Acta Paediatrica - 2011 - Deguines - Variations in Incubator Temperature and Humidity Management A Survey of Current

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Acta Pædiatrica ISSN 0803–5253


Variations in incubator temperature and humidity management: a survey of

current practice
C Deguines1,2, P Décima (, A Pelletier2, L Dégrugilliers1,2, L Ghyselen1,2, P Tourneux1,2
1.Médecine Néonatale et Réanimation Pédiatrique Polyvalente, CHU Amiens, France
2.Laboratoire PériTox (EA 4285 – UMI 01 INERIS), UFR de Médecine, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France

Clinical practice, Humidity, Incubators, Low-
birthweight infants, Temperature
Aim: To describe and assess routine procedures and practices for incubator
temperature and humidity management in France in 2009.
P Décima, Laboratoire Péritox EA 4285 – UMI 01
Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all the 186 neonatal care units in France.
INERIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 3 rue des Results: The questionnaire return rate was 86%. Seventy-five per cent of the units
Louvels, F-80034 Amiens Cedex 1, France. preferred skin servo-control to air temperature control in routine practice. Air temperature
Tel: +33 3 22 82 76 77 |
control was mainly used for infants with a gestational age of more than 28 weeks and aged
Fax: +33 3 22 82 78 96 |
Email: over 7 days of life. In general, thermal management decisions did not depend on the
infant’s age but were based on a protocol applied specifically by each unit. All units
12 July 2011; revised 10 October 2011; humidified the incubator air, but there was a large difference between the lowest and
accepted 11 October 2011. highest reported humidity values (45% and 100% assumed to be a maximal value,
DOI:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02492.x respectively). More than 65% of the units used a fixed humidity value, rather than a vari-
able, protocol-derived value.
Conclusion: We observed large variations in incubator temperature and humidity
management approaches from one neonatal care unit to another. There is a need for more
evidence to better inform practice. A task force should be formed to guide clinical practice.

Humans can maintain an almost constant body temperature (SSC) system. When using ATC, there is a lack of evidence
(36.5–37.5C) in a wide range of thermal environments. In to inform practice on the Ta at which neonates should be
the particular case of premature and ⁄ or low-birthweight nursed. The guidelines published in 1970–1975 took
infants, thermal responses to heat or cold stresses are account of either the birthweight and the post-natal age
present but limited at birth, whereas cutaneous heat (PNA) (7) or the gestational age (GA) and the PNA (8).
exchanges with the environment are proportionally greater These working rules are approximate (7), because the envi-
than in term infants and adults. Low-birthweight infants ronmental control is primarily based on Ta at an air humid-
(accounting for about 7% of the births in France in 2010) ity of 50% and on the assumption that the incubator walls
are thus vulnerable to hypo- or hyperthermia, which are are at Ta. The SSC method is designed to maintain the
often observed on admission to neonatal care units and are infant’s body temperature constant and minimize metabolic
thought to be involved in many pathological situations heat production (9). However, this method assumes that the
(1–4). Hence, fragile infants should be protected against thermoregulatory system is fully efficient, which is unlikely
external thermal fluctuations until their thermoregulatory to be the case for very low-birthweight neonates (9). More-
mechanisms become fully efficient. In an incubator, thermal over, the assumption that a single Tsk measurement site is
stability is commonly achieved by using one of two modes representative of the infant’s thermoregulatory status
of control. The first mode controls the temperature of the remains subject to debate, because Tsk varies greatly from
circulating air (Ta; air temperature control, ATC). The one body region to another. Another problem relates to the
second mode regulates the incubator’s heating power as a
function of the measured skin temperature [Tsk, usually
between 36.8 and 37.0C (5,6)] with a skin servo-control Key notes
• A total of 186 French neonatal care units were asked to
fill out a questionnaire concerning their incubator
Abbreviations temperature and humidity management practices. Our
ATC, air temperature control; CV, coefficient of variation; GA, analysis of 159 replies (response rate: 86%) revealed
gestational age; PNA, post-natal age; RH, relative humidity; SD,
large variations between neonatal care units in terms of
standard deviation; SSC, skin servo-control; Ta, air incubator
temperature; Tsk, skin temperature. the incubator set temperature and humidity parameters.

