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There are few aims of conducting this experiment. Understanding the operation principle of a pump
water station, designing the flow chart of the two-level control of the pump level control,
understanding the closed loop control system of a real time application are the objectives that we
aim to achieve through this experiment.

In this experiment, we can identify the apparatus with these main components.
1) Fluid tank (WT) - a storage tank to hold desired amount of water
2) Measurement System (CP) - CP system is used to sense the level of water inside the
water tank.
3) Controller (PLC) - PLC is the system which is used to control the desired
………………………………….water level by starting and stopping the pump. This system
……………………………….....responds to the information taken by the CP.
4) Pump (P) - pump is responsible of feeding the tank and it will be
………………………………….actuated by the controller.
5) Sol valve driver (SV) - release water from the storage tank.
A range of level control systems and methods are used in industry. Systems may be based on the
use of floats, probes, or even more sophisticated technology. This first process control experiment
studies the pumping water station. The control of liquid levels, for example in a process tank, is an
important function. An example would be a water tank where water is removed, perhaps for
washing down, and the level needs to be restored ready for the next wash cycle.

Above figure shows the level control of a pump water station where, ST – storage tank; WT – water
tank; P – pump; SV – solenoid valve; LVL – level of liquid; CP – capacitive probe. Whenever the
water level in the water tank is too low (level 1), the PLC must keep the pump ON until the tank is
filled with water (level 2). The PLC then will stop the flow of water into the water tank. One method
to adjust the control level thresholds is using a capacitance probe. Water station signal diagram: the
water (W) level (L) is kept in between 2 levels by energizing the actuators (A) ‐ a pump (P) for
filling and a solenoid valve (SV) for emptying the tank. The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
verifies the status of inputs and outputs, based on the next figure. When the level of the water
reaches LVL 2 in the process tank, the pump (P) will be stopped. The controller opens the solenoid
valve (SV) to enable the water to drain into the distribution system. At this point, the pump will be
switched OFF. The water will flow until LVL 1 is reached.
For this simple application, the PLC uses discrete input/output interfaces and analog inputs
(capacitive level sensor), which allow interfacing with ON/OFF‐type devices.

A control system can be defined as a combination of components assembled to work together to

regulate and manipulate the behavior of a process. An input will be given to system and the system
will use this input to make decisions and produce output to achieve desired conditions or
objectives. A control system consists with control loops to conduct this process. Controlling
pressure, velocity, acceleration, temperature, position, voltage and current are examples of
controlled components. There are many types of control systems.
i. Open/ close loop control systems
ii. Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID) control systems
iii. Adaptive control system
iv. Nonlinear control systems
v. Optimal control systems
vi. Digital control systems
vii. Robust control systems
In this experiment we focus on open and close loop control systems.
Open Loop control system

Open loop control system operates without

the effect of the output. This system does not
change or adjust it according to the output of
the process. These control systems are
known as non- feedback systems as well.
The output of open loop systems only
depends on the input and the internal
mechanisms. Open loop systems are much
more prone to inaccuracies and errors due to
not monitoring the output as explained

Closed – loop control systems

Closed – loop control systems are

known as feedback control systems.
This is because the control system has a
continuous output monitoring and
systems adjusts its input according to
the desired output.
This adjustments ca be done to the control actions of the system too. Correcting errors,
compensating for disturbances, maintaining stability and high accuracy are few of the
advantages of closed – loop systems over open – looped systems. These result in improved
performance and robustness of the system

1) The storage tank was filled with 15-20 liters of distilled water where the correct level was ensured
by the black LEVEL line on the right side of the sump tank.
2) The 0 cm mark of the mobile scale was aligned with the 4 cm mark of the fixed scale engraved on
the transparent process tank.
3) The DL 2314 process panel interface was set up as follows,
I. The delivery valve was fully opened by turning the knob anti clockwise.
II. The motor valve was fully opened
III. The solenoid valve was closed with the ON-OFF DRIVER interface connected and SOL
VALVE switch set to off position
IV. The manual valve was fully opened by turning the knob anti clockwise
V. The drain valve was fully closed by turning the knob under the right side of the transparent
process tank clockwise
VI. The needle valve was fully closed by turning the knob under the left side of the transparent
process tank clockwise.
VII. The air valve was fully opened by turning the knob on top of the transparent process tank in
the anti - clockwise direction.
VIII. Transparent process tank was emptied meaning the water level on the fixed scale is 0cm.
4) The control panel was set in the following way,
I. Terminal 1 of the LEVEL SENSOR was connected to terminal 1 of the correspondent
interface and terminal 2 to terminal 2.
II. Terminal 18 of the LINEAR DRIVER was connected to the terminal of SET POINT 1,
terminal 19 to terminal 19 and terminal 20 to terminal 20.
III. A terminal of the digital voltmeter (DC scale selected) was inserted in terminal 13 of the
LEVEL interface and the other in the earth terminal.
5) Hardware devices were switched ON accordingly,
I. The POWER button on the right side of the control panel interface was pressed.
II. The mains switch was pressed to power up the experiment. The -15V and +15V LEDs in the
PID area lit up.
6) The pump was started by regulating the voltage of SET POINT 1 and the level of the water in the
process tank was brought to 3cm of the mobile scale. When SET POINT 1 was set to a non-zero
value, the LED in the LINEAR DRIVER was lighted indicating the working state of the pump.
7) Once reached the 3cm level, the pump was stopped by setting to 0 the voltage value of SET POINT
8) The level of the water in the tank was gradually decreased back to 0cm of the mobile scale by
turning the knob of the DRAIN VALVE counterclockwise.
9) The voltage value was checked to ensure that the value on the voltmeter was corresponding to 0
V. Since it did not correspond, the OFFSET trimmer in the INPUT INTERFACE was regulated
until we obtained the desired value. This is the way we fixed the minimum working point of the
Level Sensor.
10) The pump was started by regulating the voltage on SET POINT 1 and the level of water was
increased to 10cm of the mobile scale.
11) The pump was stopped and checked that whether the voltage value was corresponding to 10 V.
Since it did not, the GAIN trimmer in the INPUT INTERFACE was regulated until we obtained
the desired value of 10 V.
12) After the above calibration process, the hardware device of the DL 2314 was switched off by
pressing the main switch (OFF). The -15V and +15V LEDs in the PID area of the controllers were
switched off.
13) The following wiring diagram was performed.

