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Allow Important updates from You can turnit of whenever you tke, Poza by Trspush psitwnwtruceushcom? Upcoming Mentoring Sessions ems boxdsoure= 0302) MENTORING MENTORING SESSION SESSION ‘AWP Question Answer Discussion How to choose an Optional subject?” Environment and Ecology menorne mentoring sersone 648017020267 7979565) sessonsf 688209720267 Mest4706) 6 e a rte Paes roN TERS cos o veuRReNT Arras) gonivenican MENTORII SESSIO AWP Question Answer Discuss Polity mentoring sessionl EAT deeb? 20267 Rds) Allow Important updates from Veli eTTkAM & RAVI CSAT.Course uaieaniaaalll ye TiS) ene) (hupsitaeamardravcom/allcouseshasc-sauesatclssroon-cousel) Intpss DU sgograny- dan) oo ema oman a0 ‘The Governor's Move is Dangerous, Unconstitutional *+ The Governor of ami Nad css a Minister the Council Wiistersof Tarlac. Later the governor backraced ons econ, keine he" dsmisa erdrin abeyance +The TN Governorsmoveto ‘sms a Minter highlights he pol ha the pleasure of the Governor under the Ministers snot the sare a that ofthe colonial Governor. Wythe Governors moves Dangerous? 1+ Against the spr of Federal structure > Thisunprecedentedactf dismissing Minster of government which enjoys an bolt marty inte tate gilt without the nsttution of nla perainingto * © haste potent destabilise State goversents puttin the fara ystminjcopardy, & + Unconsttujeetirarrnisy CHBNE HEA More srUDr MATERIALS? © Govemors ae lowed to eerie the power of sonst nah aua Masters without the nage a recarmendation of CM the ‘Allow Important updates from {9 Estoril Analysis \ ‘You can turn of whenever you te ‘VISIT DETAIL PAGE VARTICLE/THE-GOVERNORS-MOVEIs-DANGEROUS-UNCONSTITUTIONAL/S4AQ206B742FOSOSDIEBGFF2/ ® Sue Pes by Tasnush hts veasrsous co? ay ‘What s the Ordinance making power ofthe President? The Deh goverment recent urged the Supreme Court to guath the National Capital Teritoryof Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance, 2028. |§ Potty Governance o sues mo a e ree 0 ation cas arERIAS More ty Shanehal Conf at katation SCO) rontentcan stub MATERIALS) ‘Chinese Foreign Ministry receilysid atthe Chinese resident wil ttend the vital summit ofthe Shanghai Cooperation Organisation SCO) beinghorted by loa. ‘Allow Important updates from © smorsrans m0 sapere teenth ‘Anadult tiger was recent led in Satpura Tiger Reserve allegedly by poachers who carried awayitshead, * e a rasp Paes roN TERS cas MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) ontvenican STUDY MATERIALS) ‘SEmvronment 6 Eealogy 9 gums "0 Whats the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)? Nor Securty, home to NordVPN, Nord ayer NordPas, and Nordlockr.recentljoined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) community. * e a rasp Paes roN TERS cas MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) ontvenican STUDY MATERIALS) ‘ternational Belle Robot organisms that ve underthesea without dstrbing the marine envirnment (¥scence 6 Tech OQ paMca a JULY 2028 cas TEST @r0Qvestions 0 20Mintes START TEST /DAILY-MCQ-TESTDETAIL/1-JULY-2023-MCQS-TEST/64A0O8CAC302E73BEBAFFAIE/) t e a rasp Paes roN TERS cos MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) gonivenican a @ umentartans Allow Important updates from \ INS Shankush Yes can turn off whenever you Recently the Ministry of Defence has signed a contractor Mesum Refit with Life Certification MRLC} Submarine "INS Shanks with MS “Mazapon Dac ShipbuldersLinited(MOL), Mumba at an ovealeost ofS 2725 Ce ozad by Trupush siwwrwtrucoush com? Sdefences security 8 ogame m0 Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) Recently nan wrestlers and Target Olio Pdlum Scere (TOPS) Athletes VneshPhogat andBorang Pula are set to head out Kyrgystan & a a rasp Paeunes row rERs cos MaERALS More gonivenican vstupeMareniaisy o veuRRENT AFFAIR) |S coverement Schemes andnitiatves ° sues m0 Recently the Brith childrens writer and performance poet Micha Rosen ha bon awarded the prestixous PEN Pinter Prise 2023 & a a rasp Paes roN TERS cos MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) gonivenican (9 Awards and Recognitions 9 gums "0 SIGHT Programme Recently the union Ministry of New and Renewable Erergy{MNRE] has issued scheme guidelines forimplementaton of sratgicntevention for _rcenhyrogentranson( SIGHT) programme, * e a rasp Paes roN TERS cas MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) oxtventcan STUDY MATERIALS) 9 gums "0 Lestat rare occurence, alestherbackseaturtlowat seen fer agen ofzovenyarsin Visakhapatnam. * e a rasp Paes roN TERS cas MarERALs More o veuRReNT Arras) oxtventcan STUDY MATERIALS) ‘SEmvronment 6 Eealogy a MAINSDALLY QUESTION % Recently twas found that due to excessive extraction of groundwater, the Earth's Ais of rotation has shifted. In light of tis statement discuss the environmental impact of excessive groundwater extraction and the ways fr sustainable management of groundwater {CLICK TOSEE ALL 33 ANSWERS (MAINS-DAILY-QUESTIONS/RECENTLY-TFWAS-FOUND-THAT-DUE-TO-EXCESSIVE EXTRAC/SAPFERSECOOZETORFEAAFCT?