230 ª2011 The Author(s)/Acta Pædiatrica ª2011 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2012 101, pp. 230–235
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Deguines et al. Incubator temperature and humidity management

fact that the use of a reflective aluminium foil patch to cover extremely premature infants (gestational age of 28 weeks or
the sensor minimizes the reading error otherwise caused by less) or those with an extremely low birthweight (1000 g or
radiant heat sources but also increases the apparent Tsk by less) or severe and ⁄ or complex illnesses. These infants form
between 0.15 and 0.82C (10,11). In a Cochrane review, the highest-risk group need the most specialized care, such
Sinclair (2008) (12) pointed out that for low-birthweight as advanced respiratory support, physiological monitoring
neonates, (i) the anterior abdominal skin temperature can equipment, laboratory and imaging facilities and nutrition
be kept at 36C and (ii) the use of the ATC method means and pharmacy support with specific paediatric expertise.
that Ta can be frequently manually modified. The questionnaire and an information sheet were e-mailed
Literature data suggest that maintaining high humidity is to managers at the 186 units (50 level IIa units, 77 level IIb
essential for reducing the major body water loss and evapo- units and 59 level III units) between December 2008 and
rative skin cooling seen in less mature infants with thinner March 2009. Follow-up e-mails and telephone calls were
skin. However, these benefits are subject to debate when used to maximize the response rate and to collect more
considered against the risks of infection (4,13,14), hyper- detailed information.
thermia (4) and delayed skin maturation (14). Sinclair et al.
(15) highlighted the absence of evidence for informing prac- Analysis
tices and thus wide variation in opinions on humidification The results were analysed statistically with Statview 5.0
and temperature control in incubators. They also empha- software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). We used chi-
sized the technical features of new-generation incubators squared tests with a Yates correction (if n < 5) to compare
and the concomitant lack of updated recommendations for qualitative variables and an analysis of variance to test
use of these new devices by caregivers. quantitative variables, with the use of a post hoc Fisher’s
Given the lack of approved recommendations, we protected least square difference (PLSD) tests if F-values
assumed that there would be a great unit-to-unit variability were significant. The statistical significance threshold was
in incubator temperature and humidity management prac- set to p < 0.05. Data are quoted as the mean ± 1SD, and
tices in France. We performed a large survey to determine inter-level variability is expressed as the coefficient of varia-
(i) current thermal management procedures and practices tion (CV, that is, the SD divided by the mean).
for nursing low-birthweight infants in incubators and (ii)
the factors that influence the caregivers’ choice of thermal
parameters. Lastly, we attempted to define what sort of RESULTS
knowledge is required to help clinicians to optimize their Participants
incubator temperature and humidity management practices. In all, 159 of 186 (86%) of the units returned the question-
naire. Respondents were variously nurses (37%), physicians
(25%), administrative nurses (21%) and unit managers
PATIENTS AND METHODS (17%). All were in charge of their incubators’ daily manage-
The survey instrument was a specifically designed, e-mailed ment and had good knowledge of their unit’s clinical pro-
questionnaire covering notably the unit’s characteristics cedures. There was no difference in the questionnaire
and equipment, the use of SSC or ATC modes, air humidity results according to the type of respondent (v26 = 12.02;
levels, the use of a patch to cover the skin temperature p = 0.056).
probe and the probe’s body site. The response rates for levels IIa, IIb and III were 70%,
96% and 86%, respectively. The level IIa, IIb and III units
Procedure differed significantly in terms of the mean number of admis-
The questionnaire was sent to all French neonatal care units sions per year, with 211 ± 111, 365 ± 191 and 485 ± 246
in January 2009. In France, neonatal care units are classified admissions, respectively (F2,107 = 12.99; p < 0.001). There
into four levels (I, IIa, IIb and III) by the Ministry of Health was no significant difference in terms of the number of incu-
(16), according to the type of care provided and the type of bators per patient placed in the unit: 0.82 ± 0.35
infant admitted. Level I units (maternities) were not taken (F2,147 = 1.38; p = 0.255).
into account in this study, because they deal with full-term
neonates who do not require specific medical support. Level Practice concerning the incubator temperature control
IIa units (special care nurseries) provide care to neonates mode
(‡32 weeks of gestational age and birthweight ‡ 1500 g) As shown in Table 1, there was consensus on thermal man-
with problems that can be rapidly resolved. They can pro- agement with SSC (rather than ATC) for all unit levels
vide assisted ventilation, if required. Level IIb units deal (v23 = 12.43; p = 0.006), despite the fact that all incubators
with (i) infants with a birthweight ‡ 1000 g and a gesta- provide a choice between these two control modes (17).
tional age ‡ 28 weeks or (ii) preterm infants £ 28 weeks of The choice of thermal control mode depended on GA
gestational age who have been discharged from a level III (v21 = 9.56; p = 0.002) and PNA (v21 = 4.23; p = 0.040). For
unit. Level IIb units are able to provide conventional infants with a gestational age of more than 28 weeks and
mechanical ventilation for as long as is needed but do not aged more than 7 days of life, the ATC mode was more fre-
use the most advanced respiratory support techniques like quently used. A wide range of Ta and Tsk values were used
high-frequency ventilation. Level III units deal with to control the thermal environment in the incubator,

