might
contain graphs and charts. (e) You can start your slide show have around three clear bullet points on it. (f) It is a good
either from the beginning or at the current slide. (f) practice to read from the slides during presentation. (g) Use
According to Guy Kawasaki of Apple, a good PowerPoint of clean texts, darker-colored text on lighter-colored
presentation has maximum of 10 slides. (g) According to Guy backgrounds is a good presentation practice. (h) Use
Kawasaki of Apple, a good PowerPoint presentation should diagrams and images as much as possible to explain text. (i)
not last more than 20 minutes. (h) According to Guy Arial or Times New Roman are among the recommended
Kawasaki of Apple, a good PowerPoint presentation should font types for presentation. (j) It is better to split a slide into
have font size of not less than 30 points. (i) Presentation two or three separate slides instead of overfilling one slide.
software can be wonderful tool if used correctly or can be a (k) During presentation, although your time is limited, your
dangerous distraction that interferes with communication number of slides is not. (l) It is important to practice your
during presentation. (j) A good PowerPoint presentation presentation. (m)It is recommended to practice your first
should consider slide style. 116 (4). Answer the following presentation.
TRUE/FALSE questions related to MS PowerPoint QN198.(1). Discuss the significance of MS PowerPoint program.
program: (a) A good PowerPoint presentation should (2). Mention any three main menus of MS PowerPoint. For
consider presentation content. (b) A good PowerPoint each menu, state at least three sub menus.
presentation should consider presentation clarity. (c) A good
PowerPoint presentation depends on presenter. (d) It is not a
good practice to too much information on a single slide. (e)
PowerPoint presenter needs to ensure clarity of speech. (f)
During presentation, talk should be in spoken English rather
than in written English style. (g) Presenter needs to know the
audience. (h) Presenter needs to understand the expertise
level of the audience. (i) A good presentation should be made
QN199.. Match the following items related to MS PowerPoint

QN201.Match the following items related to MS PowerPoint


QN200.. Match the following items related to MS PowerPoint QN202.Match the following items related to MS PowerPoint
program: program:
QN204.(9). Attempt the TRUE/FALSE questions related to
database management system: (a) In DBMS data are stored
as records. (b) MySQL is an example of open-source DBMS.
(c) A modeling language defines schema of database. (d) A
query language allows interactivity with a database. (e) A
query language is used to analyze data retrieved from the
database. (f) DBMS controls security of the database. (g)
DBMS restricts same record to be updated by more than one
user at the same time. (h) A database may contain many
tables. (i) A table field is also referred as a column in the
table. (j) A table record is also referred as a row in the table.
(10). Attempt the TRUE/FALSE questions related to
database management system: (a) A primary key is a field
that uniquely identifies each record within a table. (b) A
QN203.Match the following items related to MS PowerPoint primary key can be many fields. (c) A primary key cannot
program: allow null values. (d) A primary key must always have a
unique index. (e) A primary key is used to relate a table to
foreign keys in other tables. (f) You cannot make a copy of
the entire database inside MS Access. (g) The number of
characters stored in a text field can be changed. (h) The
number of characters stored in a Memo field cannot be
changed. (i) After creating your table, it is important to store
a table structure. (j) Each table in a database should be given
a unique name. 130 (11). Attempt the TRUE/FALSE
questions related to database management system: (a) A
table name can be long with mixed case and spaces. (b) A
field name can be up to 64 characters long. (c) A field name
can include letters, numbers, and spaces. (d) A field name
cannot contain a dot (.) or period. (e) A field name cannot
contain an exclamation point (!). (f) A field name cannot
contain a square brackets [ ]. (g) It is advised to name each
field by starting with the first letter of the table name. (h)
You cannot begin a field name with a space or blank. (i) primary keys or have unique indexes. (i) The Query does not
There is no Undo for the action of deleting field. (j) Field work on unrelated tables. (j) MS Access database objects are
names within a table must be unique. (12). Attempt the all stored in one file. (k) MS Access does not have any
TRUE/FALSE questions related to database management internal back up procedure. (l) To make a backup of your
system: (a) It is not advisable to use extremely long names as database, you must exit MS Access and copy your database
field names as they are difficult to remember. (b) It is not file(s). (m)Database backup can be done manually or
advisable to use spaces in field names if you are planning to automated. (n) Database backup can be done onsite or
write macros or modules. (c) It is not advisable to use field offsite.
name that is already in use with built in MS Access functions.