14) The wire between the DL 2210B power supply and the CPU 1214C digital input DI.0 stimulated
the ON/OFF switch. We did not plug this wire until we completed the PLC program.
15) The DL 2210B PLC S7-1200 Training Panel (CPU 1214C) was switched ON by pressing the
POWER button on the side of the PLC trainer interface.
16) The TIA portal was opened and the ladder program was downloaded to the PLC.
17) The hardware device of the DL 2314 control panel was switched ON by pressing the main
switch. The mains switch from the front panel of the trainer was also pressed. The -15V and
+15V LEDs in the PID area of controllers were switched ON.

1) The actual status of the ladder elements was monitored using the STEP 7 software after the
program was loaded and was running in the PLC.
2) The wires were connected to the input 0.0 to start the process automation according to the
conceived flowchart
3) We observed the TIA portal software that the normally open contact Q0.0 was closing and
energized the output Q0.7. the analog instruction that start to measure the analog level of water
was activated by this pulse.
4) As we observed, right at the beginning the water tank was empty. Accordingly, since the water
was below 8cm, the pump started to run. While the pump was On, sol valve was OFF.
5) Then we observed, since the water level reached 8cm, the pump stopped and the sol valve was
opened. Then water level began to decrease until it reached the 3cm level.
6) This process was repeated and the PLC kept the water between the two levels (8cm and 3cm).
7) Then we changed the boundaries of the levels in the program. Then repeated the experiment.
8) We closed the project by pressing the Go Offline button from TIA Portal software.
Given below is the PLC program which we used. When the connections are activated, a green line
indicated the activation of the code.
 Draw the signal timing diagram for above application.

 List the sequence of process steps (Flowchart) and prepare the inputs / output table.

Switch (ON/OFF) Pump
Measurement system (CP) LED
Sol valve
 Briefly explain the level sensor calibration procedure.

First of all, the tank is emptied as given in the procedure. Then the knob in the Set Point 1 is set to
a non – zero value to start the pump. The water level of the tank is brought to 3cm of the mobile
scale. After that the pump is stopped by regulating the knob at Set Point 1 to 0V. Then the water
level of the process tank is brought back to 0cm level of the mobile scale by opening the needle
valve/ drain valve. The voltmeter reading is checked to ensure the reading as 0V. If the reading
does not indicate 0V the we have to regulate the Offset trimmer in the Input Interface until 0V is
obtained. Then again the pump is started by regulating the knob at the Set Point 1 and water level
is increased to 10cm of the mobile scale. Then the pump is stopped and need to check the voltmeter.
It should indicate 10V. If it does not, then we have to regulate the Gain trimmer in the Input
Interface to obtain 10V. This is the calibration process of the level control.

 Explain level control systems used in industry.

Level control systems are used in many industries. Ease of calibration, can easily be automated are
few advantages that made level control systems popular among those industries. Chemical
processing, water and waste water plants, food and beverage processing, oil and gas, pulp and paper,
pharmaceutical and biotechnology, mining and mineral processing, power generation, dairy
processing, grain storage and handling, steel and metal processing, automotive manufacturing,
aerospace and aviation are some the industries that use level control systems in their respective
processes. [1]

Paper and pulp industry

Paper and pulp industry is an industry that have extensive methods of processing to produce paper.
There are two main methods that can be used to produce paper; producing paper using paper and
producing paper using plantations (trees). The figure below explains the process of paper

