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ALLEN Mathematics NUMBER SYSTEM Divisibility of integers We have certain rules to check the divsblty by certain integral numbers, With the help of the following ruesit has become easier to know whether a certain number i divisible or not by a particular number without actualy dividing the number An integer x + 0 divides y if there exists an integer a such that y — ax and thus we write as xy (x divides y). Ix doos ‘not divides y, we write as x | y (x does not divides y). [This can also be stated as y divisible by x or x is a divisor of y or y is a multiple of x). Properties of divisibilty @ xlyandylz>xlz i) xlyand x1z=> x! (ky + (2) for all k, £ €Z. Z = set ofall integers, (i) xly and ylx=>x- ay (id) ly, where x> 0, y> 02x 13-3x2=13-6=7 ‘Since 7 is divisible by 7, so the given number 133 will also be divisible by 7. In the above process, 2 is multiplied with the last digit is the negative osculator for 7, which I have earlier discussed. Example: Check whether 1071 is divisible by 7. Solution: Step 1. 1071 => 107-1 x2 Step2. 105 => 10-5x2=0 ‘Since 0 is divisible by 7 hence the given number 1071 is also divisible by 7, Example: Check whether 939715 is divisible by 7 Solution: Step 1, 939715 => 93971 -5 x2 = 93961 Step 2. 93961 = 9396-1 x2 = 9394 Step 3. 9394 > 939-4 x2 = 931 Step4. 931 93-1x2=91 Step5. 91=>9-1x2=7 Hence, itis divisible by 7 Inall the above examples we have to muitily the lst digit by the appropriate osculator and then this value will bbe subtracted from the number formed by the rest digits of the number and this process is continued tll you know that the resultant value is dsible by 7. Even you can stop the process in midway when you guess thatthe ‘obtained value is divisible by 7. Ifthe operating osculator is “one more” osculator then we add the prosiuct of last digit and one more osculator in the number formed by the res digit else. We subtract if the operating osculatoris ‘negative’ osculator. Divisibility by 13, Example: Check whether 2366 is divisible by 13. Solution: Step 1, 2366 = 236 + 6 x4 = 260 ISince, the osculator for 13s 4 and itis ‘one more’ osculator. So we use addition] Step2. 260 = 26+0x4=26 Since 26 for 260) s divisible by 13 hence 2366 is also divisible by 13. 105 USO Example: Check whether 377910 is divisible by 13. Solution: Step 1. 377910 = 37791 + 0x4 = 37791 Step2. 37291 = 3779 +1 x4= 3783 Step3. 3783 378+ 3x4 = 390 Step4. 390 339+ 0x4=39 Since 39 is divisible by 13. So 377910 is also divisible by 13. © Divisibility by 17 Example: Find out whether 323 is divisible by 17, Solution: 323 > 32-3 x5 = 17 [bis the negative osculator of 17] ‘Therefore 323 is divisible by 17 Example: Checkout that 12716 is divisible by 17 or not, Solution: Step 1, 12716 => 1271-6 x5 = 1241 Step2. 12411 124-15 =119 Step 3. 1193 11-9 x5=-34 So we can conclude that 12716 is divisible by 17. Since - 34 and 119 both are simply visible that these two numbers are divisible by 17 We geta number which s easyto know thatthe particular number is divisible bythe given divisor or not, Further \we should know that every resitant value in the right hand side might be divisible by the divisor, whether you readily recognize it ornot. & Divisibitity by 19 Example: Find out whether 21793 isdivisble by 19. Solution: Step 1. 2179.3 = 2179 + 3 x2 = 2185 I's 2isthe “one more” osculator of 19] Step2. 2185 218 +5x2=228 Step 3. 228-22+8x2=38 Hence 21793 is divisible by 19. Shortcut rule for the divisibility by 7, 11 and 13 ‘A number can be divisible by 7, 11 or 13 if and only ifthe difference of the number fommed by the last three digits and the number formed by the rest digits is divisible by 7, 11 or 13 respectively. For example we have to ‘check that 139125 is divisible by 7 or not ‘So we take the diference as given below 139-125 = 14 Since, the difference is divisible by 7. Hence the given number is also divisible by 7. Example: Check whether 12478375 is divisible by 13 or not. Solution: Step 1. 12478 -375 = 12103 Step2. 12-103 = - 91 Since 91 is divisible by 13 hence 12478375 is also divisible by 13. i ALLEN Mathematics Absolute value of an integer or modulus ‘The absolute value of an integer is its numerical value irespective of its sign (or nature). The absolute value of an integer x is written as |x| and Is defined as, xifx20 tt (eco Modulus (machine mode!) Input Output It means any integer whether Integer. for example |-71 = 7, |-41 = 4, 131 =3ete Also, Max (x, ~x) and Min [x,—x) = Il and Yo = Ix Properties of a modulus or mod positive or negative if itis operated upon modulus, it always gives a positive @ lal=tal (i) labl = lal bl w [3] 4 (i) la+bl < lal + IbI_ (The sign of equality holds only when the sign of a and b are same). @ Wlalsk>-ksask (WH la-bl sk>-ksa-bsk>b-ksasb+k Example: Solution set of the equation Ix-2 e.-7) 3.7) 13,6) (4) None of these Solution: |x- 2 =5=>x-2=5orx-2=-5>x=Tork=-3 Hence 7), (his the correct option. ()- consists only the mentioned value particulary () does not include the extreme values. | Jincludes the values of extremity ( J includes only the highest value of extreme but not the lowest extreme value. [includes only lowest extreme value but no includes the highest extreme value Example: The maximum value ofthe expression 27~ 9-81 is (1) 27 (217 (344 (4) 26 Solution: The maximum value of the expression 27 - 19x — 81 will be maximum only when the value of 19x - 8| is minimum, but the minimum possible value of any |k| is zero. Hence the maximum value of 27- |9x-81 = 27-@) = 27 Hence option (1) is correct. USO Example: Solution: Solution: ‘The minimum value of the expression |17x=8| =9is 8 (Mo (-9 OF (4) None of these ‘The minimum value of expression 117 x~ 81 — 9 minimum only when |17x~81 is minimum. but the minimum value of 1k is 0, hence the minimum value of |17x~81 -9=0-9=-9 If2a-9=b +a, then the value of (la—b1 + Ib—al)is (is (a1 1 a)0 2a-9=b+a>2a-a=b+9 > a=b+9 a-b=9orb- Hence |a—bl + Ib-al = 191 + 191 =9+9=18 ‘Thus (1)isthe comect option ‘The value of x for which the value of 13x +151 minimum. 3 5 @-5 (4) None of these ‘The minimum value of 13x + 151 = 0 > &+15=0 >x Hence (3) is correct option. Greatest integer function Greatest integer function is also known as Bracket function, xis any real number, then the largest integer which does not exceed x is called the integral part of x and will bbe denoted by be ‘The function which associates with each real number x, the integer [x] Is often called the bracket function. 5 4, [3] = 3, Ld] = ~4, 13.7] = 3, [-4.21=-5, il =1ba=-4 [lis the largest integer 0, (mb, me) = m(b, ¢) i) db and diicandd > 0, then (ea)-(a}e oe) (¥If(b, ¢) =a, then there exists two integers x and y such that. g=xb +ye (i) Ifa, b= (abo) = 1 (i) Ifalbe and (a, b) = 1, then ale eg, a=6,b=21,c=10 6121 x10 but 6, 21) = 3 and (6, 10) = 2 and 6 divides neither 21 or 10. HCF by division method ‘Consider two smallest numbers, then divide the larger one of them by the smaller one and then divide this divisor bby the remainder and again divide this remainder by the next remainder and so on until the remainder is zero. If there aremore than two numbers of which HCF isto be found, we continue this process as we divide the third lowest number by the last divisor obtained in the above process. Example: Find the HCF of 420 and 1782. and (a, ¢)= 1, then. Solution: 42078214 1680 “T02}a2014 408 “TeVIQE ~ongle = Honce 6 isthe HCF of 420 and 1782. The HCF isthe factoro ference of the given numbers. So there is shortcut t find the HCF. ‘You can divide the given numbers by their lowest possible difference if these numbers are divisible by this diference then this difference its is the HF ofthe given numbers. If this difference is not the HCF then any factor ofthis difference must be the HICF ofthe given numbers Example: Find the HF of 63 and 84. Solution: “The diference = 84-63 = 21. Now divide 63 and 84 by 21, since the given numbers 63 and 84 are disible by their difference 21, thus 21 itselt is the HCF of 63 and 84. 7 USO Example: Find the HOF of 42 and 105. Solution: The difference = 105 - 42 = 63. Now divide 42 and 105 by 63 but none of these is divisible by their difference 63. So we factorize (68and then divide 42 and 105 by the factor of 63. The greatest factor of 63 which can divide 42 ‘and 105 that will be the HCF of the given numbers, So 63 = 1x63, 3 x21,7 x9 The factor of 63 and 1, 3, 7, 9, 21 and 63. Obstously we divide 42 and 105 by 21 (since the division by 63 is not possible) and we see that the ‘ven numbers are divisible hence 21 is the HCF of 42 and 105, Example: Find the HCF of 30, 42 and 135. Solution: The difference between 30 and 42 = 12. The difference between 42 and 135 = 93 Now divide, 30, 42 and 135 by 6 but itcan not divide all these numbers, So we divide now 30, 42 and 135 by4, but 4 also can not divide all the numbers, Now we divide the given numbers by 3. We ill find that all the numbers are divisible by 3 hence 3 is the HCF of the given numbers, Euctidean algorithm ICH be the HCF of any two positive integers a and b then there exists unique integers p and q such that H=ap+bq. HCF with remainders Example: Find the greatest possible number with which when we divide 37 and 58, it leaves the respective remainder of 2 and 3. Solution: Since when we divide 37 and 58 by the same number then we get remainders 2 and 3 respectively. ‘So (37 ~2) and (58 ~ 3) must be divisible hence leaving the remainders zero, It means 35 and 55 both are divisible by that number so the FICF of 35 and 55 is 5. Hence the greatest possible number is 5. Example: Find the largest possible number with which when 60 and 98 are divided iteaves the remainders 3 in each case. Solution: Since 60 and 98 both leave the remainders 3 when divided by such a number. ‘Thus 57 = (60 — 3) and 95 = (98 - 3) will be divisible by the same number without leaving any remainder. So the HCF of 57 and 95 is 19. Hence 19 is the highest possible number. Example: Find the largest possible number with which when 38, 66 and 80 are divided the remainders remains the same, Solution in thiscase (since we do not knowthe value of remainder] we take the HCF ofthe ferences othe given ‘numbers. So the HCF of (66 ~ 38), (80 - 66), 80 ~ 38) = HCF of 28, 14, 42 = 14. Hence 141s the largest possible number whic leaves same remaneer (= 10} when it dvides either 38, 66 0r 80. Least common multiple (LCM) Integral multiple of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, .....