(d) A student registration number can be a primary key for QN205.(1). What is a database? (2). Describe three database
student database. (e) You can have only one primary key per capabilities. (3). Explain the importance of data backup. (4).
table. (f) If a primary key is used in a relationship and you Mention three examples of DBMS. (5). Describe the function
want to remove a primary key, you must delete the of each of the following MS Access objects: tables, queries,
relationship first. (g) You can’t delete relationships between forms, reports, macros, and modules. (6). Write the long
open tables. (h) Table relationship works by matching data forms for each of the following abbreviations as used in IT
in key fields usually a field with the same name in both field and computer science: DBMS, SQL, QBE, RDBMS,
tables. (i) Table relationships involves primary and foreign OLE, VBA, (7). What is a primary key? (8). What is the file
keys. (j) In a one-to-many relationship, a record in Table A extension of the MS Access program?
can have many matching records in Table B. (13). Attempt
the TRUE/FALSE questions related to database QN206.(17). Describe four steps required in designing a
management system: (a) In a one-to-many relationship a database. (18). Discuss three types of table relationships
record in Table B has only one matching record in Table A. within database. (19). Describe any five data types applied in
(b) In a many-to-many relationship, a record in Table A can MS Access. (20). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
have many matching records in Table B. (c) In a many-to- of using database systems. (21). Explain at least five
many relationship, there must be third table (junction table). functions of database management systems. (22). Data are
(d) In a many-to-many relationship a primary key of organized in terms of Characters, Fields, Records, Files and
junction table consists of two fields which are the foreign Databases. Briefly describe the meaning of each. (23).
keys from both Tables A and B. (e) A many-to-many Describe the process of creating a database using a wizard.
relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a (24). Discuss the process of importing and linking tables.
third table. (f) In a one-to-one relationship, each record in (25). Discuss the importance of using queries. Briefly explain
Table A can have only one matching record in Table B. (g) A how you can sort records in a query. Explain the importance
one-to-many relationship is created if only one of the related of entering criteria in a query. (26). Answer the following
fields is a primary key or has a unique index. 131 (h) one-to- practical question: Consider a database for the Student
one relationship is created if both of the related fields are Record Management System (SARIS) containing the
following tables: Student (Name, RegNo, Gender, Address,
PhoneNo) Course (CourseID, CourseTitle, InstructorName,
RegNo) (a) State names of all tables and their fields. (b)
Suggest the possible primary key for each table. (c) What is
the foreign key? (27). Describe how you can create a form.
What is the importance of using forms? How can you create QN208.Match the following items related to database
form using a wizard? (28). What is the importance of using management system:
reports? How can you create a report using a wizard? (29).
What is a foreign key? (30). Write the keyboard shortcuts for
(a) find text (b) copy text (c) move text (d) select text (31).
Explain the meaning of the following wildcard as used in
searching process: (a) question mark “?” (b) asterisk “*” (c)

QN207.Match the following items related to database

management system:

QN209.Match the following items related to database

management system:
QN210.Match the following items related to database The MAN and WLAN are the same thing. (b) Internet is
management system: WAN. (c) Rarely are LAN computers one mile apart. (d)
LAN network connects computers by wire. (e) In client-
server architecture, all clients are connected to the server. (f)
In peer-to-peer architecture, all computers are clients and
servers at the same time. (g) Internet is based on client-
server architecture. (h) The URL is simply a web address. (i)
Communication between client and server depends on
connection speed. (j) A connection speed is also known as a
bandwidth. (9). Answer the following TRUE/FALSE
questions related to Internet: (a) Your home PC is connected
to your ISP via your telephone line or modem. (b) Your
connected home PC is not a node on the Internet. (c) All
computers connected to your ISP are part of a star network.
(d) Your ISP is a central node of the star network. (e) The
EVERYDAY LIFE (Lecture 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17)
ISP must always connect to the Internet. (f) The Internet
LECTURE 13. INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET speed is measured using bit rate. (g) Dial-up Internet access
method uses a modem (56k) and a telephone line. (h) In Wi-
QN211.(1). What is a computer network? What are the benefits Fi, data is transferred between computers by using radio
of computer network? (2). Write the long forms for each of frequencies and antennas. (i) The FiOS provides a superfast
the following as used in computer science and IT field: LAN, Internet connection speeds. (j) All telecoms (mobile)
WAN, MAN, WWW, HTML, HTTP, HTTPS, URL, WLAN, companies are ISPs.
