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Test 3 READING AND USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 18 mites) Part 1 For questions 1~ 8, read he text blow and deeigo wich answer (A, 8, © or) bes fs each gap. ‘Theres an exampe atthe begining Mark your answers onthe separate answor sheet. Example: © Aplaco Beomey G commit —B bring oe bo 8 ‘Technological gadgets and knowledge Does having the ntet mean we never need (0). anything tomemory ever again? The generation who have grown up with technology hope this the (1) Pot to ‘mention eveyone else who fel the need t0 (2)... thar Rabtal attachment to te atest technological devices. ‘Some educationalists esr hat access to information onthe inlet reduces the importance of remembering fats. However, research shows tha hs (@ ...inportant. Whan we think, we Use werking memory and long-term memory. oun OUF kngeterm memory can be scribed as vast, our working memory sited to very few ms id is eal (5) au By transferring facts to our long-term momary we re up precious space in our woking merry, enabling us fo manpulse and combine those fact with nw ones @) uu. , memarising ‘some things aids understanding, at creates a framework of known facts, need to be able to (os what wt onthe tae. Consequently, while tecnology may appear 10 (B) nu the necessity to remember facts, Unfortunatly, the world we fein i far more complex Ea 3A vtaly B completey largely D totaly 4A Athoonh B Despite © Owing, Since 5A overated B oveoaded © overdone © Dover 6 A Noverhels B Thowby «© Theres © Provided 7A obtain B consume digest B acquire 8A cancel B remove © olto D take Reading and Use of English 1A case B issue © matter D natance 2A conten B approve © assert D sty | | 9(Baiw7) Test 3 Part2 For questions 9- 16, ead th text below and think ofthe word which best fs each gap. Use nly ‘one word in each gap, There is an exami atthe begining (0) ‘We you answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. exes (o] [alr] LI O Beokeeping at schoo! ‘When a swarm of bees descended on a primary school one dy (0)... surprisingly there was panic among the teachers (@)..- Mas f the chidren watches fascinated as a bee cecher rounded (1) no» the United vistors. Tis unexpacted event lb to the schoo! going ts ‘un boe hive a yoar later and integrating beekeeping Into the cucu, a of (4) nr. has rested in notable bens. ‘The chlcren study the dance tat the baas do to communica whore nectar (12). 10 be found anc use honey in cooking lessons. They have even opened a schoo shop song honey, vith he pup responsible fr cotecing an ping It, 8 wel as every ater stop of production Interestingly, nobody entepated the moat significant bene of (19)... ofthis: the eect boas 90m to (14) had on the pups! Behaviour (15). got chien to think of tei responsiity to others can often (16)... challenge, making bots the focus has brought out this behaviour oflortossy. Reading and Use of English Part3 For questons 17—24, road ho taxt below: Use the word gen capital athe end of some of the ngs to forma word that isin the gap in the same ine. Thee is an example tthe beginning) ‘ite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer shect. exons: (9) [il elelelals[]alele Dance stress away Often considered the domain of jut afew, ballet (9)... rng its way into our daly ves. People from all walks oft are now sppcecating jst how (17)... lla oan ba The bonofis of ballet have not gone (18) un. in tho busins world, with some compares fering bet classes to ther (00). tay not, ts, se0m to be an obvious combination, butte techniques use incase! Dalat ae raga by some as the perlct ant toa teas working eminent In today's corporate word, unhealthy posture rsuting fom Boing hunched over a laptop, Is not uncommon. This, edéed to srs ‘rom desing with tense situations, can inorease the (20) of headaches and back pan. However, the (21) fect movements of ballet wl counteract the prysea (2)... fate ‘workers as they stetch and evaluate ther posture Regular ballot also has a myriad of mental benets as its thamedt ‘varices enhance mamery and co-ecination. The