Introduction of DBMS LEC 1

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Infinity Batch

Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
• Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements,
observations or just descriptions of things.
• A database is a collection of related data which represents some aspect of
the real world.
• Database Management System (DBMS) is a software for storing and
retrieving users' data while considering appropriate security measures.
Infinity Batch
DBMS according to GATE (7 to 9 Marks)
➢Key Concepts and Functional Dependency( 1 marks)
➢Normalization(2 marks)
➢Transaction and Serializability(2 marks)
➢Hashing and Indexing( 1 marks or 2 marks)
➢SQL ( 2 marks)
➢Relational Algebra ( 2 marks)
➢Tuple Relational Calculus ( 2 marks)
➢E-R Diagram ( 1 marks)
Infinity Batch
➢Key Concepts and Functional Dependency( 1 marks)
➢Definition of Keys and Attributes Participating in Keys
➢Functional Dependencies
➢Types of Functional Dependency
➢Rules of Functional Dependencies
➢Attribute Closure
➢How to find Candidate keys?
➢How to find Super Keys?
➢Minimal Cover
➢Problem Caused by redundancy
➢ Equivalence set of Functional Dependency
Infinity Batch
➢Normalization(2 marks)
➢Problem with Unnormalized Data Base
➢Multivalued Dependencies
➢Dependency Preserving
➢Dependency Not Preserving
➢2NF, 3NF, BCNF Decomposition
Infinity Batch
➢Transaction and Serializability(2 marks)
➢Transaction State Chart
➢ACID Properties
➢Conflict Serializability
➢View Serializability
➢Types of Failures
➢Recoverable/irrecoverable/cascade less/strict schedules
➢Locking Protocol
➢Deadlock Avoidance(wait and die/ wound and wait)
➢Time Stamp Protocol
➢Thomas Write Rule
➢Multiple Granularity Protocol
Infinity Batch
➢SQL ( 2 marks)
➢Basic SQL Queries
➢Nested Queries
➢Corelated Subqueries
➢Set Operations
➢Aggregate Functions
➢Group By and Having Clauses
➢Null Values
Infinity Batch
➢Relational Algebra ( 2 marks)
➢Selection and Projection
➢Set Operations
➢The Rename Operations
Infinity Batch
➢Hashing and Indexing( 1 marks or 2 marks)
➢Hash Collision
➢Collision resolving techniques
➢File Organization
➢Multilevel Indexig
➢B/B+ tree
Infinity Batch
➢E-R Diagram ( 1 marks)
➢Database Design
➢Entity, Attributes, Relationship, Entity Set
➢Relationship set
➢ER diagram to Table
➢Minimization of ER Diagram
➢Weak entity set
➢Specialization and Generalization
➢Ternary and N-ary Relationship
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
rollno name cno cname grade
1 Raj 1 DBMS A
1 Raj 2 OS B
2 Rahul 1 DBMS B
3 Rahul 2 OS A
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch
Infinity Batch

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