P2P, ISP, TCP, IP, GHz, DSL, FiOS, Wi-Fi, XML, FTP. (3).
Define the term web browser. Mention four examples of web
browser. (4). What is a bit rate? Explain how the Internet LECTURE 14. INTERNET SERVICES
speed is measured. (5). Mention four ways of connecting
QN212.(1). Mention four Internet services. (2). What is
computer to the Internet. (6). What is ISP? Describe three
teleworking? Discuss the benefits and limitations of
services offered by ISPs. Mention any three ISPs available in
teleworking. (3). Discuss various factors that affect
Tanzania. (7). Distinguish between (a) LAN and WAN (b)
teleworking. (4). What is email? Describe four must-have
client-server and peer-to-peer architecture (c) Intranet and
features of email. (5). Mention three examples of any free
Extranet (d) Upload and Download (e) Server and Client
email services. (6). What is Instant Messaging? Mention
computer (f) Dial-up Internet access and Broadband (g)
three free available Instant Messaging services. (7). What is a
HTTP and HTTPS (h) HTML and XML (8). Answer the
Virtual Community? Mention three free available virtual
following TRUE/FALSE questions related to Internet: (a)
community services. (8). Write the long form for each of the
following abbreviation as used in computer science and IT used in its non-advance form. (l) Google advanced search has
field: CC, BCC, IM, RSS, POD, BLOG, MMO, VoIP, FTP, more accurate and filtered result than normal search.
TCP/IP. (9). Define the following terms (a) VoIP (b) Blog (c) (m)FTP is based on a client-server mode. (n) iCloud,
RSS (10). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each Dropbox and Google Drive are examples of cloud storage
of the following: (a) Facebook (b) Instagram (c) Twitter (d) services.
YouTube (e) Skype (f) WhatsApp (g) MySpace, (h) Google+.
(11). What is a search engine? Mention four examples of
search engines. (12). Mention two ways of transferring files QN213.(1). What is e-commerce? Distinguish it from m-
online. (13). Mention one example for each of the following: commerce. (2). Mention two examples of most popular e-
(a) free mail server (b) search engine (c) cloud service (d) commerce sites. (3). Describe three types of e-commerce. (4).
social network (e) email feature (f) Internet service (14). Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce. (5).
Discuss three techniques used by Google advanced search. Write the long form for each of the following abbreviations
(15). Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions related as used in e-commerce studies: B2B, B2C, C2C, AR, PCI,
to Internet: (a) A valid email address must include the “@” 2FA, SSL, (6). Briefly discuss process of starting an e-
symbol. (b) A valid email address must include the domain commerce site.
name. (c) Trash is a standard folder in any mail server. (d)
Spam emails do not have their addresses recorded in the mail
address book. (e) You can attach file of any size in the email. LECTURE 16: E-GOVERNMENT AND E-BANKING
(f) You can attach file of any type in the email. (g) Your QN214. (1). What is e-government? Distinguish it from
email address is unique in the world. (h) Email service is traditional mode of government system. (2). Describe the
synchronous type of communication. (i) Instant messaging is focal domains of e-government. (3). Discuss the benefits and
a real time communication. (j) Instant messaging allows only drawbacks of e-government. (4). What are the challenges of
textual communication. (16). Attempt the following implementing e-government system in Tanzania? (5). Write
TRUE/FALSE questions related to Internet: (a) Instant the long form for each of the following abbreviations as used
messaging allows video conferencing. 151 (b) Instant in e-government studies: ICT, C2G, G2G, G2C, G2B, G2E,
messaging allows file transfer. (c) VoIP transfers sound over MDA, LGA, GMS, e-GA, USSD, EVM, (6). Briefly discuss
the Internet. (d) Podcast contains audio or video content. (e) various e-government services offered by e- government
Podcast is distributed over the Internet using RSS agency (e-GA) of Tanzania. State the URL of e-GA of
technology. (f) Instant messaging requires software Tanzania. (7). What is e-voting? Explain the two main types
installation. (g) Chatroom does not require computer of e-voting system. (8). Discuss the challenges of
installation. (h) Chatroom requires only a web browser and implementing e-voting in Tanzania. (9). Mention three
Internet connection. (i) A published information over the advantages and disadvantages of e-voting system. (10). What
Internet can easily be removed. (j) Google does not charge is e-banking? Explain various monetary services available in