With increasing competitiveness, regulations, suppliers and customer demands this industry has
been driven with the need for the improvement of its processes. Turpentine is a mixture of
hydrocarbons which is obtained by distilling the gum from various species of pine. The vapors from
the digester (a large vessel for chemical pulping and dissolved fiber steaming section) contains
Turpentine. Turpentine is a volatile organic compound and because of that recovery of this should
be taken into serious account. The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) grades Turpentine
as a severe fire hazard. Hence the decanter which is a part of the recovery system of Turpentine
require level controls to maintain the appropriate levels. To mitigate any hazards, sometimes the
storage tanks are located below ground and the level controls are manufactured to be explosion
Another part where level controls used is in the recovery of black, green and white liquor. A mixture
of spent chemicals and lignin extracted from wood chips is the digester waste water. This waste
water is known as black liquor. When black liquor is burned, it releases digester chemicals called
‘smelt’. When smelt is mixed with water it becomes green liquor. White liquor is produced by
treating the green liquor with lime in causticizers. These liquors can cause chemical burns or
damaged to lungs if inhaled. Hence when storing these liquors, it is essential to have level controls
that content with the chemicals’ harshness, foaming, density and stickiness. Just like in these
instances, during the process of paper and pulp production there are more instances that level
controls are used. [3]

Food and beverage processing industry

In the food and beverage industry one of the main tasks is to accurately measure the level of food
or beverage that should be in each packet. Or this can be level of each ingredient such as liquids,
powders, grains that are mixed in order to get the final product. In mass production of food, we
need to sense the level of liquid. If this measurement is not accurate then the quality and the taste
of food or beverages are affected. There are factories that store high fructose corn syrup for
manufacturing process of food or beverages. These storage tanks require accurate level
measurements. But this cannot be obtained by using pressure sensors due to difficulties such as the
sensor being covered with corn syrup, change of density of the syrup causing accuracy issues, etc.
To mitigate these type of issues, the manufacturers use liquid level control systems. If the
measurements used in the food industry are not accurate, then it will result in product wastage and
lost time without profit. With level control systems, we can provide products with consistent
quality, recipe adherence and under the regulations of health guidance. [2]

Power Generation industry

In power generation, water is the mostly used coolant. For cooling effects most of the power plants
use water systems. Level controls are used to monitor and regulate water levels in boilers, cooling
towers and condensers. Generally, power plants produce a high amount of heat as a byproduct of
their process and this heat should be dissipated. Most of the heat is removed by evaporation and the
rest of the cooling water is exposed to the atmosphere. This is done in cooling tower basins. These
basins need a level control system to avoid overflowing or water starvation. Also in most power
generation facilities there are open atmosphere collection pools known as ‘sumps’. Sumps collect
waste liquids such as storm water, excess make-up water, etc. Managing these waste liquids allow
the facility to be more accident and damage proof. Proper level control of these sumps are important
and it allows the continuous operation of the facility. Use of level control systems in power plants
enable the efficient production of energy and protection of equipment and machinery. [4]

Figure : Sump
During the experiment we understood the benefits of control systems in an industrial process.
Comparatively low energy usage, improved safety of a process, ability to supply products with
consistent quality, accurate and precise process information, reliable responses, less cost for
manufacturing are few of the advantages we gained when a control system is involved in an
industrial process. However, there are some areas that needed special attention when a control
system is installed in processes. Healthy spare parts should be stocked in case of “troubles” ad this
allow the operators to nor panic and handle the situation. Preventive maintenance is also an
important aspect of control systems. Since these systems are mostly automated, we may not be able
to detect errors at first glance. But we can use relevant personnel to maintain preventive
maintenance practices to ensure the safety and the accuracy of the system. Another factor that can
ensure the safety and accuracy of the system is having professionally trained workers to handle the
system. These workers have to up to date with the technology they are handling and thorough with
all the necessary knowledge. Also to improve the effects of having a control system, we can always
have backup programs to take part if he working program fail under different circumstances. These
are areas that can be improved in order to have high quality control system. [5] The aims of this
experiment was to understand the operating principle of a pump water station, design the flow chart
of the two – level control of the pump level control and to understand the closed loop control system
of a real time application. These objectives are achieved through the experiment hence we can
conclude the experiment is a success.

[1] “Level control applications for the chemical processing industry,”, 17-Mar-
2015. [Online]. Available:
chemical-processing-industry-0. [Accessed: 30-May-2023].

[2] A. Flockett, “Process control systems benefitting the food and beverage
industry,”, 19-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available:
the-food-and-beverage-industry. [Accessed: 30-May-2023].

[3] “Pulp and paper industry applications for level measurement,”, 02-
Dec-2014. [Online]. Available:
industry-applications-level-measurement-0. [Accessed: 30-May-2023].

[4] “Articles on power generation,”, 28-Mar-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Jun-2023].

[5] E. P. Vergara, “Control Systems benefits and tips on maintaining,”,

1603607940000. [Online]. Available:
benefits-tips-maintaining-emar-paul-vergara. [Accessed: 01-Jun-2023].

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