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City of Balanga,Bataan

Types of Stretching
1. Passive assisted stretching - partner assisted stretch.

2. Static Stretching - technique is widely used and is an effective technique of stretching. This technique involves passively stretching
given antagonist muscle by placing it in a maximal position of stretch and holding it there for an extended time at least 3 to 6 seconds.
The best way to improve flexibility is to do it progressively.

3. Ballistic Stretch involves explosive, bouncing rhythmic movement of a specific part of the body.


Basic movement skills are very important to an individual, if the students are properly taught with the basic skills they are confident
and competent enough to develop complex movement skills that will allow them to enjoy any sports and physical activity without
hesitation. They will surely move with ease and free from injuries.

Warm Up Activities in this Routine

1. Head Turns Look left, look right; repeat 5 times.

2. Shoulder Rolls Roll the shoulders backwards 10 times; roll the shoulders forward 10 times.

3. Lateral Steps+ Pulls Step from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the leading leg. At the same time, wave both arms
up in front of your body (in front of and above your head) and then pull them back downwards to your sides in a full sweeping range
of motion
4. Slow Rocking Butt Kickers A slower intense of our regular kickers to get your lower body warmed up; add upper body movements
as well if you like, especially if you are about to jump into a routine that is heavy in upper body exercises.

5. High Knee Pull

Pull one knee upwards towards your core, while reaching up and down with both hands so that your elbows and high knee is your core
at the same time.

6. Arm Swings + Lateral Steps Similar to the first move, step from side to side while tapping the toe of the following foot behind the
leading/supporting leg, all while swinging arms Out and then in front of the body, crossing over one another.

7. Four Torso Twists + Knees Twist from side to side four times, and then bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. If you follow this
same count (1,2,3,4, knee), you should be bringing a different knee up each time.

8. Jog in Place Just like it sounds, get that heart rate up!

9. Bodyweight Squats It your legs aren't feeling quite warmed up yet, keeps the squats shallow. Keep your butt back and your weight
in your heels

10. Front kicks Kick high and in front of the body, alternating which leg is doing the kicking.

11. Boxer Shuffle Hop from side to side, tapping the non-leading leg on the ground in the center or the distance that you are hopping
back and forth.

12. Cross Toe touches sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and hands behind you. Your fingers can be pointed towards the
side or behind you. With your feet on the floor, lift your hips skyward. Pause when your body is parallel with the floor.
Cool Down Activities

Here's the breakdown:

10 Exercises
30 seconds each
With or without equipment

1. Walking

The crème de la crème of cool down exercises, according to our research, is walking. It doesn't matter what kind of work out you do;
taking a nice walk afterward always seems to be toward the top of all the lists. When we say walking, we don't mean power walking
where you're pumping your arms and legs. We're talking a nice, leisurely stroll. You don't keep moving while it happens. It's a classic,
it's a favorite, and it's also highly recommended.

2. Stretch those legs.

While this mostly applies to runners, a great cool down exercise is stretching your legs. This includes ail the classics like puling your
leg up behind you to stretch your hamstrings or trying to touch your toes. There are other, more complex stretches that more or less
stretch the same areas. Even if it is all upper body, a good stretch to the legs can be a great cool down exercise.

3. Stretch that chest. A few of our cool down exercise choices will be just a heads up because they're very effective for cooling down
and they’re all pretty easy to do. A popular one is lacing your fingers behind your back, straightening out your arms and looking at the
ceiling. This is effective at stretching your chest muscles.

4. Stretch that arm.

It you've ever noticed, even runners stretch their arms before they go running. Consequently, it's also one of the more effective cool
down exercises. It helps get your shoulders and your arms loosened up. Nearly every exercise involves your arms to some popular
stretches. Crossing your arm across your body and stretching is a good one. Placing your hand of your back can help stretch the back
of your arms as well.
5. Stretch out that core. The core of your body is often something that gets overlooked in both stretching an exercise in general. So it's
not only great to include in your cool down exercises, but also recommended since your core is, well, your core. You should be
working it out no matter what. A popular yoga technique for your hands and knees. Then arch your back like a cat followed by bowing
it out like the letter C. This helps both your core and your back. These are the two essentials when exercising and cooling down.

6. Jumping jacks

Now we get back into lighter exercises that also work well for cool down exercises. A favorite is the jumping jacks. Yes, it may seem
a little bit like middle school gym class, but jumping jacks are actually an effective exercise. The motion of jumping spreading and
putting your arms down, and bringing them back up to clap works a good portion of your upper body, so pretty much everything gets
worked on.

7. Swimming If you have access to a pool at your home or your gym, a quick dip in the pool can be a great for cool downs. Treading
water uses almost the same muscles as jumping jacks do. Doing the Olympic-style swimming works those same muscles, but to a
higher degree. So you can even vary your swimming intensity.

8. Get a massage.

This one isn't an exercise on the face of it, but it can be eve as many cool down exercises. The point of cool down exercises is to
transitions your body from exerting to rest. Part of that is getting rid of pooled blood let over tromp when your veins and arteries
pumping blood the body didn’t need any hour while it’s preferred that you exercise tunes excess away.

9. Exercise specific drills.

This one is a little complex. If you’re a runner, you’ll obviously be working outyour out your legs most of all.

10. Exercise mimicry.

Exercise mimicry is when you perform the same exercise you were just performing, put with less resistance. A couple of good
examples are above.

1. Squats
They don't just help you achieve wonderful, toned legs; they promote body-wide muscle
building by creating an anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body. They work
up your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abdominal muscles, lower back and your butt

2. Chair Squat you can exercise your legs and buns by squatting in a chair, or try
leaning against a wall and imitating the same position of a squat.
3. Plank- By strengthening your back, chest, shoulders, neck, and abs, this exercise
makes it easier to keep your shoulders back and your lower back in a neutral position
while sitting or standing — two vital components of good posture.

4. Push ups
Traditional push-ups are beneficial for building upper body strength. They work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders.

5. Burpees- The burpee is a full-body, strength training exercise. With each repetition,
you'll work your chest, arms, front deltoids, thighs, hamstrings, and your legs will feel like
they're pumping battery acid after you complete a set of burpees.
6. Jumping Jacks
Like most cardio exercises, jumping jacks offer cardiovascular benefits. It balances out your heart rate, increases blood circulation all
over the body, controls and maintains blood pressure, helps in doing away with bad cholesterol levels in the body, prevents the onset
of stroke or heart attacks.

7. Jogging in place
Jogging is an excellent cardiovascular workout that boosts the health of your heart. It helps to keep heart problems and diseases at
bay. Jogging ensures that blood is pumped faster to the heart and, thus, maintains blood pressure. Cholesterol and blood glucose levels
are also under control.

8. Lunges
A lunge is a single-leg bodyweight exercise that works your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core and the hard-to-reach muscles of
your inner thighs. Lunges can help you develop lower-body strength and endurance.
9. High Knees
High Knees are a cardio-intensive exercise performed at a fast pace. It engages your core, strengthens all the muscles in your legs, gets
your heart rate up and improves momentum, coordination and flexibility. Because of the many physical benefits, high-knees are
incorporated into a wide variety of workouts.


In both forward and backward lunges, the same muscle groups are targeted- mostly your lower half including the hamstrings, quads,
glutes, and calves. Your core and back muscles are also engaged while performing this exercise.

1.Physical Education I by Jose A. Eviza/Evelyn B. Lacerna/ Corazon R. Mercado/ Josie M. Pesimo/ Victor F. Piones Philippine
Copyright 2007 Mutya publishing house, Inc. &rlz= &rlz=

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