overalresut i: ‘reduction n stress level, enhanced (29)... eternination an focus, not to meron (2)... Improved senee of welLbeing, INSREASE worn nonce EMPLOY FREQUENT: race acrwry ACCURATE [Ba] ss Test 3 ‘ Part 4 For questions 25~ 90, complete te sacond sentence so that thas asilar rearing othe rs Sentence, using the word guen. De not change the word given. You must use between trae ‘and six word, cluding the word given. Here an exam Example: 0 James would any speak othe head of department lone. on ares to th hed of department sone The gap can boils by the words sisted on speaking, so you wnt: ‘example: | 0 | INSISTED ON SPEAKING Wito only to missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answor sheet. 25 Accoring totem decor, was the quality of tha photography that was mostimporant Mone For the tm rector, ‘han the quaty othe photography, 25 Theinstuctortoldme tht! wou ba avaluatedin half an hourstine. TAKE ‘Te necro me that my. Inna an hours time 27 Even hough Sarah started bay, she went onto win the race. winnnc Sarah enced ot having started bay nnn eneeermneenemneneesmemacansamteat Facing and Use of Engtish ‘28 Hanadh was suprises be oor. pey rs bythe company. ‘SURPRISE Much hora py se 28, Hany it eatee how te thd got anc missed is bus ‘TRACK Hay id and missed bus, 10-Alee wentoutofhis way to irecoehinsol his new neighbours Also iso his new eighbous. Baw) 7 Test 9 Part 5 ‘You ae going to red an artice about a writer caled Matthew Crawford, who has jus writen & book about coping with modem ite. For quosions $1 ~ 38, choos the anawer (A,B, Gor D} which you thinks ost according tothe text. Mark your answers on the soparate answer sheet Living in the modern world When Matt Cawlord isnot taking and for our sellobstson. A word of constant vrtingabout tow weouhttolvhewors as choice means ths cur power faecal notvyce mechanic Hefrstboakvasaboot Srey tee, nd hi aso soci the benefa ofthe mana trader Het Fecen oneal of plonophcalwetancn e' ater senda ext message to a end evo coe wth nade Hewaeapred HEE Hom ie kel hav a convertn By {Shree lewien he otced at acverteerents OY Cha with ereertains of people father "than people themectes,Cetword popped upon the ret card machine Ci8d Sete, wei ang cooing inden ‘ort wheceteretispn under’ 4, We a beng somthing anda rawr says he realised that these demands problem Hegies sym asan expe There four ateton tom the aersingndstry_ Geedtobeasngle mu payer themida reve becoming icteasigly dient o svat theroom People ad likes same sie ‘int we want tobe atthe foont a our anata cogent tee, Now pore ed mind a any pacar moment avery olsen wt ova mse "The eased to Personal ater and we ae ting prevented bea scl plc a has st i charter Kom decng his or uses by somaig Genuine comet other People testo vie we aren the ain unaware of kit happenin the cont of cote Te sae ‘coming more ad more diet ink or : Crawlons propose solution has two pars gd ive remernberng coneraions weve Frat woes rpiton onsen deen fad And because everyone BUY ODE ypubie’ space Hore important, thou thensaes irom the wiatlon of coneay PDN spec, Moe Import, though, berger, we cone aren tad frases sib races 8 my so ge a odo Sie ins echt Sf wh he word mor sig to sangers “We Increasingly encounter the Taher anu moti foeras people whos oth these eresetation that ae Pade and ambi ce ak pone whos Aressd tue fae, APES om YOU NS repesnatio an repeats the el of te Brame aye Cao They elect ou dees No.) puckonicnor gre aner your tesa paling igh spor ach releson thr god jen Evenone Inows tha ole worker who a ompleed aut and te Soy tang complains about emails all day and then theese cthesin te same space Spends thel fee tine enaling: Suds have ee -_ sown tt oration ware epone ‘Wea You eee with he word hs way canoe yet on whey ore scenic Fale substitutes fer the Kindo involvement fetlence yet on whether eur atenton spans You have wth el ngs he syerThey aoe bare bar Somectthel gp istportant to nds way {hs Hind sae the iegaph was vented in jomet tna Bip Ns important nd oy 1657 ot ndepuale at we ae ME racy can resus ad ales You Gees of ther tings we might be done. (esse iccurenshatoane eee tnt bur Cade smo that inate fo ne thing. by contrat theteehniogy ne rested he prec ices ase t pry aerion to others Ey ‘Reading and Use of English \Wat does Cro uggest about the advertising industry inthe second paagraoh? 