- and the integral multiples of 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, .... ete. in short we can write the positive intearal multiples of any number Nas NK, where K = 1, 2, 3B,4, 5B, 8, ese [Now if we consider atleast two numbers say 2 and 3 then we write the multiples of each as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30..... and 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, ‘Thus itis dear from the above ilustrations that thesome of the multiples of 2and 3 are common wz.,6, 12, 18, 24, 30, ‘Again if we consider any 3 numbers say, 3, 5 and 6 then the multiples of each of the 3, 5, 6 are 3, 6,9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60... 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60... ‘So, we can see the common multiples of 3, 5 and 6 are 30, 60, 90, 120, ...ete ‘Generally there is no any greatest common muiple unless otherwise the condition is stated. ALLEN i ALLEN Mathematics LCM by division method Example: Find the least possible number which can be divided by 32, 36 and 40. Solution: ‘The number which is divisible by 32, 36 and 40 it must be the common multiple ofall the given ‘numbers, Since we need such a least number then we have to find out ust the LCM of 32, 36 and 40. ‘The LCM of 32, 36 and 40 = 1440 Hence, the least possible no. is 1440, which is dvisble by all the given numbers, Example: In the above problem what is the least possible number of 5 digits which is divisible by all the ‘numbers 32, 36 and 40, Solution: Since the least possible no. is 1440, but itis a four digit number. So we ean take the integral ruttiples of 1440 which must be divisible by the given numbers. Now since the least possible 5 digit number is 10000, so the required number must be equal to or greater than 10,000. So when we multiply 1440 by 7. We get the required resuit Le., 10,080. ‘Thus 10080 is the least possible 5 digit number which is divisible by 32, 36 and 40. Alternatively : Divide the least possible 5 digit no. by 1440 and then add the difference of the divisor and remainder to the least possible 5 digit number. Tais willbe the required number. 144011000016 8640 1360 S, Now, 1440 - 1360 = 80 ‘Thus the required number = 10000 + 80 = 10080 Example: Find the largest possible number of 4 digits which is exactly divsible by 32, 36 and 40, Solution: Since the largest 4 digit number is 9999. So the required number can not exceed 9999 any how, now we take the appropriate multiple of 1440, Since 1440 is divisible by the given numbers, 0 the multiples of 1440 must be divisible by the given numbers, Hence 1440 x6 = 8640 is the largest possible number since 1440 x7 = 10080 is greater than 9999 which is not admissible. Hence, 8640 is the largest possible 4 digit no. Which Is divisible by all the given numbers. Alternatively : Divide the greatest 4 digit number by 1440 {the LCM of the given no.) and then subtract the remainder from the greatest 4 digit number. So, 144079999 |6 ‘8040 1359 Hence, the required number = 9999 ~ 1359 = 8640. Example: Find the number of numbers lying between 1 and 1000 which are divisible by each of 6, 7 and 16. Solution: The least possible number which is divisible by 6, 7 and 15 = LCM of 6, 7, 15 = 210. So, the first sich number is 210 and the other numbers are the multiples of 210 .¢., 210, 420, 630, 840. ‘Thus there are total 4 numbers ying between 1 and 1000 which are dsble by 6, 7 and 15. Example: Find the number of numbers lying between 1000 and 1,00,000 which are divisible by 15, 35. and 77 and even also. Solution: The required numbers must be the multiples of the LCM of 15, 35 and 77, Now the LCM of 15, 35 and 77 = 1155. So the other numbers are 1155, 2310, 3465, 4620, 8775...» 99330 ‘Thus there are total 86 numbers which are divisible by 15, 35 and 77 but only 43 numbers are. even Le. every altemate number is even ‘Thus there are total 43 required numbers, USO 10 ALLEN Find the least possible perfect square number which is exactly divisible by 6, 40, 49 and 75. Solution: ‘The required number must be divisible by the given numbers soit can be the LCM or its multiple umber. Now the LOM of 6, 40, 49 and 75 = 2 x2x2x3x5x5x7x7 But the required number is @ perfect square ‘Thus the LCM must be multiplied by 2x3 = 6. Thus the required number (2x2 x2x3 x5 x5 x7 x7) x(2 x3) = 2x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x5 x5 x7 x7 = 176400 Example: Three bells in the Bhootnath temple toll a the interval of 48, 72 and 108 second individually. IF they have tolled all together at 6 : 00 arn then at what time wil they toll together after 6:00 Solution: ‘The three bells toll together only at the LCM of the times they toll individually, ‘Thus the LCM of 48, 72 and 108 is 432 seconds. Therefore all the bells will toll together at 6 : 07 : 12 AM (-- 482 seconds = 7 minutes 12 seconds) Example: nthe above problem how many times these bells wil tll together til the 6:00 pm on the same cay. Solution: The total time since 6 : 00 AM til 6 : 00 PM = 12 x 60 x60 seconds. Now since all these bells toll together at the interval of 432 seconds. So the number of times when they will toll together . ‘Total time 12 x60x60 14g Least duration of tolling together 432 but since the bells toll together at 6:00 PM also, Hence total 101 (= 100 + 1) times these bells vill toll together in the given duration of time. LCM with remainders Case-1, When the remainders are same for all the divisors. Case-2, When the remainders are different for different divisors but the respective difference between the divisors and the remainders remain constant. Case-3, When neither the divisors are same nor the respective difference between divisors and the remainders remain constant. Case-1 Example: What is the least possible number which when divided by 24, 32 or 42 in each case it leaves the remainder 5? Solution: Since we know that the LCM of 24, 32 and 42 is divisible by the aiven numbers, So the required number is = (LCM of 24, 32, 42) + (5) = 672 + 5 = 677 Hence such @ least possible number is 677. Example: In the above question how many numbers are possible between 666 and 8888? Solution: Since the form of such a number is 672m + 5, where m = 1, 2, 3... So, the first no. = 672 x1 + 5 = 677 and the highest possible number in the given range 72 x 13 + 5 = 8736 + 5 = 8741. ‘Thus the total numbers between 666 and 8888 are 13, Example: What isthe least possible number which when divided by 21, 25, 27 and 35 it eaves the remainder 2 in each case? Solution: The least possible no. = (LCM of 21, 25, 27 and 35) m +2 = 4725 m+ 2 = 4727 lfor the least possible value we take m = 1) i ALLEN Mathematics Example: What is the least possible no, which must be added to 4722 so that it becomes divisible by 21, 25, 27 and 35? Solution: ‘The number which is divisible by 21, 25, 27 and 35 is the LCM of 21, 25, 27 and 35 = 4725 So the required number = 4725 - 4722 = 3 ‘What is the least number which when divided by 8, 12 and 16 leaves 3 as the remainder in each case, but when divided by 7 leaves no any remainder? Solution: The possible value = m (LCM of 8, 12 and 16) + 3 = m (48) + 3 Now put the value of m such that "m (48) + 3" becomes divisible by 7. So 3 x48 +3 = hich fs the least possible required number, Example: 47 Case-2 Example: What is the least possible number which when divided by 18, 35 or 42 it leaves the 2, 19, 26 as the remainders respectively ? Solution: Since the difference between the divisors and the respective remainders is same. Hence the least possible number = (LCM of 18, 35 and 42) 16 = 620-16 [y (18 ~ 2) = (35 - 19) = (42 - 26) = 16] = 614 Example: What is the least possible number which when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if leaves the remainders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively Solution: Since the difference is same as (2 - 1) = (3 - 2) = (4-3) = (5-4) = (6-5) =1 Hence the required number = (LCM of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)- 1 = 60-1 = 59. In the above problem what is the least possible 3 digit number which divisible by 11? ‘Since the form of the number is 60m = 1, where m = 1, 2, 3, but the number (60m ~ 1) should also be divisible by 11 hence at m = 9 the number becomes 539 which is also divisible by 11. Thus the required number = 539, Find the least possible 5 digit number which when divided by 2, 4, 6 and 8, it eaves the remainders 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively. Solution: The possible value = (LCM of 2, 4, 6, 8) m~ 1 = 24m~1 Since, the least 5 digit number is 10000. So the required number must be atleast 10000. So patting the value of m = 417, we get (10008 ~ 1) = 10007, which is the required number. Example: What is the least possible number which when divided by 13 