ª2011 The Author(s)/Acta Pædiatrica ª2011 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2012 101, pp. 230–235 231
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Incubator temperature and humidity management Deguines et al.

Table 1 Practice concerning the incubator temperature and humidification control mode according to the unit level (IIa, IIb and III) and the infant’s gestational and post-natal ages
Temperature Humidity

Mode (%) Set point temperature (C) Air humidity values (%) when using
Units (%) using
A fixed value A unit protocol
Unit level SSC ATC Average ± 1SD CV Average ± 1SD CV A fixed value A unit protocol Mean ± 1SD CV Mean ± 1SD CV

GA < 28 weeks; PNA < 7 days

IIb 82 18 36.61 ± 0.30 1 35.00 ± 2.00 6 67 33 80 ± 19 24 100 ± 0 –
III 84 16 36.70 ± 0.29 1 36.20 ± 0.91 3 82 18 83 ± 13 16 87 ± 15 17
GA < 28 weeks; PNA > 7 days
IIb 67 33 36.58 ± 0.33 1 35.00 ± 1.63 5 71 29 83 ± 21 25 65 ± 7 11
III 82 18 36.68 ± 0.29 1 36.20 ± 0.91 3 69 31 73 ± 11 15 78 ± 18 23
GA > 28 weeks; PNA < 7 days
IIa 68 32 36.68 ± 0.30 1 35.18 ± 1.66 0 74 26 50 ± 0 – 45 ± 0 –
IIb 70 30 36.60 ± 0.25 1 34.71 ± 2.08 6 82 18 63 ± 22 35 77 ± 15 19
III 80 20 36.72 ± 0.27 1 36.16 ± 0.79 2 75 25 77 ± 17 22 80 ± 15 19
GA > 28 weeks; PNA > 7 days
IIa 57 43 36.66 ± 0.31 1 34.93 ± 1.59 5 74 26 50 ± 0 – – –
IIb 58 42 36.64 ± 0.23 1 34.40 ± 2.12 6 79 21 62 ± 23 37 73 ± 13 18
III 75 25 36.74 ± 0.28 1 35.63 ± 1.47 4 65 35 68 ± 14 21 80 ± 21 26

The infant’s gestational age (GA) is expressed in weeks of gestation, and the post-natal age (PNA) is expressed in days. The values are expressed as percentages
(mean ± 1 SD) with the coefficient of variation (CV) in %. The symbol ‘‘–’’ indicates the absence of data. NB: level IIa units do not treat neonates with a gestational
age below 28 weeks.

