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Assessment in Happy Campers..................................................................................................... 2

Assessment Charts............................................................................................................................. 4

Unit 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Unit 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Unit 3 ................................................................................................................................... 10
Unit 4 ................................................................................................................................... 12
Unit 5 ................................................................................................................................... 14
Unit 6 ................................................................................................................................... 16
Unit 7 ................................................................................................................................... 18
Unit 8 ................................................................................................................................... 20
Mid-Year Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 22

End-of-Year Assessment ................................................................................................................ 24

With Happy Campers, teachers will be able to evaluate students through both
classwork and written tests. Assessments only give a snapshot of a student’s
achievement on one day. By using both Language Assessments and Teamwork
Assessments, teachers can record scores, share report cards with parents, and
gain a more complete understanding of each child’s progress.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 1
Assessment in Happy Campers

Language Assessments
• There is a test for each unit of the book.

• There is a mid-year and end-of-year test.

• Each test is worth 10 points.

• The tests include activity types from each unit.

• The Answer Key for each test is in the assessment notes.

• The scoring criteria for the tests are in the assessment notes.

• There is a Language Assessment Chart to record class scores.

Using the Language Assessments

It is important to create the same conditions for each Language Assessment.

a) Do the assessment in the same place and at the same time each month.

Allow sufficient time for the assessment. Each assessment can be completed
within a class period.

Before students start, ensure they understand what they have to do. Give an example
if necessary.

Assess language only, not handwriting or artistic ability.

Record students’ scores in the Language Assessment Chart.

Level 3 U
nit 5
Unit 5 Assessm
Level 3 ent
Answer Key Name:
Assessme completed Activit y 1:
Language s, find your printed and rt (p.4) to a) ride a ska
Before the
clas nt Cha    Match. Total:
Assessme t you
Language . For this uni / 10
copy of the test scores  a)   ride
r students’ 15).
record you Un it Test (p.
can photoc
opy trees
b) have a
it Test
ore the Un
How to Sc tch. tly
Activit y 1:
Ma word correc
h phrase or
nt for eac  b)  h
Allow 1 poi tly
ture correc
matched. ase and pic c) climb tree
a skateboa
nt for each phr
Allow 1 poi rd
matched. and answer. tten .
Loo k tly wri
Activit y 2: h answer
nt for eac
Allow 1 poi
 c)   climb
Activit y 2: the floor
a) They’re dishes a picnic
shing the
b) He’s wa
’s run nin g
c) She
fee din g the pets
d) I’m
2    Look and
nt  answer.
Assessme ment
Teamwork ool Clean a copy of
the Teamw
ork Assess
luation.  a)   
Keep You
r Sch complete of the eva  What are
class, prin
t out and each par t 4 points they doing /4
the below for
Bef ore scoring rub rics
3 points ?
5). Use the
Chart (p. 2 points ideas
1 point ates with
Par ticip and asks
others to
needs prompting. encourage  b)   
only when participate.  What’s he
Par ticipates prompting.
. tences and
Uses full sen
n mar to talk
Par ticipatio
full correct gram
Tries to use ut
words to talk abo ning
Says a few sentences
vities in
about clea
in English.
use English. to talk abo
ut cleaning acti activities
Does not vities in  c)   
cleaning acti English. is  What’s sh
The product e doing?
lish English. is neat,
Use of Eng The product complete,
is neat, and creative, and
The product messy, complete, y attractive.
The product
a bit attractive. exceptionall
messy, and ly .
incomplete, and acceptab tanding
active. Plays an outs entation  d)   
it is not attr attractive. ve role in
Produc t Plays an acti of the
role in the
 What are
Plays a min
or role in the pres enta tion
of the pos ter. you doing
participate tion of the ?
Does not the presenta pos ter.
entation poster.
in the pres
e of the pos
ter. .
Per formanc
purpos es. D.R . © Mac
millan Pub
y for teaching lishers, S.A
2022. Onl . de C.V.,
. de C.V., 2022. Onl
lishers, S.A y for teac
millan Pub hing purpos
D.R . © Mac es.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 2
Assessment in Happy Campers

Teamwork Assessments
Before each Teamwork Assessment, print
and complete a copy of the Teamwork
Assessment Chart.