leaves the remainder 3 and when, it is divided by 5 it leaves the remainder 2, Solution: Let the required number be N then it can be expressed as follows N=13k+3 -@ and N= SE 42 a) here k and ¢ are the quotients belong to the set of integers Thus 56424 13k +3 > 5f-13k=1 > Sra 13k41 13k +1 = oF ‘now we put the value of k such that numeratoruall be divisible by 5 or £ must be integer so considering k= 1, 2, 3... we find that k = 3, ( becomes 8. So the number N= 5 x8 +2 = 42, Thus the least possible number = 42 To get the higher numbers which satisfy the given conditions in the above problem we just add the multiples of the given divisors (Le., 13 and 5) to the least possible number (Le.,42) © The next higher number = (Multiple of LCM of 13 and §) + 42 = 65m + 42 W USO Example: In the above problem what is the greatest possible number of 4 digits ? Solution: Since the general form of this number is 65m + 42 So by putting m = 153 we get (9945 + 42 =) 9987, which fs required number. Example: How many numbers lle between 11 and 1111 which when divided by 9 leave a remainder of 6 and when divide by 21 leave a remainder of 12 ? Solution: Let the possible number be N then it can be expressed as N=9k+6 and N=200+ 12 9% +6= 210 +12 9k - 216 = 6 or 3 Gk-79=6 or 3k= 704 2 ork = M52 ‘So put the min, possible value of £ such that the vakie of kis an integer or in other words numerator lie., 7¢-+ 2) willbe divisible by 3, Thus at ¢ = 1, we get k = 3 (an integer), So the least possible number N= 9x34 6 = 21 x1 + 12 = 33. Now the higher possible values can be obtained bby adding 33 in the multiples of LCM of 9 and 21. 1... The general form of the number is 63m +33, So the other number in the given range including 33 are 96,159, 222, 285, 348,....1104. Hence there are total 18 numbers which satisfy the given condition. Example: The HCF and LCM of the two numbers is 12 and 600 respectively. If one of the number is 24, then the other number will be (1) 300 (2) 400 (3) 1500 (4) None of these Solution: ‘The answer is (I), Since product of numbers = HCF x LCM N x24 = 12 x600 > N = 200 Successive division If the quotient in a division Is further used as a dividend for the next divisor and again the latest obtained divisor is used as a dividend for another divisor and so on, then itis called the "successive division” Le., if we divide 625 by 3, we get 208 as quotient and 1 as a remainder then if 208 is divided by another divisor say 4 then we get 52 as a quotient and '0' (zero) as remainder and again, if we divide 52 by another divisor say 6 we get 8 as quotient and 4 as a remainder i.e., we can represent it as following 625 [208 -> 1 Remainder) [52_ + 0 Remainder) TS +4 Remainder) 4 al Now you can see that the quotient obtained in the fist division behaves as a dividend for another divisor 4. Once ‘again the quotient 52 is treated as a dkidend for the next divisor 4. Thus it is clear from the above discussion as i So the 625 is successively divided by 3, 4 and 6 and the corresponding remainders are 1,0 and 4. Dridend | Dicer | Quovet [Romaine j os [3208 | ; 208 4 52 0 i 52 6 s 4 g i 7 12 ALLEN Example: Mathematics The least possible number of 3 digits when successively divided by 2, 5, 4, 3 gjves respective remainders of 1,1, 3, 1 is (y 372 (2 275 (3) 273 @) 193 The problem can be expressed as Justa Lorfro lo (UE x3) + 4435+ 2+ NA (ubere A ts the required number) So for the leat possible number E = 1 (the least postive integer) then A = (((((1 x3) + I x443)5+ 12+ 1) [Since at E = 0, we get a two digit number]. Alternatively: We use the following convention while solving this type of problem. First we write all the divisor ‘as given below then thelr respective remainders Just below them 2a Se fe 81DMsors SONI iirenaiien Where the arrow downwards means to add up and the arrow sightly upward (at an angle of 459 3] Disors reams mation, 1; ENN Where the arrow downwards means to add up and the arrow slightly upward fat an angle of 45°) ‘means multiplication, So we start from the right side remainder and move towards left since while writing dowm the divisors and remainders we uate the first divisor first (Le., left most), second divisor at second position (from the let) and so on. Now solve it as : Step (14) 43-7 Step-2, 7x5+1 = 36 Spd, 36x2 41673 or (1 x4) + 35+ 12+ Y= 73. But we are required to find a three digit number so the next higher numbers can be obtained ust by taking the multiples of the product of the divisors and then adding to it the least such number, ‘The next higher number = (2 x5 x4 x3) m+ 73 = 120m + 73 So by putting m = 1, 2, 3,.... we can get the higher possible numbers. Now we just need a least possible 3 digit number so we can get it by putting m = 1. Hence the required number = 120 x1 +73 = 193, Hence (4) is the correct answer. 13 USO 2 14 Example: Solution: Example: Example: Solution: ALLEN A number when successively divided by 2, 3, 5 it leaves the respective remainders 1, 2 and 3. What will be the remainder if this number will be divided by 7? White the divisors and remainders as given below te te HNENG than se a ftou (@ x3) +2) 241) = 23 13 x3 =9 942—11, 1 x2=22 22 +1 = 23 ‘So, the least possible number Is 23 and the higher numbers canbe obtained as (2 x3 x5) m + 23 = 30 m+ 23. So the higher number are 53, 83, 113, 143, 173, 213, 333... etc. But when we divide all these possible numbers by 7 we get the different remainders So we can rot conclude the single figure as a remainder. ‘A number when divided successively by 6, 7 and 8, it leaves the respectively remainder of 3, 5 and 4, what willbe the last remainder when such a least possible number is divided successively by 8, 7 and 6? First we find the actual least possible no. then we move further om a 8 NEN, 4 x7) + 5) xO) + 3) = (28 + 5) x6) + 9 = 93 x6 +3 = 198 + 3 = 201 Now we divide 201 successively by 8, 7 and 6. | 201 [25 1 Remainder) “G|_3 +4 Remainder) 0 +3 Remainder) So 3 is the last remainder, How many numbers lie between 100 and 10000 which when successively divided by 7, 11 and 13 leaves the respective remainders of 5, 6 and 7 ? ‘The least possible number can be obtained as Te UNEN, 7 x11) + 6) 7 + 5) = (77 + 6) 7 + 5) = (83 x7 + 5) = (581 + 5) = 586 ‘The general form forthe higher numbers is (7 x11 * 13) m + 586 = (1001) m + 586 So, the numbers can be obiained by considering m = 0,1, 2, 3.50 the first number I 586 and the last number fs 9595 which can be atfained at m = 9, So there are total 10 such numbers Iying between 100 and 10000. HCF and LCM of fractions HCF of fractions ‘The greatest common fraction is called the HICF of the given fractions. HF of Numerator HOF of fractions = [eM of denominator 36, 2 3°9'15'21 ~ LCM of 39,15,21 "315, i.e, The HCF of i ALLEN Mathematics = LCM of fractions ‘The least possible number of fraction which Is exactly divisible by all the given fractions called the LCM of the fractions, LCM of Numerator LOM of fractions = FCF of denominator te, The Lem of $4,.2,96 _ LeMol4.4.2.96 86 2 ~ HCP of 3,9,15,21 Solution: “HOF 0f3,2,7,11~ 1!” Thus 12 is the smallest positive numbers, which is required, Example: Four runners started running the race inthe same direction around a circular path of 7 km. Their speeds are 4, 3, 9 and 3.5 km/hr individually If they have started their race at 6 o'clock in the morning, then at what time they will be at the starting point ? Solution: Time required by everyone to complete one revolution individually is 7 a the ‘Therefore everyone must reach at the starting point after the time of the LCM of the individual time period for one revolution. 7 7 Se the LOM of 4-3°9°35 4°39" “HOF of4.39.1 Hence after 14 hours .e., at 8 o'lockin the evening ofthe same day they wil meet a the starting point. 7. Recurring decimal A decimal number in which a digit or a set of digits repeats regularly, over a constant period, is called a recurring decimal or periodic decimal. For example 2.39333... 7.5555,...., 108.232323, 9.142857142857 142857, where 2.3333....= 23 or 23 7.5555... = 75 or 7.5 108.232323 ... = 108.23 and 9.142857142857142857... = 9.142857 = 9.142857 ‘So the recurring of the decimal number is expressed by putting the bar or dot over the period of a recurring decimal, Pure Recurring decimal : A decimal fraction in which all the figures (or digits) occur repeatedly, is called pure recurting decimal as 7.4444....., 2.666,......, 9.454545... ete. Mixed Recurring decimal: A decimal, number in which some of the digits da not recur is called a mixed recurring decimal. e.g. 327.63454545.. Non-recurring decimals ‘A decimal number in which there is no any regular pattern of repetition of digits after decimal point is called a non-recurring decimal. e.g., 3.2466267628.... 15 uso ALLEM 16 ‘Conversion of recurring decimal into vulgar fraction Pure Recurring Decimal : Write down as many 9's in the denominator as the number of digits in the period ‘of decimal number, below the given decimal no., for example, = 7 —.S4 0 0.77777._07=5 (i 0.545454..—054 = 55 a _ 357 _ 2355 (ii) 2.357357357357... -2357- 2 + 0.357 = 2+ 559 7"999 (Gv) 0.768397683976839. Mixed Recurring Decimal Step 1. Write down the number and then subtract from it the no. formed by the non recurring digits after decimal point. Step 2. Write down as many 9's as there are digits in the period of the recurring decimal followed by as many zeros as there is number of digits which are not recurring after the decimal point. Step 3. Divide the value of step I by the value obtained in step 2. e.g. Hist, 16. 90 90° 45 @ 0.17777 = 0.17= = 0873 -873-8 _865_173 @ 0.8737373... = 0.873 - So 5 oo Te 78943-78 _ 78865 _ 15773 ‘99900 ~ 99900 ~ 19980 (ii) 0,78943943943...