International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation www.allmultidisciplinaryjournal.


Power production planning and operation in Nigeria using unit commitment technique
Chinedu James Ujam 1*, Adebayo Adeniyi D 2
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

* Corresponding Author: Chinedu James Ujam

Article Info Abstract

Unit commitment is one of the serious major problems encountered in power system
operation, control and coordination. It is a complex non-linear problem used in the
ISSN (online): 2582-7138 schedule of operation of generating units at minimum operating cost. The study is
Volume: 04 aimed at using unit commitment in generation planning and operation in Nigeria for
Issue: 01 the best utilization of available energy resources to meet the varying load demand. In
January-February 2023 the study, the two objective functions formulated are minimization of total production
Received: 17-01-2023; cost and maximization of the energy consumption. To effectively deal with the
constraints of the problem, the difficult minimum up/down-time constraints of thermal
Accepted: 04-02-2023 generation units and the turbine operating constraint of hydropower stations are
Page No: 460-467 embedded in the binary strings that are coded to represent the on/off-states of the
generating units. The Nigeria 330kV power system containing four thermal and three
hydropower plants is studied under different scenarios for a 24h horizon to show the
effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Although the approach is not really
computationally efficient compared to some methods, a high accuracy of the optimal
solution is guaranteed. The results obtained in the study are compared with the ones
reported in the literature, which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique.

Keywords: Unit commitment, optimization, power system, dispatch, transmission

1. Introduction
The electricity firm suffers from the fact that electricity cannot be stored (apart from the limited storage available in pumped -
storage plants), but must be produced when required. In addition, a requirement of rate and electrical energy stability makes
necessary a rather precise matching amid load (the demand on the system from the consumer) and production (the supply from
the power station). Moreover, recent public outcry for environmental safety makes it essential for a power system to make
available adequate and reliable electricity not only at the cheapest possible cost, but also at the least echelon of pollution of the
atmosphere. Therefore, electric power system operation is among the most important and complex tasks in today's civilization.
It has to involve many considerations. The basic requirement is to produce adequate electricity to meet continuously changing
customer load demand at the lowest possible cost (Ibitoye & Adenikinju, 2017) [15]. Of equal significance is the need to reduce
the pollution impact on the environment which is mainly from thermal plant fuel emission. System security and reliability
constraints also have to be taken into account to make available high standards of electrical energy stability and continuous
supplies of electricity. Though interconnection of power scheme has improved the continuity of service and reliability, it has
added further constraints and complication related to stability and security. These considerations form various improvement
issues for a power system engineer to deal with (Oseni, 2016) [27]. The typical issues comprise fiscal dispatch, reactive power
scheduling and allocation, maximum interchange, hydrothermal UC and dispatch, production, transmission and distribution
expansion planning, maintenance scheduling, and many others. These issues become progressively more complicated due to
ever growing system size, stricter governmental and environmental regulations, and augment requirement of system integration.
Power industries face great pressure to better utilize the existing network so as to defer power system reinforcement. As a result,
improved operation strategies are in great demand.

