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Subject: Science Ln.23 Electric Circuit Grade: 5

Name: __________________________ worksheet- term- 3 Date: __________

I. Name the following

1. A drawing that uses different appliances symbols – Circuit diagram.
2. The equipment which controls the flow of the electric current in a circuit – Switch.
3. A circuit in which all the components are connected only in one path – Series circuit.
4. A circuit in which all the components are connected by more than one path – Parallel
5. Pictorial representation of the different components of a circuit – Symbols.
II. Fill in the blanks

1. An electrical appliance is made up of different components.

2. The battery is an energy source.
3. Each components of an electric circuit is represented by a symbol in a circuit diagram.
4. Electric circuit are classified into two.
5. The brightness of a bulb depends on the amount of electric current flowing through it.
III. True or False

1. A battery has three terminals. F

2. It is easier for us to represent an electric circuit using a circuit diagram. T
3. Connecting the bulbs in a parallel makes the bulb light up brighter. T
4. In a parallel circuit if one bulb is blown the other bulb will not light up. F
5. In a series circuit we can add more energy sources. T
IV. Draw and Label
1. A series circuit. Pg. 87 TB
2. A parallel circuit. Pg. 87 TB

V. Match the following

Components Symbols

1. Battery 5

2. Wire 3

3. Switch 2

4. Bulb 1

5. 4

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