Hall's Adventure

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Andy Hall is an archaeologist who works

in the city museum.One night,two thieves
go to the museum to steal a book.They
want it because it has a map hidden in
it.Andy Hall takes it onto the roof of the
museum.He jumps onto the next building
and the thieves cannot caught him.Andy
Hall escaped from the thieves but the
thieves followed him.Andy Hall went to
the airport because he found a treasure
map inside the book.

He asked a
perfessor and he told where the treasure
is could be hidden and it is on a
island.So, they flew to it.But, the thieves
were still following them.Andy and
Professor didn’t knew it.Suddenly,Andy
noticed that two men are following them
and he realizes that they are two
thieves.They escaped from them by
going into crowed places at the
airport.When, they reached the place
where professor thinks treasure is
hidden.They search for many hour with
some local people.Finally, they found the
treasure which is ancient ruins made out
of gold.
They report the government and they
take the ruins and kept them in secure
place.Andy and professor are awarded
for discovering the treasure.Two thieves
got arrested two days later.

Some of the ruins are displayed on the

Andy Hall’s City museum.People came
everyweekend to look the ruins.Andy
Hall got famous for the discovery of the

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