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Due to heavy consumption of industrial loads the network is planning, maintenance scheduling as well as many other
heavily loaded through the day and early in the evening and matters, are so diverse that fiscal operation of power scheme
in contrast, it experiences much lower load late at night and becomes a sophisticated and very difficult task. It is made
early in the morning when most of the lights are out. The even more formidable with multi-objective improvement
power consumption is periodic throughout the week. In a way issues which consist of several objectives and are subjected
that through the working days it is higher than holidays. But to a number of constraints in one issues formulation. Yet,
the question is, if it is reasonable or not to enter enough multi-objective formulation expresses complex and highly
components into the network and keep them active in order interactive power issues in a more realistic way. The
to supply the peak demand? It is obvious that UC with large followings are brief descriptions of some power system
numbers of components is not fiscal and will result in a costly improvement issues.
schedule, but it would save a lot of money if unnecessary Fiscal Dispatch (ED) is among the most important issue in
components are turned off. power system operation (Revathy & Nithiyanandham, 2016).
Power utilities in many countries around the world are The goal of ED is that of scheduling the echelon of power
shifting their attention to toward more energy efficient and output on the preselected components to match the customer
renewable electric power source (Adebayo and Christian load demand in order to achieve minimum operating cost.
2021) [21]. When excess production is available in a system such that an
Unit Commitment (UC) in power system comprises the fiscal choice of components can be made, UC should be
determination of planning the components to be on and off in employed to determine the on or off schedule of generating
order to supply the forecasted load in a period of time. components within a system to make available dispatchable
Constraints such as load balance, system spinal reserve, components.
component production limit and pollution are included in this UC and power dispatch are so much coupled that they tend to
planning schedule which is going to minimize the cost of be solved simultaneously in recent research. With the
power system operation (Palmintier, 2016) [30]. There are two increasing concern about environmental safety, alternative
processes ahead in solving the UC issues. First is to determine operational strategies are required. Emission Dispatch
the components to be on or off. The numbers “1” and “0” (EMO) which aims to reduce pollution from power plants
show the condition of the components, whether it is on or off while meeting the system's energy demand has gained ever
respectively. In the other process the fiscal dispatch should growing attention. The goal of reactive power scheduling and
be analyzed, in other words, how much power should be allocation is to make available a system with enough reactive
allocated to each component from whole produced power in power (VAR) sources for the system to operate in an fiscal
a period of time which the component is on. But solving the manner, while load constraints and operational constraints,
UC issues alone is not acceptable, since the network security with respect to credible contingencies, are met. Maximum
constraints are not considered. Production configuration is interchange is a means for utilities to decide the maximum
considered in power system and a security constraint is interchange with the neighboring interconnected scheme
determined for UC operation function. Transmission lines ahead of time in case transmission contingencies occur.
overload which is known as “Security Constrained UC Optimal switching can be set up to minimize the number of
(SCUC)”. The goal of SCUC is production configuration switching operations for intermediate and low-electrical
planning with the lowest cost and reliability. Large modern energy substations which link the high-electrical energy
components are equipped with multi-valves turbines, which transmission system and the distribution networks of local
by opening the valves one after the other more steam will pass loads, in order to alter the configuration of the substation for
through the turbine blades and the production capacity will system reliability and safety purposes. This is the case when
augment and therefore the component output would have a devices need to undergo maintenance or when emergency
waveform curve which is called valve point effect. By situations occur, which results in the need for configuration
considering this form of output the issues will be so changes. Among these power improvement issues, this thesis
complicated. It is at the backdrop that the researcher wishes mainly deals with fiscal dispatch, emission dispatch and their
to analyze the fiscal power production planning and operation extensions and combinations. UC will be an extension of the
in Nigeria using UC procedure in other to proffer solution to current research work.
3. Methodology
Numerically, UC issues has been detailed as a non-curved,
2. Review of Related Literatures enormous scope, non-direct and Mixed Integer Programming
In recent years, because of strict environmental and (MIP) combinatorial improvement issues with requirements.
governmental regulations, the development of electrical The non-convexity is brought about by the twofold idea of
power facilities has been restricted. As a result, optimal fiscal UC choice (ON/OFF). Non-linearity occurs because of non-
operation and planning of power scheme becomes straight creation cost bends and non-direct transmission
increasingly difficult (Bavafa et al, 2019) [7]. Issues such as requirements. The presence of a blend of the paired and non-
fiscal dispatch, emission dispatch, reactive power scheduling straight factors requires the issues to be detailed as a MIP
and allocation, maximum interchange, UC and dispatch, issues. The numerical detailing for the issues is logically
production, transmission and distribution expansion portrayed in the accompanying sections.