= 0.78943 = 25012-250 _ 24762 _ 12381 (i) 0.250121212... = 0.2507 = ee a aaeD0 72. ( 5,0072-5+0,0072=5.+{ 72500 Addition and subtraction of recurring decimals Example: §,732+8613 fe cole i oes 732-7 725 613 Solution: 5,732 +8613 =5 +0.732+8+06K: “p09 +8 5 +350*8 +505, 725, 613_ 44,145, 613 145 337 +613. 25.11 = 18 ¥ 559" 999-8798" 999 ~ 18 * 2.8<9e11 x87 13,2349 4114374145 .3.37+613-2411 _ 285714 -16095 + 13486 - 2x3x9x11%37 - 21978 315295 = b1078 = 14,3459368 Aematively Step-1. Express the numbers without bar as §.732323232 + 8.613613612613 Step-2, White the numbers as one above other ie. 5.732823232 8.613613613 ALLEN Mathematics Step-3. Divide this number into two parts. Inthe fist part Le., lft side write as many digits 2s there wil be integral value with non recurring decimal. In the right side write as ‘many digits as the LCM of the number of recurring digits in the given decimal number eg. 5.7 | 323232 (Since 5.7 is the integral + non-reauring part] 8.6 | 136136 (The LCM of 2 and 3 is 6] Step-4. Now add or subtract as usual, 5.7| 328232 8.6| 136136 14.3) 459368 Step-5. Put the bar over the digits which are on the right side in the resultant value 14,3859368 ‘Thus 5.732 + 8,613 = 14,3459368 Example: Solve the following : 19.368421 - 16.2053 Solution: 19.3684216842168421... - 16.2053535353. 19.3684216842168421 16.205353535353535353 19.36] 8421684216 -16.20| 5353535353 3.16! 3068148863 (Since 16.20 is integral part with non recurring digits) [The LCM of 5 and 2 is 10] In the first no, there are 5 recurring digits and in the second no. there are 2 recurring digits) 19.368421 - 16.2053 = 3.163068148863 ‘Multiplication and division of recurring decimals It can be done as usual, Just convert the decimals into vulgar fractions and then operate as required e.g, 97.281 x 100 = 97.2818181 x100 = 9728.181818 = 9728.181 (Remember that the set of recurring digits is not altered as in the above problem the set of recurring digit will remain 87 but not TS since initaly it was Bi.) Example: 25.632 «55 Solution: (25 + 0.632) x55 12688 = = 688 1409.7777~ 1409.7 Example: 13.005 x20 x8.423 5 423-4 Solution: 18,55.20.8823-4 1 419 _ 2341 8339 _ 2341x8339 ~ 19759°79* 8590-160 *7°*'990 9.990 19521599 = ~Fo990-~ 2190.9763187 Example: 0.089 = 100 Solution: 0.089999... = 100 = 0.00089999.,. = 0.00085 Example: 53.0853 + 6 17 USO a 534 0853-08 tion, 530.0858 "9900 Solu 6 6 845 169 (105109 _ +350 584368 (9807) _ 105109 _ 105109 “6 6 6 1980x6 11880 = 8.847558922558922558922 = 8.847 558922, Alternatively : 53.0853 + 6 = 53.08535353... + 6 6 J53.08535353...[ 8.847558922559922 ‘48 50 48 28 24 45, 42 33 30, 35 30 Es 8 5 54 13 12 15 az 33 30, 35 30 53 48 55 5a Tete HCF and LCM of decimals HCF of decimals Step-1. First of all equate the number of places in all the numbers by using zeros, wherever required. Step-2. Then considering these numbers as integers find the HCF of these numbers. Step-3. Put the decimal point in the resultant value as many places before the right most digit as that Of in the every equated number. Example: Find the HCF of 0,0005, 0.005, 0.15, 0.175, 0.5 and 3.5. Solution: 0.0005 => 5 0.0050 50 0.1500 1500 0.1750 1750 0.5000 5000 3.5000 => 35000 ‘Then the HCF of 5, 50, 1500, 1750, 5000 and 35000 is 5. So the HCF of the given number {is 0.0005 (since there are four digits in all the adjusted (or equated) decimal places. > > > > 18 ALLEN Mathematics Example: Find the HCF of 0.9, 0.36 and 1.08. Solution: 090} 0.90) 90 0.36 > 0.36 » 36 103} 1.08) 108 Now the HCF of 90, 36 and 108 is 18, So the required HCF of the given numbers is 0.18. (Since there ate two digits after decimal places in every number in second step) LCM of decimals Step-1. First of all equate the no. of places in all the given numbers by putting the minimum possible no. of zeros at the end of the decimal numbers, wherever ever required Step-2. Now consider the equated numbers as integers and then find the LCM of these numbers, Step-3. Put the decimal point in the LCM of the numbersas many places as that of in the equated numbers. Example: Find the LOM of 1.8, 0.54 and 7.2 Solution: 1.8 180) 180 0.54 > 0.54 > 54 72 720) 720 Now the LOM of 180, 54 and 720 is 2160. ‘Therefore the required LCM is 21.60. 2 Find the LCM of 4.44, 37 and 55.5 2 444) 44d) aaa 37.0 }» 37.00 }» 3700 sss) 5550} 5550 Now the LCM of 444, 3700, 5550 is 11100. Hence the required LCM is 111,00 = 111 Digital number system ‘There are various number systems used in digital representation. The most common number systems are binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal systems Base : The number that determines the positional value of every digit in a number is called the base of that number. For example the base of binary system is 2, octal is 8, decimal is 10 and hexadecimal is 16. It is ako known as "Radlx.” Also the base tells us that the number of distinct (or unique) symbols used in that system, For example we use only 2 distinat symbols viz., 0 and 1 in binary system. Also in decimal system there are 0, 1,223.4, 5.6.7, 8,9 unique symbols. In the binary system (base is 2) there are only two symbols co possible digits viz., 0 and 1. Even it can represent a very-very large number that can be represented in any other number system, Conversion of decimal numbers into another ‘To convert any decimal number in any base 'n\. We divide the number successively by nie. frst ofall divide the given number, then divide the quotients obtained one by one successively, til the last quotient becomes zero, then write down all the remainders in proper order. As the last remainder is MSD (most significant digit) and the first remainder is least significant digit. It means the first remainder willbe the right most digit and the last remainder wil be left most digit. Example: Convert (170 to binary system (or in base 2) Solution: 2|17 [s >7 [4+ 0| Remainders z>0 [i> 0 o> of r0fno]r0 [po $0, (L7yo = (10001). 19 USO 20 Example: Solution: Example: Solution: Solution: Solution: Convert (35)x9 into base 3. 35, 11> 3] [3_> 2| >Remainders [1 >] JO +1 ¢ (85jo = (1022), vert (169},9 in base 7. [169 [a> 7 [3_> 3] Remainders |r| 2 > 3] (1690 = (331); vert (8976) in base 9. [S976 [97 > 3] 10 > 7| +Remainders ge 0 +1 .8976)9 = (13273}y vert (1289 into binary system. oe 2 1s (128)j9 = (10000000, Convert (127) into binary syste. 25 |o}p9f | [ro 19 ¥ Tus (127yq = (111111 1p ALLEN Mathematics Representation of binary number system ‘The binary system is also a positional value system, wherein each binary digit has its own value or weight ‘expressed as a power of 2. We have studied the representation of the Decimal number system in the previous articles. ‘The number 1101,0101 is shown represented in the figure Positional -» 29 22 21 29 21222324 values besuuurd G ifotifofi 9 1 MSB Binary LSB (Most significant point (Least significant bi. bit) Here, places to the left of the binary point (i. counter part of the decimal point) are postive powers of 2 and places to the right are negative powers of 2. Conversion of binary into decimal To find the decimal equivalent of binary number, we take the sum of the products of each digit value (0 ‘or 1) with its positional value. Example: Convert (100101), into decimal representation. Solution: 1x25 +0 x2%+0x29+1x2+O0x2+1x20=324+0+0+4+041837 Example: Convert (101.0101), in base 10 (.e., decimal system) Solution: (11010101) = 1 x 254 1 x22 +0 x24 1x 240x214 1x2240x25+1 x24 +4404140+4 0.25 +0 + 0.0625 = (13.3125h0 Example: The decimal number corresponding to the binary number (111000.0101)2 is (6.6312)0 (2)(56.3125)0 (G)563.125j0 4) (5631.20 Solution: 1x2 +1 x24 1x29+0x22+0x21+ 0x2 40x24 1x22 40x29 4 1x24 = 3241648404040 4040.25 +0 + 0.0625 = (56.3125}9, We use the subscripts to denote the base number so as to avold confusion. For example (10010; means the base of the number is 2 and (201021), means the base of the number is 3 etc. In the binary system the term "binary dai” i often abbreviated as "bit". The left most bit cares the largest weight and hence {5 called the most significant bit (MSB), The right most bit carves the smallest weight and hence calle least significant bit (LSB). So the sequence of binary numbers goes as 00, 01,10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001... etc, See the particularity in the pattern of binary numbers. 00 oO 10 ul 100 101 110 il 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 it 10000 10001 Now, you can see that the unit digit goes as 0,1,0,1, 0,1... and tens digit goes as 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1 ‘and Hundreds digit goes as 0000, 1111, 0000, 1111, 0000, 1111, ... etc. and thousands digit goes as (00000000, 11111111, 00000000, 11111111,...¢t. LAA 2] USO ALLEN 22 Representation of octal numbers ‘This system has base of 8. So there are 8 unique symbols viz. For example consider a number 5324.01246. Then 85 & BI 8 B1BZEIB4BS deddugrage sTsfzTafot: [2 ]aTe CI 7 MSD Octal LSD point ‘The decimal equivalent of (5324.012)s is given below (5324.012), =5 x89 43 x82 + 2x81 + 4x84 0x81 4 1 x82+ 2x89 = 2560 + 192 + 16 + 4 + 0.015625 + 2 x 0001953125 = (272.01953125) ‘The sequence of octal number goes as : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, Hexadecimal number system Ithas base 16, So it uses 16 unique symbols viz., 1, 2, 3,..9 and A, B, C, D, E, and F. Tus (so= he — @ho= he, von Oho= he Bhw. (150 = Phe Conversion of decimal fractions into binary To convert a decimal fraction into binary, we multiply successively the decimal fraction by the radix Le., base 2 (in case of binary) and write doum all the integral values (.2., the figures left of the decimal point) in order. As the first integral figure (0 or 1) will be just right to the binary point and the last integral will be the right most figure in the binary representation Example: Convert (0.875)iq to binary. 