Questions For Evaluation Instances

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For the evaluation of the objectives:

-Are they suitable for the diversity of the students?
-Are they consistent with community expectations?

For the evaluation of the Contents:

-Are they suitable for the objectives and the competencies that are intended?
-Do they adjust to the problems of the social and cultural environment?
-Do they fit the cycle, year, and maturation stages of the groups?
-Are they correlated and articulated among themselves and among the various
-Does the organization of the contents correspond to a
cognitive or traditional?

For the evaluation of the Activities:

-Were the activities carried out as planned? Yes
-were modified, was it based on the achievement of the objectives?
-Were they planned taking into account the realities?
contextual, the rationale for the PEI and the PCI agreements.
-Were they followed up?

For the evaluation of methodological strategies

-Are the teaching methods, techniques and procedures
appropriate to the context, diversity, framework agreements,
-the use of time, spaces, resources and methodologies?
-Were the established deadlines met?
-Were the methods, techniques and procedures used
-Is there a professional development of the teaching role from the
ICH construction?

To evaluate the Assessment:

Was an appropriate evaluation model built for the Institute's PCI?
Could the theory and practice of the contents be evaluated in an equitable and
complementary way?
Were recovery and compensation strategies employed?

Attention to diversity:
1 Do all students receive the same amount of effective instruction time in the
2. Do they try to ensure that all students achieve the construction of integrated
knowledge, or are there activities for “the Others”?
3. Are all students provided with the same material to observe, read, and the
same opportunities to investigate and express their ideas?
4. Do institutional actors learn to work together, communicating across
differences and valuing fair treatment for all?
5. Do they teach all those who participate in the educational process to oppose
all types of discrimination directed both towards themselves and other members
of society?

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