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Must Know Heuristics

Repeated Identity

1. The ratio of Jamal’s height to Xavier’s height is 4 : 3. The ratio of Xavier’s height

to Peter’s height is 2 : 5. If the total height of the 3 boys is 232 cm, find Peter’s

Ans: __________________________________

2. The ratio of handbags to purses in a shop was 6 : 7. After of the purses were

sold, there were 135 more handbags than purses. How many handbags were
there in the shop?

Ans: __________________________________

1 PSLE/RepeatedIdentity
3. A bakery baked some chocolate, almond and vanilla cookies. For every 3
chocolate cookies that were baked, 2 almond cookies were baked. For every 4

chocolate cookies that were baked, 3 vanilla cookies were baked.

(a) Find the ratio of the chocolate cookies to almond cookies to vanilla

cookies baked.

(b) After the bakery baked another 120 almond cookies, 30% of the cookies

in the end were almond cookies. How many chocolate cookies did the
bakery bake?

Ans: (a) ______________________________

(b) ______________________________

4. The ratio of the number of toy planes that Darryl had to the number of toy
planes Daniel had was 3 : 5. The ratio of the number of toy planes that Daniel

had to the number of toy planes than David had was 3 : 4. If Darryl had 22 less
toy planes than David, how many toy planes did Daniel have?

Ans: __________________________________

2 PSLE/RepeatedIdentity
5. There were some Chinese, Indian and Malay guests at a wedding. The ratio of
the number of Malay guests to the number of Chinese guests was 7 : 2. The ratio

of the number of Indian guests to the number of Malay guests was 5 : 3. After
104 Indian guests left the wedding, of the remaining guests were Indians. How

many guests remained at the wedding?

Ans: __________________________________

5 2
6. Hannah had 7 as many beads as Kirsten. Kirsten had as many beads as Anita.

If Anita had 242 more beads than Hannah, how many beads did the girls have

in all?

Ans: __________________________________

3 PSLE/RepeatedIdentity
1 3
7. When of a box is filled with flour, its mass is 0.13 kg. When of the box is
3 4

filled with flour, its mass is 0.23 kg. Find the mass of the box when it is empty.

Ans: __________________________________

8. Anthony, Benny and Charlie had some sweets. The average number of sweets
Anthony and Benny had was 120. The average number of sweets Benny and
Charlie had was 95. Given that Charlie had as many sweets as Anthony, find

the number of sweets that Benny had.

Ans: __________________________________

4 PSLE/RepeatedIdentity
9. The value of the $2-notes in Alina’s wallet is equal to the value of the $5-notes
in Serena’s wallet. Serena spent $60 and the ratio of the number of notes in

Alina’s wallet to the number of notes in Serena’s wallet became 25 : 6. How

much money was there in Alina’s wallet?

Ans: __________________________________

10. 30% of the buffaloes in a herd were males. When 60 more female buffaloes
joined the herd, the percentage of the male buffaloes in the herd dropped to

20%. How many male buffaloes were there in the herd?

Ans: __________________________________

5 PSLE/RepeatedIdentity

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