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Grammar 4 Complete the sentences with the correct answer,

A, B or C.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs given. Use contractions. 1 ……… a book at the moment?
A Do you read
1 I …………………………..….. (listen) to Beyoncé at the
B Read
moment. I’m listening to Ellie Goulding.
C Are you reading
2 Right now I …………………………..….. (do) my homework in
2 I ……… my grandparents very often because they don’t
the library. I’ve got a lot to do!
live near us.
3 She…………………………..….. (wear) her new jacket now.
A visit
She loves it.
B am visiting
4 They’re on the computer at the moment. They
C don’t visit
…………………………..….. (chat) online.
3 A: ……… the guitar? B: No, he can’t.
5 He …………………………..….. (sleep) now. He’s making the
A Can he play
B Does he can play
/5 C He can play
4 A: Have you got ……… change? B: No. I haven’t.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make A a
questions. B any
1 Dana / Why / walking / to / is / school / ? C some
5 A: What are you doing? B: I ……… for my phone.
A look
2 you / your / Are / wearing / jeans / new /?
B ’m looking
C ’m not looking
3 on / watching / What / you / TV / are /?

4 are / talking / Why / quietly / they /? Total / 20


5 he / Is / staying / Jerome’s / at / house /?

/5 5 Complete the sentences with one or two words in
each gap.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 1 I usually buy bread in the …………………………..…... I never
the verbs given. Use contractions.
buy it in the supermarket.
1 What …………………………..….. (do) at the moment? 2 I’m going to look for a new watch in the
2 I usually …………………………..….. (go) to bed at ten o’clock. …………………………..…...

3 They’re over there. They …………………………..….. (talk) to 3 There’s a special offer on tennis equipment in the
some friends. …………………………..…...

4 Adriana …………………………..….. (not cook) the dinner. 4 You can get some money from the …………………………..…...
She’s in the garden. 5 I need some medicine. Is there a …………………………..…..
5 I …………………………..….. (have) a shower every morning near here?
before school.

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6 Look at the pictures and write the correct words.

1 ………………………….. 2 …………………..….. 3 …………………..….. 4 …………………..….. 5 …………………..…..


7 Complete the sentences with these words. There 8 Complete the sentences with one word in each
are two extra options. gap.
cash • change • cheque • credit card • price sale 1 You can buy a magazine in the…………………………..…..
• size 2 He …………………………..…. stand watching football. He
hates it!
1 Have you got …………………………..….? I need it for the
3 You can …………………………..…. and paste that document.
ticket machine.
It saves time.
2 He always pays with his …………………………..…..
4 I often …………………………..…. to music when I’m in my
3 A: Can you tell me the …………………………..…. of this?
B: It’s £7.49.
5 You can borrow books for three weeks from the
4 This jacket is on …………………………..….. It’s 50% off!
5 I always keep my …………………………..…. in my purse.


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Total / 20

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Use of English
9 Choose the correct sentences (A–G) to complete the conversations. There are two extra sentences.
A Moira: I love your jacket! B Fritz: Hi, Steve. What are you doing?
Adele: (1) …………………………..….. Steve: (6) …………………………..…..
Moira: Where do you do your shopping? Fritz: Wow. Are you on holiday?
Adele: (2) …………………………..….. Steve: (7) …………………………..…..
Moira: When do you go there? Fritz: Where are you staying?
Adele: (3) …………………………..….. Steve: (8) …………………………..…..
Moira: Are you going there today? Fritz: Do you like it?
Adele: (4) …………………………..….. Steve: (9) …………………………..…..
Moira: Yes, why not? Fritz: It sounds brilliant!
Adele: (5) …………………………..….. Steve: (10) …………………………..…
Moira: OK. See you later. Fritz: Me? Nothing. It’s raining here!

A Yes, I am. Do you want to come? A In an apartment.

B I go to the shopping centre in town. B What are you doing?
C It’s in the clothes shop. C I play football on the beach with my friends.
D Great. Shall we meet at 3.30? D I’m sitting on the beach in Italy!
E Thanks. It’s new. E Yes. It’s next to the beach!
F No. I don’t go there. F Yes. I’m here with my parents.
G I usually go on Saturdays. G I usually stay in a hotel.

/ 10

10 Read the blog post. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

Cyber Monday
Today is Cyber Monday here in the United States. No, it’s not the name of a science fiction story. It’s a day when there are
special offers on shopping websites. More than 100 million people do online shopping on Cyber Monday and they spend
nearly 2 billion dollars.
I’m not a fan of shopping and I hate the shopping centre. There are a lot of people and a lot of noise. But it’s different on
the Internet. You can look at different websites calmly and compare prices, all from your living room. If you surf the
Internet, you can find what you want quickly and it’s easy to pay. People don’t need to worry about cash or change – you
can pay with your credit card. Your shopping usually arrives at your house the next day.
Today I’m looking for a new top. There are lots of sweatshirts but not many jumpers. I want a jumper because it’s autumn
now and it’s getting cold. I’ve got one jumper in my ‘favourites’ page but I’m waiting before I buy it. It’s 20 dollars at the
moment but I think I can get it for 10 dollars. Let’s see …

1 Cyber Monday is a science fiction story. T/F

2 People spend a lot of money on Cyber Monday. T/F
3 The writer likes going shopping. T/F
4 The writer thinks online shopping is convenient. T/F
5 You can pay for online shopping with cash. T/F
6 The writer wants to buy a new sweatshirt. T/F

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11 Read the blog post again and answer these 12 Read the blog post again and complete the notes
questions. with between one and three words in each gap.
1 What can shoppers find on Cyber Monday? Cyber Monday
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. Country: (1) …………………………..…..
2 How much money do people spend on Cyber Monday? Number of shoppers on Cyber Monday:
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. (2) …………………………..…..
Good things about online shopping: quick and
3 Why doesn’t the writer like shopping?
(3) …………………………..…..
Writer thinks it’s a good idea to (4) …………………………..….. and
4 How long does your shopping take to arrive? see if the price goes down before you buy
5 Why does the writer want to buy a jumper?
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. Total / 16
6 Why isn’t the writer buying the jumper now?


13 Listen to two friends, Amber and Neil, talking 14 Listen again and complete the sentences with
about shopping. Choose the best answers, one or two words in each gap.
A, B or C.
1 Amber doesn’t really like shopping with her
1 Who is Amber shopping with? …………………………..…...
A her mum 2 Amber’s mum is using a …………………………..….. to pay for
B Neil the shopping.
C her teacher 3 She doesn’t like the …………………………..….. of the trainers.
2 What does she want to buy? 4 Neil recommends a …………………………..….. called Fit
A some white trainers Feet.
B some basketball boots 5 Fit Feet is on …………………………..…...
C some clothes
3 Why doesn’t Amber buy the trainers in the sports shop?
A They haven’t got any trainers.
B Their trainers are too simple.
C They haven’t got her size.
4 Where does Neil tell Amber to go?
A to a clothes shop
B to a shoe shop
C to another sports shop
5 Where is the shop Neil mentions?
A in the shopping centre
B opposite a famous clothes shop
C next to a bank

Total / 10

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15 You are staying with a friend’s family in the UK. Your friend is talking to someone on the phone. You want
to take the bus into town now. You leave a note for your friend. Tell him/her that you are going out and that
you want to meet him/her later.
Write 30–35 words.







/ 12

16 Talk about the two pictures. Find eight differences and say what you see in the pictures.

Picture A Picture B

/ 12

Total / 100

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