2,3,4,5,6,7 are used for representation. Solution Integer part 2 x0875 1.750 1 2 x075 1.50 1 2 0.50 = 100 1 0.87510 (0.111 Example: Convert (0.3125)y9 to binary equivalent Solution Integer part 2%03125 = 0.625 0 2 0.625 = 125 1 2 x0.25 0.50 ° 2 0.50 = 1.00 1 Ths (0.3125)p = (0.1010, Example: Convert 0.454545 to binary equivalent Solution: Integer part 2% 0.454545 = 0,909090 0 2 x.0,90909 1818161 2 x081818 1.636381 2x069%686 = 127272 1 2 x0.27272 osasaa 0 2 x0.54544 1.090881 2 0.09088, 018176 0 2x018176 = 0.363520 2036352 = 0.727040 2x 072704 = 145408 1 ‘Since, the sequence is continuous so can never be expressed as exactly in binary. Therefore uniting down the integral parts, (0.454545)qp = (0.1000101110), j i } i ALLEN Mathematics Example: Convert (38.2100 to its binary equivalent. Solution: First we convert the integer part .<.,38. [38 [19° 0 Remainder 931 [a 1 [2 +0 [tT 0 0 >1 (38),9 = (100110). Now we convert the fractional part 1, 0.21 Integer part 2x021 oz 0 2 0.42 0.84 0 2 x0.84 1.68 1 2 x068 1.36 1 2 0.36 = 072 0 2 x072 1.44 1 2 0.44 0.88 0 2 x0.88 = 176 1 20.76 = 152 1 2 x052 = 1.04 1 Tus (0.21h = (0.0011010111)p (38.21), = (100110.0011010111). Example: Convert (0.825);9 to octal. Solution: Integer part 8x0825 = 6600 6 8x06 = 48 4 8x08 = 64 6 8x04 =32 3 8x02 =16 1 8x06 = 48 4 Since its recurring number so it will not be stop. Thus we unite only 5 figures. Hence, (0.825}9 = (64631)5 Octal to binary conversion ‘Tre following table helps in quick conversion. OulDat [O]1[2]3]4]5]6]7 Binary Equivalent [000 [00% [Or0 [OIE | 100 [Tor [10 [114 Example: Convert (273s to binary. Solution: 2-7 3 + o4o4 oo 1 on Hence (273)s = (010111011)y Example: Convert (16504) to binary. Soliton: 1 6 5 0 4 -obovovioag 001 110 101 000 100 Hence (16504)g = (001110101000100}, 23 USO 24 Example: Convert (37.42), to binary, Solutio: 3-7 4 2 4+ oLogit O11 111 100 O10 (87.42) = (0111 111.100010), Binary to octal conversion ‘This is the inverse process of the previous conversion. In this process we make the triplets starting from the right (Le., LSB). If the number of digits in the binary representation are not in the group of 3 (i.e, 3, 6, 9,12... etc) then we associate either 1 or 2 zeros at the left of the MSB, then we write the octal equivalent ‘of each triplet Example: Convert (100011010110), to octal. Solution: 100 911 010 110 boeovg 4 38 2 6 Hence (100011010110)» = (4326), Example: Convert (1001011001) to octal Solution: 001 001 O11 001 ty oL bog Yo 38 4 [Two more zeros are added in the lft to make the triplet] Ths (1001011001) = (1133 Example: Convert (10110.0101)y to octal Solution: 910 j10 010 300 4 6 2 4 Ths (10110.0101), = (46.24), Note that, alter binary point, the groups of 3 bits are made starting from left to right. That’ why we added two zeros to make a group of three bits as the, last group had only 1 Decimal to hex conversion Example: Convert (725) to hexadecimal. Solution: 16) [+ 13) = Dhd “PRIS vey tse (725h9 = (2D5)r6 Example: Convert (0.03125)39 to base 16. Solution: Integer part 16 x 0.03125 = 0.5 0 i 16 x05 = 80 8 So (0.03125}19 = (0.08),5 Hex to decimal conversion Example: Convert (765) to decimal Solution: (765), = 7 x 16? + 6 x 16! +5 x 16? = 1792 + 96 + 5 = 1893, Ths (765jy¢ = (18930 ALLEN Mathematics Example: Convert (3C8.08)¢ to decimal, Solution: (3C8.08), = 3 x 162 + C x 161 + 8 x 160 + 0 x 16-1 + 8 x 162 = 3x16? +12 x 161 +8 x16 +0 x161+ 8 x 162 = 768 + 192 + 8 +0 + 0.03125 = (968.03125),9 So (3C8.08)¢ = (968.03125)¢. 10. Cyclicity of digits at unit's place ‘Cyelity as the name suggests means a cycle ora pattern or a period in the unit's place, ten’s place, hundred’s place and so on of a number. ‘We will leam this logic but let’s start with a very simple example. Assume a series is given as a, b,c, d, ¢,a, b,c, d,¢, a,b, ‘And we have to find out the 27% term ofthis series, (On observing the series, we will notice that the terms are repealing after 5h term. So, we can concude that the series has a cycicity of 5 "Now, we can find out the 27 term easily. We can divide 27 by 5, we will get 5 cycles complete and 2 terms are remaining. So, we can say that 'b’ will be the 27th term, ‘Same logic is used for the unit's place of a digit. Any operation on a Unit place of a digit is only dependent on the unit dit of that particular number. For example if we want to find the unit digit of 347 «243. Rather than multiplying the entire number, we can say that the unit place will be just the multiptcation of unit digits of the two numbers. So, the answer will be 7 x 3=1. ‘The unit digit of successive powers of any number (21, 22, 22, 24, 25, 26,...-.. oF 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, T9y.rnn-en.0F any digit#e4%08 we) show a patter oF a cycle. ‘We want to find the oyetcity of unit's place of digit 2. 21 = 2, 2 =2 (We are just writing the unit’ place of 25 = 32.) Pah, ad 23=8,27=8 2a 6, 2806. ‘We can see thatthe unt’ place of 2 stats repeating after 2 in cycles of 2, 4, 8, 6, so we can conclude that cyelity of digit 2s 4. ‘Once we know the eye or the pattem, we can easly find out any term in that sequence Example: Find the units place of 28, Solution: Unit's place of 2x will repeat lke 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, 2,4, 8, 6,.-—-—--.a8 x takes values starting from 1, 2, 8, 4,5, 6, and soon. We ul ry to each as close to 65 using the multiple of 4, We can reach uplil 64 and conclude thatthe 64th term willbe the last term of the eyele. (Any ‘multiple of 4 will be the last term of the cycle, any term which isa multiple of 4y + 1 willbe the frst, term of the cle and so on.) Already we have reached upill 2, so the unit place of 265 willbe the first term ofthe cycle which happens to be 2 Culicity of 4 and 9 The cycle of unit digit of 4 as x takes values of 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6..-mis 4, 6, 4, 6,4, 6,.— The eyele of unit digit of 9 as x takes values of 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6a {89, 1,9,1,9, Tone Inthese two cases, rather than memorising that 4 and 9 havea cyticity of 2 if we observe carefully wo wil find that whenever the power/index of is odd, the unit place fs 4 and when the powers even, the unit place is 6. ‘Same thing can also be observed for 9, So, we st have to Keep in mind that odd/even funda is associated with the eyctcty of 4 and 9 USO 11. 26 Culicity of 2, 3,7 and 8 ‘The cxcle of unt digit of 2+ as x takes values of 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6..-msi8 2,4, 8, 6, 2, 4, ‘The cycle of unt digt of 3+ as x takes values of 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6.....i83,9, 7, 1, 3,9... ‘The cycle of unt digt of 7*asx takes values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..-.187, 9, 3, 1, 7, 9. ‘The axel of unit digit of 8 a5 x takes values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..-.i8 8, 4, 2, 6, 8, 4, Colicity of 1, 5 and 6 ‘The numbers ending wit 1, 5 and 6 atthe unit place always end with 1, 5 and 6 respectively for any vakies of x 61 has unit's place of 6, 62 has unit’s place of 6, 6? has also unit's place of 6, so Gestirewal always have a unit digit of 6 Same logic can be applied for cyeticty of 1 and 5. etre results in 1 at the unit's place and 5*tins results in 5 at the unit's place So, if we know the cycle or pattern ofall the digits from 1 to 9, eyclity ofall the numbers are covered. Ifwe have to find the unit's place of 1234, we wil find out the unit's place of 4 asthe units place of a number s just dependent on the unit's place. Example: Find the unit’ place of 12147 Solution: ‘The unit's place of 12 willbe same as that of 2 since the umit place of a number isdependent on the unit's place and not the ten’s place. So, applying the logie which we have learnt, we will ide the power of 12 (which is 147) by 4. {AT some eles and 3 remainder We ace not intrested inthe actual numberof exces, we knoe that the remainder is 3; we wil take the 3 term of the oye from beginning which is 8.23 = 123 = 8) Example: Find the unit's place of 1424? x17785 x1665 x244®”, Solution: Practically this question bolls down to finding out the unit's place of 249 x735 x6%4 x497, We know the eye of digt 2 is 4, so we divide the power 49 by 4, the uni’s place of 24° willbe that of 21. Similarly for 785, we divide the power 35 by 4, since the digit 7 has a cycle of 4, we get the remainder as 3. So, the unit place of 735 willbe same as that of 73 which is 3. We know that 6: ‘oer results in 6 atthe unit's place. Finally, we know for any power of 4, the odd/even funda is related. 4=#Po“er has a unit's place of 4 and 45a" has a unit's place of 6. So, if we combine all these, we can find the answer comfortably. Thus, the answer willbe 2 x3 x6 x4= Example: Find the unit's place of 29% Solution: We know the unit place of digit 9 has odd/even funda. We just nee to know whether the power is ‘xd or even In this case, the powers 39% . 394 means that 39 is multiplied 45 times. 