Lesson 2 Docs

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• They have 49 ethnic groups and each of them He is the son of Norodom Sihanouk the former King in
preserves their own dialect, customs, culture and Cambodia and the Queen is Norodom Monineath
tradition. Sihanouk of Cambodia.
• “Land of a Million Elephants,”
• It is best known for some of Southeast Asia's most HUN SEN (PRIME MINISTER)
spectacular waterfalls, including Tad Fane and He is the World’s Longest-serving Prime Ministers, has
Dong Hua Sao. been in power since 1985 and being reappointed by
parliament in September 2013 for 5 year term.
Laos Religion
• Theravada Buddhism • Cambodian literature based on the contemporary
• Buddhism first appeared in laos during 18th century world, though still inspired by classical themes,
began to emerge in the mid-19th century
Laos Language • Epic poems and folk tale were transmitted orally;
• The official language of Laos is Lao(LAOTIAN), • The Cambodian version of the ancient Ramayana
although various foreign languages have often been epic, which appears on bas-reliefs and frescos at
used by the elite. French was once the language of temples and pagodas throughout the country.
the Lao upper classes and of the cities, but by the • In the 19th century Ang Duong, who is considered a
1970s English had begun to displace it. great king of Cambodia from 1841-1860
• Kakey & Kong Rei
Laos Arts And Literature • A famous oral folktale of Cambodia is Vorvong and
• Long tradition of oral literature, including folk tales, Sorvong
stories, proverbs, parables and poems.
The Crocodile and the Five Judges
Three Masterpieces Of Laotian
• The Vetsantrasadok (Education through
reincarnation) Bed Bug and the Louse
• The Thao Hung
“Words of Doctrine” or “Way of Truth” Geography
• Is an important book in buddist literature. • The capital, Jakarta, is located near the northwestern
• Contains 423 verses spoken by the buddha on coast of Java. In the early 21st century Indonesia was
various occasions. the most populous country in Southeast Asia and the
• It is originally written by pali language from india. fourth most populous in the world.
• Indonesia was formerly known as the Dutch East
by: dara kanlagna
Indies (or Netherlands East Indies).

There lived a widower with her descendants Language

She is not anxious with any assistance • The official language of Indonesia is Bahasa
Day by day she does merits making Indonesia
She thought there are no other mothers who can do as her • Bahasa Indonesia, a standardized version of Malay,
is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world
Oh dear! You feed your kids with no weeping
(after Mandarin, English, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic).
But you still said that you were poor
The poorest woman in this world
You asked to whom are level as you, please clarify Literature
• Indonesian literatures, the poetry and prose writings
While feeding your kids you were helped by ten in Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, and other languages
You are not called for house works or cooking of the peoples of Indonesia. They include works orally
But your poor can not be compared with remote women transmitted and then preserved in written form by the
Who make incomes for their daily surviving? Indonesian peoples, oral literature, and the modern
literatures that began to emerge in the early 20th
Imagining when their kids were killed by bombs They were
century as a result of Western influence.
crying as if they would die
Those were the most awful time of their lives
Could you please clarify what level of their poor lives? Mrs. Geni in December

• Malaysia is located in the southeast of the Asian
continent; therefore this region is often referred to as
Southeast Asia.
• Malaysia consists out two parts: Peninsular
Malaysia, located between Thailand in the north and
Singapore in the south, and the two provinces
Sabah and Sarawak, located on Borneo.
• Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.

• The official language spoken in Malaysia is the
Malaysian language
• English is also very commonly spoken in Malaysia.
Chinese dialects such as Mandarin and Hokkien are
also spoken in the country, primarily by those of
Chinese ethnic origin. Tamil is also another popular
language of Malaysia, primarily spoken by Indian-
origin residents.

• Terima kasih (te-ree-mah ka-seh) / Thank you

• Ya (yah) / Tidak (tee-dak) – Yes / No
• Selamat jalan (s’la-mat zha-lan) / Goodbye
• Sama-sama (saa-ma saa-ma) / You’re welcome

• Malaysian literature is typically written in any of the
country's four main
languages: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil.
• The earliest works of Malaysian literature were
transmitted orally in the absence of writing scripts.
• Oral literature encompasses a variety of genres
of Malay folklore, such as myths, legends, folk
tales, romances, epics, poetry, proverbs, origin
stories and oral histories.


by: Zurinah Hassan

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