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3.1. Deterministic formulation of UC issues is depended to the temperature of the evaporator. The
The deterministic definition of the UC issues can be quantity of the beginning up and closure and their sort (hot or
considered as an exceptional instance of the separate cold) changes is an element of the ON/OFF status of the
stochastic plan, where just a solitary situation involving the segments. It is communicated as follows 3.2
conjecture estimations of the arbitrary segment and
framework boundaries is thought of. The Mixed Integer
Linear Programming (MILP) approach has been proposed
since the 1970s as a practicable and proficient elective model
for tackling different improvement issues identified with
transient activity of electrical plan, specifically UC issues.
Truth be told, most investigates in this field have perceived 3.3 UC constraints
that basic choices related with the activity of force creation In limiting OC, the UC issues arrangement should regard
can be successfully appeared by whole number (parallel as a both generator actual requirements and framework
rule) factors. Hence, traditional straight programming operational imperatives. These limitations can be producing
approaches can't obviously display and settle such muddled limit requirements where each creating segment has least and
issues. In MILP definitions, the responsibility choices most extreme cutoff points. The force yield can't surpass
demonstrating the ON/OFF status of the creating parts in these cutoff points.
different working stages (disconnected, fire up, dispatch, and
closure) are displayed utilizing paired factors, while the force Pit(min) < Pit< Pit (max)
yield, save commitment, and stream choices are showed
utilizing ceaseless factors. Where P it(min) and P it(max) are respectively the minimum
and maximum real power output of component i at hour t.
3.2 Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation Power balance constraint is the equilibrium amid load
(MILP) demand and power output in each hour and is given by
The MILP detailing returned to in this paper depends on a
solitary paired variable to portray the UC status and the Dt = ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 𝑃 i(max) (t).Ii(t) 3.3
relating hourly change of producing segments. On the other
hand, a three-paired variable definition, thinking about UC Where Dt = total demand at hour t.
status and start-up/closure markers has been proposed in a
few works. The MILP deterministic UC issues can be defined 3.5 Minimum up /down time constraints
as: Minimum up-time is the minimum number of hours of
Limit Operational Cost (OC) operation at or above the minimum production capacity. It is
expressed as follows:
OC = ∑N T Ton i> MUTi
i=1 ∑t=1 FCit(P it)Iit + NLi Iit + STit + SDit 3.1
Where Ton i and MUTi are the total up-time and the minimum
Where, up-time of component i. Minimum downtime is the minimum
OC = operating cost, number of hours once the generator is shut down before it can
N = generating components, be brought online again to produce power.
T = time horizon, which is 24 h, and is a binary variable
modeling UC 4. Result and Discussion
i = decision of component The proposed calculation is tried on a framework
t= hour, consolidating hydro and warm turbines. The Nigerian 330
FCit(Pit) = the input/output curve that is modeled with a kV, 57-transport power framework appeared in Figure 1
quadratic function of the power output, sourced from (Akorede et al, 2009) [4] comprises of 7
FCit(Pit) = ai Pit2 + bi Pit + ci where, segments involving 3 hydro and 4 warm segments. A
ai , bi and ci are the cost coefficients. quadratic expense work model was utilized for the warm
segment, however the water transport and other hydro factors
For all intents and purposes this expense is displayed as a were excluded from this model as the hydro parts are utilized
piecewise-straight capacity. A tight detailing for this at the pinnacle request period. The activity information which
piecewise-direct guess is given in the condition above. is the sums up segments' properties appear in Table 1. The expense
expense for restarting a de-submitted warm segment, which capacities utilized in this investigation are acquired from (Li,
Pedroni, and Zio, 2013).

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Fig 1: The proposed UC flowchart

Table 1: Operation data for the 7-Component case study system to prepare and represent theoretical circumstances in power
framework arranging, activity and control (Kuo, 2017)). All
segments of the contextual investigation electric force
framework were demonstrated and the heap stream
examination was completed in MATPOWER (Sayah and
Zehar, 2018)) to gauge the all-out framework power

4.1. Load demand pattern

The interest for power of the contextual investigation
increases in a differing way, because of monetary and social
turn of events. Since power can't be put away, it should be
delivered and provided at the place of need day or night, top
or off top period. It is a typical information that heap request
relies upon the sort of client's (for example homegrown,
business, modern, agrarian, and so forth) hardware like
warming component, lighting, and so on climate conditions
(for example outside temperature, light), and human variables
in types of utilization designs, propensities, and so on The Fig 2: The daily load demand curve of the case study
heap request hence differs radically inside a given period.
The day by day load request profile for 24 h utilized in this 4.2 Results and discussion
examination is introduced in Fig 2. In this investigation, a The proposed calculation is tried looking into it study
consistent state examination of the electrical force framework framework recently portrayed with 24h skyline. The hydro
which make availables electrical energy, flows, genuine and segment is locked in at the pinnacle time frame to satisfy the
receptive force streams, line misfortunes, among others in a need. The consequence of the aqueous framework tackled
framework under a given burden condition, was done. This is with EEA is contrasted and another model utilized in making

