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날짜: / /

No. 014
분야 일상생활 / 학교교육 / 기술 미디어 / 비즈니스 / 정부 및 공공 부문

유형 찬반형 / 선택형 / 장단점

Which of the following do you think is the best way to improve the quality of education? 1)
providing one-on-one teaching, 2) prolonged class time, 3) using digital devices.
라이팅 연계

model response no. 014

Which of the following do you think is the best way to improve the quality of education? 1) providing one-on-one teaching, 2)
prolonged class time, 3) using digital devices.
[one-on-one teaching]
날짜: / /
 I think providing one-on-one teaching is the best way to improve the quality of education.
 For one, it allows students to learn at their own speed.
 Regular classes are too big to consider each student’s differences.
 However, with individual tutoring, students don't need to worry about falling behind or being bored.
 Moreover, with one-on-one teaching, it is easier for them to get help from the teacher.
 To be specific, students will feel more comfortable asking questions if they are alone with a teacher.
 In this way, teaching will become more interactive, and greater learning will take place.
 For these reasons, I believe the provision of one-on-one lessons is best for improving the quality of education.

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