39 isan odd number and an odd number muiiplied with another odd number any number of times will awaysbe an odd number. Thus, 39S isan odd number. So, the unit's place of 29644 poe willbe 9. Cyclicity of last two digits (Binomial and Cyclicity) ‘There are basically three ways to find out the last two digits of a number. (@ Binomial theorem: We can find last two digits of number ending with specific unit's digit. (i) Remainder: We can use this method on all the numbers ending with a unt’s place of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 5. (ii) Cycticity: And third method is to use the cyclicity of last two digits. This method can also be used with specific digits eat ia Wincanton ec Wai, a at vie ca Ramer RCA ar Opn ‘method will be beneficial. So, we choose either of the methods depending on which one of them willsolve our @ purpose quickly. Binomial theorem we williscuss in application of binomial theorem, 4 1 i i ALLEN Mathematics Cyclieity ‘There is one more method to find the last two digits of the numbers which has a common factor related with 2, 4, 6, 80r5. Fore. if wewant tofind the last two digits of 462 or 78°° oF 122190 or 95° , we can make cycles ‘of last two digits of al such numbers as they start repeating itsel. With the help of eyele, we can determine the last two digits. For these digits, cycles pretty short, But, we should know how to multiply efficiently If we want to find out the last two digits of 782, traditional way Is to multiply entire number. But that process ‘when done multiple times wil consume a lot of time. So, we need to look out for some smarter approach, 782 = 78 x78 = 78 x78 84 6 84 ‘When we multiply two numbers and want to find the last two dit, we just need to find the last two digits and that will give us the required number. Example: Find the last two digits of 44%. Solution: We wil ind the eyle ofthe right-most two digits ofthe powers of 44 Powers of 44 [Last two digits T 4 2 36 E 34 4 96 3 24 6 56 [7 oa) sie 3 4 10 76 1 zy Alter this the cyele will repeat itsell. We can observe the cycle of the last two diats of 44 is 44, 36, 84, 96, 24, 56, 64, 16, 04, and 76. A cycte of 10 terms are repeating. So, the last two digits of 44° willbe the 4th term (we divide 94 +10, we get 10 eycles complete & 4 remainder} in the cycle hich is 96. Find the last two digits of 56178 i Solution: [Powers of 56 36. 16 96, 76 56 After this term, the last two digits wil repeat. The cyde of the last two digits of 56173 is 56, 36, 16, 96, 76. So, the cyde is of 5. ‘Thus the last two digits of 56178 will be(173 +5 = some cycles and 3 remainder) the 3*term of the cydle which is 16. 27 DSO. ALLEN 12. 28 Factorials and its applications ‘we are going to learn about the factorials and their various applications. But, before we start, we should know the values of factorials up tll 6 which will be useful in our ealculations. nl=nxin- I)! Ol=1 us. 1x2=2x1l 2 B1=1x2x3=3 x2! = X2x3x4 = 4x3! = 24 St = 1x2 x3 x4 x5 =5 x4! = 120 6) = 1x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 = 6 x5! = 720 Ifwe know the values up till6!, those values can be used orally in many scenarios. Moreover, we can also find out vvalues of higher factorial in terms of previous factorial. For example value of 7! = 7 x720. Let us see an application based on the same logic. Example: Find the remainder when (1! + 2! +3! + 4! + 5! +... 100!) is divided by 6. ‘Solution: This problem can be solved very easily if we know the values of factorials, We just need to find which smallest factoria’s value is 6 or is a multiple of 6. Because any multiple of 6 divided by 6 leaves a remainder of zero. ‘We know that value of 3! s 6. If 3! = 6, itis guaranteed that all the factorials ahead of it willbe a muliple of 6 as a! = nxin~ 1)! ‘So, allthe factorials starting from 3! onwards when divided by 6 wil leave a remainder of zero, So. Our answer is dependent on the first two terms. So, when (1! + 2!) +6, the remainder is 3. Example: Whats the remainder when (12 + (22+ (302 + (442 + (2 + (612 + ...F (GO s dled by 18? Solution: Again, we have to find which smallest factoria)2 value is 18 or is a multiple of 18. We know that 3! 4s 6 and (3!)2 will be equal to 36 which isa multiple of 18, s0 the values of all the (factorials)2 after (31)2 wil aso be a multiple of 18, So, answer is dependent on the first two terms since al the terms ahead of 2nd term willbe a multiple of 18 and leave a remainder of zero. Answer is (12 + (22 +18 = (1 +4) +18 =5 Highest power of a Prime number in any given factorial Ifwe vant to factorize 18, what will we do? ‘Answer should be we will break or resolve the number 18 into its prime factors. So, 18 = 2 x32 Similarly, 24 = 28 x31 So, f we have to factorize 6!, the idea will again be to resolve or break 6! into its prime factors. So, practically ‘we will have to find the highest powers of all the prime numbers which come in 6! So, 6! can be written as 2s x3» x5. (We will get only three prime factors inthe expansion of 6). "Now, we have to leam to find the values of a,b and Example: Find the highest power of 2in8! Solution: We have to find how many 2's are there in the expansion of 8 BL = 1x2 x3 x x5 x6 «7 XB. ‘We know that at east one 2 is present in all multiples of 2 So, frst ofall we will count mutiples of 2in 8) Multiples of 2 in 8! = 8 +2 = 4 (Multiples of 2 present inal the altemate numbers.) i ALLEN Mathematics ‘Alter ths, we should ask question fo ourselves, have we counted allthe 2's present in 8, Answer should be no, as all the multiples of 4 have one extra 2 So, our next tep willbe to find how many multiples of in 8! Multipes of 4 in 8! = 8 +4 = 2 (Multiples of 4 present in all the fourth term starting from 1) ‘Again, the same question, have we counted all 2's? ‘Answer once again isn, as all the multiples of 8 have two extra 2's, But one of those extra 2 was already counted in multiples of 4, but stil one of the extra 2 is remaining. That will have to be counted separately. Multipks of 8 in 81 = 8 +8=1 Have we counted all 2's? Answer should be ves. Now we have counted all the two's. Again, think here, why not we went ahead and found out the multiples of 16, Because the multiples of 16 are present in 16 x1, 16 x2, 16 x3,...and 80 on, 8! does not have @ multiple of 16 or 32 or soon So, the answer for the highest power of 2 in 8! will be (multiples of 2 + multiples of 4 + multiples of 8) = 4.4 2+ 1=27. Example: Find the highest power of 2in 50! Solution: Again we will adopt the same procedure, Multiples of 2 = 50 +2 = 25 Multiples of 4 2 Multiples of 8 = 50 +8 Multiples of 16 = 50 +16 = 3, Multiples of 32 = 50 +3: ‘We would not find out multiples of 64 as no multiples of 64 are present in 50! So, our answer will be 25 +12 + 6 +34 1= 47. Ans: 247 Altemative method Rather than finding out the multiples of 2, 4 , 8, or 16, we can just divide the quotient obtained in the previous stage by 2, we will get the answer. 50 5050 50_ 50 Weare doing + SP-+ Sie T+ Gp 25+12+6+ 341347 Obeserve carefully and see how we can manipulate data. 50 55 50, 50 50 F725 yg and we already know the value of > which s 25. 50 25 Thus, 37 can bewntten as > = 12. So, rather than again dividing 50 by 4, we can just divide the quotient which was obtained in the previous stage by 2, we will get the same result. 50__50 50 Again, -~ q.g + We already know the value of “> which is 12 50 _12 Big So, we can just write >= ‘Again, we got the same thing. So, rather than dividing by 50 by 8, we can just divide the quotient ‘obtained in the previous stage by 2, we will get the same result ” USO 30 Solution: ALLEN So, what we can do is keep dividing 50 by 2 and keep adding the quotient until it cannot be divided 2 So, highest power of 2 in 50! Can be calculated orally ke 25 + 12 +.6+3+1=47. (We stopped at 1 because 1 cannot be divided by 2 anymore) This funda can be used in finding out the highest power of any prime numberina qlven factor ‘Advantage of using this approach is that itis easy to divide a number by 2 as compared to dividing by4, 8, 16, 32 or higher powers of 2 Find the highest power of 2in 1391. lf we follow the standard approach, we wil get 139 139139139139, 139.139 Sta te a6 aa ed Tog 709 494417 + 8444 241 = 135, Now, we will move on to finding out the highest power of a composite number ina given factorial. ‘There is sight change in the approach but logic remains the same. Highest power of a composite number in a given factorial Example: Find the highest power of 4 in 101. Example: Solution: If we apply the same logic of finding the highest power of prime number'n a given factorial, then we ‘il just find out the multiples of 4 in 10!.So, multiples of 4in 10! = 10 +4 = 2. So, answer should be 42, But, ust thinks the answer corred. ts wrong, We shoul! be able to identify that 4 is just not present in muliples of 4, but 4 can also be obtained when two multiples of 2 are muiplied together 10! = 1 «2x34 x5 <6 %7 x89 x10 If we just take multiples of 4 then we are just taking 4 and 8, but we are missing out on the other ‘multiples of 2 which are not multiples of 4. For example, we are not considering 2, 6, 10. Since the numbers are in multiplication 2 x6 will give us one more 4. Similarly 8 has three 2's, we have considered just two of them if we are looking for multiples of 4, so we have one spare 2 ar that combined uith 2 of 10 wil real into one more four Originally we got two 4's and we got tivo more through multiples of 2. So, in total we got four 4s, Answer is 4, We got the answer, but what should be the logic? ‘The logic should be if we ean find the number of 2's in 10!, we can find out the number of 4's in 101. So, we will directly find the highest power of 2 and divide the power of 2 by 2 to get the highest power of 4. Highest power of 2in 10! = 5+ 2+ 1= 24 Now, 2*= 42. We can easly find out that answer should be 4*. So, to find highest power of any composite number in a given factorial, we need to break that composite number into its prime factors and we know how to find highest power of a prime number ina factorial. After finding out the highest power of the primes, the lesser power of any one of the primes will be considered as the highest power ofthat composite number Find the highest power of 6in 201, If we want to find the highest power of 6 in 20!, we will need to break 6 into its prime factors. So, 6= 21 x3 ‘That means we need to find the highest power of 2 and that of 3 in 20! Highest power of 2 in 20!