Language Assessment Chart

Grade: Class:

Student’s Name Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Mid-Year End-of-Year Total

Level 3 Unit 5

Language Assessment

Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p.4) to
a) ride a skateboard
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 15).

Take time to observe and listen How to Score the Unit Test
Activity 1: Match.
b) have a picnic

Allow 1 point for

4 each phrase or word correctly
to each student during the
D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes.

Allow 1 point for each phrase and picture correctly

project. Read the scoring rubrics for

c) climb trees
Activity 2: Look and answer.
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.

Complete the chart with scores each part of the project

and add up the totals. according to each unit’s notes.
Activity 2:
a) They’re sweeping the floor
b) He’s washing the dishes
c) She’s running
d) I’m feeding the pets
Teamwork Assessment
Keep Your School Clean
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words Tries to use full Uses full sentences and
to talk about sentences to talk about correct grammar to talk
Use of English cleaning activities in cleaning activities in about cleaning
English. English. activities in English.

The product is The product is The product is The product is

incomplete, messy, and complete, a bit messy, complete, neat, and complete, neat,
Product it is not attractive. and acceptably attractive. creative, and
attractive. exceptionally attractive.

Does not participate Plays a minor role in Plays an active role in Plays an outstanding
in the presentation the presentation of the the presentation of the role in the presentation
Performance of the poster. poster. poster. of the poster.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 14

Use child-friendly language to explain what you expect from
your students. Set up the activity (see your Teacher’s Guide).

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 3
Language Assessment Chart

Grade:   Class:

Student’s Name Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Mid-Year End-of-Year Total

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 4
Teamwork Assessment Chart

Grade:   Class:   Project:

Student’s Name Participation Use of English Product / Game Performance Total: / 16

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

  1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4   1  2  3  4

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 5
Level 3 Unit 1

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, print out a copy of the Language
Activity 1:
Assessment Chart (p. 4) and complete it with your
a) parents  b) thirty-five  c) aunt; uncle
students’ names. Use this chart to record your
Activity 2:
students’ Language Assessment scores for the
a)  How old are you; I’m eight. 
whole year. For this unit you can photocopy
b)  Who is he; He’s my nephew. 
the Unit Test (p. 7).
c)  How old is he; He’s fifty-six.

How to Score the Unit Test

Activity 1: Look and complete.
Allow 1 point for each word correctly written.
Activity 2: Unscramble and match.
Allow 1 point for each question correctly
Allow 1 point for each sentence correctly matched.

Teamwork Assessment
Different Families
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participation Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas
prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
encourage others to

Use of English Does not use English. Says a few words in Tries to use full Uses full sentences and
English to talk about sentences to talk about correct grammar to talk
family and ages. family and ages in about family and ages
English. in English.

Product The poster is The poster is complete The poster is complete The poster is complete
incomplete and and the student and attractive, and and attractive, and
the student does not focuses on getting the student uses class the student usually
focus on the project the project done but time well. focuses on getting the
during class time. occasionally distracts project done and never
others. distracts others.

Performance Often mumbles more Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and
than one word and is distinctly most of distinctly almost all distinctly and shows
unable to accurately the time and can ask the time and is able full comprehension of
answer questions and answer a few to accurately ask the topic. Can ask and
posed by classmates. questions about and answer most answer all questions.
the topic. questions.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 6
Level 3  Unit 1
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Look and complete. /4

a)  They’re my .

b)  She’s - .

c)  She’s my and he’s my .

2   Unscramble and match. /6

a) old / How / you / are

? He’s fifty-six.

b) he / is / Who
? I’m eight.

c) is / How / old / he

? He’s my nephew.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 7
Level 3 Unit 2

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a) March  b)  February  c) July  d) October 
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
e) September
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 9).
Activity 2:
a) fifth  b) thirtieth  c) seventeenth
d) twenty-second  e) first
How to Score the Unit Test
Activity 1: Unscramble.
Allow 1 point for each word correctly unscrambled.
Activity 2: Write ordinal numbers.
Allow 1 point for each word correctly written.