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arrangements for a framework to supply a similar burden. startup cost was caused by the warm parts, though the hydro
Three arrangements that fulfill the force needs are treated segments just brought about the group cost since they don't
under various situations depicted as Case I–II. In all cases, run on any fuel. Table 2 presents the segments submitted and
the all out day by day energy delivered is assessed at the heap distribution for Case I. As the heap request increases
33,600MWh. the absolute yield from the parts likewise expands either
through expand in power yield of component(s) effectively
Case I dedicated or submitting other component(s) once more.
The ideal timetable that satisfied the heap need at the base Absolute change of the relative multitude of parts from OFF
expense, without disregarding any imperative with the base to ON and the other way around is only eight. Subsequently,
number of advances from ON to OFF and the other way less beginning up and shut down costs were brought about.
around is the timetable alluded to as Case I. The segments This particular certainty upholds the decision of Case I being
mix uncover the must-run normal for parts 4 and 5, while the expense ideal mix
complying with the base all over occasions. Anyway a little

Table 2: Daily optimal component schedule and load allocation for Case I

Fig 3: Presents the contribution of hydro and thermal components which met the total load demand

It is seen that warm segments were all ON all through the warm segment at that specific time will prompt bringing
time frame viable while the responsibility of hydro segments about more expense because of cold startup since any
began at the 6th hour when the submitted warm parts remaining accessible warm segments have lost their working
(segments 4 and 5) could not, at this point satisfy the temperature.
necessary burden need. The submitted warm parts
contributed a similar measure of force from the 10th to Case II
fifteenth hour. This is on the grounds that beginning one more In this situation introduced in Table 3, the parts booked can

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create the necessary force at a cheaper when contrasted with least up and least personal time imperatives as in segments 1,
Case I. It is expected here that none of the segments delivered 2, 6 and 7. The startup cost caused is high a result of the
past either the base or greatest breaking point. Nonetheless, a quantity of changes. The segment shaded red shows the
lot of different imperatives were abused. The must-run territory where either least up time or/and least vacation
normal for part 5 was ventured down and there are more requirements were disregarded, while the blue segment
advances of segments from ON to OFF and the other way demonstrates infringement of the must-run attributes.
around in 26 distinct occasions. This makes the parts abuse

Table 3: Component schedule and load allocation for Case II

Fig 4: Commitments of hydro and warm segments for Case II.

Figure 4 shows the example of the commitments of the hydro Case III
and warm segments in fulfilling the heap need in Case II. The Notwithstanding the way that just a single imperative was
hydro segments were submitted directly from the primary disregarded in Case III and ten advances were recorded as
hour notwithstanding the way that the must-run segments 4 introduced in Table 4, yet the expense of creation was the
and 5 can satisfy the heap need right now. All in all, the must- most elevated. The justification this is that the request by
run condition was abused. Once more, it is seen that the figure which the segments were submitted wasn't right. For
shows a sporadic example that doesn't look like the heap instance, segment 1 was submitted right from the start.
request bend. This is on the grounds that segment 5, an Accordingly it can't be fiscalal to receive such arrangement
unquestionable requirement run part, was not dedicated at the as an ideal mix. The commitments of hydro and warm parts
fitting time, which subsequently brings about high startup towards the all out load request are introduced in Figure 5.
cost, even as the expense caused was decreased at the Here the hydro parts are submitted all through the 24 h period,
pinnacle time frame. despite the fact that not ideally used. The unfiscalal dispatch
from the warm parts brings about a high absolute creation

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Table 4: Component schedule and load allocation for Case III

Fig 5: Contributions of hydro and thermal component for Case III

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