= 10+ 5+ 2+ 1= 218 Highest power of 3 in 20! = 6 + 2 = 38, So, we can write in 201, highest power of 2 and 3's are = 218 x38, 2 : 1 j ALLEN 5 Solution: Example: ‘Solution: Example: Mathematics How many 6's can be formed with 208 x38, answer should be pretty simple. Lesser power of a prime wil be considered, since 6 is obtained by product of one 2 and one 3 and if we have eight 3's and eighteen 2's, we can form eight 6's. So, answer for highest power of 6 in 20! is 68 lf we observe and analyze, we can further reduce our work inthis cas. In any factorial, highest power of 2 wil aluays be more than highest power of Bsince the frequency of occurrence of 2is ‘more than that of 32's appear every alternate digits but 3's appear after every second term in a factoriaD, And we know that answer is dependent on the lesser power, we can save our time by just finding out the highest power of 3 which willbe the same for highest power for 6, Find the highest power of in 401, To find the highest power of 8 in 401, we will nead to factorize 8 into its prime factor which is 23, so, ‘we wil find the highest power of 2 in 401. Highest power of 2in 40! = 20+ 10+5+2+1= 258, 238 = 87 = 812, (We will dvide the power of 2 by 3, since three 2's constitute one 8) Sirlaey, we can find highest power of any composite number in any factorial Let us do one more example of different type but based on the same loge. Find the highest power of 4! In 50! ‘The logic is sil the same. Earlier for any composite number we used to factorize the number into its prime factors, then after finding out the highest power of allthe primes in that given factorial, the lesser power of one of the primes would give us the required answer. Hore also we need to break 4 into its prime factors frst 4 = 25 x31, So, we need to find out the highest power of & and 3, then look for the lesser power of the two numbers. ‘Wecan find out the highest power of 3 orally Highest power of 3 in 501 = 16 +5 + 1 = 322. Tofind the highest power of 8, we need to find the highest power of 2 fist Highest power of 2 in 50! = 25+ 12+6+3+1=247, So, highest power of 8 in 50! = 247 = 815, ‘Coming back to the original question, we have to find the highest power of 4! in 50! which bolls down to 815 «322, Thus, answer should be 45, Find the highest power of 30 in 1001 i: We should quickly factorize 30 which is 21 x31 x51, That means we have to find out the highest power of 2, 3 and 5. But, think smartly, Highest power of 30 will depend on the lesser power of 2, 3 or and we know that in any factorial, number of 5's vill be always lesser than number on 2's and 3's. So, our answer wil be dependent on highest power of 5 which can be done orally. Highest power of 5 in 100! = 20 + 4 = 52% So, highest power of 30 in 100! will be 3024, Basics of number of factors We are going to leam how to find number of factors of any natural number and various applications of number ‘of factors, Lets say if you have to find number of factors of 12, you will have to factorize it first. So, 12 = 22 x31, You know that factors are those which completely divide a number and all the factors of a number are either equal or less than the number. So, allthe factors of 12 = 22 x31 willbe the powers of 2 or of 3. Because if we take 51 or 72 or 11, they can't divide 12, since 12 does not have a prime factor of 5, 7 orany other prime number except 2 and 3. So, all the factors of 12 are either 2° , 21, 22, 30, 31 or a combination of power of 2and 3. Observe that no factor of 12 will be 23 or 24-0r3 orso.on, Since, those numbers wil nt divide 12, So, there are 3 factors of 22i.e. 2°, 24, 2 and there are 2 factors of 3 ie. 3°, 31. One problem still persists that how many total factors of 12. We multiply 3 factors of 22 with 2 factors of 31 or we add them, 31 DSO. ALLEN 32 ‘Answer should be that we multiply them because a combination of factors of 2? and 3# will alo be factors of 12. ‘And whenever combinations are being made, we always multiply, So, total numberof factors of 12 = 22 x3! = 3x2 = 6 factors. Ifts stil not clear, think logically. For every 2's, we have two 3's, So, we have in total three 2's 20, 21, 22), so total number of factors shoul be 6. We can also relate it with day-to-day ife example. If you have 3 different shirts and 3 jeans, in how many ways can you wear them? ‘Most of you will answer in 6 ways. But think smartly, You can wear each shirt with all thre jeans, so in total you have 3 shirts, so you can wear them in 9 different ways. Here also combinations are being made, that's why We mutiplied ie. 3 x3 = 9 ways So, for any number we can find the numberof factors by factorizing it, then aciding one to the power of all the prime numbers and then multiplying them. (We add one to the power of prime factors to account for 20 or 3° ‘or if 2, 3 and 5 are prime factors because 1 isthe smallest factor of any number) Example: Find the numberof factors of 64 x152. Solution: We need to factorize it frst. So, 64 152 = 26 x38 x32 x52 m 22 36 x52 So, the number of factors willbe 4 + 1) x(6 + 1) x(2 + 1) = 5 x7 x3 = 108 factors So, we can standardize the formula to find the number of factors of any natural number. If Nis a natural number having P1, Pz and Ps as its prime factors. So, N= P,? «Pp? «P,°, then. number of factors of N willbe (a + 1) x(b + 1) x(e + 1) Example: If N = 28 x3# x52, then (Find the total even factors of N. fi) Find the total odd factors of NY (id Find total prime factors of N. (9 Find total composite factors of n, (i) Find total factors of N which are muiiples of 4 (i) Find total factors of N which are muiiples of 6 (uid Find total factors of N which are multiples of 8 (vi) Find total factors of N which are multiples of 12 (i) Find total factors of N which are muiiples of 30. (4) Find total factors of N wich will end with atleast one tralling zero, (8) Find total factors of N which are perfect squares. Solution: {) We have to find all the even factors of N. Now, we need to think how to identify an even xnumber Its prety simple, absence or presence of powers of 2 makes a number odd or even. Because 2 multiplied with any number (ether odd or even) always results in an even number. Foreg., 2! x32 x1! isan even number, we don’t need to find the value of the number since cone 2 is present in the number. Similarly, 2° x5? x7! is an odd number since no 2's are present N= 25 x38 x52, fo find the even factors, we just need to see how many factors of 29 will work. All the factors of 25 will work except 29, since 20s 1 and 1 is an odd number. In total, 2° has 6 factors of which only 5 factors will work if we want even factors. Allthe factors of 3¢ and 5 will work since 2 multiplied with anything results in even. So, answer for even factors should be = 5 x5 x3 = 75 factors. {id To find odd factors, just the reverse logic of even factors should be considered. No factor of 2 will work except 20, since any other factor of 2 multiplied with any factor of 34 or 52 wil result in even number, All the factors of 3¢ or 52 il be considered since all of them are odd only So, answer for odd factors of N willbe = 1x5 x3 = 15 factors i ALLEN Mathematics ‘Altemative method We couik! have found the odd factors by subtracting the even factors of N calculated in the previous question from total number of factors of N. Gi) Nextisto find total prime factors of N, Thisshould be a cakewalkasitis visible that N = 25x3* x52, has 3 prime factors which are 2, 3and 5. (3) To find the composite factors of N, we just learnt what are the prime numbers and composite rnumbers, So using that logic, if we subtract total prime factors of N and 1 (since 1 is neither prime nor composite) from total number of factors of N, we will get composite factors of N ‘Total factors of N = 25 x38 x52 = 6 x5 x3 = 90 factors. So, composite factors of Nare 90-3 1 = 86 factors. So, whenever composite factors are to need to be calculated, we just need to subtract the total prime factors present in the number and 1 from total number of factors. (0) To find out how many factors of N are multiples of 4, we need to see what the requirement is. ‘The factors which are multiples of 4 must have a 22 or more in that number. ‘Any number ofthe form (4 xa natural number) is a multiple of 4, For e.0.,4 x1, 4 x2, 4x3, 4x4, and s0 on. So, our restriction orlimitation is on power of 2 and not on 3and 5. So, ifN = 25 34x52, Allthe factors of 34 and 5? will work but only 4 factors of 25 will work. (22, 23, 24, 25,ill only work as we cannot form a 4 with 20 and 21), So, total number of factors of N which are muitiples of 4 are 4 x5 x3 = 60 (vi) Factors of N which are multiple of 6 can be found using the logic of previous question. To form 6, we need at least one 2 and at east one 3.(As 6 = 21 x31). So, there is limitation on the powers of 2 and 3 but not on the powers of 5. So only 5 factors of 2° and 4 factors of 34 will work and all the factors of 52 wal be valid (2° and £30 will be discarded as 6 cannot be formed with 20 31), So, answer is 5 x4 x3 = 60 factors are multiples of 6. (vivMutipes of 8: The factors which are multiples of 8 must have minimum of 28 or more than 28 I means that only 3 factors of 25 will work and those are 2%, 28 and 25. 