Teamwork Assessment
Caring for Others
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words in Tries to use full Uses full sentences
English to talk about his sentences to talk about and correct grammar
Use of English or her birthday month. his or her birthday to talk about his or
month in English. her birthday month in

The product is The product is The product is The product is

Product incomplete. complete. complete and neat. complete, neat,
and creative.

Does not work with Needs to be reminded Asks assertive Asks assertive
others. to take turns, pay questions, pays questions, pays
Performance attention to others, and attention to others, and attention, is
follow the rules. follows the rules. considerate, and
encourages to others.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 8
Level 3  Unit 2
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Unscramble. /5

a)  acMhr

b)  aFreybur

c)  luJy

d)  rbeotcO

e)  pSeemtbre

2   Write ordinal numbers. /5

a) 5th

b) 30th

c) 17th

d) 22nd

e) 1st

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 9
Level 3 Unit 3

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a)  It’s eight o’clock; in the morning
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
b)  It’s two o’clock; in the afternoon
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 11).
c)  It’s seven o’clock; in the evening
Activity 2:
a)  What time do you go to school 
How to Score the Unit Test
b)  What time do you eat dinner 
Activity 1: Write and circle.
c)  What time do you go to bed 
Allow 1 point for each phrase correctly written.
d)  What time do you get up
Allow 1 point for each phrase correctly circled.
Activity 2: Write questions.
Allow 1 point for each question correctly written.

Teamwork Assessment
Saving Energy
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words to Tries to use full Uses full sentences and
talk about his or her sentences to talk about correct grammar to talk
Use of English daily routine in English. his or her daily routine about his or her daily
in English. routine in English.

The poster is The poster is The poster is attractive The poster is

distractingly messy, acceptably attractive in terms of design, exceptionally attractive
Product very poorly designed, but it is a bit messy. layout, and neatness. in terms of design,
or incomplete. layout, and neatness.

Rarely listens to, shares Often listens to, shares Usually listens to, Always listens to,
with, and supports the with, and plays a minor shares with, and shares with, and tries
Performance efforts of others in the role when exchanging supports the efforts of to keep people working
group. information. others in the group. well together.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 10
Level 3  Unit 3
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Write and circle. /6

9:00 PM
It’s nine o’clock in the morning  /  at night.

8:00 AM
a)  in the evening  /  in the morning.

2:00 PM
b)  at night  /  in the afternoon.

7:00 pM
c)  in the evening  /  in the afternoon.

2   Write questions. /4

What time do you eat breakfast ?


a)  ?

b)  ?

c)  ?

d)  ?

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 11
Level 3 Unit 4

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a) soccer  b) golf  c) volleyball  d) football
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
e) basketball  f) tennis
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 13).
Activity 2:
a)  ’s taking pictures 
b)  ’s playing tennis
How to Score the Unit Test
c)  ’m working on the computer 
Activity 1: Write.
d)  ’re listening to music
Allow 1 point for each word correctly written.
Activity 2: Look and write.
Allow 1 point for each sentence correctly

Teamwork Assessment
Activating Yourself
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words to Tries to use full Uses full sentences
talk about activities to sentences to talk and correct grammar to
Use of English be physically active in about activities to be talk about activities to
English. physically active in be physically active in
English. English.

Does not get involved Gets involved in the Shows an outstanding Shows an outstanding
in the activity. activity. and creative role during and creative role during
Game the activity. the activity and aids
others to improve as

Does not work with Needs to be reminded Is assertive, pays Is assertive,

others. to take turns, pay attention to others, and pays attention, is
Performance attention to others, and follows the rules. considerate, and
follow the rules. encourages to others.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 12
Level 3  Unit 4
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1  Write. /6

a)  b) 

c)  d) 

e)  f) 

2  Look and write. /4

Example They ’re playing volleyball .

a)  He .

b)  She .

c)  I .

d)  We .

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 13
Level 3 Unit 5

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p.4) to
a)  ride a skateboard 
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 15).

How to Score the Unit Test

b)  have a picnic
Activity 1: Match.
Allow 1 point for each phrase or word correctly
Allow 1 point for each phrase and picture correctly
c)  climb trees
Activity 2: Look and answer.
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.

