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Miss Annie’s classes

Lesson #19 notes

Unit 3C
Just now, there was a flood here. I switched on the washing machine and after
15 min, I saw that it was leaking. I didn’t want (не исках) to stop it because I had
to (трябваше) wash everything on hand. I dried up 3 basins of water. (изсуших
3 легена вода)
Last week the same happened with the boiler.
is (е) -> was (беше)

Speaking: Daily routine

Какъв Е твоят дневен режим?
What IS your daily routine?
My day starts at 8:30. I wake up my daughter. I get dressed and go downstairs. I
prepare breakfast. After breakfast we go outside. My daughter and I go to the
playground. After playtime, we go at home/ go back home. She has lunch and
gets ready for bed. She usually goes to bed at 13:00. She gets up at 15:00 and
then we play, dance, and sing. In the evening we have dinner at half past seven.
After, we take a bath, read a book, and fall /фол /asleep.
What’s Iliyan’s daily routine?
Iliyan wakes up at 09:00. He prepares/makes coffee, smokes a cigarette, and
goes to the toilet. This is his office After that, we go to the playground and do
the shopping. After that we go back home, and he goes to work.
What time does he get to the office?
He gets to the office at 14:00, but on Friday and Sunday he goes to the office at
11:00 or 12:00. It depends. /дипендс/ - зависи
He leaves the office at 22:00 in the evening. He gets home at half past ten pm.
Then, he has dinner and drinks beer. He watches the news and goes to bed.

Miss Annie’s classes

Writing text messages: Правилото е да сме кратки. Използваме само

съкратените форми на “to be” и кратки фрази за поздрав и чао.

Megan writes to her cousin James.

Ful form /пълна форма/ Contraction form /съкратена форма/

I am – I am not I do – I do not I’m – I’m not I do – I don’t
You are – You are not You do – You do not You’re – you aren’t You do – you don’t
He is – he is not He does – he does not He’s – he isn’t He does – he doesn’t
She is – she is not She does – she does not She’s – she isn’t She does – she doesn’t
It is – it is not It does – it does not It’s – it isn’t It does – it doesn’t
We are – we are not We do – we do not We’re – we aren’t We do – we don’t
You are – you are not You do – you do not You’re – you aren’t You do – you don’t
They are – they are not They do – they do not They’re – they aren’t They do – they don’t

I would – I would not -> I’d – I wouldn’t

I will – I will not -> I’ll – I won’t

Writing in messenger:
Ina: Hi, Ani! How r u? How was your day?

Annie: Hi Ina 😊 I’m good. I’m alone at home. How r u?

Ina: I’m alone too.
Annie: Do you want to have coffee later?
Ina: Oh, great!

Miss Annie’s classes

Annie: Cool 😊 At Barry’s café at 4 pm? Is that OK?

Ina: Yes, it’s ok. I’ll be there!
Annie: All right then! C u at 4. I’ll be there too.
Ina: OK. See you soon!

On the next day Ina: Hi Ani, I’m at home. I have a lesson. It’s fun. The
teacher is funny. I’m alone. Talk to you soon!

Listening: Workbook p. 21 b)
Who likes the same food or drink as you?
- I like eggs as John does.
- I rarely eat chocolate as Anna does. /реърли/!
- I rarely drink tea.
- I often have orange juice as Anna does. /офън/!

prepare /припеър/! – приготвям

does /даз/! - прави

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