20, 21 and 22 wl be discarded since we cannot make a 8 with those. Our imitation is juston the powers of 2and not ‘on 3 and 5, soall the factors of 39 and 52 will work, So, answer is 3 x5 x3 = 45 factors of N are multiples of 8 {vill uitiples of 12: Fora number to be multiple of 12, 22 x3! shouldbe present init. It means that any higher power of 2 greater than or equal to 22 will be valid and any higher power of 3 greater than or equalto 31 willwork. So, 22, 23, 24and 25, Le. 4 factors of 25 will work and 3, 32, 33 and 3#i.e. 4factors of 3¢ will work, No restriction on power of 5, s0allthe three factors of 52 wall work So, answer is 4 x4 x3 = 48 factors of N are muitiples of 12. (2) Factors which are multiples of 30: Requirernent for multiples of 30 means 2 x31 x51 is the basic need. We should have at least one 2, a least one 3 and at least one 5. That means the factors 2°, 30 and 5° willbe discarded. So, 5 factors of 25, 4 factors of 34 and 2 factors of 52 will work, So, answer ts 5 x4 x2 = 40 factors of N are muitiples of 30. {&) Requirement forthe factors of N ending with at least one trailing zero is 2 x5. It means that ‘minimum of one 2 and one 5 is required. There isno limitation on power of 3, all the factors of 3¢ will work. But only 5 factors of 25 and 2 factors of 5? wil work, So, answer is 5 x5 x2 = 50 factors of N will end up with atleast one trailing zero. (8) To find all the factors of N which are perfect squares, we should consider each prime factor separately. N is given as 25 x3# x52, We will start with 25. {All the numbers whose powers/ exponents are even or multiples of 2 are termed as Perfect ‘Squares. So, if apply the logic, we can say that only three factors i.e, 2°, 22, 24 are perfect squares. Same thing willbe applied forthe factors of 34, Only three factors of 34i.¢. 3°, 3? and 34 are perfect squares. And only 2 factors of 5? ie. 5° and 5%are perfect squares So, answer fs 3 x3 x2 = 18 factors of N are perfect squares. 33 DSO. ALLEN 14. Sum of factors of a given number ‘Once again f you want fo find the sum of smaller composite numbers, then youcan do it manually, but for larger numbers its a problem. e.., Sumo factors of 24 =1424344+648+12+24=60 Let N be the composite number and a, b, c,d... be its prime factors and p, qr, sbe indices (or powers) of a,b, ,d, ie, if N can be expressed as N= anbretdienn then the sum of the all the divisors (or factors) of N (ae —1ybe ayer" ya" 1) (1M — eT -) Example: Find the sum of factors of 24. Solution: 24 = 24 x3! (2* 13" -1) Sum of factors of 24 = “Baya —q) 158 “Tee = 6° Example: Find the sum of factors of 270. Solution: 270 = 2 x33 x5 (21-19% - 16" -1) Sum of the factors of 270 = “5 yg ys 8024 Tedd 15. Application of number of factors | we know natural number inthe factorised form, we can find out the number of factors by adding one to the ‘power and multiplying them. But what f we know the numberof factors, can we find the factorised form of the umber? fa number N = P,* xP,? xPy° (where Py, Pp and P, are prime factors) has 4 factors, can we find out the factorised form of a number? Yes, we can, We know (a+) x(b-+ I) x(e+ 1) =4, ‘Now, 4 has to be written as product of natural numbers and there are fixed number of ways to be done. 4 can be mitten as 4 x1 x1 or 2 x2 x1. But you will argue that 1 x4 x 1 or 1 x2 x2 are different ways. But all of them wil iad to same factorised form. Ila + 1) x(o + 1)x(¢ + 1) = 4 x1 x1, one of a, b, cis Sand rest of them are zeroes and the number will be ‘of the form P,3 or P,? or Ps? It doesn't matter whether you take P, Pp or Ps, The fectorised form remains th same. f(a + 1) xfb-+ 1) x(c + 1) = 2x2 x1, then any two of a, b, chasto be 1 and the third one will be zero. ‘Thus the factorised form willbe Py! xPy4 Example: If natural number has § factors, how many possibilities of that number exis? Solution: First of all, we have to break whatever number of factors s given as product of two natural numbers or three natural numbers or so on. 8 can be broken down as 1 x8, 2x4, 2 x2 x2. Now we can wnite the factorised form as 1 x8 = Py? or 2 x4 = Py! xPp3 or 2 x2 x2 = Py! xPz! xPs}, So, the answer shoul be 3 possibilities ofthe number exist. 720 i 34 ALLI . EW Mathematics ‘When we are finding out number of factors, we add one tothe power ofthe prime number and then multiply them. But when we are starting backwards, we nee to subiract one to get the lactorised form. Also note that we don't normally write P,° as any prime number raised to zero will alvays be 1 and 1 isnot a prime number. Example: Which greatest two-digit number has 5 factors? Solution: fa number has 5 factors, we wall spit 5 as the product of two natural numbers or three natural ‘numbers which will give us unique factorised form. 5 = 1 x5 = P4. So, a number having 5 factors vill be of the form P& Now, we knowP isa prime number and itcan take values starting from 2, 3, 6,7, 11 onwards. So, start plugin valuesand see which one of them salsfies. 2* = 16, 34 = 81, 54 = 625, We don't need to.go any further since 74 or 114 wall not be a two digit number. So, answer's 81, ‘Also, we should have observed that there is only one way of writing 5 as the product of two natural numbers since 5 isa prime number and allthe prime numbers have only 2 distinct factors. Example: the number of factors of Nis 13, then find the numberof factors of N2. Solution: Again if we can get the factorised form, we can get the answer orally. The number of factors isa prime number, so 13 can be written down as product of two natural numbers in just one way. 13 = 1x13 =PP=N. $0, iN = P12, then N2 = P24, so number of factors of N2 willbe 25. Example: Ifthe number of factors of N?is 25, find the numberof factors of Nand NS ‘Solution: In this the factorise form ill give us N? and from there we can find the number N. After finding N, we can find N and ts factors. Lets find the factorised form of N?; 25 can be broken down into 1x25 or 5 x8, So, N2-= P24 or Py xP, We abo need to check whether the factorsed form satisfies the requirement for N? as N? is a perfect square. (All the powers of prime numbers of a perfect square must be rmuliple of 2 or even numbers). Both the factorised forms obtained for N? satisties, So, both the forms are valid IFN? = P24, then N = P12, so numberof factors of N are 13. IFN? = P)4 xP2A, then N = Py? xP22, so number of factors of N are 3 x3 = 9 factors TEN =P22, so N* = (P12) = P25; N3 has 37 factors. TN = Py? xP22, then Nm (Py? xP228 = PS xP,6;N3 has 7 x7 = 49 factors. Example: Ifthe number of factors of N are 15, find the number of factors of L6N, Solution: 4) IfNisan odd number, then when we write Nin the form of factorsed form, no prime factor wil be 2. If any ofthe prime factors is 2, then that number becomes even, So, if we wantto find out numberof focters of IGN, procticaly we are muitiphing 16 with Nand 16 Jsan even number, sowe can sey that 16 and Nare co-prime numbers 16 can be broken down into 24, s0ithas 5 factors. So, total numberof factorsoof L6N= factors of 16 muiipied with factors of N=5x15=75 fadons. {@ no conaition is given, N can be either even or odd. N has 15 factors. 15=1x15=PI4, 15 = 3x5 = Py? xP If we take the frst facovised form i.e. N =P, we wil have fo take both the scenario that N can be either odd or even. If Nis even, then we can say that N = 214, ‘Then numberof factors of 16N = 24 x214 = 218 ~ 19 factors. But Nis odd, then we will get the same answer as we got the answer forthe frst part. As N s odd, no prime factor can be 2, answer for 16N will be 75 factors. If we take the second factorised form which Js = Py2 xP, again we wl have to take two conditions. Ether of P, or can be 2 which will give us different answer. I we take Py as 2, N becomes 22 xP24, then number of factors of ION = 28 x22 xP,4 = 26 xPt = 7 x5 = 35 factors, If we take P, as 2, N becomes 24 xP,2, then number of factors of LON = 24 x24 xP,2 =28 xP,? = 27 factors. So, answer for the number of factors of 16N is 19, 75, 36 and 27 35 USO 36 Example: Solution: Example: Solution: Example: ‘Solution: ALLEN How many two digit numbers have 6 factors? ‘The factorised form having 6 factors can be of two forms: 1 x6 = PS or 2 x3 = Py! xPy? lf we take the frst factorised form ie. PS, now we can start plug-in values as P can take allthe prime values. IfP = 2, 25 = 32, iti valid as 32 i a two-digit number. If we take P as 3, we get 35 =243 which isnot a two-digit number. If 35s a three-digit number, then fifth power ofall the remaining prime numbers will be greater than 100, Only one possibility i there which is 32, If we take the second factorised form which is Pi} x P22, we can get many possibilities. Factorised form is 1 xPZ2. The logic is to give the highest power fo smallest prime number and fix it. During this process, keep changing the remaining prime number until we get two-digit numbers. So, we will start with 2 and 3, we wil fix 2 22 x31 = 12, 22 x5} = 20, 22 x7! = 28, 22 x11! = 44, 2? x13! = 52, 22 x17! = 68, 22 x19! = 76, 22 231 = 92. we take next prime number which is 29, we will exceed two digit number. So, all the possibilities of 2 is exhausted, So, now change itto 3 and fix it until we Keep getting two- ait numbers. 32 x21 = 18, 32 x51 = 45, 32 x71 = 63, 32 x11! = 99. I we take the next prime number, we will gt three digit number. So, now change itto5. 52 x21 = 50, 5? x3! = 75, If we take the next prime number, we will get three digit number. So, ‘now change ito 7 72x21 = 98, After this we willnot get any two-digt number. Even if we change itto 11, 1121s only

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