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As we know that differences in religion, culture, language even skin colour are

referred to diversity, but now I will talk from different points of view...
Hi I’m Cok Diah Pradnya Parameswari from SMAN 6 DENPASAR .
One of the first things that I noticed...

people have only seen and debated differences in religion, culture, language, and skin colour at
all times. But now im asking you .. how about people who having “ special needs “ in terms of
their physical appearance or social-emotional disabilities. We should be aware that we must to
acknowledge their differences as you would appreciate anyone else uniqueness

Do not talk to them literally and figuratively. The number of people with disabilities or special
needs in Indonesia reaches more than one million people and have you ever thought about how to
be them?.. That’s why we have to increase our respect for them.

First of all, for my friends around the world with special needs and insecurities I just want you to
know that being different is not your mistake. You have to start thinking that you are more than
what you thought. I was beginning to understand that for some people it takes courage and time to
show a respect. The point is that respecting diversity is not just about respect for different
religions and cultures but also for people with special needs to , because people with disabilities
feel they are different and we need to help them . And through this speech, I have a mission to
make sure everyone can access the same opportunities, and why respect for diversity is important,
because when you respect other people's differences you demonstrate that you understand not
everybody lives according to their views and experiences.

Guys, if we respect each other, we will be in line with our slogan Bhineka
Tunggal Ika.

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