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Keyzar Dos Santos Goncalves

Majoring IR
Batch 2022

Structural Racism Explained Structural racism refers to the way societal

institutions, policies, and practices perpetuate racial inequalities, often
unintentionally. It is a system that disadvantages certain racial and ethnic groups
while benefiting others. This form of racism operates at a broader level, beyond
individual attitudes or actions, and is deeply rooted in historical, social, and
economic structures.
Structural racism manifests in various ways, such as unequal access to quality
education, healthcare, housing, employment opportunities, and criminal justice.
These disparities arise from longstanding policies like segregation, redlining,
discriminatory hiring practices, and biased law enforcement, among others.
Historical factors like slavery, colonization, and systemic discrimination have
contributed to the formation and perpetuation of structural racism.
Over time, these factors have resulted in intergenerational disadvantages and
limited opportunities for marginalized racial and ethnic groups.
Addressing structural racism requires recognizing and challenging its existence
within institutions and systems. It involves implementing equitable policies,
reforming discriminatory practices, and promoting inclusivity. By dismantling
systemic barriers and fostering equal opportunities, society can work towards a
more just and equitable future.

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