1k ttattompts to invade every aspect of people's vs, 8B Itdamages people's communication ss Mendoavours to distor peoples memods. teres peope tobe minal of thar suroundings. Wat oncornis expressed inthothird paragraph? * {A Teoite research hasbeen conducted into peopl’ bt to concontate. 1 People's tendency to focus toe much on thersoWvesis beng facia. tis becoming inereasinglycficul to detngush between werk ne ese 1D Thera lack of awareness of the impacto techoiogy on sci ie Inthe fourth paragraph, Crawford regrets that ‘peopl increasingly have csagreements 8 people ar reluctant to make deosions. people'snstincts have changed over tine. people no longer need to nego Wat doos ‘ese fer toin ine 69? [A cach slement ofthe skuton Creo proposes 1B cach protessona Crawioe mentions eachrea-fe sve to bo dst ith 1 each sensation doserbed Intnl paragraph, Crowd is | expanding onthe masts of his approach 1B demissngpotontaleticim of as. ¢ conradcting pint made previously 1D emphasising role ina key debate Inthe arte as a whole, what Craw’ atitude towards other poople? He avis engaging in conversations wth peopl ne doesnot know He wishes moe pople shared his von of bette sock. He admires people's determination ores he atractions of modem technology He appreciates how had I's for peopl to ignore the temptations tha suround them. Baw] Testa : Part 6 ‘You are going to read fou extracts by academics about photography, Fer questions 7 = 40, choose rom he academics A~D. The academics maybe Chosen mor than once, “Mark you answers onthe soparate answer sheet Is photography art? lr myvew, won a photograph Is produced this ot he result of genuinely creative camera work "untie lecnnique eben pple, and wet good camer, evan amar pograpes with to arte abit can elably produce acceptaie images Canario the Menon someone With Sea how to pint or carve ever cresting decent watercolour or statue Clay he cea ‘ust of photography sar emaved fr tha of uch onus endeavors An et ere ‘re those who pert eaiming that potorapy fe the mos agncant eoatenporary art lo Peetaps | should quay she extent to wie | aagre: ate hen a photorapher capt ‘omen of reat ts done deliberately. x peraps tis delberatnes thar crt the gots of ‘hat might be caled art Photography belongs bot to the reals of realty apd imagination: tough i sometines favours fhe over the ahr R never quate rengishes tr old on either ile does mater at 8 ‘howograph canbe printed ous thousand times, thus depriving the origina of te unique stator Forme, is stint that no two potograper reef crete a dental mage, ad tis ‘which sts photography ona par with move established ws dcpines sucha aeaptore of Dali when comes to tventivenes and orignal And now. siteugh the dea tat photo aphy ould Beat atone tine appeared absurd to mat’ people, ls wiht doubt Gur foremost at ‘ost mediately accessible means artiste expression ao way sdermined byte ft at ‘Sreryoe has camera these days ad can aks exellent photos wat ona aration ‘To draw comparisons beeen pitng and photography a8 at forms eto mis the pln; they arto tr ere Morvepotap care ay ub rca fe a 9 eter impact onthe vewer There ae thor eo nit ta unis lt, wish a ae Yeats Etpractiee to meter photography is easy anyone can Pickup s camera ake reasonable Dclre However I would contend tat ule ewer fo match the crest fone ten By 8 Ertesona peiowa wt dus, a sucess way to beat There use en debated by ar res lor over cet and yet argnb photography nok anyone a Me ewest pes ft ithe ultimate form ol madera i sfentahcaend ‘There are many thousands of important ealy at photographs in pubic and private collections Worldvide and yt the ajorty were hl made sth the exhib in mind Some wee tended {demonstrations of what the new medium could dy others began docureats ecords stration: ony iter were they sen art objet: The central rol photography