for the use of the search engine. (k) Google search is usually Tanzania that can be considered as e-banking. (11). Discuss
the challenges of implementing e-banking in Tanzania. (12). QN216.(1). Distinguish between computer security and IT
Mention three advantages and disadvantages of e-banking security. (2). What is cybersecurity? (3). Describe the three
system. main security requirements in IT. (4). Discuss the
importance of computer security. (5). Why is Internet
referred as hazardous place? (6). Discuss at least five
different ways of securing your computer. (7). What is a
password? Mention at least five best practices for creating a
secured password. (8). Write the long form for each of the
following abbreviations as used in IT security: 2FA, PIN,
QN215.(1). Describe various applications of ICT in health sector. OTP, HTTPS, DOS, ATM, PID, EULA. (9). Describe the
(2). Describe how can ICT usage affect human health? semi log-off policy. (10). Mention at least three password
Discuss a “health computer set up” in terms of (a) management practices from (a) user perspective (b) system
arrangement of equipments (b) lighting conditions (c) work perspective (11). Explain the meaning of each of the
time (3). What is e-learning? Distinguish it from traditional following authentication options (a) 2FA (b) Biometrics (c)
learning system. (4). What are the differences between e- Tokens (d) One-Time Password (e)Social Logins (12).
learning and m-learning? (5). Discuss the benefits and Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions related to
drawbacks of e-learning system. (6). What are the challenges computer security: (a) Internet is a secured place. (b) A new
of implementing e-learning system in Tanzania? (7). Write computer cannot be attacked when connected to the Internet.
the long form for each of the following abbreviations as used (c) A hacked computer can be used to record keystrokes and
in e-learning studies: ICT, MOODLE, LMS, VDT, SCORM, steal passwords, (d) A hacked computer can be used to send
OER, (8). What is e-library? (9). Discuss the challenges of spam and phishing emails, 183 (e) A hacked computer can be
implementing e-library in Tanzania. (10). Mention three used to harvest and sell email addresses and passwords. (f) A
advantages and disadvantages of e-library system. (11). hacked computer can be used to access restricted or personal
Describe the method of controlling power usage in computer. information. (g) A hacked computer can be used to infect
(12). Why is it important to manage the IT asset disposal? other systems. (h) A hacked computer can be used to hide
(13). Discuss three conditions or circumstances for disposing programs that launch attacks on other computers. (i) A
IT assets. hacked computer can be used to illegally distribute software.
(j) A hacked computer can be used to distribute child
SECTION 6: ETHICAL AND SECURITY ISSUES IN ICT pornography. (13). Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE
(Lecture 18, 19 and 20) questions related to computer security: (a) A hacked
LECTURE 18: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AND IT computer can be used to generate large volumes of traffic
SECURITY and slowing down the entire system. (b) Computer is used by
both good and bad guys. (c) Cyber security threats are
largely avoidable. (d) It is advisable to use cryptic passwords
that can’t be easily guessed. (e) It is advisable to ensure that mechanism: (a) data backup (b) firewall (c) user
your antivirus is up-to-date. (f) It is advisable to click on authentication
unknown or unsolicited links or attachments. (g) It is
advisable to download unknown files or programs. (h)
Passwords sent through Internet can be intercepted. (i)
Websites with “https” are more secured than website with QN217. (1). Define the following terms: (a) computer ethics (b)
“http”. (j) Password is a passphrase when it uses more than Cyber bullying (2). Discuss the importance of computer
one word. (14). Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE ethics. (3). What actions are considered unethical use of
questions related to computer security: (a) Password is a computers? Mention at least five. (4). What is
passcode when it uses only numbers. (b) Password is a professionalism? Mention three general attributes of
passkey when it uses only numbers. (c) Passwords are professional practices. (5). Attempt the following
watchwords. (d) A good password has minimum of eight TRUE/FALSE questions related to computer ethics: (a)
characters. (e) It is a good security practice to reuse Computer ethics take both the personal and the social
password. (f) Single password can be used to login to several impacts. (b) Computer ethics cannot be a static set of rules.
