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Perez, Joanne M.

402- Disaster Nursing

Reflection Paper about Blood Donation

It is a privilege to donate blood because I help people who those need it. Aside from donating
blood, it also has a benefit, we are all aware of the many advantages of blood donation. There are
several reasons why a person needs blood. It could be a disease or an accident, but either way, it's
critical. Our blood donations benefit someone who is in need. It improves their health and helps them
get out of a difficult position. In other words, giving blood serves a greater good for society as a whole in
addition to helping the individual recipient. Additionally, it improves the donor's health. As a nursing
student, it is important to know the benefits of blood donation it can also save a people’s lives. Giving
blood is really about giving others the gift of life. The goal of voluntary blood donation is blood donation
for medical and scientific purposes. Since blood is a critical part of your body and helps to stop the
spread of infectious diseases during transfusions, every donor must go through a medical check. The
most a normal donor is allowed to give at once is one pint of blood, or one-tenth of what an adult stores
in their body. Three lives could be saved with one pint of blood. Since about one in three people on the
planet need blood transfusions at some point in their life, blood donation is a crucial part of medicine.

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