BUAL - PAA1 (Final)

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Name: Niña Nicole A.

Bual Year and Course: 1st Year BSA

STS Jane Literatos
Date: August 18, 2021

Preparatory Assessment #1: Reflection Paper

Assigned Documentary Title: The Minimalist: Less is More

YouTube Links: https://flixhq.ru/movie/the-minimalists-less-is-now-w57l4


This paper will discuss my perspective and insights about the documentary
entitled "The Minimalist: Less is More." The documentary shows how people
immensely engage with their kinds of stuff. It explains how utilized technology such as
gadgets for marketing to attract and tempt consumers to buy products even if it is
unnecessary. Part 1 will describe the main issue, which is the same events that the
people experienced, as evidenced by the documentary. Part 2 interprets the
interviewees' perspective and explains how it is different from the others' point of view.
Part 3 contains the realizations and significance of the message that the documentary
wants to spread. Thus, this paper consists of thoughts and interpretations about the

I. What themes, issues and conflicts are represented within the

documentaries? Why do you think the said documentary have been chosen
in the lens of Science, the Good Life and Questions Concerning
Technology? (2 paragraphs, 1 per question.)

McManus E. (2021) said that “The reason we are so depressed and so empty
when we have so much is that if you get more of the wrong thing, it become less,”
which is the standard issue based on those who gave their testimonies. In the video,
they share their experiences about their shopping habits and ending up buying useless
things. People are blind to reality and chose to focus on dreams that don’t make any
benefits except to show off. Some are trying hard to keep up with the trend because of
their insecurities. With this, they bought stuff impulsively without assessing. Some
people do not experience true happiness because they are preoccupied with their work,
and they have forgotten about their health and their loved ones. In connection with this,
they are selfless and clueless about the good meaning of life. As a result, they lose their
identity as people who must live a healthy and meaningful life; and become thoughtless
about essential things.

The documentary of Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus entitled "The
Minimalist: Less is More" would have most likely been chosen to emphasize the truth
through observation and research to get reliable information from the interviewees in
the lens of Science by Garcia; it shows the essence of improving life with a good
purpose in the lens of the Good Life by Aristotle; and how the technology can be
dangerous in individual's life based on Heidegger's Questions Concerning Technology.
The documentary gathered data based on the people's actual experiences where it
reveals the truth regarding their situation. It is supported only by facts which represent
in the lens of Science by Garcia. Furthermore, it highlighted living a minimalist
lifestyle to eliminate unnecessary items and focus on beneficial things to our lives. It is
preserving the Good Life by Aristotle as it promotes healthy ways of growing our life.
Moreover, it shows how people are easily tempted because of the advertisement that
pops up on their screen, which ended them up purchasing unimportant stuff. It indicates
the downside of technology if it does not use morally in the reference of Heidegger's
Questions Concerning Technology. Therefore, it is evident that Joshua Fields Millburn
and Ryan Nicodemus's documentary, "The Minimalist: Less is More," illustrates the
themes/issues/conflicts that educate us in the lens of Science, the Good Life, and
Questions Concerning Technology which associated with our life.

II. From whose perspective does the documentary unfold? and how would the
film differ from another point of view? (2 paragraphs, 1 per question.)

The interviewed persons in the documentary are shopaholics, and Sweat R.

(2021) admitted that "I was spending money, and it was out of control." Since they have
enough money in their pocket, they could have what they want at any time. They tend to
focus on objects, wealth, and ownership and comparing themselves with other people,
such as celebrities. Additionally, these persons are fit as the example of impulsive
buyers because of their emotions. They bought stuff without taking a careful thought of
its purpose. Material possession is also an issue for them. For that reason, they become
obsessed with anything, even if it has no value. Thus, they are the people who enjoy
various items so much that they do not plan or consider the pros and cons, especially the

The film would be very different from the perspective of privileged people who
are shopaholics and impulsive consumers, as the title would be “The Minimalist: Less
is More,” and it would most likely focus on how it might affects unprivileged people
who are unable to obtain the things they needed due to poverty, which is the opposite.
While others spend their money on their desires, the less fortunate struggle to meet their
basic needs. They cannot easily acquire it nor achieve their wants. In addition, these are
the people who have a broad awareness of their surroundings and reality. They know
what is worthy and what is not. They also consider many factors and work with their
decisions meticulously to ensure that they spend their money efficiently and avoid
wasting it. With this, they can smartly assess their financial status. Therefore, people in
disadvantaged are wise on organizing their financial capabilities because of the
hardships they experienced in life, which gives them knowledge on how to value
important things.

III. To what extent did the documentary leave you with a sense of involvement,
hope, excitement, indifference, despair – or maybe with a mixture of such
feelings and Why? (1 paragraph only, 1 per question.)

The documentary left me with a sense of hope, involvement, and

encouragement, as it enlightens me to the value of living a life with meaning and
simplicity, which can be seen at the ending part of the documentary as Milburn J.F.
(2021) stated that life is not perfect and easy but a simple one. The documentary
presented practical lessons that lead me to many realizations as I appreciated the
powerful message shown in the documentary. That is to be grateful for what we have
and acknowledge belongings that we didn't even give a good recognition, and learn
about their relevance. Being blind to the attractiveness of things without knowing their
purpose makes us deny their usefulness in our life. In addition, it is only a waste as we
did not consider the state of other people who are suffering on reaching their
necessities. What is great about the documentary is that it promotes minimalistic
because it gives us opportunities to give way and reduce life burdens. It allows us to let
go of things in our heads and feel peace. In conclusion, I feel relieved after watching the
documentary because of the sense of hope, involvement, and encouragement that
acquaints me about embodying a purposeful life.


It finally reached the end of my conclusions and reflections about the

documentary entitled “Minimalist: Less is More” where Joshua Fields Millburn and
Ryan Nicodemus tackled the importance of minimalism. These contain about the
people who testified their experiences regarding with their issues about the obsession of
stuffs and the way they neglect its true importance. It described the differences between
fortunate and less fortunate people in handling their finances and their view of things.
The particular part of the documentary that heartily touches me and leads me into
discernment and appreciation was also shared. Moreover, the documentary shows
occurrences based on reality and revealing the truth, which connects in the lens of
Science. The minimalist lifestyle refers to live simply and give space for the just and
real, which relates to Good Life. It also shows how technology affects people’s lives
and disregards its essence, which pertains to Questions Concerning Technology. To
sum up everything, this paper deserves to be proud because it incorporates additional
knowledge about Science, Technology, and Society where there is wisdom that must be
remembered and appreciated.

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