/) a oom * 9 Why la News? Allow Important updates from + Inasateric move te Centrehasidentid 20 crea meg ati an oa hel ean tnand conan whchare ester the country's economic development and natonalse raintAS.cort What sin Todays Atle? You can turnit of whenever you tke, + eonsieation of 30 rica Minerals the nian Govt 5 Sean of eestor rk MES oy raph sine? 1+ Recent forty he Inclan Govt Bost its rita NEBR RSH SSHE eso ware rte Minera Glekto view More + Arninrl istic when the ik of up shortage ae ha chery sei higher than ater aw materia Scecaraphy Vis DETAIL PAGE UARTICLE;WHAT.ARE-CRITICAL-MINERALS/SAPFDIA7COO2E7SBFO047638/) 9 ormes at) How Groundwater Extraction Has Shifted the Earth's Axis? Wir la News? 1+ According to anew sty excessive etactionof groundwate’ or drinking anirigaton has shite the Eats aes oratation. 1 Aboutthe sud sof the Stuy. Impact on Earth's Als, Role of Grounévater etc) +The study-Driftof Eats Pole Confirms Groundwater Deoltion as aignicant Contributor to Global Sa Level ise 1993-2010 was publ nthe oural Geophysical Research Letters, eater ts month + Thestudy was cared out researches from counties sucha USA, South Korea, usta an Hon Kon : limonene sepa oan 20nd gh years edit nena ci ley More \VSTUDY-MATERIALS/) mene ‘S coceraphy ‘Allow Important updates from VISIT DETAIL PAGE VARTICLE/HOW-GROUNDWAVOR:EKTRACTION AD HOFTED!THE-EARTHSAXI/L49FCFOACSO2E7SBFECAFO9C/ F Sohne a Pac Tagish tpsvaueashcon Centre to sue norms against darkpatterns'inonlineads Wha news? rae confer serie, fred ction section taps od ough + Totakethisissu, they lento release clear guidelines to regulte hes practices ‘+ Theminstynaals urged ne cnsumesolagsuch manipulatve online practices onthe National Consumer Helin aing 291 aWhatsAgpmessage to 8800001915, or trouh + mepaterns seciecheies one Click to View More 1+ Suen patter areunetial user itrface designs that dl berately make internet expen harder or even explo he users. VISIT DETAIL PAGE UARTICLE/CENTRE-TO-ISSUE-NORMS-AGAINST-DARK PATTERNS IN-ONLINE-ADS/649FCDEDCS02E738E977F9E4/) 4 Sess a0 Government approvth.27th tranche of electoralbonds 2 revs PONTE cas arenas wore Wyn news? OCURRENTAFFARS) gonivenican caer ee ee ee te ‘What's in today’s article? + Eketoral bonds You can turnit of whenever you tke, Electoral bonds (EB) + About Ect bond rancor needy the Covered 2018 2 -einsatate porno pital dots 1+ Who aeetgie to receive etectoralbonds? Cickio View More | ‘Only reiteed plc paris are eligible to reeie STE BoE {VISIT DETAIL PAGE VARTICLE/GOVERNMENT APPROVES-27TH-TRANCHE-OF-ELECTORAL-SONDS /649FCBS2C302€73C0192AA7EN 9 Same a) India and US-China Chip Wars Contest + Thenew US-nda technology partnership forged uring recent vst ot nan PM o Washington OC ete eehnlogy asthe new geoplita + key element ofthe partnership isthe resolve to divers theplabl semiconductor supply chain wich isa thecentre the vay Between the ‘work’ biggest economic powers the 3nd Cin, Semiconductor and its npertance + Semiconductor is usally comprised of sion whichcondits electric more than annals, sich a alas bles than pore canst, such2sopper or abinium, + Importance © Alsokrownas semisichips semiconductors an be found in thousands of produc such as computers, smarthones.aalances, gaming Thy senna or de dn on oe erator aed rnc aes igence-powered Deunnenr Arras oxivencan ‘SEstoril Alvis Allow Important updates from \ VISIT ETAI PAGE ARTICLE/NDIA-AND-US-CHINACHIP-WARS/649ECAAAC®O:E7O179F4A4E9) iQ once Powrad by Tespush ps twnwtruceushcom? We y 30 JUNE 2023 MCQS TEST @r0QveHione O20Minsee START TEST UDAILY-MCQ.TEST-DETAIL/30-JUNE-2023-MCQS-TEST/649EA2B9C302E7017EC945CEN ® Seeman Just Energy Transition Partnership UET-P) Recently, Senegal signed the Just Energy Transition Partnership VETP deal, a a Paes roN TERS cos MarERALs veuRReNT Arras) gonivenican a0) a Allow Important updates from \ ‘You can turn of whenever you te Powrod by Trspush ems boxdsoure-heo3i00) / ‘SEvronment & Ecalogy Loading. * e a ca rasp PaeunsroN TERS cas MaTERALs More o veuRRONT AFFAIRS onttentcan STUDY MATERIALS)

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