systems. (g) A password of “123456” is among the password (c) Users will not adopt a computer system if they feel that its
blacklist. (h) Malware is malicious software. (i) r computer. use violates important values and interests. (d) Software
(j) Worms are backdoors. (15). Attempt the following piracy is unethical action. (e) Copyright is a right which is
TRUE/FALSE questions related to computer security: (a) used to protect the author's intellectual property. (f) Use of
Trojan horses do not replicate. (b) Trojan horses are not copyrighted works is defined by EULA. (g) Licensee has the
autonomous. (c) Hoax is a false message being spread by e- right to use the software but with certain conditions. (h)
mail in order to deceive users. (d) Malicious software is a Shareware is a software given free but just for trial purposes
computer program. (e) For malicious software to work, it within specified time period. (i) Freeware is software free for
must be installed in the computer. (f) Like any other personal use. (j) Open-source software is not necessarily to
computer program, it must be (g) Malicious software cannot be free.
install if your login account does not 184 have installation
privilege. (h) Violating privacy is one of cybercrimes. (i) All
data traffic between a computer and the rest of network is LECTURE 20. COMPUTER MAINTENANCE AND
done through ports. (16). Describe the meaning of each of the TROUBLESHOOTING
following cybersecurity threats (a) Malware (b) Ransomware
(c) Social Engineering (d) Phishing (17). Distinguish between QN218.(1). What do you understand by the term “preventive
(a) computer virus and worm (b) spyware and adware (c) maintenance”? (2). List down five benefits of doing
(18). What is a cybercrime? Mention five cybercrime actions preventive maintenance in IT industry. (3). List down at least
stated in the Tanzania Cybercrime Act of 2015. (19). Explain four activities considered as preventive maintenance for (a)
the meaning of each of the following data security hardware (b) software (4). What is computer
troubleshooting? Mention five basic steps for computer up the customer information. (d) The information in the
troubleshooting process. (5). Explain the importance of data backup is confidential. (e) The customer is unable to provide
backup during computer troubleshooting process. (6). a backup. (iii) What is the first step in the troubleshooting
Attempt the following TRUE/FALSE questions related to process? (a) Gather data from the computer. (b) Gather data
computer maintenance and troubleshooting: (a) Preventive from the customer. (c) Verify the obvious issues. (d) Evaluate
maintenance should be regular, periodic and systematic the problem and implement the solution. (e) Close with the
process. (b) Preventive maintenance is an ad hoc process. (c) customer. (f) Try quick solutions. (iv) Which type of question
Preventive maintenance increases unnecessary IT cost. (d) allows the customer to completely describe the problem? (a)
Preventive maintenance works only hardware equipment’s. Closed-ended (b) Open-ended (c) Specific (d) Technical (v)
(e) Preventive maintenance covers both hardware and What is the last step in the troubleshooting process? (a)
software tools. (f) A company having ICT policy does not Gather data from the computer. (b) Gather data from the
need preventive maintenance. (g) Checking system security is customer. (c) Verify the obvious issues. (d) Evaluate the
part of preventive maintenance. (h) Organization is proactive problem and implement the solution. (e) Close with the
if it undertakes preventive maintenance. (i) Potential customer.
hardware and software problems are significantly reduced QN219.
by undertaking preventive maintenance. (j) Preventive QN220.
maintenance reduces computer downtime and repair costs. QN221.
(k) Computer troubleshooting is a learned skill. (l) All QN222.
computer troubleshooting processes are the same.
(m)Computer troubleshooting skill is refined over time. (n)
Replacing a hard drive might put the data on the computer
at risk (o) Reinstalling an OS might put the data on the
computer at risk. (7). Attempt the following multiple-choice
questions related to computer preventive maintenance: (i)
Which of the following common tasks are performed during
preventive maintenance? (Choose three.) (a) Check and
secure loose cables. (b) Update the RAM. (c) Clean the mouse
and keyboard. (d) Update drivers. (e) Reinstall the operating
system. (f) Install additional peripherals. (ii) In which of the
following situations is it recommended to ask the customer to
sign a liability release form before attempting any kind of
repair? (Choose two.) (a) The technician needs to share the
responsibility with the customer. (b) The information on the
computer is critical. 196 (c) The technician is unable to back

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