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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Liberal Arts- Languages Department

PURCOM- Purposive Communication


Description: As a partial fulfillment of the requirements in Purpose Communication, the

class will create a Multimedia Advocacy Project. There will be two outputs in this
project; video advocacy and poster advocacy. The following are the selected advocacies:
 Global Poverty
 Climate Change
 LGBTQ Rights
 Women Rights
 Child’s Right

Specific Instruction
1. The following are the selected advocacy per group:
a. Group 1 – Global Poverty
b. Group 2 – Climate Change
c. Group 3 – Women’s Rights
d. Group 4 – LGBTQ Rights
e. Group 5 – Child’s Rights

2. Each group will be creating a 1:30 to 3 mins video and a poster (standard poster
size found in Canva) of their selected advocacy.

3. The message of the video and poster must be able to show the essence of the

4. The Video will be evaluated based from the following criteria:

a. Topic and Content - Topic thoroughly covered in an interesting and
creative manner. Made excellent persuasive statement.
b. Product - Effectively showed desired action during and at end of
advocacy video
c. Basic Camera Skills - Footage steady and in focus; no headroom or
alignment errors
d. Shots - Creative shots used for a purpose: basic sequence, matching action,
over the shoulder, plus a variety of distances and angles
e. Editing - Shots left in serve a purpose; transitions and special effects used
when necessary
f. Effective Use of Time - Class time used effectively to create a successful
g. Sound - Effective use of sound, music, sound effects audio.
Voice levels are consistent, and understandable
h. Time - Within 1:30-3 minutes
i. Treatment/Script - Script showed effective use of Pre-Production
j. Storyboard - Storyboard is thorough and descriptive. Well done.

5. The Poster will be evaluated based from the following criteria:

a. Attractiveness & Organization - The campaign poster has exceptionally
attractive formatting and well-organized information.
b. Graphics/Pictures - Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix
of text and graphics. Accurate map is included.
c. Writing - Grammar - There are no grammatical mistakes in the campaign
poster without teacher/adult feedback.
d. All facts in the campaign poster are accurate.

6. Deadline of the Video and Poster is on May 12, 2023, 11:59PM


Sample Advocacy Video:

Sample Advocacy Poster:

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