available literature (SSC: 1 ± 1%; ATC: 1 ± 1%) or esti-

Table 2 Choice of the thermal regulation control mode as a function of the unit level
mates made by the nursing staff according to the axillary
(IIa, IIb and III).
temperature (SSC: 10 ± 7%; ATC: 15 ± 11%). When we
Unit level Protocol Manufacturer Literature Other
compared level IIb and level III units (GA £ 28 weeks) with
Skin servo-control level IIa units (GA > 28 weeks) in terms of the reasons for
IIa 68 29 0 3 choosing SSC or ATC modes (a unit-specific protocol, a rec-
IIb 72 17 0 11 ommendation by the manufacturer, the available literature,
III 70 11 2 17 nursing experience, etc.), Fisher PLSD tests did not reveal
Mean 70 ± 2 19 ± 10 1±1 10 ± 7
any statistically significant differences (p = 0.108 and
Air temperature control
p = 0.892 for SSC and ATC, respectively).
IIa 68 27 0 5
IIb 64 20 2 14
III 63 11 0 26 Practice concerning the temperature sensor
Mean 65 ± 3 19 ± 8 1±1 15 ± 11 The sensor was generally placed on the anterior abdominal
skin surface, over the hepatic region (81 ± 6%). The other
Choice of the thermal regulation mode according to a unit-specific protocol,
body sites used were the back (9 ± 4%) and the axilla
the manufacturer’s recommendation, a literature recommendation or other
(5 ± 2%). Lastly, 5 ± 3% of the units did not use a perma-
criteria, expressed as a percentage of the units in each level.
nently affixed sensor but measured the axillary temperature
hourly. The sensor’s body site differed according to the unit
especially for ATC. The inter-level variability in the choice level (F3,8 = 301.43; p < 0.001): over the liver: 75%, 82%
of the target temperature was 1% for SSC and ranged from and 86%; on the back: 13%, 9% and 6%; and in the axilla:
2% to 6% for ATC. Tsk values were similar for the various 6%, 2% and 6% for level IIa, IIb and III units, respectively.
unit levels (36.67 ± 0.27C; F2,129 = 1.66; p = 0.194). Simi- Reusable Tsk sensors were preferred to single-use sensors
larly, the mean values of Ta (34.61 ± 2.11C) did not differ (v22 = 20.28; p < 0.001), whatever the unit level. The sensor
between the three unit levels studied here (F2,93 = 0.01; was variously covered by an adhesive, reflective patch
p = 0.987). (62 ± 7%), an adhesive but non-reflective patch (19 ± 8%)
In 70 ± 2% and 65 ± 3% of the cases, a unit-specific pro- or other types of adhesive (16 ± 4%). Only 2 ± 1% of the
tocol was used to determine either Tsk (when using SSC) or units did not use adhesive – the sensor was placed under the
Ta (when using ATC), respectively (Table 2). The decisions diaper’s elastic waistband. These practices differed signifi-
based on the unit’s protocol differed significantly cantly according to the unit level (F3,8 = 64.72; p < 0.001).
(p < 0.001) as a function of other factors (SSC: F3,8 = 82.74; The sensor was regularly re-positioned in 73 ± 8% of the
ATC: F3,8 = 50.62; p < 0.001) based on the manufacturer’s units (F1,4 = 54.72; p = 0.002) after a mean time interval of
recommendations (SSC: 19 ± 10%; ATC: 19 ± 8%), the 16 ± 2 h (F2,104 = 0.672; p = 0.513).

232 ª2011 The Author(s)/Acta Pædiatrica ª2011 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2012 101, pp. 230–235
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Deguines et al. Incubator temperature and humidity management

