RothP REL3233 HaggaiSummary

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Payton Roth

Dr. Saltz
REL 3233-1
22 March 2022
Summary of the book of Haggai
The prophet Haggai whose name means “my celebration (or festival)” is one of the few post-
exilic prophets and he was prophesying around 520 BC with Zechariah in a time when the exiles
under the Persians were returning to Jerusalem to rebuild beginning in 539 BC. Work started
shortly after arriving back in the book of Ezra but was halted due to opposition for a period of
10-15 years or so to which situation Haggai is speaking to. The message of the book is hence
one of a call to rebuild the temple that lies in ruins in 1:1-15, a speaking of the future glory of
the temple in 2:1-9, a temple transition in 2:10-19, and a section concerning the Lord’s signet
ring. All 4 of these sections begin with a chronological marker (day, month, year). So, it begins
in year 2, day 1 of the 6th month of Darius king of Persia and Haggai calls the governor
Zerubbabel and Joshua, the high priest and the accusation concerning the people is that they
say, “now is not the time to rebuild the temple” (1:2). But the Lord responds that they have
built their paneled houses, why not his house? This reminds us of the heart of David which
contrasts this in 2 Samuel 7 who was ready to build God’s house realizing he lived in a cedar
house. Things are not going well for them. They aren’t reaping or harvesting much nor are they
being clothed or full as expected (1:6) and so the prophet challenges them to look around and
“consider your ways” (1:5). The Lord calls them to gather the resources and rebuild his house
for the sake of God’s glory (1:8) and then he proceeds to offer the reason why they have not
prospered. They have built their own houses while neglecting his. God himself has called a
drought on their land to withhold its produce because of this (1:11). And grain, wine, and oil are
mentioned connecting us back to Joel 1:10 as if this is yet another call to the repentance, which
he was asking of from the beginning of the book of the 12. And in fact, the people listen and
begin the work (1:14) While this message had been directed to the leaders in 1:1 the people
respond in repentance in recognition too of their own part in this. And God assures them that
he is with them in this work and stirs up their spirits to do the work which they begin on the
24th day of the month, just 23 days later. This leads into the 2nd section of Haggai, and it is now
the 21st day of the 7th month where almost a month has passed and, though not contained in
the book of Haggai, much has happened- the feast of trumpets on the 1st day of the 7th month,
the day of atonement on the 10th day of the 7th month and the feast of booths from the 15th day
to the 21st day of the month. All of these are in Leviticus 23 and according to Leviticus 23:39-43
the expressed purpose of the feast of booths was so that the people could rejoice in the good
produce of the land God has given them and to remind them of his care when he brought them
out of Egypt. It is no wonder then to find this people discouraged as the very thing that should
remind them of good things just reminds them of the awful present! And so, while this house
that they are building may not seem like it will ever be able to compare (2:3) he charges them
to be strong 3 times, recalling Joshua 1:6-9 in the Lord’s charge to Joshua, but this time to all
the people, and build the temple assuring them that he is still with them (2:5). The reason
provided here is that soon he is going to shake again the heavens and the earth and sea and dry
land recalling the creation (2:6). And like in the days of Solomon when treasure was contributed
by the queen of Sheba for that temple, all nations would contribute to this temple and the glory
of this coming temple would be even greater! (2:9). The book then moves into the 3 rd section
with the designation in 2:10 that this is the 24th day of the 9th month and so 2 months have
passed. And in 2:11-13 Haggai is charged to ask the priests concerning the law of holiness and
uncleanness and the obvious answers to the questions are given that holiness does not transfer
but uncleanness does. And that’s how it is with this people says the Lord in 2:14. Their offering
is still unclean. And a repeat seemingly of 1:9-11 in which everything is languishing occurs
except the reason is not the temple but that they have not turned to the Lord and so even
though this construction has happened they still need to turn to God. And again, they are asked
to “consider” (2:18) their present circumstances and this section ends with the Lord’s assurance
that he will bless them (2:19). The last section begins in 2:20 at the same time as this other
oracle in 2:10-19 on the 24th day of the 9th month. The Lord says that he will shake the heavens
and the earth again but with this he will not just establish the temple (2:6) but overthrow the
other nations, destroying them like the Egyptians recalling the exodus (2:21), and he will take
Zerubbabel as his signet ring. Jehoiachin had been the Lord’s ruler but had been torn away
seemingly ending the Davidic rule (told in Jer. 22:24-26, note v.30 especially) yet he would
reinstate in his place Zerubbabel. And so, despite their bleak present there is a coming
messianic age with a reinstated Davidic monarchy and a new temple where the Lord will give
peace (2:9).
The message of Haggai for us is that we ought not to in building our own lives and
houses for our own enjoyment forget the Lord and his dwelling place. His agenda takes
precedence over ours. In a number of ways, we can do this with our lives where because we are
so busy, we fail to give the time and attention to God’s house, the church, that the people
deserve, and we fail to make God a priority in our lives. And so, our first focus should be on
building his house and all else will fall into place (as Jesus said in Matt. 6:33). This also though is
a message of comfort and encouragement. We often expect things to be instantly better if they
are not right but that is simply not the way that life works. Like the people we are living in a
time where the promises have not yet been realized in their fullest sense- we have not been
restored to the perfect presence of God like in Eden (though we do have it in a far greater way
than they did) and until then at times life may still seem quite bleak- we are not prospering, a
wicked ruler is in charge and God’s church just doesn’t look very glorious, but rest assured
there is a time coming when we too will see an even greater house with far greater glory but
for now we must be strong and work knowing that he is with us. And we ought not like them to
make the excuse that this isn’t a good time. There will never be a convenient time. We need to
do it now!
The task to build God’s house is not just the responsibility of leaders either as is often assumed.
People say that the preacher needs to visit the sick, preach every Sunday and take care of
people but we just need to arrive and receive a good lesson and go on our merry way about our
day. This is flawed even from the NT perspective. Ephesians 4:12 states that the very purpose
for which he gave evangelists, shepherds, teachers. is too equip us to work! There is not then
simply a need for the leaders to get to work (though as leaders they should lead people in this)
but for everybody to get involved and rebuild his house. And don’t wait for the passion comes
or you feel stirred. Like the people we must simply begin the work and only after the people
began to work were their spirits were stirred up by the Lord. We must not wait then but go to
the work for the Lord is with us!

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