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Characters and backstories

The Lord
"After all, I can't make up my mind. Should I go the old fashioned way and lay a curse or new
style, and just passive-aggressively ignore you?"

● Backstory: The only most evil overlord who managed to overcome death and become a
lich. He single handedly conquered the world and subdued most of the human race, until
he decided to take a 300 year nap. In his absence, the humans took back the lost
territory and laid siege to his castle. After 200 years of war the kingdoms of men won
against the legions of undead and took them down for good, or so they thought.

The Old Man

"If I ever see you lung-filling near me, you pale-eyed hairless creeper, I will drain every drop of
blood and use it as gargle-juice."

● Backstory: Following the teachings of his mentor, he did exactly what was expected of
him: to kidnap his replacement and teach him the ways of the Servants of the Lord.
Meanwhile he did whatever he could, trying to upkeep the castle and the grounds
around it. He does not remember his family, having little notion of what the word even
means, and much like the undead he attends to when they are scarcely found roaming,
he does not have a heart for the living.

The Boy
"It can be hard to understand, but behind all that groaning and grunting when they might want
someone to listen."

● Backstory: Young doesn't remember his name, nor who his parents were, but he still has
a sense of family, or lack of it which prompts him to look constantly for a family figure.
Old represents his mentor and father in a way, as he follows all commands but he's at an
age where his prepubescent tendencies begin to urge, and ignite the flames of rebellion.
His fondest memory is of a gentle female voice singing a lullaby, though he wouldn't
recognize the voice today, just the feeling of warmth and love that he clings to.

The Captain
"Trust the cleaver to put them to sleep for good, like night becomes day, for it's how the world
● Backstory: He comes from a family of famous undead-hunters, the main defence against
the dark arts in their prime, which defeated the forces of the evil overlord 100 years
back. But that's the past, and the greatness of his family now is only remembered by a
few historians, yet he still feels his responsibility to protect humanity burns inside his
chest like a fire. Those flames transform him into the perfect warrior, maybe too perfect
as he doesn't care for anything else, which makes it impossible for him to have a family
and continue the bloodline.

The Girl
"No matter how dark the storm gets, the light prevails in the end, even if we must burn."

● Backstory: From the outside she might look innocent and naive, but her intuition and
curiosity prepared herself against the ruthless world. Being the only child, she was
expected to be more than just a peasant girl from a village in the middle of nowhere, and
she doesn't disappoint. Her dream focuses more on being a strong tree where her family
can rest in her roots, a symbol of unity in a home where she is the glue that sticks it

The Old Hag

"Look at ye, eyeing me and me wares. What are you willing to give away? Everything has a

● Backstory: Her story became hers when she accepted the fact that if the others consider
her a witch, she might as well be one. From a very young age she was stunningly
beautiful, provoking jealousy and desire alike, and rumor has it that she cursed men into
falling for her. Yet she never married, never settled as for some reason she was not
enough for the men she was interested in. Later in life she was chased down and
branded as a witch. She kept herself hidden, until the hair turned gray and the true
features of a witch started to take hold on her. She recently resurfaced, with a new goal
in mind, to recuperate the lost years after not being enough.

The King
"Their lives are expendable. There's hundreds and hundreds of them. But only one me. I'm
willing to save the kingdom."

● Backstory: The first King of a long line of kings that never faced battle, but was showered
with stories of his ancestors and how great they were. He built a notion of ambition, that
none of his predecessors had, yet none of the courage. He dreamt of being greater, and
far more grandiose, than any of the previous kings ever could be. Being an only child did
not help to give him to learn humility, nor how to share, I anyway. From his royal birth to
his ruling age, he has grown fearful of everything, imaginary and otherwise. So he
constructed tall walls and monuments in his name, to match his massive ego.
The Evil Dude
"Death is just another chapter in life's book, one that runs for far longer."

● Backstory: After a long period of peace, a plague ravaged the lands now known as the
Blightlands and engulfed a small village where a little farm boy lived. Though no one fell
sick at first, the little farm boy showed symptoms of a flesh-eating disease and was later
blamed for the death that followed. After everyone was gone, he was left alone,
surrounded by dead. To survive, he learned dark magic and the secrets of necromancy,
and stole the jewels infused with long-lost power. With all these things, he created a
name for himself, yet nobody makes the effort to remember it. He uses Bones’ tools in
his favor to change the world and turn it into the desolate wasteland where no one hurts
● Undead things made him comfortable, the decaying nature of it soothed the lashes of
the lives ones.

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