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Media Project

English 11

Having read Fahrenheit 451, it is obvious that Ray Bradbury worried about a future
where people wasted their time with meaningless and thoughtless activities. They willingly
chose to turn their backs on genuine interactions and stop seeking knowledge.
For this project, you are asked to create a short video that illustrates knowledge,
thoughts, and/or opinions on a topic of your choosing. Ideally, you will create something that
has meaning to you and aims to get your audience thinking and/or feeling.

1. Evidence of learning through reading/viewing (Value: 5)
o Notes from articles read and/or videos watched
o Track each source
o Information is reliable and trustworthy
2. Evidence of writing & preparation (Value: 5)
o Completed attached brainstorming handout
o ‘Script’ for prepared parts
3. Final product (Value: 20)

4. Peer Review (Value: 5)

 Choose a topic and style that suits you.
 You can work alone or with one partner.
 Length: 2-4 minutes
 Upon completion, you will make your project available to classmates and choose 2 of
theirs to watch and review. Additionally, a film festival will be held on June 6 th.

 30 marks (Scoring Guide on the back of this handout)

Tentative Due Dates:

1. Evidence of Learning (Research Notes) May 11th
2. Evidence of Writing/Script May 16th
3. Final Product June 5th – Film Fest June 6th
Media Project

General Topic of Interest: ____________________________________________________

Possible specific topics:

 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________

Main Focus Area(s):

_____ Informational _____ Persuasion
_____ Conversation-based _____ Interview
_____ Storytelling _____ Teaching

Title of Video: _____________________________________________________

Specific topic for this episode: _____________________________________________________
Questions/topics to research:





Research Notes
Media Project

Website name: _______________________________

Article/video title: _______________________________________________________

Author: ___________________________________

Date: _________________________________


Website name: _______________________________

Article/video title: _______________________________________________________

Author: ___________________________________

Date: _________________________________

Category Expectation Score
- Organization helps; logical sequence of topics
(with smooth transitions)

- Speakers have worthwhile and engaging ideas on the

Content topic: stories, reactions, information, and persuasion /10
(informed speakers who know and care)

- Works to be engaging; aims to entertain interested


- Speakers are passionate and enthused; set a strong tone

Narration for the video /5
- Clarity of speech (volume, pronunciation)
- Excellent video production on display
- Relevant and clear images and videos support the ideas
Production being shared /5
- Effective background music helps create a mood
- Smooth transitions between clips

Intro Intro:
- Effectively hooks the audience in the first 30 seconds
+ - Establishes a clear purpose for the video

Closing Closing:
- Purposeful close/wrap-up to the episode
- Offers final thought/insight
Evidence of
Learning - Detailed and accurate notes /5
(Research Notes) - Variety of sources, which are clearly identified

Evidence of - Written script for a video

Writing/Preparation - /5
We can read everything the narrator will say
(Script, Rundown)
- Written reflection allows the creator to share his/her
experiences and thoughts on the project. Strong
Reflection and /5
communication here.
Reviews - Student has written reviews of a classmates’ projects.
Ideas are effectively and clearly communicated.

Overall: /35

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