Activity 2:
a)  They’re sweeping the floor 
b)  He’s washing the dishes 
c)  She’s running 
d)  I’m feeding the pets
Teamwork Assessment
Keep Your School Clean
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words Tries to use full Uses full sentences and
to talk about sentences to talk about correct grammar to talk
Use of English cleaning activities in cleaning activities in about cleaning
English. English. activities in English.

The product is The product is The product is The product is

incomplete, messy, and complete, a bit messy, complete, neat, and complete, neat,
Product it is not attractive. and acceptably attractive. creative, and
attractive. exceptionally attractive.

Does not participate Plays a minor role in Plays an active role in Plays an outstanding
in the presentation the presentation of the the presentation of the role in the presentation
Performance of the poster. poster. poster. of the poster.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 14
Level 3  Unit 5
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Match. /6
a) ride trees

b) have a skateboard

c) climb a picnic

2   Look and answer.

a)  What are they doing? .

b)  What’s he doing? .

c)  What’s she doing? .

d)  What are you doing? .

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 15
Level 3 Unit 6

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a) T-shirt  b) sneakers  c) shorts
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 17).

How to Score the Unit Test a

Activity 1: Unscramble. Then number.
Allow 1 point for each word correctly unscrambled.
Allow 1 point for each correct letter.
Activity 2: Look and answer.
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.

Activity 2:
a)  No, she isn’t  b)  Yes, she is  c)  No, he isn’t
d)  Yes, he is

Teamwork Assessment
Traditional Clothes
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words to Tries to use full Uses full sentences
talk about traditional sentences to talk about and correct grammar
Use of English clothes in English. traditional clothes in to talk about traditional
English. clothes in English.

The product is The product is The product is The product is

incomplete. complete. complete and neat. complete, neat, and
Product attractive.

Does not present the Plays a minor role in Plays an active role in Plays an outstanding
poster. the presentation of the the presentation of the role in the presentation
Performance poster. poster. of the poster.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 16
Level 3  Unit 6
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Unscramble. Then number. /6

a) s-Tihrt

b) anseersk

c) rhsost

2   Look and answer. /4

a) Is she building a sandcastle?


b) Is she swimming?


c) Is he flying a kite?


d) Is he sleeping?

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 17
Level 3 Unit 7

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a) decorations  b) invitations  c) a cake
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 19).

How to Score the Unit Test

Activity 1: Complete and match.
Allow 1 point for each phrase correctly completed.
Activity 2:
Allow 1 point for each phrase and picture correctly
a)  ’re drinking lemonade 
b)  aren’t eating sandwiches 
Activity 2: Complete.
c)  aren’t drinking soda 
Allow 1 point for each sentence correctly completed.
d)  ’re eating popcorn

Teamwork Assessment
Healthy Party
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words Tries to use full Uses full sentences
Use of to talk about party sentences to talk about and correct grammar
English preparations in English. party preparations in to talk about party
English. preparations in English.

The product is The product is The product is The product is

incomplete. complete. complete and well complete, well
Product organized. organized, and

Does not present Plays a minor role in Plays an active role in Plays an outstanding
the menu. the presentation of the the presentation of the role in the presentation
Performance menu. menu. of the menu.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 18
Level 3  Unit 7
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1   Complete and match. /6

a) make

b) send

c) bake

2   Complete. /4

Example They ’re eating candy .

a)  They .

b)  They .

c)  They .

d)  They .

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 19
Level 3 Unit 8

Language Assessment
Answer Key
Before the class, find your printed and completed
Activity 1:
copy of the Language Assessment Chart (p. 4) to
a)  draw  b)  speak English  c)  play the guitar 
record your students’ test scores. For this unit you
d)  jump rope
can photocopy the Unit Test (p. 21).
Activity 2:
a)  Can you hop; Yes, I can 
b)  Can you play the drums; No, I can’t 
How to Score the Unit Test
c)  Can you speak English; Yes, I can
Activity 1: Write.
Allow 1 point for each word or phrase correctly
Activity 2: Unscramble. Then answer.
Allow 1 point for each question correctly
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.