Practice concerning the relative humidity (RH) of the Isolette from Dräger Medical, Telford, PA, USA) con-
incubator air trolled by an abdominal skin temperature of 36.5C, Heim
As shown in Table 1, a fixed RH was used by more than (20) showed that the oxygen uptake of a 7-day-old prema-
74% of the units (F1,18 = 321.03; p < 0.001). The RH values ture neonate (body mass: 780 g; gestational age: 27 weeks)
were related to the infants’ GA (F1,179 = 15.80; p < 0.001) did not reach a steady state but tracking the oscillating incu-
and PNA (F1,179 = 4.27; p = 0.040) and the unit level bator air temperature over several hours. A 42% increase in
(F2,178 = 16.53; p < 0.001). On average, the RH was set to heat production over baseline values was observed, whereas
80 ± 15% for infants with a gestational age of <28 weeks these fluctuations only reached 18% with a manual ATC at
and lowered to 68 ± 21% for infants with a gestational age 34C. Moreover, a 1.5C increase in incubator air tempera-
of more than 28 weeks (Fisher PLSD: p < 0.001). Similarly, ture leads to a significant increase in apnoea (21).
the RH level decreased with increasing PNA (PNA £ 7 - Similarly, when using ATC, the mean set point Ta
days: 75 ± 20% vs. PNA > 7 days: 69 ± 20%; p = 0.040). (34.62 ± 2.11C, 2 £ CV £ 6%) does not appear to be based
Inter-level variability in the choice of RH value was always on the recommended parameters (body weight, GA and
high (from 15% to 25%) but was greatest PNA (7,8,22)). In general, temperature regulation practice
(11% £ CV £ 37%) for infants with a gestational age of was derived from a unit-specific protocol, whereas humidifi-
more than 28 weeks. cation was set to a fixed value adjusted to GA and PNA. In
practice, these decisions were primarily influenced by ill-
defined factors (clinical experience and the neonate’s
DISCUSSION assumed needs) and the manufacturer’s recommendations
The survey highlighted the practical difficulties in tempera- and only rarely (in 1% of cases) by the available literature.
ture assessment and control and the lack of a definitive, The infant’s GA and PNA were used as criteria to set the
optimal management method – despite the fact that this is a RH. The highest RH values were observed for neonates with
relevant issue for caregivers (as reflected by the high GA £ 28 weeks in intensive care. Similarly, the humidity
response rate of 86%). was set at a higher level for a PNA of less than 7 days. For
In general (and whatever the incubator’s regulation neonates with a gestational age of more than 28 weeks, the
mode), the sensor was affixed to the anterior abdominal caregivers continued to provide humidification, even
skin surface. Continuous measurement of a central temper- though such a prolonged period of high humidity can
ature alone provides only limited information about reportedly increase the risks of infection (13), hyperthermia
whether the baby is too hot or too cold and says nothing (4) and delayed skin maturation (14). The extent of bacterial
about the energy cost of maintaining a normal temperature. contamination in this context has never been clearly estab-
Indeed, the changes in abdominal skin temperature occur lished (23), but asepsis may be more important than tight
later than those in more distal skin sites – thus underesti- homeothermia control. It is common practice to reduce RH
mating body cooling and exposing the neonate to an unsta- as GA and PNA increase (24,25) and the skin matures (26).
ble thermal environment. As reported by Lyon et al. (18), As previously reported by Libert et al. (27), RH control is
measuring both a central and a peripheral temperature and less appropriate than the adequate production and control
continuously displaying the difference between the two can of the partial water vapour pressure. The latter directly
provide an indication of thermal stress before there is any modulates body cooling, because evaporative water loss is
change in the central temperature. In 61% of the units (i.e. related to the difference in vapour pressure between the
90 of 147), the sensor was covered with an aluminium foil skin surface and the air. To the best of our knowledge, the
patch. The latter is known to impede evaporative skin cool- optimal duration of air humidification has never been
ing and thus to distort temperature readings (especially at clearly defined in the literature.
low relative air humidity levels) (10,11). The present results showed that 19% of the units based
We found that SSC was the standard of care for regulat- their practices on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
ing the microenvironment in 75% of participating neonatal Today, the computer programs provided by manufacturers
care units. Our survey results suggest that SSC is chosen for can provide decision support (28,29) on the basis of a body
the reasons of convenience, in as much as the neonates par- heat balance equation (the required RH and incubator air
ticipate in the control of their own temperature. Whatever temperature are calculated so that the body heat storage is
the unit’s level of care (IIa, IIb or III), the target Tsk chosen nil). Lyon & Oxley (29) compared two groups of 10 preterm
by the caregivers (mean value 36.66 ± 0.27C, with an neonates (<GA < 29 weeks) during the first 4 days of life.
inter-level CV £ 1%) was very close to the standard set One group was cared for according to a computer program’s
point of 36.5C generally quoted in the literature. The target recommendations on optimizing the incubator air humidity
Tsk did not depend on the infant’s age, despite the fact that and temperature, and the other group was cared for with a
this physiological parameter is known to be higher in neo- nurse-defined strategy. The researchers found that the two
nates with a gestational age of less than 28 weeks (19). For strategies give similar results for the clinical outcome (i.e.
infants with low metabolic heat production, repeated heat- the neonates’ body temperature stability). Lyon & Oxley
ing demands induced by the error signal (in proportion to emphasized that their study was performed on a small num-
skin temperature changes) lead to slight thermal fluctua- ber of neonates. However, by comparing computer-gener-
tions. Using an incubator (the standard Air Shields ated humidity values [for 65 very-low-birth weight (VLBW)

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