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1. The Selfie Movement The front-facing camera on our smartphones changed the way we take
picture, and social app changed the way we share them.
2. News Breaks on Social Media First Traditional media is too slow..
3. A Newfound Love for GIFS The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmap image format.
4. Hashtags (#) categorizing content based on specific themes or keywords to make search and
discovery a whole lot easier.
5. Memes, Memes, and More Memes The internet is obsessed with sharing memes.
6. Regular People Turned Internet Famous It's obvious social media has opened new doors for
people to showcase their talents and attract online fan bases Tiktok and Youtube.

A fad or trend is any form of collective behavior that develops within a culture, a
generation or social group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse
for a short period

6 Elements and Characteristics of a Trend:
1. Appeal-degree of attraction that a fad or a trend causes/ attractive on people.
2. Appeal-degree of attraction that a fad or a trend causes/ attractive on people
3. Scope-extend of influence of a fad or a trend.
4. Support-structure that enables a fad or trend to be sustainable.
5. Sustainability-length of time that a fad or trocan continue to exist.
6. Value - utility or usefulness that can be derived from a fad or a trend.

The Process of Identifying a trend:

•Trend analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a
pattern, or trend, in the information.
•Trend spotting is the identification of new trends or attempting to see the future.
•Trend spotter is a person who notices and reports on new fashions, ideas or activities that are
becoming popular.

Social trends have been a part of life since the beginning of time.
TRENDS -is a behavior or new way of doing things and it has a big impact on our society.

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