Teamwork Assessment
Different Abilities
Before the class, print out and complete a copy of the Teamwork Assessment
Chart (p. 5). Use the scoring rubrics below for each part of the evaluation.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Participates only when Sometimes needs Participates without Contributes ideas

prompted. prompting. prompting. and asks questions to
Participation encourage others to

Does not use English. Says a few words to Tries to use full Uses full sentences
talk about abilities in sentences to talk about and correct grammar
Use of English English. abilities in English. to talk about abilities in

The information is not Most of the information All information is All information is
clear and does not is related to the topic. related to the topic related to the topic and
Product relate to the topic. and is mostly easy to easy to understand.

Does not understand Shows a good Shows a good Shows a full

the topic and rarely understanding of understanding of understanding of
Performance speaks in complete parts of the topic and the topic and mostly the topic and always
sentences. sometimes speaks in speaks in complete speaks in complete
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 20
Level 3  Unit 8
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1  Write. /4
a) b)

c) d)

2   Unscramble. Then answer. /6

a) hop / Can / you


b) play / drums/ you / Can / the


c) you / English / Can / speak


D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 21
Level 3 Mid-Year

Language Assessment
The Mid-Year Language Assessment is useful for reviewing the progress students
have made halfway through the year. Unlike the unit assessments, which test
short-term learning, the Mid-Year Language Assessment allows you to see how
much key language students have learned, understood, and retained from Units 1-4.
The Mid-Year Language Assessment in Happy Campers may be used in addition to,
or instead of, the Unit 4 Assessment.

Before the class, find your printed and completed copy of the Language Assessment
Chart (p. 4) to record your students’ test scores. You can photocopy the Mid-Year
Test (p. 23).

Answer Key
Activity 1:
a) thirteen  b) twenty-fifth  c) March  d) in the morning
Activity 2:
a) It’s (Students’ own answers)  b)  It’s 2 o’clock / It's 2 o'clock
in the afternoon
Activity 3:
a)  ’s talking on the phone  b)  ’re playing soccer

How to Score the Mid-Year Test

Activity 1: Complete.
Allow 1 point for each word or phrase correctly written.
Activity 2: Answer.
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.
Activity 3: Look and complete.
Allow 1 point for each verb correctly written.
Allow 1 point for each activity correctly written.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 22
Level 3  Mid-Year
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1  Complete. /4

a) twelve, , fourteen, fifteen

b) twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth,
c) January, February, , April
d)  , in the afternoon,
in the evening, at night

2  Answer. /2

a) What’s the date today? .

b) What time is it? .
2:00 PM

3   Look and complete. /4

Example She ’s playing tennis .

a) He .

b) They .

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 23
Level 3 End-of-Year

Language Assessment
The End-of-Year Language Assessment is useful for showing the progress
students have made over the entire year. Unlike the unit assessments, which test
short-term learning, the End-of-Year Language Assessment allows you to see
how much key language students have learned, understood, and retained from
Units 1-8. The End-of-Year Language Assessment in Happy Campers may be
used in addition to, or instead of, the Unit 8 Assessment.

Before the class, find your printed and completed copy of the Language
Assessment Chart (p. 4) to record your students’ test scores. You can photocopy
the End-of-Year Test (p. 25).

Answer Key
Activity 1:
a) lemonade  b) wash the car  c) soccer  d) get up
e) parents  f) whistle
Activity 2:
a)  They’re dancing  b)  I’m wearing a T-shirt  c)  No, she isn’t
d)  He’s riding a bike

How to Score the End-of-Year Test

Activity 1: Write.
Allow 1 point for each word or phrase correctly written.
Activity 2: Look and answer.
Allow 1 point for each answer correctly written.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 24
Level 3  End-of-Year
Language Assessment
Name:   Total: / 10

1  Write. /6

a) b) 

c) d) 

e)  f) 

2   Look and answer. /4

a) What are they doing?


b) What are you wearing?


c) Is she building a sandcastle?


d) What’s he doing?

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V., 2022. Only for teaching purposes. 25

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