3.05 Parliament Textbook

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Where did our Parliament come from? kings had always asked rich, powerful landowners (called barons, eats lords, and nobles) foradviceon things lke ralsing money ‘Missio ‘or going to war. When kings met with advisors it was often called a ‘Sometimes there were arguments at these meetings... but the king neatly always got his own way Thisall changed in 1215 when King John ruled. The rich landowners rebelled and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, which said that the king couldn't do whatever he wanted! However, King John died, in 1216 and hs son became King Henry ll when he was only nine years old, So what happened next? Would young Henry also agree to follow the rules lad down in Magna Carta... or would he just ignore them and rule however he wished? And how is all this linked to ‘and the way Britain is ruled today? The boy king Ta begin with, young King Henry regulaly met with the ry lit stay a boy forever - and when advice and ran things how he wanted. As you might i Great Counc The cartoon below sums up ther complain trending efertne) Andina line hi fathen iedtobuythe | | He mindte take elma (ieereeaeee go up because he ( X par cycle ORS King Henry IIT ‘argued with the barons. * Discover the origins of Britain Parliament Council and tookadvie, But jot older, and got marred, he began to ignor is annoyed members ofthe A Frenchman Peer det feos gt over 20 jo Enough is enough! and the fact that Henry listened more to his wife than barons threatened to fight King Henry unless he ro discuss things Ata m document called 'The Provisions of Oxford (se Source B). As you sto this, the would have lot more power... but Henry felthe had no choice Jowever, the kin’ son, 19-year-old Prince Edward, was furious that his father had been treated this way. and swore to get revenge! tod rect eas renee Poe eeeret) ead eid pera ts Ce eas ood ‘Te Provisions of Oxford + Te ing rote ecsions ition he Great Counc’ agement. + he Great Counc sul chan the King’s main + A arament consaing of ificen members ofthe (Great Counc plas rte oter arms as 10 mec ot ast the tines year Sine, Henry IL and the Great Council awe sgnedn SOURCE ® 1h 1258 the barons had had enough. hey were fed up with high taxes them. So the ed to meet up tng in Oxford, the barons showed Henry a ‘eatCouncl_Parlaren Witte a sentence or two to expan the following terms 2 Great Council 'bProvisons of Oxford 2a Make alist of things thatmade Henry unpopular wit histone bb Which ofthese things deyou think upset the barons the most? Make another ist puting ther inorder. Start with what ou think annoyed the barons the mos. «¢ Canyou connect te diferent problemsin ay vay? Explain how some of hem re linked King Henry the prisoner BB) sounone sy hemos Te king king ill se oan wsrto ert wl fora fo + emer e' stop cling taf te ing ty ct eae ‘The Lonfs + Rik Barons and Bishops met tte Hose of Coke right 9 attend passed from ater ‘The Commons 1 Ang ak ole a pes aor 9 TT richer peopl ofthe tun and nonin Kughte + Thee pope Sacame known ese ‘ommoners' or Commons’ and mat in te House of Commons. FT Kec sosres Ac roe Burfcmuren ert EIA etn ren doyortarves hero 2 Explain the importance ofthe flowing datesin the velopment of Palament 4 & How did Simon de Mant ce? 1b Inwhae ways could de Montortbe sen asbotha b 126s hero and trator? cae '5 what were the advantages of having aPalament: at ays were each of the folowing men forthe king? the development ofPalaent? forthe barons, bishops kaights and t 3a

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