crtety lays lathe lenis artic rem woul once Nave been uninagase There ae sil those who Iidge photography not to be tear. One reason gor ls that can be Gupte again and ‘oa. wou enn them that bronze selptre, which no‘ne dts i an ar ler, can eae fSetng ad recasting 2 large numberof copes, Suey photgrapers at like tat ofa pater, isthe tyto capture armoment of reat an rn to an age interest and Beaty ae Imeasre teeny © ‘Reading and Use of English _—| Which expert shares an opinion wih 8 on wheter the fac thal photographs can be feproduced devalue them as ar? has ltront opinion rom Aon wheter aking consent good fpotographs requis prelessioral waning? has a simlar opiion oD about whether mest photographs Ware = corgialy roared as works far? La has ifort vow fom athe eters on he importance ot photography intodays at wor? [a 9(Gp.i37] ot Test Part7 You se going to read an arte about sugar and its atematives Six paragraphs have been removed from heart, Choose fromthe paragraphs AG the onovhch ts ach gap (1 ~ 46) “Tare s one a paragraph which you donot need 0 use Mark your arswors onthe soparate answer shaet Finding an alternative to sugar 'S0 much forthe decades in which fats and os were public remy number one on our ‘inner plates ‘Theres more and more evidence tht sugar—or ater, for instance. products Ike ie cream, tore precisely. eafDohjdrate ~s behind our ths is rfl to mantning 3 sf texture Increaaing rates of obeaty and heat daca. at ieezer tempertures, Sagar also play’ ah ven if fleet not completely clear how Iris important role la giving procs ke, Bread bd Tor uy thete ae eles cals for Yeduckag and cates ther darker colour through what the quantity of sar nthe fds we eat. Shenists call aoncraymatie browning reaetons. eerie Unfortunately, sical swectener are not a fd at Fepodueny cher of there kunetone Replacing the swesiness of sugar in ods is [ 44 chal relatively stagtorwaré The fst - ‘itelctwentencr sachin war acovred ial allo omse ewer wate ‘Scdently by ayoung Russa chemist med nsty.these dravbacks lp toesplanhy they Constantin Fhibery in 1673. While studying Mavecoinenowherc ear eclipsing sane Howexe oar derivatives heutige someon Suis ae oli up for natural swereners The Neandsandthenicked singers Sacharie edence of harks associd wit them became widely used around World War when as ted Ut tobe les convincing than frst Tatura sugar was tenn short supply, im tought. Sets oars i the wideroess were the TSote scents discovered sever more €pPreaty the resi ofan anonymous compat Sweeteners in sma serndiptons waye, abo the rat othe OS. authors, whieh including aspartame and acest K ‘ow common tose to have come om aa eednaparame snd acenuame Grd oar ae ssn ‘ewihiewenaveplenyotoptnstorswenness, ob there are several dies asocated. wih 43% he problem tate, manulctrers have Using spar subates nour het There have 048" fo evecone the aertste issue by Servers lth scaes overturn which combining uni of ice sweeners. We have negate afleted stevia, saccharine and etcelve the aeiase of dierent esters pennants {dieing tae 9 00 sere in ° “ ‘ad ths we oer ars, wie fom Foal : sa tani Se ENN ee seencr apie ni acme ach cae etki ns akcaneiien poyecoudbeagudsrgerartebrecste Bea cee tee cect anc re NO wont gone aCe Reeth we ashe eae Suet Desig to rot y epying eaes ‘Scania set apeleapa Shae tao os nang e 2[Bpim] a Seems have also been lying ter prt in lerlstney,protain turers canbe add ‘stances whichbaveasimiar eet sugar nthe reeig properties wie setts ive ucovered tha erythro one option escorted the Sgr Seetenets sce = even those shehcccrtray ps cos (lang adver manaacorers have itv wars pred whch eee deadetage, fn adionl, increasing common practice i ona niger and coo meee logue This eps expan why the tse ot raga swestncrm new prot auichet ‘arte sical In eco gears ‘range, tring ¢ probe fat they Seo tore "stony" fo our sweetness lasing taste profle to sugar. and. so. are Dead stn erent by consumers FReacrg and Use of English Halwecrs comes aha le steve Scemingy Ioaurmoanable problems now In Serres tg aban

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